Strategy of national security
Anikin V.I., Annenkov V.I., Moiseev A.V., Surma I.V. (2015). Energy security as a fundamental part of national security of the Russian Federation under the current circumstances. National Security, 2, 161–176.
As a result of global processes (globalization, struggle for energy resources, uneven development of countries, international terrorism, etc.), as well as the confrontation between theoretical concepts with regards to the future world order, a new socio-political phenomenon emerged called “energy world”. Thus, the global community (including Russia) has found itself facing a whole new set of energy threats that consist if the following: the vector of threat of energy conflict is now being formed on a global scale; a new threat emerged, related to the possibility of using energy resources as a means for achieving political goals by one or another country; under the conditions of a multipolar energy world there is higher possibility of energy terrorism and energy blackmail. The task of ensuring energy safety and energy stability, where problems of political, economic, military, technical, and even social nature are tightly intertwined, precisely relates to these types of problems.
energy security, energy stability, globalization, struggle for energy resources, energy terrorism, energy blackmail, international security, energy world, international energy security, multipolar model
System and interaction
Zelenkov M.Yu. (2015). The structural-functional approach towards the system of national security of the Russian Federation. National Security, 2, 177–196.
This article focuses on the system of national security. Presently, neither the scientific, nor the rulemaking literature has a unity on the interpretation of the category “system of national security” and the composition of its elements. A special attention is given to the description of connections between the elements of the system and author’s perception of the category “system of national security of the Russian Federation”. The discovered functions allowed the author to describe the process of interaction of the elements of the system of national security. The results acquired throughout the course of the research allow us to make a number of conclusions. Firstly, the structure of the system of national security represents a construct of interconnected components: objects; subjects; ideological-theoretical and legislative bases; administrative branches; goals; tasks; main directions; capabilities and the means that function within the interests of ensuring national security of the country on the required level. Secondly, the objects divide into three groups: government, population, person (individual). Thirdly, by subjects we mean: government institutions, civil society, and mass media.
object, Russian Federation, structure, authority, state, system of national security, national security, subject, legislation basis, ideological-theoretical basis
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Pavlov V.P. (2015). Bioelectronic systems for early diagnostics in ensuring the industrial safety in sea and fresh waters . National Security, 2, 197–201.
This research presents the materials on bioelectronic system of early diagnostics of aquatories developed by the Russian scientists. The article offers a complex approach towards the real-time monitoring of water resources that allows increasing the level of safety within large industrial objects, the functioning of which is connected to the possibility of serious environmental violations in the event of emergency situations. Such bioelectronic systems are based on the diagnostics of the condition of the invertebrates, dwelling within a specific ecosystem that contains a possibility of threats of emergency situations and acts of terrorism. The invertebrates living at the bottom of these waters are used as biosensors. Tiny fiber optic sensors of cardiac activity are attached to them and allow real-time remote continuous monitoring of their condition. Detection of the peculiarities of the behavior of the animals within the changing environment became the foundation of the development of the fiber optic method of monitoring the cardiac activity of the benthic invertebrates with a hard shell: Crustacea (Decapoda) and Mollusca.
Bioelectronic systems, early diagnostics of ecosystems, marine safety, bio indicator, biological monitoring, animal testing, variable pulsometry, remote monitoring, selection of cardiac rhysms, distribution of cardiac intervals
Transformation of national security systems
Shul'ts V.L., Kul'ba V.V., Shelkov A.B., Chernov I.V. (2015). Information management under the conditions of globalization and geopolitical confrontation. National Security, 2, 202–243.
This work is dedicated to the methodological and applied problems of improving the processes of information management under the circumstances of globalization and increase of tensions between the Western countries and Russia, as well as the instability of the global economy. The article presents the results of the analysis of the processes of the Complex Geopolitical Information Confrontation (CGIC) under the conditions of the growing international tensions as a result of the crisis in Ukraine. The authors review the problems associated with organizing an effective countermeasure against foreign and domestic destructive information influences, based on manipulative technologies and aimed at social destabilization of the country. Analysis is conducted on the negative influence of the activities of foreign non-governmental noncommercial organizations with outside financing upon the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation. The conducted scenario analyses demonstrated that the most important tasks at hand are the creation of a unified multilevel system of state management of protection of information sovereignty of the country, as well as provision of an efficient coordination of actions for deflection of the destructive information campaigns.
social stability, information potential, countering threats, information management, geopolitical opponent, informational confrontation, globalization, scenario analysis, simulation, symbol graphs
Transformation of national security systems
Bobyleva A.Z. (2015). Modern investment and financial capabilities of Russian oil companies. National Security, 2, 244–256.
The subject of this research is the investment priorities of the oil industry of Russia and their financial capabilities to realize the oil projects under the conditions of current system of taxation, drop in the oil prices, fall of the ruble’s value, and sanctions. The need for a tax stimulus is being looked at from the point of view of the main segments of the industry – oil recovery; oil refining; hydrocarbon exploration; geographical changes of extraction; rationality of investments into large, medium and small petroleum businesses; prospects for development via organic and inorganic growth in the industry. In examining the financial sources for increasing the investment activity, the author highlights the possibilities and limitations of using personal and credit resources, direct and indirect participation of the government. The investment potential and risks of the industry are being assessed within the industry as a whole, as well as in the largest Russian companies by comparison with the leading foreign companies. The author concludes that the anti-crisis company programs must be based on the review of their portfolio of projects: reducing the portion of the costly projects of increasing yield for the HTR, while exanding the portion of the less costly projects of improving energy efficiency; systemic management of the operating, investing, and financial expenses of the company, as well as improving productivity. The government in turn must make decisive steps towards switching to the new regime of taxation that would insure a stronger interconnection of the financial result and taxes, and would stimulate development of new oil deposits and deep refining, allowing companies to make new plans for the future.
oil industry projects, financing, investment potentials, investment activity, oil companies earnings, oil production taxing, taxes, economics, capital structure, tax benefits
Legal support of national security
Aleshin V.V. (2015). On certain fundamental changes to the Russian legislation in the area of counterterrorism in 2013 and 2014. National Security, 2, 257–265.
The article examines the changes to the Russian legislation on the counterterrorism made in 2013 and 2014. The author sequentially and in chronological order highlights the most significant novelties of the Russian law on countermeasures against terrorist threats. First and foremost, analysis is conducted on the changes to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, revealing the systemic interconnection of such changes with the norms of international law, Federal Law “On the Fight Against Terrorism” and Federal Law “On Countering Extremist Activity”. A significant portion of the article is dedicated to the analysis of the norms of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses in the area of countering financing of terrorism. These issues directly affect the national security and stability of the Russian Federation, and require constant systemic research. The modern Russian legislation in the field of counterterrorism corresponds with the norms of international law and international obligations of the Russian Federation.
property, administrative responsibility, criminal liability, counterterrorism, financing of terrorism, extremism, terrorism, close friends, legislation, confiscation
Internal aspects of national security
Panenkov A.A. (2015). Solutions to the problems in the area of supervision over the adherence to the laws within the military-industrial complex as one of the directions of strengthening the domestic outline of national security of the Russian Federation. National Security, 2, 266–273.
In this article the author turns to one of the relevant issues affecting the defense and security of Russia – adherence to the laws in the area of military-industrial complex of Russia and state defense order. The author pays attention to the significant improvement in the coordination and collaboration in this regard, and makes a number of specific proposals on optimization of prosecutor’s supervision in the area of the military-industrial complex that are not widely known, but represent a high level of interest due to the escalation of the international situation in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine, system of sanctions against Russia, and an attempt of the Western countries and the United States to diminish the military and defense potential of the Russian Federation. The escalation of the global situation of foreign policies, new sanctions against Russia, the current situation on the Russia-Ukraine border, and increase in Russia’s spending on military-industrial complex raise the need for improving the oversight on the adherence to the laws in the area of military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation by not only creating new departments, but also improving the coordination and collaboration between all oversight and monitoring branches in order to strengthen the defense capabilities of Russia, and therefore, ensure its national security.
military-industrial complex, investigation, defense, collegium, optimization, coordination, collaboration, supervision, security
External threats and countermeasures
Mikheev V.Yu. (2015). Islamic religious terrorism during the period of 1980’s through 2000’s as a reaction to “difficult times”. National Security, 2, 274–282.
The subject of this study, which is written based on the results of the research on the discipline “Phenomenon of terrorism and security of civil society”, consists in determination of the specificity of the Islamic religious terrorism of 1980’s through 2000’s and the causes for its emergence. The article features military-political, economic, and psychological causes of such state, and points out the role of government support of terrorism and spread of the phenomenon. Without a resolution to these problems it is impossible to speak about an effective fight against terrorism, a testimony to which is the current situation in the Near East, where we can see an unfolding lengthy conflict between the secular authorities and the Islamists. A conclusion is made that at the foundation of the terrorist movement of Islamic fundamentalists lies the feeling of hopelessness and vulnerability that was prevalent during that period throughout the population of the region. The article substantiates the fact that the events of the end of 20th century and beginning of 21st century are tightly linked to the events of the recent years: a spike in the activity of the Islamic terrorism throughout the world and geopolitical transformations associated with a series of artificial “color revolutions”.
Islam, religious terrorism, Islamic world, Islamic revolution, Near East, personified enemy, third world, fanaticism, state terrorism, separatism
External threats and countermeasures
Anikin V.I., Surma I.V. (2015). Methodological bases of the analysis and development of complex systems in international relations (structural-functional approach towards establishment of the state mechanism of foreign policy). National Security, 2, 283–296.
The subject of this research is the key moments of the establishment of the state mechanism for international relations and presents the most important aspects of the development of the system of preparation and decision making for the strategic administration of the country with the assessment of the promptness of the solution of the problem of utmost complexity, preemption of the reaction to threat with evaluation of the risk, modeling and forming of scenarios of possible developments of global situation. Under the current conditions of geopolitical instability, the leaders of the branches of government administration of any country are experiencing a great need for improvement of the efficiency of the political decisions with the use of creative potential of the experts in both, hierarchic states, as well as in non-governmental structures. The proposed general classification principles of the establishment of the state foreign policy mechanism and their information, logical and mathematical interpretation, in authors’ opinion allows expanding the current methodological base of the assessment of the condition and development of the system of the government administration on the issues of foreign policy, and contribute to the increase of quality of the forecasting research under the conditions of geopolitical and geoeconomic instability.
information warfare, socio-political modeling, state mechanism of foreign policy, foreign policy, geopolitical instability, national security, geopolitics, government administration, strategic matrix, systemic scenario approach
Economical support of national security
Chernyshev A.I., Sviridov V.I. (2015). Special economic zones as an instrument of state regulation of economic security of the regions. National Security, 2, 297–303.
Special economic zones as an instrument of state regulation of economic security of the regionsThis article examines the issues of state regulation of the territories with a special regime of economic and entrepreneurial activities, as well as the key problems in functionality of the special economic zones in the Russian Federation. A special economic zone is a part of national territory that has additional autonomy in business decisions, and a special regime of managing economic activity for foreign and domestic enterprises. The specificity of these zones lies in the various advantages for its participants: tax and customs incentives; various forms of subsidies; simplification of administrative obstacles. The main conclusion of this research consists in the fact that despite the short period of the existence of special economic zones in Russia, a positive experience in this sphere of activity has already been acquired. Creation of such zones in the future should become one of the elements of economic security of the country, especially in the area of import substitution industrialization.
economic security, economy, production, innovation, technology, incentive, investment, country, import substitution, region
Economical support of national security
Shemyakina M.S. (2015). Assessment of the tax potential within the system of ensuring regional tax security. National Security, 2, 304–311.
This article examines one of the instruments for ensuring regional tax security – management of tax potential. A special attention is given to such functions of tax administration as planning and forecasting. The author gives original definition to the category of “regional tax security”, and demarcates the notions “threats” and “risks” to the tax security. The article offers classification of the tax risks and identifies the environment within which they form. The author conducts the classification of the threats to the regional tax security and devises an original approach towards the process of making executive decisions on ensuring the regional tax security. The article presents a new logical model for ensuring regional tax security, which will contribute to the qualitative development of the tax administration as a whole. This work can open new prospects for further research.
classification of risks, tax potential management, ensuring tax security, tax risks, threats to tax security, tax potential, regional tax security, planning and forecasting, goal tree, tax administration
Humanitarian support of national security
Denisenko V.A., Kupera A.V., Kataeva A.N. (2015). The efficiency of the state program of demographic development: regional aspect. National Security, 2, 312–318.
The subject of this article is the research on the effectiveness of the government measures on the birth rate in the Primorsky Krai. The active and dynamic demographic policy represents a necessity from the perspective of national security of the Russian Federation, which raises the question on the criteria of effectiveness of the government regulation of reproduction. The authors make an attempt to examine this issue on the example of Primorsky Krai: the work presents brief characteristics of the current state of the demographic processes of birth rate and death rate in the region, and provides a model of the government regulation of the birth rate. The authors conclude that the realization of the government program for increasing birth yielded "additional" births among the older women; at the same time, the indexes on the birth rate among the younger people reflects the lack of implementation of ideological and legal administrative measures of demographic policy.
factors of birth rate decline, modeling, regression analysis, demographic program efficiency, state demographic policy, age-specific birth rate, Primorsky Krai, death rate, reproduction, depopulation
Person and citizen within security systems
Kolesnikov Yu.A. (2015). Financial insurance of the rights of citizens and businesses on the safety of their funds. National Security, 2, 319–326.
The subject of this research is the insurance of the safety of the funds of individuals and businesses in the Russian banks. The object of this research is the systems of Deposit Insurance Agency of Russia as a federal guarantee of the safety of the deposits. The goal of this work is to conduct the analysis of the system of insuring investments in the Russian Federation under the current circumstances, determining the problems and prospects of its development, and thus proposing a number of legislative initiatives in order to achieve them. The author provides a detailed review of such aspects as determination of the intricacies of the system of insuring financial investments in the Russian Federation, and analytical overview of the experience of federal deposit insurance in the foreign countries. A special attention is given to the ongoing crisis situation within the banking industry and the possible ramifications.
deposit insurance system, business, individual, insurance, bank, guarantee, deposit, Bank investment, insured investment, mandatory insurance