Strategy of national security
Karpovich O.G. (2015). Prospects for development of military-technical cooperation between Russia and India within the transformation of the system of international relations. National Security, 4, 495–507.
This article is dedicated to the research of the current state and prospects for development of military-technical cooperation between Russia and India under the conditions of a crisis of unipolar world, escalation of tensions related to the Ukrainian crisis, chaotization of international relations, and threat of color revolutions. The current trend of collaboration between Russia and India in the area of foreign policy carries an objective character: both countries have similar (fairly close and even partially or completely aligning) views upon the formation of the new world structure. Russia’s and India’s outlook on the formation of the world structure and world order of the future, which reflects the worldview of both nations, is based upon the principle of polycentricism of the new world structure, and thus expands the possibilities for mutual collaboration in the global arena and in a regional format, in which Russia and India often present a consolidated position on the most diverse issues.
interests, Russia, state, international systems, military-political environment, USA, society, politics, values, security
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Lyapustin A.E. (2015). Development and examination of the models and methods of comprehensive protection of heterogeneous information platforms. National Security, 4, 508–514.
This work presents the analysis of the modern approaches towards development of comprehensive systems for protecting heterogeneous information platforms. Despite the advantages of the reviewed approaches, majority of them are aimed at solving a particular task, rather than a complex solution to the problem of protection of information in the environment of sophisticated heterogeneous systems. This article demonstrates the architecture of a heterogeneous information system acting as an object of protection. The result of the conducted research lies in the formation of a concept of creation of an Information Security System, the architecture of which is built upon a multi-agent approach and is oriented towards heterogeneous information systems. The author proposes a model for a comprehensive protection of the heterogeneous information platforms and examines the methodology for intelligent threat detection. The results of this research suggest increasing the area of use of the multi-agent approach and its integration into the intelligent analysis of development and functionality of the information systems.
intelligent systemof information protection, threat detection, information security, heterogeneous information platforms, information safety, detection agents, means of information security, information system protection, centralized attacks, information processing
Transformation of national security systems
Karlova E.N., Kurbanov A.Kh. (2015). Socio-economic prerequisites for establishment and the consequences of spreading of private military corporations. National Security, 4, 515–521.
This article examines the socio-political and economic circumstances of emergence of private military corporations, linked to the collapse of the bipolar system and growth in the number of local and international conflicts. The authors highlight the advantages, disadvantages, and debatable aspects of the large-scale recruitment of private contractors for military operations. A special attention is given to the analysis of consequences of large-scale recruitment of private military forces for the military profession: loss of monopoly on professional knowledge, autonomy, corporate foundation, and transformation of professional ethics. The article analyzes a wide range of international publications that reflect the foreign experience of recruiting private military corporations for military operations. The authors conclude that despite such attributes of the private contractors as flexibility in usage of specific tools of force for achieving military-political goals, as well as lack of direct public and international criticism for using unpopular military measures, the large recruitment of private business for executing military functions is not always effective. In addition to that, the authors point put the threat to national security should the government functions be turned over to the private sector.
national security, professional autonomy, military profession, neoliberalism, armed conflict, outsourcing, private military companies, economic efficiency, military effectiveness, civilian contractors
Reliability factor in security systems
Kapitonov I.A. (2015). Prospective scientific and technological progress in the area of energy from the perspective of resolving the energy and environmental contradictions in the path towards energy security of the Russian Federation. National Security, 4, 522–529.
The author reviews the issues of reducing natural energy resources and the possibilities of switching to renewable resources of energy at the core of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation. A special attention is given to the newest progressive and innovative strategies pertaining to the issues of implementation of technologies for acquiring energy using untraditional methods. In this article the author substantiates the fact that the secret to energy security and efficiency lies namely in the sphere of renewable energy, as well as in power conservation. The author examines the organizational-economic mechanism for maintaining energy security and structures the system of implementation of progressive technologies in energy. The author presents periodization of development of economic sectors for the purpose of increasing productivity and export orientation, as well as balanced and stable growth based on the beginning stage of innovative development of the country and formation of long-term cross-industry scientific and technical plan. The results of the analysis of the potential of Russia’s energy resources allowed the discovery of a number of problems, which require attention from both, the government administration, and regional branches of government authority, which could play a key role in the formation of modern environmental and energy culture among Russian citizens.
"green" certificate, energy Strategy, environmental Safety, alternative energy, geopolitics, national security, innovative development, energy security, Renewable Energy, power conservation
Legal support of national security
Klimova Yu.N. (2015). Corruption as a threat to the safety of a subject of electoral right. National Security, 4, 530–542.
The subject of this research is the legal safety of a subject of active and passive electoral right and the problems of their protection from the threat of corruption in modern Russia. The author gives original definitions to the notions of safety of the subjects of active and passive electoral right; electoral corruption; legal interests and values of a subject of electoral right; threat of corruption; coordination of activities aimed at prevention of corruption in the area of electoral process. One of the main directions of government policy in the area of provision of public safety for the long-term prospects in the Strategy for National Security of the Russian Federation until 2020 is the strengthening of the role of the government as a guarantor of personal safety, as well as improvement of normative legal regulation of prevention and fight against crime, corruption, terrorism, and extremism. The conducted research allows making the following conclusion: the cluster of issues, requiring development in the conceptual model of anticorruption direction of safety of the subjects of active and passive electoral right, must include goals and tasks, objects and subjects, methods (means) of executive preventative influence upon the internal and external threats to security.
Corruption crimes, Corruption threat, Criminological safety of the voters, Criminological safety of the candidates, Criminological safety of the electorate, Anticorruption, Electoral corruption crimes, Bribing of voters, Determinants of corruption threat, Model for ensuring security
Legal support of national security
Tsvetkov I.A. (2015). On certain aspects of use of intellectual property for the purpose of fulfilling government procurement via electronic auctions. National Security, 4, 543–547.
This article is dedicated to the relevant issues of civil law pertaining to certain aspects of use of intellectual property of the Russian Federation, as well as protection of interests of the Russian Federation in the area of use of the results of intellectual activity during electronic auctions within the framework of fulfillment of government procurement. The author presents the analysis of the existing legal regulation on this process, and concludes that there is a need to improve the legislation in order to protect intellectual property belonging to the Russian Federation. The theoretical and practical interest is substantiated by the proposal to introduce changes into the current legislation in this area that would increase the level of protection of the intellectual property of the Russian Federation.
government procurement, electronic auction, rights holder, results of intellectual activity, intellectual property, Russian Federation, contract, Ministry of defence, legislation, civil law
Informational support of national security
Petukhov A.Yu., Ivlieva P.D. (2015). Psycholinguistic analysis of the media coverage of the Ukrainian crisis within German mass media throughout 2014. National Security, 4, 548–556.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of the information materials from the popular German mass media on the Ukrainian crisis throughout 2014 from the perspective of psycholinguistics. A special attention is given to the formation of images of Russia and Ukraine within the framework of information-psychological confrontation using psycholinguistic processing of the text, use of special approaches and strategies for determining and delivering information. The relevance of this topic is substantiated by the significant increase in information and psychological confrontation between Western Europe and the United States on one hand, and Russia on the other. As the result of the analysis, the authors come to a conclusion that many articles contain not only informational subtext, but a propagandistic one as well, called to instill a point of view among readers that will correspond with the current foreign policy of the EU and Germany pertaining to the Ukrainian crisis and its key players.
media coverage of the conflict, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Ukrainian crisis, psycholinguistics, information warfare, psychological operations, mass media, power
Informational support of national security
Akopov G.L. (2015). Hacktivism – a challenge to national security within information society. National Security, 4, 557–562.
This article examines the issues of cyber threats and cyberterrorism. The explanation for this phenomenon is the dynamic information-communication development of the modern society. The article examines the factors that gave rise to cyberterrorism. A special attention is given to the so-called hacktivists – those who commit acts of cyberterrorism without financial gain, but rather to support their political ideas; a number of specific examples of hacktivist activity are being presented. As a result, the governments today are forced to concentrate harder about creation of a cyber shield to ensure information safety. Among the main conclusions the author substantiates the need to place cyber security as the corner stone of every nation. To ensure information and cyber security and counteract these threads, the author recommends forming cyber forces based on scientific brigades.
cyberterrorism, cyber threat, cyber forces, hacker attacks, hacktivism, information sovereignty, cyber shield, information security, cyber security, information society
External aspects of national security
Filippov V.R. (2015). Françafrique: the Guinean precedent. National Security, 4, 563–576.
The main accent in this article is made on determination of the role of the French secret diplomacy and the French secret services, which since 1958 have done everything possible in order to undermine the foundations of the sovereignty of the Republic of Guinea, which rejected the membership in the French Community and declared full sovereignty. The article examines the socio-political and economic factors that allowed a small and very poor African nation to successfully oppose the French neocolonialism. Assessment is given to the role of the Soviet Union and the countries of socialist coalition in ensuring a real sovereignty of Guinea, and restoration of its economy and financial system. The author concludes that the international situation, which has formed in the world after the end of the World War II, did not allow the secret networks of “Françafrique” and the Portuguese special services to demolish the statehood of Guinea and physically remove the leader of the Guinean nation Ahmed Sékou Touré. The author highlights the role of Guinean precedent in demolition of the French colonial empire.
Portugal, China, Soviet Union, France, Guinea, Africa, society, politics, neocolonialism, Françafrique
External threats and countermeasures
Starkin S.V. (2015). United States military strategy concepts with regards to China. National Security, 4, 577–590.
The coming shifts in the regional military balance away from the United States and its allies towards China can lead to a deformation of the American containment policy. The goal of this article, which represents a logical continuation of a number of other works of the author on the problems of regional security in the Asia-Pacific Region, is the analysis of Washington’s main military strategic approaches with regards to the People’s Republic of China and forecast of the development of military political situation upon the mid-term prospects. A number of American experts claim that in an event of a military conflict the United States will have no choice but to dominate the military forces of China and neutralize its ability to restrict and prevent access to separate territories, blocking of certain zones and maneuvers within them (concept A2/AD), using a number of offensive and defensive means, including targeting objects on the territory of China with non-nuclear force. The author comes to the conclusion that American policy-making, headquarters, and expert-analytical structures are conducting a targeted work, aimed at maintaining their influence in the Asia-Pacific region.
tactical weapons, strategic potential, international security, regional security, naval operations, military policy, China, Asia-Pacific region, USA, geopolitics
Economical support of national security
Kiselev A.E. (2015). Improvements to the classification of approaches towards strategic management of state corporations under current circumstances. National Security, 4, 591–599.
This article examines the approaches towards management of state corporations from the perspective of ensuring stable growth of Russian economy and providing security. Two types of management of state corporations are being highlighted – traditional and innovative, including the differentiating aspects of both. The author substantiates the fact that the current approaches towards strategic management of state corporations need optimization and improving. In this article an attempt is made to systematize and propose a number of original approaches towards classification and improvements to the methods of strategic management of state corporations in foreign and Russian practice. The author demonstrates that under current conditions, which make it absolutely essential to have a planned and stable step by step development of national economy and economic subjects that form it, the use of innovative approach towards strategic management of state corporations is an objective necessity, corresponding to the current situation and scientific achievements in the management sphere.
proactivity, innovative approach, indicative planning, learning management, objectives management, state corporations, strategic management, state management, delegation of authority, functional strategies
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Shibanov G.P. (2015). Methodology of management of the technological procedures of disposal of ordnance and military equipment . National Security, 4, 600–608.
The subject of this research is the technological procedures of disposal of ordnance and military equipment, examined on the example of disposal procedures of sophisticated ans costly aviation equipment. Determination of reasonableness and preference of realization of operation of technological process of disposal is based on the fact that the difference between expenses for disposal and profits received from it must be maximally possible during the term of disposal that does not exceed the set term. At the same time, the methodology being developed was not bound by strict limitations, which made it useful for disposal of any type of examples of ordnance and military equipment. The main result of the conducted analysis is the methodology that allows positioning the technological processes of disposal of ordnance and military equipment on the axis of preferentiality with subsequent division into clusters. Classifying the clusters by ratio between spending on disposal and profits received from disposal, we get a preferential scientifically founded program of disposal of examples of ordnance and military equipment.
streamlining technological procedures, cost-benefit ratio, disposal of aviation equipment, optimal management, technological disposal procedure, disposal of military equipment, ordnance disposal, recycling program, safe disposal, managing ordnance disposal
Humanitarian support of national security
Beshukova Z.M. (2015). Responsibility for hate crimes in the criminal law of the United States: legislative and law enforcement aspects. National Security, 4, 609–615.
This article is dedicated to the issues of regulation of responsibility in the United States criminal law for crimes that are recognized by the Russian legislation as crimes of extremism. The author examines the criminal legal norms that regulate the issues of responsibility for crimes committed on the grounds of hate, as well as the practice of application of criminal legislation in the area of counteraction of such crimes. The article analyzes approach of the American legislator towards the issue of criminalizing actions that according to Russian legislation fall under crimes in the Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The United States is one of the most liberal legislations in the world from the perspective of freedom of expression and freedom of speech. It forms a completely different legal and political approach towards the problem of proclamation of hate than in practically any other country: US has a strong tradition of freedom of speech that covers even the most insulting statements. The position of the American legislator consists in the adherence to the doctrine of minimal restriction of freedom of speech, which is substantiated by the positions of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Hate crimes, Extremism, Inciting aggression, Ethnic background, Race, Criminal responsibility, Political preference, Freedom of speech, Constitution, Discrimination