Administration and maintenance of security systems
Knyazeva E.A. (2016). Analysis of the acts of unlawful interference into the work of civil aviation. National Security, 1, 5–11.
The subject of this article is the positions of the international legal acts dedicated to the fight against the acts of unlawful interference into the work of civil aviation. The object is the two groups of public relations: those that characterize actions threatening the freedom of air navigation; and those that characterize the preventions of such infringements. The author thoroughly examines the entire existing list of acts of unlawful interference into the work of civil aviation, determines which acts currently are most common. Special attention is given to the countermeasures against the reviewed acts, as well as which place within the system of measures belong to the international agreements and conventions. The analyzed in the course of this research list of acts of the unlawful interference into the work of civil aviation was enacted by the International Organization of Civil Aviation; however, the author notes that there is no precise and full gradation of such acts by types. Due to this fact, besides the existing international classification of the acts, and taking into account the latest accidents in the area of civil aviation, the author also detects other acts of the unlawful interference and the countermeasures against them.
unlawful interference, aircraft, Convention, seizure, civil Aviation, air terrorism, the international cooperation, security, opposition, action system
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Shumov V.V. (2016). Basic model of security and its expansion. National Security, 1, 12–29.
This work explores the factors that significantly affect the security of the constituents of the Russian Federation. For considering in the mathematical model the following factors are being determined: climate factor, socioeconomic factors, level of transnational wellness, and level of integration of the regional national groups into the unified social space of the country. Security is defined through the dichotomy of the values of development and values of preservation. The parameters of the model are being evaluated considering the data on the migration of the population. The author presents calculations on the assessment of the security level in the Russian regions during the peace time and war time (not taking into account the military factors). By using the systemic and historical approaches, along with the methods of mathematical modelling, the author formulates the criterion of regional security, which reflects the values of development (socioeconomic factors) and values of preservation (complementarity of ethnoses, integration of national and regional groups into the country’s social space). The Pareto distribution is used in building of this model; the assessment of parameters is carried out via using the method of least squares. The basic model of regional security can be applied in modelling (expansion of a model): sociopolitical and socioeconomic security, demographical and environmental security, safety in circumstances of emergencies, border security, etc.
regional security, security criterion, mathematical model, expansion model, scenario approach, complementarity of ethnic groups, Pareto distribution, estimation of model parameters, security criterion, verification of the model
Rapid response and tactics
Kalyuzhnaya M.A., Pozhidaev D.P. (2016). Detection at the checkpoints of potential violators of the rules for crossing state borders by individuals linked to terrorist activity through the use of the methods of rapid identification . National Security, 1, 30–38.
The subject of this research is the certain behavior traits of a person (biometric features) applied in case of identification of a person at the checkpoint, which allows detecting individuals participating in terrorist activities [1]. The object is public relations emerging in the area of realization of the border control and provision of the territorial integrity of the state. The relevance of this topic is substantiated by escalation of the economic and geopolitical crisis in the world and armed conflicts in the Near East (by the borders of the Russian Federation). The authors give a general characteristic to the state border violators who have rusophobian views and participate in terrorist activities. Special attention is given to the visual psychodiagnostics of an individual crossing a state border, which encourage the increase in the efficiency of the state border control. The authors examine such aspects as discernment of the fake information in detection of persons participating in terrorist or extremist activities, as well as factors affecting the identification of the individual. The main threat to the Russian Federation – the work of the organized rusophobian associations of Ukraine – is being determined. The authors’ contribution consists in the justification that the threat to the country’s territorial integrity in the current circumstances is changing under the influence of the global political situation.
border control, identification, offenders, identification of persons, lie detection, portrait extremist, violator, terrorist activity, state boundary, national security, pogranicnii kontrol, identifikaciya, narywiteli, viyavlenie lic, raspoznavanie lzi, portret ekstremista, naruwitel, terroristiceskaya deyatelnost, gosydarstvennaya granica, nacionalnaya bezopasnost
Staffing of national security
Sudoplatova O.I. (2016). Analysis and implementation of the international experience in the fight against corruption into the system of state administration of the Russian Federation. National Security, 1, 39–48.
The subject of this research is the experience in the fight against corruption of such countries as the Unites States, Canada, and Singapore. The main components of the anticorruption policy of these countries – principle, methods, and normative documents – are being reviewed. The goal of this work of the examination of the successful methods of the foreign experience in counteracting corruption, as well as the analysis of the possibility of implementation of such instruments into the system of state administration of the Russian Federation. This work is aimed at the increase of the efficiency and productivity of the bodies of state authority in the fight against corruption in Russia. The result of this research is the determination of the methods that have positive evaluation in the system of state administration of the United States, Canada, and Singapore, as well as the description of the process of implementation of these methods into the Russian system of state administration. Scientific novelty is substantiated by the introduction of the principally new for Russia methods of the anticorruption policy. Certain methods, which are able to decrease the level of corruption and increase the efficiency of the work of the bodies of state authority in the fight against bribery in Russia, are being proposed.
anti-corruption policy, public administration, the fight against corruption, Foreign experience, civil servants, methods of anti-corruption policy, the introduction of international experience, reducing corruption, the level of corruption, perception of corruption
Globalization and national security
Popova L.L. (2016). The issues of ensuring regional security in the era of globalization: experience of the Latin American states. National Security, 1, 49–55.
The subject of this research is the challenges in the sphere of national and regional security that are faced by the Latin American countries in the globalizing world. Among such challenges are the transnational crime, drug trade, and terrorism. The first part of the article analyzes the evolutional process of the doctrines of regional security in Latin America; the second part is dedicated to the issues of counteraction against the transnational security threats, as well as to the international cooperation in the area of security within the Western hemisphere. Special attention is given to the analysis of the causes and consequences of activation of the drug trade in Latin America. Scientific novelty consists in the complex examination of the destabilization factors of the Latin America systems of national security. The author concludes that currently a real threat to the countries of Latin America is the crisis of public safety associated with criminalization and narcotization of the society, and partial occupancy by the criminal communities of the government functions. The author underlines that today the countries of Latin America did not develop a unified effective strategy on counteracting this phenomena.
regional security, transnational crime, terrorism, globalization, integrative security, regional integration, drug trafficking, criminalization, public safety, national security, regional security, national security, transnational crime, terrorism, globalization, integrated security, regional integration, drug trafficking, criminalization, public security
Monitoring and civil control of security systems
Bogomolov A.V., Zinkin V.N., Dragan S.P., Soldatov S.K. (2016). Anthropoecological aspects of the safe exploitation of aerodromes, airports, and aviation companies. National Security, 1, 56–62.
This article examines the problem of exploitation of aerodromes and aircrafts, as well as their impact upon the environmental security and human health. The authors note that the issues with the safe exploitation of aerodromes are associated with the intense advancement of the aviation technology, accompanied by the increase of the aircraft engines capacity and by the imperfection of the normative base that regulates the use of the adjacent areas t to airports, aerodromes, and aviation companies. As a result, it created a problem of anthropoecological security of aerodromes exploitation, which became an issue of the country’s national security. The authors conduct a socio-sanitary monitoring of the adjacent zones to aerodromes, the results of which are linked to the data from the monitoring of the acoustic circumstances, as well as characteristics of medico-demographical situation and morbidity of the population. The authors believe that provision of the anthropoecological security in exploitation of aerodromes and airports requires formulization and implementation of the new normative-methodological base considering the realities and international experience, as well as permanent socio-sanitary monitoring of territories adjacent to the aerodromes, airports, and aviation companies, in the interest of timely execution of the complex of preventive measures.
anthropoecology, aircraft noise, aerodrome site, airport operation, airfield operation, maintenance of aviation enterprise, aviation hygiene, risks to human health, noise control, life safety
Legal support of national security
Kalinina L.E. (2016). Food safety as a legal category. National Security, 1, 63–68.
The subject of this research is public relations in the area of food safety and the codified rights that are the foundation for food safety. The object is the combinations of legal norms that regulate food safety as a sub-institution of safety. The contradictions of the conceptual apparatus and the absence of the strict system of formal codification of the safety norms are being analyzed in this work. The author explores the notion of food safety with consideration of the international norms, as well as the possibility of implementation on the national level of the developed within the international law approaches towards food safety. Practical approaches towards establishment of the norms on food safety are being proposed. Author’s main contribution is formulation of the definition of food safety. The main conclusion consists in the need for codification of the right for healthy nutrition as a constitutional right. The author formulates the necessity to make improvements in the separate institutions of social, labor, civil, administrative, and agrarian legislation for the purpose of establishing the regime of food safety as a systemic phenomenon.
Internal aspects of national security
Antamoshkina E.N. (2016). Methodology of assessment of the agricultural policy efficiency in providing the food safety in the region. National Security, 1, 69–77.
This article is dedicated to the author’s methodology of analysis of the regional food safety its approbation on the example of the Southern Federal Okrug. The goal of this research consists in the development of a comprehensive universal methodology in analyzing the regional food safety. In achieving the set task, the following measures were required: to develop a system of indexes in assessing food safety on the regional level; to determine the criteria of evaluation of food safety; to synthesize the analytical model with the evaluation of food safety in the region. The recommended indexes and criteria of assessment of the regional food safety correlate with the parameters determined by the Russian Federation Food Security Doctrine, including the requirements of the World Trade Organization. The proposed methodology is approbated on the data of the major regions in the Southern Federal Okrug, which allowed a comparison on the level of ensuring food security in the regions from the time and space perspective. A model has been developed based on the universal methodology of evaluation of the food security on the regional economic level, the distinctive features of which consist in its comprehensiveness and universality.
agricultural policy, food security, assessment methodology, indicators and benchmarks, self-sufficiency in food in the region, economic access to food, physical availability of food, agrarian sphere, WTO, agrarian policy, food security, method of estimation, indicators and criteria, food self-sufficiency in the region, economic access to food, accessibility of food products, agrarian sphere, WTO
Internal threats and countermeasures
Klevakin A.N., Gurban I.A. (2016). Effect of the price factor upon the illegal drug trade (on the example of Sverdlovsk Oblast). National Security, 1, 78–92.
The subject of this research is the factor of pricing policy on the psychoactive substances that produces a specific effect on the behavior of the actors of the illegal drug trafficking. The authors review a question about the interest of drug dealers in receiving excess profit, and claim that manipulating retail price allows orienting a sensitive on price consumer to switching towards the more new psychoactive substances, more profitable for the drug traffickers. The authors conclude that in order to get maximal pure profit, the drug dealers improve the already established schemes of the illegal drug trade. Due to this fact, the question of determination of the influence of price factor upon changes in volume and assortment of the psychoactive substances that form the narcotic market, gains relevance. A conclusion is made on the dominant influence of the traffickers of the psychoactive substances upon the changes in illegal drug market nomenclature via affecting the price factor that directs consumers towards choosing the less expensive synthetic narcotics.
informal economy, drug market, psychoactive substances, drugs, price factor, illegal economy, legal psychoactive substances, drug users, new potentially hazardous substances, drug policy, informal economy, drug market, psychoactive substances, drugs, pricing factor, illegal economy, legal psychoactive substances, drug users, new potentially-harmful substances, anti-narcotic policy
Economical support of national security
Kravchenko L.I. (2016). The role of government in ensuring the economic security of the country: from the real to the necessary. National Security, 1, 93–105.
The subject of this research is the function and place of the government in realization of the economic policy. The author analyzes the government’s role in the context of the liberal economic model, and underlines the vulnerable points in the concept government self-repair and proves the need for substitution of the liberal economic model to post-liberal. In order to ensure the economic security, government should carry out an mobilization function. Thus it is suggested to increase the portion of state property and the scale of state spending, as well as to introduce the notion of responsibility and move towards the fair redistribution of the resource streams. The author’s main contribution into the revelation of this topic consists in proposition of the new economic model, in which a substantial place belongs to the optimal role of the government from the perspective of ensuring the economic security. The author suggests the quantitative parameters of the state’s weight in the economy and promotes the concept of the responsible state policy in implementation of the economic vector of development.
State, economy, liberalism, The Bank of Russia, economic security, government spending, self-sufficiency, sovereignty, justice, a responsibility, state, economy, liberalism, Bank of Russia, economic security, public expenditures, self-sufficiency, sovereignty, justice, responsibility
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Medvedev V.R. (2016). Development priorities of technical support of liquidation of medical-biological consequences of emergency situations. National Security, 1, 106–115.
The subject of this research is the issues of analysis of the state and determination of the development priorities of technical support of liquidation of medical-biological consequences of emergency situations as a factor of ensuring national security. For this purpose, the author particularizes the nomenclature of technical means of the medical service, and formulates the priority tasks of their formation and the mandatory medical-tactical and technical requirements, including systemic standards for the mobile medical complexes. The author gives characteristic to the technical level of the mobile medical complexes, and formulates the prospects of advancement of means of the medical service, considering the level scientific-technological progress. In conclusion the author demonstrates that the main tendencies of development of the technical means of medical service in the armies of the leading foreign countries and Russia are the same; and as a result of the comprehensive analysis of possibilities of the further advancement of the technical and medical support of the branches and facilities of the military-medical service, the fundamental conceptual positions of its improvement, as well as the ways towards their realization in accordance with the modern threats and challenges, are being formulated.
military medicine, technical means, first aid, first medical aid, medical evacuation, means the wounded rescue, Rescue funds affected, emergency response, Emergency Medicine, Medical equipment, military medicine, technical facilities, first aid equipment, first medical aid, medical evacuation, funds rescue wounded, survival equipment affected, management of emergencies, emergency medicine, medical equipment
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Vlasova M.G. (2016). The intelligence analysis as an academic discipline. National Security, 1, 116–128.
This article demonstrates what and in what way affects the formation of such direction of social sciences as an intelligence analysis; it also covers the object field of the intelligence analysis, reviews the main issues of the establishing discipline, as well as its peculiarities, nature, and methods (methodology of collection and processing of the data). Works of the foreign, including American authors who initiated the intelligence analysis, are being considered. Factors that encouraged the advancement of this disciplines are being examined. A brief content of the major works on the intelligence analysis is presented in this article. The author conducts the research on the evolution of the intelligence analysis in the developed Western countries and Russia, based on the results of which have been determined the global tendencies and formulated the specific issues of the Russian Federation in this sphere. Professionalization of the sphere of the intelligence analysis begins in 2000’s, and today it gradually becomes a full academic discipline. The main directions of its development are the following: devise and implementation of the general standards of analytical work into the practice of intelligence agencies; introduction of the special educatory programs on analytical work within the intelligence agencies, and public educational facilities; development and improvement of the analytical methodologies; creating the textbooks on intelligence analysis. The author claims that the main problem of intelligence is the priority of the development of data collection techniques, rather than processing of data. A significant obstacle for the Russian Federation is the insufficient collaboration between the academic community and the intelligence agencies.
intelligence analysis, strategic intelligence, analytical intelligence, survey research, National security, international relationships, information age, data processing, analytical methods, intelligence cycle, intelligence analysis, strategic intelligence, analytic intelligence, intelligence studies, national security, international relations, age of information, data processing, analytic methods, intelligence cycle
Humanitarian support of national security
Koptseva N.P., Kolesnik M.A. (2016). Creating a positive cultural identity as a factor of national security of Modern Russia. The results of the association experiment with associates . National Security, 1, 129–148.
Subject of research - the cultural and psychological factors of the national security of modern Russia. Creating a positive cultural identity, national and civic identity in the Russian state will demand special practices of political management. The authors suggest that effective management practices that contribute to the design of the all-Russian national identity in a positive aspect, should be based on scientific studies, expert-analytical monitoring of the processes taking place in the collective consciousness and the collective unconscious of important social groups. In this paper, as a representative of a social group serves students. The main method of research is associative experiment by the method of A. Nazarov and R. Sokolov "Series of thematic associations." The study used a critical analysis of the existing scientific literature, as well as interpretation of the association experiment. The results of the association experiment show that the idea of "the Russian" the current youth of Siberian Federal University, is ambiguous, fractional, lacks integrity. This is evidenced by a wide variety of associations and received a small number of words that were mentioned in the questionnaire several times. It should be noted that th "The Russian" is perceived by respondents are mainly in a positive way.
security, cultural identity, association experiment, associates, "Russian", positive identity, the youth, students, political management, monitoring, security, cultural identity, associative experiment, associates, positive identity, the youth, students, political management, monitoring
Humanitarian support of national security
Beshukova Z.M. (2016). Legal means in counteracting extremism in the period of uncodified criminal legislation of the Soviet power. National Security, 1, 149–159.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of legal means in counteracting extremism (extremist activity) in the period of uncodified criminal legislation of the Soviet power. The subject of the research is the positions of legislative acts of the Soviet power that regulate to one or another extent the responsibility for actions, which in accordance with the current legislation, fall under the notion of extremist (extremist activity). The author claims that the rejection of the achievements of the former legislation is practically equal to the rejection of apprehension of the positive experience that existed in the pre-revolutionary legislation. A complex analysis of the positions of the 1917 Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia, Constitution of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialistic Republic, as well as a number of the Soviet Decrees that regulate relations in the area of functioning of the various religious confessions, is being conducted. The conclusion is made that the first legislative acts of the Soviet Power that determine the character of the state-church relations, corresponded with the international legal norms and established the conditions for the equal functioning of the various religious confessions. In addition to that, the author examined a number of the normative legal acts that codify the responsibility for the counterrevolutionary crimes. This work allows making a conclusion that under the counterrevolutionary activity we should understand any threat to the Soviet power; this notion was defined in the legislation similarly to the currently existing notion of extremism. During the first years of the Soviet government, the legislation in the area of counteracting extremism, gained a principally new form; this is explained by the change in the socio-political structure of the country, and the beginning of the process of establishing the new socialistic law and the normative legal base of the state.
extremism, freedom of conscience, religion, Soviet authority, a counter-revolutionary act, Revolutionary Tribunal, objective imputation, criminal law, a crime, punishment