Administration and maintenance of security systems
Tumbinskaya M.V. (2016). Modeling of information security in information systems Internet banking. National Security, 2, 169–175.
The study of this paper is devoted to information security of modern systems of Internet banking. The author examines the efficiency and quality of management decision-making for the protection of confidential information in the course of implementation of malicious attacks. Particular attention is paid to mathematical modeling. The proposed model will minimize the number of cybercriminals, optimize and improve the comprehensive system of information security organizations of economic and social development, improve the efficiency of secure information systems Internet banking, choose the right strategy for the development of Internet banking services. The study used methods of system analysis, mathematical modeling, analytic hierarchy process, optimization theory, probability and mathematical statistics. A generalized block diagram of an information system of Internet banking, systemic model of information system Internet banking, which will assess the level of security of the system, determined by solving the problem of decision support in poorly structured domain, characterized by heterogeneous characteristics. Proposed a set-theoretic model of decision support in Information Security Management Information Systems Internet banking, allowing accumulate analytical information about ongoing threats cybercriminals provide automated support for decisions on matters of neutralization cybercriminals, measures to ensure the protection of confidential information, facilitate the development of operating influences. Formalization of the model is represented by cybercriminals, characterized by personal parameters offender and scenarios for the theft of confidential information in the information system of Internet banking.
optimization, modeling, decision support, cybercriminals, Internet banking, information system, information security, threats and attacks, efficiency, control actions
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Mitrofanov R.A. (2016). Fertilization of earth using organic fertilizers as a factor of environmental policy and food safety. National Security, 2, 176–182.
The analysis of the modern state and possible scenarios of development of agricultural production confirms the need for realization of measures pertaining to stabilization and restoration of farm lands, which increase the fertility of earth of agricultural designation and improve the general environmental situation. Such tasks as biologization and environmentalization of farming can be solved by means of using the technologies of manufacturing the active organic and organic mineral peat-based fertilizers, which are also called humic products. These technologies can significantly cut the cost for producing the biofertilizers. The article conducts a comparative analysis of the influence of the mineral and organic fertilizers on the agricultural productivity, as well as presents a brief description of the unique technology of manufacturing of the effective biofertilizer. Considering an existing opinion that the use of organic fertilizers cannot to the full extent compensate the lack of mineral nutrition especially in the long-term prospects, we can agree that the application of nitrogen fertilizers in small amounts does not produce a negative effect as other “major chemicals”. However, taking into account the current situation, there is not alternative for substituting the significant portion of mineral fertilizers with organic and organic mineral fertilizers.
electrohydraulic technology, no-till technology, organic fertilizers, the negative impact of mineral fertilizers, peat, lack of humus, improve soil fertility, national security, contamination of soils with heavy metal, greening agriculture
Globalization and national security
Sazonova K.L. (2016). The question of international legal responsibility of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): theoretical conceptual aspects and key legal collisions based on the results of the realized operations. National Security, 2, 183–190.
This research is dedicated to the questions of setting the international legal responsibility for misuse of force, destruction of infrastructure, and victims among the civil population, which is the result of military operations realized by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The author analyzes the main legal difficulties that emerge due to the possibility of holding NATO internationally responsible. In addition to that, the author examines the questions of correlation between the peacemaking functions of NATO and UN with regards to the maintenance of international peace and security, which is especially relevant considering the active strive of the Alliance to take on the extensive competency in these field. The conclusion is made that the main operations conducted by NATO were accompanied by the major violations of the existing international law, which allows posing a question that such violations can qualify as the foundations for international responsibility. We can state that today the question of high importance consists in which judicial body could knowledgeably examine the case on setting the international legal responsibility of international organizations.
grounds for responsibility, United Nations, international law, North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, military operations, international responsibility, international security, stategic concept, competence, military law
Globalization and national security
Kosorukov A.A., Barto E.V. (2016). Great Silk Road in the competitive space of world politics. National Security, 2, 191–211.
In the beginning of the XXI century within the competitive realm of world politics, we could observe a clash between the concepts of various states on construction of the international transportation corridors in Eurasia on the historical space of the Great Silk Road, its land and sea components. The main rivals in this process are China (the concept of Great Silk Road, United States (the concept of New Silk Road), Russia (Eurasian Economic Union, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, transit geopolitical location), European Union (Pan-European corridors, VIKING, INOGATE), Turkey, Kazakhstan, India, and others. The scientific novelty consists in the following: determination of the main peculiarities of the Great Silk Road historical space, and its land and international sea transportation corridors; examination of the competitive concepts of various countries on the restoration of the Great Silk Road; analysis of the place and role of Russia in the process of construction of the Great Silk Road.
China, European Union, Eurasian Economic Union, New Silk Road, Great Silk Road, USA, Russia, Pan-European corridors, Turkey, India
Legal support of national security
Kamalova G.G. (2016). Comparative characteristics of legal regulation of the state classified information and the official secret. National Security, 2, 212–220.
This article explores the general and distinctive features of the legal regulation of the state classified information and the official secret. The goal of the comparative analysis is the differentiation of their legal regulation based on the specificity of the regime elements. The author thoroughly analyzes the legal regulation of the state classified information and the official secret with regards to their targeted designation, object of regulation and its actors, as well as mechanism of security control. Special attention is given to the differenced on the reviewed special legal regulations of information. The conclusion is made that both, the state classified information and the official secret have the mutual historical roots, the importance in the area of state administration, public-legal methods of regulation of social relations pertaining to information security, etc. The specificity of such regulations is defined by the various goals of restricting the access, extent of damage in case of violation, content and composition of secret information.
Comparative characteristic, Comparative legal analysis, Official secret, State classified information, State secrets, Confidentiality, Restricted access information, Information security, Legal regulation of information, Information law
Legal support of national security
Beshukova Z.M. (2016). Peculiarities of regulation of responsibility for extremism according to the 1926 RSFSR Criminal Code. National Security, 2, 221–227.
This article examines the provisions of the 1926 RSFSR Criminal Code that establish responsibility for actions, which in accordance with the currently existing legislation, qualify under the notion of extremism (extremist activity). Actions that fall within the legal definition of extremism are included into the various chapters and sections of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation. At the same time, the majority of them are referred to as crimes against the foundations of constitutional structure and state security, as well as public security and public order. The author conducts a comprehensive analysis of the norms of the 1926 RSFSR Criminal Code, which regulate the responsibility for state crimes. The conclusion is made that in the Criminal Code of RSFSR of 1926 the main changes pertaining to the counteraction against actions containing the signs of extremism in its modern understanding, were made due to the enactment of the “Position on propaganda or agitation involving a call for the overthrow, subversion, or weakening of Soviet authority or for the carrying out of other counterrevolutionary crimes” by the 25th Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union in February of 1927. The author claims that were no major differences with regards to crimes of extremism character during the comparison of the Criminal Codes of 1922 and 1926. The Criminal Code of 1926 maintained continuation of the Criminal Code of 1922, which is particularly expressed in equalization of responsibility for participation and organization of the counterrevolutionary crimes. In addition to that, in the Criminal Code of 1926 the propaganda and agitation aimed at instigation of national or religious animosity, which testifies about the gradual reflection in the criminal law of the formulated in the 1925 RSFSR Constitution ideas of racial and national equality.
act of terrorism, propaganda, agitation, Criminal Code of 1926, Soviet Authority, incitement hostility, state crimes, extremism, criminal responsibility, counterrevolutionary crime
Informational support of national security
Kostin A.O., Zhigulin G.P., Volodina A.A. (2016). Analysis of the threat of loss of legal power of documents within the system of remote financial document management . National Security, 2, 228–235.
The authors carefully examine such aspects of the topic as the threat to information security for the St. Petersburg municipal authorities within the system of remote financial document management. The authors underline the advantages of the system of remote financial document management, new system introduced in July of 2013 before the system of electronic document management. The article presents information for receiving the qualified certificate of verification key in the federal treasury of St. Petersburg. The individual properties of electronic document management, with the help of which it retains its legal power from the technical point of view, are being reviewed. The main conclusion consists in building a generalized model that describes the conditions under which emerges the threat of “loss of legal power of an electronic document”. The scientific novelty consists in examination of threat with regards to the questions of information security during the transfer of data between the St. Petersburg municipal authorities and the federal treasury.
electronic document management system, loss of legal force, electronic signature, threat to information security, electronic document, Remote financial document, federal treasury, qualified certificate, source of threats, municipality
External aspects of national security
Makarov A.V. (2016). Relevant issues of the development of Mongolia-Russia cooperation in the context of Baikal basin transboundary water protection. National Security, 2, 236–244.
Due to the plans of Mongolian government on realization of a number of major resource and infrastructure projects, the problem of ensuring environmental security in the Lake Baikal basin gained special relevance for Russia. This article examines the economic development strategy of Mongolia in the medium term prospects, which is based on the development of mineral deposits, as well as the energy and transportation infrastructure. The review is given to the largest projects which figure in the official and departmental documents of the adjacent state. The energy policy of Mongolia and the prospects for development of hydroelectricity in the Selenga River basin are being analyzed. Within the framework of the strategic environmental assessment the author explores the consequences of the major economic projects on the Mongolian territory that can produce a significant transboundary effect on the environmental situation, health and safety of the population in the Russia’s part of Lake Baikal basin. The potential problems in the Russia-Mongolia relations in the field of the joint use and protection of the transboundary waters are being determined. The conclusion is made that reaching the balance in the environmental and economic interests of Russia and Mongolia is possible in the context of mutually beneficial collaborations in the energy sector.
world natural heritage, environmental safety, benefit-sharing, energy, the lake Baikal protection, transboundary waters, international cooperation, strategic environmental assessment, Russia-Mongolia relations, Selenga River
External aspects of national security
Shapkin M.N. (2016). Russia-Kazakhstan relations in the context of rebirth projects of the Great Silk Road. National Security, 2, 245–252.
This article conducts an analysis of the major infrastructure projects within the Eurasian space from the perspective of their influence upon the dynamics of the Russia-Kazakhstan relations, as well as the national interests of Russia and Kazakhstan. The author examines the cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan in the transportation-logistic field and their interaction with other actors within the framework of the regional infrastructure development programs. In addition to that, such initiatives are viewed in the context of their future collaboration or competition with the Eurasian integration project, which represents one of the most important dimensions in the Russia-Kazakhstan relations. The scientific novelty consists in the exposure of the urgently relevant topics – Russian-Kazakhstan relations; Eurasian integration; and regional infrastructure projects, which as a rule, are studied separately, as the elements of the unified regional system. The conducted research demonstrates the collaboration between Russia and Kazakhstan in the transportation-logistic sphere is of paramount significance: it represents one of the major directions of the Russia-Kazakhstan bilateral relations; one of the key factors of extension of the Eurasian integration; the necessary condition for ensuring national security and economic development of both countries; and lastly it is a one of the core elements of the continental transportation system and the intrinsic parts of projects of its development.
Eurasian Economic Union, international transport corridor, transportation and logistics, infrastructure, Great Silk Road, Russia-Kazakhstan relations, cooperation, integration, connection, Silk Road Economic Belt
External threats and countermeasures
Neymatov A.Ya. (2016). Risks and threats of the color revolution in Tajikistan. National Security, 2, 253–258.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of possible prerequisites of realization of the scenario of color revolutions in Tajikistan. It is a known fact that today Tajikistan is in the “group of risk” with regards to color revolutions; among the countries of higher priority for the organizers of color revolutions are Kazakhstan, Armenia, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan is in the second echelon. The results of the analysis of the network activity of the opposition groups in Tajikistan allow concluding that currently the country is in the phase of preparation of the “color” government overthrow, in other words, in the phase of realization of the scenario of color revolution, which includes the entire preliminary preparation and is being conducted under conditions of secrecy. There are currently at least two political powers in Tajikistan which can be used as political technologists: the Islamists, whose activity is coordinated by the representatives of the “Islamic State”; and the pro-American oriented “supporters of the European values”, who is against of Tajikistan’s participation in the European integrational projects, the leading role in which is played by Russia. The preventive factor for the color revolution in Tajikistan is the military presence of Russia (the 201st military base) and the membership of Tajikistan in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Collective Security Treaty Organization – the organizations that secure the regional security.
interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, USA, society, politics, values, security
External threats and countermeasures
Grebenyuk A.A. (2016). Work migration into Russia in the context of national security. National Security, 2, 259–265.
Within the framework of this article the author makes an attempt to concentrate on the challenges formed by work migration into Russia in the sphere of ensuring national security. Attention is given to the in-depth processes which center around geopolitics and long-term prospects of economic development. This article examines the external challenges associated with the influence of migration upon the socioeconomic development and political situations of the countries that are donors of workforce for Russia. Among the internal challenges the author explores the influence of the inflow of cheap labor from abroad upon the sustainable economic development within the context of national security. The research presents new approaches towards the analysis of the effect of work migration on the national security of the recipient country (Russian Federation), as well as suggests recommendations on counteraction of the forming by work migration external and internal challenges to the sustainable development and national security of Russia, including measures in both, foreign and domestic policy.
workforce, human capital, migration, modernization, geopolitics, economy, national security, work migration, foreign workforce, sustainable development
Economical support of national security
Koroleva L.P., Tanyakina O.A. (2016). Threat assessment of tax safety of the Russian Federation by indicators of tax revenues of the consolidated budget. National Security, 2, 266–275.
The increase of tax revenues by the end of 2014 and the first quarter of 2015 is often interpreted as a positive result of the depreciation of the ruble and the proof of the efficiency of the tax system and tax administration. The growth of tax revenues will allow the state to expand the expenditure side of the budget. However, the growth of the absolute values of tax revenue caused by the volatility of exchange rate and inflation increase of tax bases may not provide the necessary level of tax safety of the state, which actualizes the threat assessment in the tax area The article have shown signs of increasing threat to the tax safety based on the analysis of dynamics of indicators of the growth rates and structure of tax revenues of the Russian Federation consolidated budget in the period from 2003 to 2014. It appears in the declining share of tax revenues in the value of the budget revenues by increasing of its nominal values. A stepwise decrease in the proportion of tax revenues since 2009 compared with the period from 2005 to 2008, and a higher rate of growth (decline) of tax revenues compared to the same indicator of GDP in periods of growth (decline), is demonstrated by using the method of graphical representation of the results of the study. A comparison of the dynamics of the growth rate and the share of tax revenues by type allow to making the conclusion about its current and future role in the formation of a profitable part of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation. It is concluded that there are a high chance of a significant drop in tax revenues to the budget at the end of 2015, following the 2014 crisis, and the need to find potential sources to increase tax revenues of the budget system of the Russian Federation. It includes the enactment of progressive scale rates of personal income tax and the improvement of taxation of the extractive industries.
tax activity, safety, GDP, revenue, indicator, assessment, budget, threat, tax, structure
Economical support of national security
Konvisarova E.V., Uksumenko A.A. (2016).
The problems of road network funding in the context of Russia’s national security
. National Security, 2, 276–285.
The subject of this research is the mechanism of road network funding and the instruments of state regulation from the position of targeted and effective use of budget and business funds in the context of national security of the Russian Federation. The goal of this work consists in generalization of foundations and formulization of suggestions on solution of funding of the road network under the changing economic and geopolitical circumstances. The authors determine the current state of the road network funding within the established socioeconomic conditions, as well as formulate the possible solutions of development of the transportation infrastructure for the purpose of realization of the innovative model of economic growth of the Russian Federation. The particular recommendations on improvement of the road network funding are being proposed. During the course of this research the authors detected the main problems of road network : the global underfunding; absence of the contemporary normative base, systemic process of modernization, and implementation of new technologies and innovations; deficit of qualified personnel; extremely high-cost construction and maintenance of roads. The evolution of ideas with regards to road network funding is being presented in the historical aspects, as well on the example of the foreign experience; their advantages and disadvantages are being considered. The authors substantiate the use of the concept of targeted principle of road network funding through the system of specialized targeted transportation funds: targeted federal transportation fund, targeted regional and municipal transportation funds. The attraction of private investments based on the projects of state-private partnership is being recommended for the funding of new roadwork.
Administrative legal regulation, Investments, State-private partnership, Transportation tax, Roadwork, Road system, Sources of funding, Funding, Road network system, Transportation strategy
Humanitarian support of national security
Erzin A.I., Alistratova E.Yu. (2016). The problem of Juvenile cyber-delinquency in the aspect of studying the properties of identity of a cyber-aggressor. National Security, 2, 286–293.
This article examines the problem of the illegitimate cyber behavior. The growth of juvenile delinquency is observed not only among the marginal population, but also, and what causes the most concern, among the psychically healthy society. The authors explore the psychological aspects of one of the main manifestation of the illegitimate cyber behavior – the intentional cyber-aggression; the classification of the forms of cyber-aggression is being presented. The authors give a hypothetical psychological portrait of a cyber-delinquent, as well as determine the leading motives for conducting the antisocial acts by the juveniles in the social networks. The research was conducted on 40 teenagers, which were divided into two subgroups. The first group consisted of 20 people from the drug rehabilitation center of Orenburg, who have repeatedly convicted of delinquent actions; the second group consisted of 20 conditionally healthy teenagers without clear signs of social dysadaptation. The correlation was determined between the experience in the role of cyber-aggressor and the following personal properties: ostentation, meticulousness, aggressiveness, and affectability. It is illustrated that the conditionally healthy teenagers are more prone to the intentional cyber-aggression. This circumstance encourages to improve the system of legal regulation among the Internet users, as well as to develop measure on prevention of the deviant cyber behavior.
character structure, personality traits, Internet, antisocial behavior, proactive aggression, cyberpsychology, cyberbulling, cyber-aggression, accentuations of character, deviant behavior
Person and citizen within security systems
Al'perovich V.D. (2016). Representations about an Enemy of persons with different self-efficacy and self-relation. National Security, 2, 294–299.
Abstract: Problem of influence of the self-relation on personal representations of Other as Enemy is touched by us in this article. Research goal was the comparative analysis of psychosocial characteristics of the representations about an Enemy of persons with different characteristics of the self-relation and of the self-efficacy. Psychosocial characteristics of the personal representations about an Enemy, the personal self-relation parameters (intensity of the self-esteem, of the self-sympathy, of the waiting of the Others' positive relation, of the self-interest) and levels of the self-efficacy were the research subject. We applied qualitative and quantitative methods: tests, categorical analysis of representations, statistics (frequencies, cluster analysis, nonparametric test). The results of the study prove that: respondents, perceiving the Enemy as aggressor, manipulator, demonstrate the low levels of the self-efficacy, of the self-interest, of the self-sympathy, of the self-esteem, of the waiting of the Others'relation; respondents, perceiving the Enemy as the subject with alien cognitions and values, demonstrate the upper levels of the self-efficacy, of the self-interest, of the self-sympathy, of the self-esteem, of the waiting of the Others' positive relation. Data supported the hypothesis about the distinctions of personal representations of Enemy depending upon characteristics of the self-relation and of the self-efficacy. The results can be applied to the psychosocial consultation, to the programs of the tolerance’ trainings in the antiterrorist activity.
self-efficacy, self-interest, relations system, self-sympathy, self-esteem, self-relation, Enemy, representations, Other, representations about an Enemy