System and interaction
Andryushin S.V. (2015). The processes of military integration in the European Union from the perspective of the theory of neorealism. National Security, 3, 337–348.
The object of this research is the processes of military integration in the EU, which are being viewed through the prism of the theory of neorealism. After the end of the cold war and the collapse of the bipolar system of international relations neorealism has moved to a secondary position in the research on security. New threats and their perception required a fresh look at the subjects and objects of security. The new theories and approaches have taken the center stage within the research of international relations and security. A special attention is given to the concepts and hypotheses of neorealism. Their applied use the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union in the analysis allows us to shed light upon the nature of integrational phenomena and processes. The theoretical assessment of the processes of military integration is explained by the necessity to determine the driving force, character and preferences of the member-states, in order to be able to forecast the future vector of its development.
Theory of neorealism, National interests, European Union, Integration, European security, European Defense Agency, Common resources, International security, Member-states, Defense potential
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Shagieva A.Kh. (2015). Mathematical modeling in crisis management. National Security, 3, 349–358.
The subject of this research is the system of mathematical modeling of the processes under the conditions of crisis management. Analysis of modern approaches towards solution of the problem of crisis management within enterprises demonstrates that they are based on financial analysis and bankruptcy forecasting using comparison of certain coefficients with the up-to-date values and state the fact of a presence of a final crisis state – bankruptcy. Mathematical modeling provides for a high level of justification of decisions, reduction of time needed to develop solutions, and the ability to deploy countermeasures in order to prevent bankruptcy. The author presents a mathematical model for forecasting crisis within a company based on its financial results. The devised complex of models will allow forecasting the start and development of a crises within a business based on an optimal assortment, structure and volume of products. The use of mathematical modeling and forecasting within the system of crisis management would allow managers and company executives to concretize the methods for preventing, neutralizing, and overcoming the crises.
Management, Crisis, Modeling, Forecasting, Bankruptcy, Analysis, Business, Assortment, Product line, Financial results
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Khmaladze D.Z. (2015). Special aspects of electronic money within the systems of open and closed circulation. National Security, 3, 359–363.
The subject of this research is the legal regulation of the transactions made using electronic currency and the special aspects of electronic transactions within the systems of open and closed circulation. The author analyzes minimal requirements in the area of electronic transaction systems based on the flow of electronic money, which can vary depending on the type of electronic money, and are based on a level of openness of such systems. Depending on the level of openness the author subdivides them into closed or open circulation systems. Based on the conducted analysis, the author highlights the characteristic aspects of electronic money that have originated within a closed circulation system, as well as those that originated within the open circulation system. The author comes to a conclusion that openly circulation system of electronic money is characterized by a high level of flexibility and potentially large user base as compared to the closed circulating systems; it is more universal.
Electronic money, E-commerce, Electronic payment system, Online payment system, Statistical reporting, Open circulation system, Closed circulation system, Information society, Public relations, Modern payment methods
Rapid response and tactics
Korchagin O.N., Chirkov D.K. (2015). Synthetic drugs in the Russian Federation: current trends and countermeasures against their illegal sales and distribution. National Security, 3, 364–375.
This article examines the criminological characteristics of current trends of crime in the area of illegal sales and distribution of synthetic drugs as a negative social phenomenon, as well as the actions of the government and society towards ensuring effective countermeasures against drug use among population and fight against illegal trafficking of synthetic “designer” drugs. This work presents the relevance of the issue and the special aspects of the crimes in the area of illegal trade of narcotics, psychotropic substances and their substitutes (synthetic “designer” drugs, “spices”), which is defined on one hand by the complexity of detection, investigation, and prevention of these crimes, and on the other – the growth in a number of drug users and increased number of deaths due to drug overdose.
criminal liability, mortality from overdose, designer drugs, prevention, synthetic drugs, drug trafficking, early detection, spices, drug monitoring, laboratory
Transformation of national security systems
Malyutina E.V. (2015). Japan’s policy on providing national security during the second term of Prime Minister Shinzō Abe. National Security, 3, 376–385.
The object of this research is the course of Japan’s foreign policy during the second term of Prime Minister Shinzō Abe (2012-2015). The subject of this research is the strategy for ensuring national security of Japan as a complex of measures on increasing the defense capabilities and security of Japan. A special attention is paid to the role of such program documents as “Main vectors of national defense”, “Medium term program of development of defense potential”, and “Security strategy”. Under the conditions of a highly volatile potential region of Northeast Asia, any changes to the positioning of the forces can result in serious systemic changes. The main conclusion of the research is that based on the results of the measures being undertaken by the Japanese government, there will be new accents made in the security architecture of the Northeastern Asia region.
Asia-Pacific region, Northeast Asia, Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, USA, Japan, political science, national security strategy, defence policy
Globalization and national security
Filippov V.R. (2015). Uranium factor in France’s foreign policy towards Africa. National Security, 3, 386–400.
Use of the comparative political analysis allowed the author to identify certain trends within France’s foreign policy towards Africa of the beginning of this millennium. Analysis of the geographic localization of the expeditions of the French armed forces into Africa confirms the fact that the Élysée Palace initiated the peacekeeping and humanitarian interventions within the territories of the sovereign nations of the Dark Continent whenever France faced a serious threat to their energy security. The threat to the interests of the French state corporation AREVA, which specializes in recovery and refinement of uranium ore, was always followed by operations of the special services and military interventions in Niger, Mali and the Central African Republic. The methodological basis for this research consisted of the systemic, structural-functional, comparative-historical approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, observation, and modeling. The author substantiates the opinion according to which the rapid escalation of the competitiveness and the African uranium markets, emergence of new players in these markets, first and foremost China, prompts France to resort to various forms of political and military pressure (from political assassinations and incitement of confessional and tribal conflicts to direct military intrusion) upon the political elites of their former colonies. A conclusion is made on the fact that it is the direct dependency of the French nuclear power plants, and therefore the whole French economy, upon the African uranium defines the main vector of the Africa policy of the Fifth Republic.
Françafrique, France, Central African Republic, Mali, Niger, Africa, neocolonialism, values, uranium, intervention
Monitoring and civil control of security systems
Stebletsov V.Yu. (2015). Application of culturological approach in research of the youth politics in modern Russia. National Security, 3, 401–406.
The subject of this research is the effectiveness of the government youth politics from the perspective of realistic participation of youth in socio-political activity. The article presents theoretical basis for culturological approach within the framework of research on the impact of political culture upon the political process. The author proposes a thesis that the impact of politico-culturological factors upon the political process can take place both, directly and indirectly. In order to devise strategical tasks of the government and community within the development of Russian society, it is necessary to determine the main trends and mechanisms of influence of political culture upon the political process in modern Russia. The author also presents a thesis that youth politics in modern Russia does not carry a systemic character, but rather executes only the mobilization function in electoral processes. The author also claims that in order to increase the effectiveness of state youth politics it is necessary to not only broaden the legislative base, but to also form a strong value set of the political culture that would define the political motivation of youth in socio-political activity.
Political culture, Political process, Youth political process, Political socialization, Political values, Political conscious, Society, Political administrative actions, Region, Reforms
Internal threats and countermeasures
Giniyatullina E.Z. (2015). Crime among students as a threat to criminal safety of the system of general professional education: current state and future trends. National Security, 3, 407–416.
The subject of this research is the current state of criminality among individuals studying in college, which represents a significant threat to the criminal safety of the nation. The author talks about the term “student who committed a crime”, types of crime among students, and conducts analysis on repeat and group crimes of these individuals. The article also presents the trend of separate types of crimes committed by young people, including those who currently study, or with their participation (thefts, robbery, assault, murder, rape, drugs or psychotropic crimes, and other types of crime). The scientific conclusions presented in this article are based not only on the official statistical data, but also sociological polling conducted on the territory of Irkutsk Oblast among 310 students, 150 law enforcement agents, as well as expert opinions of 150 heads of educational facilities of Irkutsk Oblast. Based on the analysis of the official statistical data, the author also states that every twentieth crime is committed by a school or college student.
Juvenile offence, Criminal safety, Education system, Criminal threat, Student criminality, Higher education, Faculty member crimes, Crime prevention, Trends, Preventative measures
Economical support of national security
Vlasov A.P. (2015). Methods of assessment of black market economy. National Security, 3, 417–426.
The subject of this research is the comparative analysis of the methods of assessment of the quantitative parameters of black market economy. In essence, in order to determine the volume of hidden economy, it is necessary to calculate the “shortages”. The article presents direct and indirect methods that are used by economists to assess and compare the black market economies of different countries. The black market economy is a complex and a diverse phenomenon. The authors of various theories interpret the nature of this phenomenon differently. The article gives an overview of the methods used in assessing the black market economy, and highlights their key merits and flaws. Amongst the methods of black market economic activity, the ones that have gained the most popularity are the statistical method of specific indicators, especially those such as the method of comparison of incomes and spending and method of currency demand. The author presents the results of assessment of black market economy in Russia using these methods.
Unemployment, Russian black market economy, Business climate, Employment, Salary, Investments, Inflation, Macroeconomics, Informal sector, Under-the-table pay
Economical support of national security
Kormishkina L.A., Koroleva L.P. (2015). Assessment of the tax maneuver from the position of the paradigm of neo-industrial development of Russia. National Security, 3, 427–441.
The key problem in the realization of ideas for neo-industrialization of Russia is the deep divide between mining and processing industries, which are the object of this research. The large-scale neo-industrial reforms require mobilization of a significant amount of finances, activating reforms within the tax system, which provides substantial portion of the revenue into the budget. As a result, the subject of this research is the tax instruments for regulating the mining, processing, and oil industries. The goal of this research is to evaluate the rationality of the government tax policy in the context of the need to shift from exporting raw materials model of economy to neo-industrial. The author analyzes the data from the usage of GDP for the period from 1995 to 2014, and assesses the tax revenue from the mining and processing industry within the budget system for the period from 2006 to 2014. The research into the priorities of the tax policy of the Russian Federation and the conducted analysis of the statistical information demonstrate a growth in preferentiality of the tax regime towards the oil industry in the post-crisis period of 2008,
tax, export-commodity economy, oil industry, manufacturing industry, mining industry, neo-industrial development, tax maneuver, tax policy, tax burden, export duty
Economical support of national security
Kuznetsov D.V., Mekhdiev Sh.Z. (2015). Lease financing in ensuring economic security of businesses. National Security, 3, 442–448.
This article demonstrates the role and the place of lease financing in providing economic security of business. The author gives characteristics to the economic security and determines the criteria for ensuring economic security in structuring an effective system of lease financing. Economic security of the subjects of lease financing is directly tied to four key concepts: “interests”, “independence”, “competitiveness”, and “stability”. The theoretical significance of this work is defined by the research of the effect of the sources of financing, terms of the lease agreement, and financial state of the subjects of a lease upon ensuring effectiveness of economic security of the subjects of lease financing. The significance of the research is substantiated by the overall aim of the conceptual and methodological developments, methodological recommendations for structuring and advancing an efficient system of lease financing for the customers of leasing market. Ensuring economic security of lease financing suggests account of the influence of sources of lease financing upon the financial state of lease subjects.
Lease financing, Economic security, Business safety, Economy, Security, Lease, Effective system, Criteria for economic safety, Terms of a lease agreement, Lease subjects
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Metel'kov A.N., Khodyrev T.B. (2015). Some questions of joint activity of the federal branches of executive government authorities and airport administration on ensuring aviation safety. National Security, 3, 449–457.
The subject of this research is substantiation of the need to research legal and organizational basis for joint actions of law enforcement agencies, as well as territorial branches of federal executive authority in the area of internal affairs, including police, and administration of Russian airports on ensuring safety in the area of civil aviation. The authors emphasize the need for harmonization of relations between various subjects of aviation safety, development of corresponding normative legal base, and creation of organizational environment that would help perfecting the government system of terrorism counteraction, and protection of life and health of the people using air travel. A generalizing conclusion is made that in the Russian Federation there is currently no complete and precise organizational-legal foundation for prevention and response to acts of illegal interference, including terrorist acts.
Terrorism, Acts of illegal interference, Cooperation, Safety, Police, Aviation security, Legislation, Security service, Civil aviation, International law
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Ul'yanov A.A. (2015). On the question of modern concept of personal firearm. National Security, 3, 458–469.
The subject of this research is personal firearm of the members of armed forces. The object, or rather objects, is the specific types and models of firearms. The author examines such aspects of the topic as: advancements in firearms of infantry throughout its colossal historical path – from World War I, to the most recent armed conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and the Chechen Republic; from bolt action rifles to the latest promising models of firearms. The article also presents theoretical and practical aspects of distinction between the notion of “sniper” in the “West” and in the “East”; specific models of sniper rifles are being analyzed. The article contains theoretical and practical aspects of the notion “police sniper”, as well as a brief analysis of certain models of firearms intended for use by “police snipers”. The author concludes that modern models of individual firearms have reached such advanced level, that their use by a multimillion (and usually not well-trained) conscripted army is rather difficult. With regards to the notion of “sniper”, it would be beneficial to adopt the Western model of distinction between the notions of “sniper” and “marksman”.
sniper rifle, Kalashnikov assault rifle, assault rifle, intermediate cartridge, submachine gun, machinegun, rifle, effective range of fire, modular construction, marksman
Person and citizen within security systems
Lushchik A.A. (2015). Directions of state provision of the population with affordable and safe food in accordance with rational norms of consumption. National Security, 3, 470–485.
The subject of this research is the organizational and economic ways of providing population with affordable and safe food. The author gives a detailed review to such issues as food manufacturing, structuring and distribution of food resources, and public food consumption. A special attention is given to the assessment of effectiveness of the actions of branches of executive government at a regional level, including solving the issues of providing the population with affordable and safe food, as well as determination of new strategies and measures to solve the problem of food safety. The author develops a forecast of the demand of the population of Irkutsk Oblast for 11 types of food products in accordance with the rational norms of its consumption for the period of 2016-2020, and proposes a model of forecast-based provision of the population with the main types of food with consideration of human medical (physiological) requirements for energy and nutrition.
agricultural complex, strategy, state, safety, modeling, forcast, region, economy, population, food