Question at hand
Avatkov V.A. (2016). About the nation, identity, and logics of modern Russia: main difficulties and solutions. National Security, 6, 685–689.
The author carefully examines the problematic of the establishment of national identity in modern Russian state, focusing reader’s attention on the difference in meanings of the notions “nation” and “nationality”, as well as analyzing the approaches towards formation of the joint through the unique features and logics of multinational state. The object of this research is the nation as the sociopolitical phenomenon. The subject is the key factors, which determine the character and dynamics of the process of formation of nation, as well as relevant tools and mechanisms in the context of nation-building. The combination of variables (ideologemes, indoctrinated saturation, historical context) attains a different academic and applied meaning being within the framework of the unified system, and allowing reviewing the problem of formation of the nation as the complex of interconnected and mutually influencing elements within the interpolitical dynamics of development of the Russian Federation. The scientific novelty of the presented material consists in the results regarding the practical recommendations to the mechanisms of state and social activity in the area of structuring of national identity. The conclusion is made about the urgent importance of the Russia’s current historical stage from the perspective of search for the national ideas, influence of the national bonds upon sustainability of the state model, risk factors that in absence of proper policy and control can result serious threats to development of the nation.
multinational state, domestic policy, ideology, identity, nation-building, Russian Federation, nationality, nation, ethnicity, patriotism
Legal support of national security
Bratanovskiy S.N., Barinov A.V. (2016). Administrate and legal regulation of the work of institutions and organizations that ensure protection to population and territories from the negative impact of natural and technogenic factors. National Security, 6, 690–698.
The subject of this article is the normative legal acts that regulate the work of institutions and organizations that ensure protection to population and territories from the negative impact of natural and technogenic factors. The authors thoroughly examine the peculiarities of registration of the indicated institutions and organizations, which is the primary foundation necessary for the rescue organizations for realization of actions pertaining to the rescue of citizens and property. Special attention is given to the implementation of registration procedures on the regional and local levels. The work explores the existing gaps in legislation, which according to the authors’ opinion, hinder the full realization of registration procedure for the separate types of emergency and rescue organizations. The scientific novelty is defined by the characteristics of peculiarities of the administrative and legal status of institutions and organizations that ensure protection to population and territories from the negative impact of natural and technogenic factors, as well as posing and resolution of the issues of sufficiency of the legal regulation of their work. The main conclusion lies in the fact that for the improvement of organization and work of the objects in question, it is necessary to eliminate the gaps in legislation based on the graded approach towards determination of their legal competence, depending on the presence of certain functions within them.
technogenic factors, protection of the population, activities, rescue, regulatory legal acts, security, emergency and rescue units, organization, legislation gaps, order
External threats and countermeasures
Abramova E.N., Anikin V.I., Surma I.V. (2016). Genesis of the Ukrainian nationalism and its impact upon the Russia-Ukraine relations. National Security, 6, 699–710.
This article examines the main staged of formation and development of the Ukrainian nationalistic movement, as well as analyzes its fundamental orientation and impact upon the current Russian-Ukrainian relations in this context. It is demonstrated that the Ukrainian nationalism throughout many years is used as the instrument for separating the civilizational paths of the peoples who reside in the territory of Ukraine and Russia, as well as their contraposition within the cultural-historical overview. Civilizational reorientation of Slavic nation of the neighboring state towards the Western model establishes based on the attempts to cultivate the understanding of the different from Russian national distinctness of the Ukrainians and counterpoise them in the historical-cultural regard. The conclusion is made that Urkainization, as a process of formation of the features of self-identification and specificity of the new nation that is aimed at separation of Ukrainian people from Russian and highlighting a peculiar Ukrainian Slavic ethnos, carries a systematic and artificial character, which is encouraged by the foreign political actors throughout many decades. In addition to that, the interlinked with Nazism aggressive form of Ukrainization, is the key instrument of demarcation of the civilizational paths of Ukraine and Russia. The authors also note that the forceful methods of promoting the nationalistic ideas with the specificities of their interpretations by the Ukrainian politicians, lead to active antagonism of part of the population, which creates the prerequisite for the process of Balkanization of the neighboring state.
Russian-Ukrainian relations, Russia, Ukraine, civilizational path, Ukrainian crisis, Ukrainization, nationalism, Ukrainian nationalists, Euromaidan, anti-terrorist operations
Economical support of national security
Pavlov P.V., Firsova M.V. (2016). Mechanism of assessment of the efficiency of functionality of the special economic zones in the Russian Federation and directions of its transformation under the modern conditions. National Security, 6, 711–719.
The object of this research is the efficiency of functionality of the renewed institution of special economic zones (SEZ). The subject of this research is the existing mechanism of assessment of the efficiency of work of SEZ under the changed economic conditions. The article performs an analysis of the flaws and violations in the work of the Russian SEZ, as well as demarcated the parameters of assessment of SEZ efficiency in general and efficiency of the functionality of SEZ in particular. The authors analyze the combination of indexes aimed at examination of functionality of the special economic zones in the Russian Federation, as well as international level. The propositions regarding the ways of adjustment of the current Russian methodic of assessment of SEZ are being formulated. The rules of assessment of the efficiency of functionality of SEZ were introduced by the Russian government in 2013, and did not undergo any changes until the present time. Thus, the scientific novelty lies in suggestions pertaining to the improvement of this mechanism, considering the international experience and results of the audits of SEZ by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.
Investment attractiveness, Strategy of promotion, Created work places, Financial schemes, Managing companies, Relative indexes of efficiency, Absolute indexes of efficiency, Assessment of efficiency, Violation of functionality, Special economic zone
Economical support of national security
Krasova E.V. (2016). Labor potential of Far East in the system of economic development and the strengthening of Russia's national security. National Security, 6, 720–729.
The subject of the research is the labor potential of Far East, considered in the context of the problems of regional economic development and national security of Russia. The object of research is the Far Eastern region as a priority area of development, which in the XXI century became the locomotive of economic growth and a national security guarantor in the Asia-Pacific Region (APR). The main scientific and practical problem of the article is the gap between the need to ensure a high threshold of national security in the Asia-Pacific region and the limited labor potential of the region. The purpose of the article is to study the process of formation and development of labor potential in Far East of Russia in the system of economic growth and the strengthening of Russia's national security. The methodological basis of the article includes the general theses of the modern economic and political sciences, in particular, national security, the theory of development of labor potential, human capital theory, used by system analysis. The author proves the significant role of the labor potential of the region to ensure the national security and its strategic role in the sustainable development of the modern Russian economy, determines the historical conditions of formation of labor potential in the Far East, considers state support ways of its growth in the twentieth century and actualizes tendencies of its development in the late XX - beginning of XXI centuries. The study reveals the reasons for the depopulation of the region and the potential loss of employment in the last quarter of a century, and on this basis, considers factors and causes of aggravation of threats to national security today. The article describes the necessity of recovering and increasing employment potential, underlines the leading role of the Strategy of socio-economic development of the Far East until 2025 in the development of human capital, which is implemented through the concept of territories of advancing social and economic development (TASED). Special attention is paid to various ways of recovery of labor potential in the Far East. The research results are valuable in terms of updating the current problems, determining the prospects of formation of labor potential and strengthening of national security of Russia in the Asia-Pacific region.
human capital of region, labor shortage, demographic pressures, strategic threats, potential of Far East, labor potential of Russia, sustainable development, regional development strategy, territory of priority development
Economical support of national security
Sharkov N.N. (2016). Analysis of the consequences of the “banking” model of financial structure development in the context of financial security of the Russian economy. National Security, 6, 730–739.
The established “banking” model of financial infrastructure of Russian does not have the resources for development in the long-term perspective. Low level of involvement of the institutions of financial infrastructure into financing of the development of national economy defines the relevance of examination of the possible consequences of preservation of this model in the context of country’s financial security under the conditions of global competition. The subject of this article is the role of the institutions of financial infrastructure in ensuring Russia’s financial security. Special attention is given to the analysis of the established structure of sources for financing of the investments and main capital. The author substantiates the necessity of converting the acting model of financial infrastructure development into the “institutional”. During the course of this research, the author proposed the four possible scenarios of further development of Russia’s economy, depending on the vector of development of the national financial infrastructure in mid and long-term perspective. Under the conditions of global competition, the priority is given to the “target” and the “optimistic” types of scenarios, which meet the requirements of financial security. The conclusion is made on the need for generating the mechanism of ensuring financial security to the Russian Federation along with determining the possible tools of its implementation.
global competition, stability, sustainable development, capital investments, institutional model, bank model, financial security, financial infrastructure, bonded financing, bank loan