Administration and maintenance of security systems
Didenko P.I., Pronchev G.B. (2015). Radon threat to the population of Russia. National Security, 5, 625–630.
The subject of this research is the organizational and economic aspects of radiation safety projects in Russia and the creation of the effective mechanisms of system operation that ensure radiation safety for the environment and society. The goal of this work is to develop conceptual organizational and economic foundations for the integral national system of ensuring human safety from radon, in accordance with which in Russia could be formed a reliable system for protecting individuals, society, and nation from such type of radiation hazards and threats. The scientific novelty lies in devising interrelated measures that carry systemic character, aimed at neutralization of radon risk. Particular attention is paid to the fact that the natural sources in the structure of public exposure account for approximately 70% of the radiation level, and a substantial part of this dose (60%) originates from radon exposure. The author notes that the territories of Chita and Rostov regions, Altai and Stavropol Krai, Ural, and a number of other regions have elevated radon levels. Therefore, we can observe that in the current complicated environmental situation, the unit weight of radon component has considerably increased.
security systems, radon, natural exposure sources, radiation safety, influence of negative factors, enviromental safety of Russia, life safety, control and monitoring, national security, emergency situations
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Kuz'min E.A., Dubrovskiy V.Zh., Semenovykh S.M. (2015). The questions of methodology in risk management of theory development programs from the perspective of the concept of life cycle. National Security, 5, 631–647.
In this research the authors attempt to scientifically substantiate the links and interconditionality of risks from the stages of life cycle of projects and programs of theory development, which are predominantly realized in the form of public-private partnership (PPP). This work makes an emphasis on determining the succession of the stages of life cycle with references to quantitative methods of identification. In generalization of their outlooks upon the mentioned problem, the authors propose an original solution in theoretical search for regularities in repetition of the periods of financial growth and decline. The article substantiates an original approach towards structuring a model of life cycle of projects and programs of theoretical development, and determines the general principles of its structuring. The article presents the conclusions on determinateness of density and richness of risks, as well as their contingency upon specificity of a particular stage of life cycle. Solution of the issue of observability of stages allowed the authors to substantiate the presence of ideal and actual trajectory of project development that is in accord with the life cycle.
Stages of life cycle, Cyclicity, Development projects, Stability, Development trajectory, Risk management, Uncertainty, Public-private partnership, Structural gap, Cointegration management
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Petukhov A.Yu. (2015). Influence of psychological operations upon the political process in Russia under the conditions of information warfare. National Security, 5, 648–655.
This article reviews the aspects and certain methods of modern psychological operations in information confrontation, as well as the principle s and mechanisms of the work of mass media as an instrument of these operations. The relevance of this topic is justified by the exponential growth of modern communication networks and the increase of dependence of a separate individual from such networks, which allows conducting global information operations with the collective conscious of entire countries. All of this leads to a massive information warfare actively using the newest technologies of psychological effects. As a conclusion, the author defines a number of major mechanisms and methods of the modern mass media, characteristic to the regularities of the influence of psychological operations, and points out few of the more susceptible areas of modern collective consciousness in Russia with consideration of the external factor. The author also notes the lack of specific idealistic base within Russia for counteracting foreign information influence.
information warfare, psychological safety, information communications, cognitive systems, mass media, collective conscience manipulations, psychological vulnerability, cognitive map, Russia, public opinion
Transformation of national security systems
Zherebkin M.V. (2015). Containment of Russia as a condition for preserving the global hegemony of the United States . National Security, 5, 656–664.
The subject of this research is the forms and methods of countermeasures against Russia that are currently implemented by the United States and their allies, and the level of their influence upon the development of our country. The author highlights a few significant milestones that have withstood contraposing sides, and notes that the drastic change in the relations happens after the “Crimean Spring”. In this struggle it will be Russia’s resilience that will determine the two key factors of modernity: first, whether or not Russia will be reborn and become a world power, and second, whether or not the United States will be able to remain the world hegemony. The stakes in this game are Russia’s national security, its development as an independent state, as well as its very existence as a country. The author examines four main vectors of confrontation between Russia and the allied forces of the West: revision of the results of the World War II, painting Russia as an aggressor, economic sanctions, and political isolation. The novelty of this research consists in the generalization of methods and means of humanitarian, economic, and geopolitical aggression against Russia and forecasting its consequences for the nation.Rigorous analysis of the facts and trends allows the researcher to conclude that Russia was forced to enter a period of long confrontation with the Western world.
world leader, political isolation, economic sanctions, straight historical record, “Crimean Spring”, crucial point, aggressor, confrontation, information space, national security
Transformation of national security systems
Yasnosokirskiy Yu.A. (2015). The correlation between “Responsibility to Protect” and “Humanitarian Intervention” concepts. National Security, 5, 665–671.
The subject of this research is the “Responsibility to Protect” concept, the key positions of which are contained in its basic document – the Report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (2002). The author interprets the “Responsibility to Protect” doctrine as a moderate version of the concept of “Humanitarian Intervention”. The author also conducts a comparative analysis of these two concepts from the perspective of controversy of the legal principle of state sovereignty and the moral imperative of protecting human rights. The scientific novelty consists in revelation of the fact that the concept of “Humanitarian Intervention” contradicts the international law while the “Responsibility to Protect” doctrine, if properly implemented on the international arena, represents the evolutionary development of this direction of international law, which requires devising criteria for practical realization of that concept by the global community.
international law, "Responsibility to Protect" concept, humanitarian intervention, external intervention, armed intervention, interference in sovereignty, humanitarian actions, protection of citizens, protection of human rights, state sovereignty
Transformation of national security systems
Glushchenko V.V. (2015). Geoeconomic factor of ensuring national security of a state. National Security, 5, 672–682.
The subject of this article is geoeconomics as a methodological basis of geopolitical economy. The object of this article contains the strategy of ensuring national security by developing geopolitical economy. The goal of this work is to increase the level of national security of the country via forming a strategy of establishing geopolitical economy of the country in the conditions of surmounting the global crisis. The author examines the notion and the concept of the influence of geopolitical economy upon ensuring national security, the functions and the role of geoeconomics within the post-crisis world order, the conditions and factors of increasing the geopolitical stability of the state by means of development national geoeconomics in the conditions of overcoming the global crisis. The scientific novelty of this research lies in the study of the concept of national security in conjunction with the notion and development of geopolitical economy, the formation of the foundation of geoeconomics as a science about geopolitical economy, as well as the description of laws of geoeconomics and the geoeconomic mechanism of national security.
management, globalization, analysis, factor, geopolitics, crisis, state, safety, economy, geoeconomics
Globalization and national security
Ursul A.D. (2015). Global goals for sustainable development. National Security, 5, 683–698.
This article analyzes the problem of forming the goals for sustainable development due to the implementation of the universal agenda on further realization of the Rio process at the UN level. The author points out that there are two immanently interconnected strategical goals for sustainable development – the survival of civilization and preservation of biosphere, as well as the comprehensive existential purpose – their coexistence and coevolution. The new global goals for sustainable development are the continuation of the Millennium Development Goals, which represent eight priority goals for international development. The proposed UN Agenda for Sustainable Development includes 17 sustainable development goals and 169 related tasks of complex nature, which comprise a set of universal priorities and parameters for sustainable development. The author believes that in its modern perception, the concept of sustainable development cannot be limited by the “targeted triad” of correlation between environment, economics, and social sphere. It is also noted, that Russia is on the path of realization of a remote, but important in its conceptual aspect strategic and global goal in transition to sustainable development – the establishment of noosphere.
sustainable development, United Nations, noosphere, Millennium Declaration, global management, global development, goal, SDGs, existential goal, environmental issues
Internal threats and countermeasures
Tokaeva S.K. (2015). Realization of the import substitution program under the current state of economy of the Russian Federation. National Security, 5, 699–704.
This article examines conceptual approaches towards the issue of import substitution due to the worsening of the socio-economic situation caused by the drop of the global market oil conjunctureand the introduction of sanctions against Russia by foreign countries. The author presents characteristics of the current state of the country’s economy and demonstrates that there is a high level of the import component within the structure of domestic manufacture. Options of crisis recovery and ways of socio-economic development in the conditions of import substitution are being proposed. A special attention is given to the possible risks related to the selected strategy. The scientific significance consists in the suggested methods of overcoming crisis within the framework of realization of the new model of economic development. The other underlines the problems of the current state of the economy of the Russian Federation aggravated by the growing disproportions. The author develops and formulates the measures aimed at overcoming and solving existing issues in the near-term and long-term perspective.
development, profit, crisis, import substitution, wage, income, added value, profitability, strategy, economy
External aspects of national security
Filippov V.R. (2015). Uranium factor in France’s foreign policy towards Africa. National Security, 5, 705–720.
Use of the comparative political analysis allowed the author to identify certain trends within France’s foreign policy towards Africa of the beginning of this millennium. Analysis of the geographic localization of the expeditions of the French armed forces into Africa confirms the fact that the Élysée Palace initiated the peacekeeping and humanitarian interventions within the territories of the sovereign nations of the Dark Continent whenever France faced a serious threat to their energy security. The threat to the interests of the French state corporation AREVA, which specializes in recovery and refinement of uranium ore, was always followed by operations of the special services and military interventions in Niger, Mali and the Central African Republic. The methodological basis for this research consisted of the systemic, structural-functional, comparative-historical approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, observation, and modeling. The author substantiates the opinion according to which the rapid escalation of the competitiveness and the African uranium markets, emergence of new players in these markets, first and foremost China, prompts France to resort to various forms of political and military pressure (from political assassinations and incitement of confessional and tribal conflicts to direct military intrusion) upon the political elites of their former colonies. A conclusion is made on the fact that it is the direct dependency of the French nuclear power plants, and therefore the whole French economy, upon the African uranium defines the main vector of the Africa policy of the Fifth Republic.
neo-colonialism, intervention, Françafrique, France, Central African Republic, Mali, Niger, Africa, values, safety
External aspects of national security
Zhemukhova M.A. (2015). Root cause analasys of Russian economy's offshorization and underlying principles of deoffshorization. National Security, 5, 721–731.
The subject of the research is to determine causes of Russian economy's offshorization and what kind of preventive measures can be taken for its deoffshorization. A high level of offshorization is explained by the fact that the largest percent of Russian corporations is controlled by the companies registered in offshore zones.The article presents the main advantages of using offshore schemes whereas author points out the following aspects: minimisation of taxation, available long-term bank loans at the reduced interest rate provided by IMM (International Monetary Market), anonymity of end-beneficiaries and securitization of the property. It was applied a comparative analysis of various approaches to solving the issue of offshorization.Analysis would also take into consideration several key actions such as: tax, monetary and economic measures. The major measure to combat the trend of economy offshorization is to conduct a competent proactive monetary policy aiming to increase the money supply in the country, enhance the level of monetization and liquidity resulting in lower interest rates on credit resources as well as significant decreasing of the need for the long-term funds abroad. It is stated in the article that the negative effects of the offshore activities has dual economic consequences. As a result residents of the country eventually pay more taxes to compensate the occurred damage because of the money disappearing in the offshore territory. Author demonstrates the urgent need to revise or even reject the agreements in order to avoid double taxation, to enhance foreign exchange control, determine a list of end beneficial owners of active offshore companies in Russian Federation. Author emphasises the need of establishing of domestic long-term lending at low interest rates through development of the Russian stock market as an opportunity for borrowing funds for corporate business.
transfer pricing, capital outflow, black market, money laundering, tax evasion, deoffshorization, offshore business, foreign parent company, beneficiary, inflation targeting
Economical support of national security
Larionov A.Yu. (2015). The system of indexes of usage of primary assets and facilities for the purpose of forecasting and determining occupational hazards. National Security, 5, 732–737.
The subject of this research is the railroad transportation companies and the tasks of forecasting and determining occupational hazards that are based on the system of indexes of using primary assets and facilities. The author gives a detailed examination to such aspects of the topic as achieving priority strategic goals of development of national economy thorough proper level of development of transportation infrastructure. A special attention is given to such problems of railroad transportation as low technical level of maintenance base of primary assets and facilities and unsatisfactory condition of its operational and productive base. The conducted research allowed the author to make the conclusion on the fact that cutbacks in construction and reconstruction of infrastructure objects on the Russian railways, as well as the rate of renovation and replenishment of depots with newer equipment contribute to a significant degradation of technical state and their functionality. Thus, as the most optimal means for increasing efficiency of the railroad transportation the author proposes a system of forecasting and determining occupational hazards that is based on the indexes of usage of primary assets and facilities.
Primary assets and facilities, Indexes, Wear, Railroad transportation, Infrastructure, Occupational hazard, Construction, Performance, Russian Railways, Technical state
Economical support of national security
Zhemukhova M.A., Surma I.V. (2015). Peculiarities of functioning of illicit financial flows in developing countries . National Security, 5, 738–744.
The subject of this research is the illicit financial flows that emerge in developing countries as a result of money laundering, tax evasion and bribery. The author underlines that the main international standards on the fight against illicit financial flows are focused on the following strategic areas: money laundering, tax evasion, corruption, reimbursement of the illegally transferred funds. The author thoroughly describes that the illegal financial outflow forms by the means of two sources:1) import-export scams; 2) outflow of speculative capital. The statistics demonstrated in this article shows that Asian developing countries accrue almost half of the total amount of illegally transferred assets. The author analyzes the reports of such non-governmental organizations as: Tax Justice Network (report “The Price of Offshore Revisited”) and International Financial Integrity (report “Global Illicit Flows from Developing Countries over the period of 2003-2012), report of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) “Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries. Assessment of Countermeasures”. The main conclusion of the conducted research is the urgent need for developing countries to reevaluate and abandon agreements on avoiding double taxation; accepting the position on the auto exchange of tax information, requirements of transnational corporations to publically reveal their data about each country on incomes, profit, losses, sales, paid taxes, and personnel capacity.
black economy, developing countries, direct investment, portfolio investment, international corruption, tax evasion, money laundering, illicit financial flows, transnational corporation, financial embezzlement
Humanitarian support of national security
Zelenkov M.Yu. (2015). System of ideological foundation of the process of provision of national security of the Russian Federation in the XXI century. National Security, 5, 745–761.
The object of this research is the ideological foundations of the process of provision of national security of the Russian Federation that are being examined as a system. Currently, there is no unanimity among scientists and politicians on the need for implementing ideology in the system of ensuring national security of the Russian Federation, as well as in its structure and content. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the author based on the analysis of the processes of provision of national security of the state (society and individual) from the perspective of historical and systemic approaches defines, substantiates, and classifies the elements of the ideological grounds of the process of provision of national security of the Russian Federation, as well as reveals their content aspect. A special attention is given to the description of correlation between the elements of ideological foundations and to the author’s understanding of its structure and content. The functions of ideological foundations and the acquired scientific results detected during the course of research, helped identify the presence of the elements of the system of ideological foundations of certain substance within the structure – national patriotic ideology. In conclusion, the author points out that the ideological foundations are specifically important for Russia due to its historical development, collectivistic consciousness of the citizens that cannot see themselves outside of the state; and the state serves as an intrinsic condition for the stability of the society.
Constitution of the Russian Federation, USA, Russian Federation, ideological foundations, national interests, national security, patriotism, nationhood, statehood, national patriotic ideology
Humanitarian support of national security
Napso M.D. (2015). Anomie as a risk factor. National Security, 5, 762–767.
The object of this article is the phenomenon of anomie, and the subject of this article is the risks of anomic manifestations. The author reviews the social nature of economic, social and value anomie, as well as reveals the factors that lead to the formation of the space of deprivation and the risks of anomie of diverse social content and influence. A special attention is given to the research of interdependence and interconditionality of various types of anomie, their subordination to the conditions of social practice on both, the individual and the group levels. The author substantiates the conclusion on the need for interdisciplinary study of the problem of anomie. The scientific novelty of this work consists in confirmation of the thesis about the exclusive role of social factors as the cause for appearance of anomie. The problematics of the analyzed issues allows us to make the following conclusions: 1) the position about riskogenic content and the consequences of social anomie is being substantiated; 2) the study of the risks of anomie within modern communities and social processes that affect its functioning is gaining relevance.
relative deprivation, deprivation, anomic manifestations, value anomie, social anomie, anomie, alienation, marginalization, escapism, social stratification