Technologies and methodology of security systems
Bolkunov, O.N. (2013). Quantitative dimension
of the international energy security. National Security, 4, 536–548.
The article is devoted to the development of methodology for the quantitative dimension of the
international security of energy supply. It is noted that in order to accurately evaluate energy security
of the state, its energy system should be equally evaluated from the various perspectives (economic,
political, social, environmental, national security, international obligations and treaties), including
an entire complex of its components. Energy security evaluation should characterize the quality of the
national energy policy. The article contains analysis of the characteristic features which such an evaluation
should possess. The author singles out the key methods for the quantitative dimension of the energy
security of the state as well as their strong and weak points. Based upon the above-mentioned analysis
the method for the complex evaluation of international energy security (CEIES) was formed. Evaluation
includes 21 indicators of energy security in 4 interrelated dimensions: economic, technological, socialpolitical
and environmental. In addition to the description of the method the article includes comparative
analysis of the key quantitative methods for the energy security evaluation with the specific features of
CEIES being pointed out. For example, CEIES serves as an useful indicator for the general condition of
all of the spheres of energy security within the state. Based on it one can provide retrospective analysis
of implementation of measures aimed to guarantee energy security of the state, as well as predict the
efficiency of implementation of current and newly developed energy strategies. Additionally, such an evaluation allows to compare the levels of energy security in different sates and to modify the national
energy strategies based on the analysis of successful practices. Finally, based upon the data on energy
security in the neighboring states, one may ease the conditions for regional and international energy
security guarantees, energy strategy, national security, energy system, comparative political science, energy policy, quantitative studies, energy security, state administration, international politics.
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Belousova, A.V. (2013). Modeling and evaluation of the innovative
development effects in the export sector of economy:
the Far East. National Security, 4, 549–555.
The article contains scenario modeling and evaluation of economic effects from the events aimed
for innovative development of the economy of the Far Eastern Federal District and for neutralization of
export-transaction related threats to the economic security of the macro-region according with the state
programs. The author uses the following prerequisites for the evaluated scenarios: development of export
specialization of the district in the sphere of manufacturing activity; changes in the parameters for the
technical development of the export sector of the macro-region. Within the first scenario the author singles
out export of manufacturing products, which shall generate maximal growth of the gross regional product
for the district, as well as limitations for the comparable effects in case of development of other specialized
manufactures of the Far Eastern economics. Within the second scenario the author identifies the factors
for the innovative development of the export sector, lowering the risks of technological dependency of the
Far Eastern Federal District on the other states, which is generated by import of equipment and machinery.
export sector of economy, raw products export, innovative development, economic security, economic effect, export specialization, technical, manufacturing re-equipment, macro-region, Far Eastern Federal District
Staffing of national security
Manoylo, A.V. (2013). Technologies for the implementation of the social
adaptation programs for the military personnel. National Security, 4, 556–567.
The article contains propositions for the implementation of social adaptation programs for the
former military personnel.
social studies, national security, cadres guarantees, social adaptation, technologies for the psychological inf luence, cadres center, social policy, civil society, information policy, information technologies.
Legal support of national security
Savchenko, D.A. (2013). Legal guarantees of political security:
experience of the Moscow State in XVII century. National Security, 4, 568–578.
The article is devoted to the legal means of protection of the bases of political order in the Russian
centralized poly-ethnical state in the middle of XVII century. The author analyzes the text of the pledge of
alliance of the people to the tsar and the Code of 1649. Special attention is paid to the provisions on the protection
of personality and status of the king as the key element of the political system. It is compared with the
legislation of one of the main foreign political rival of the Moscow kingdom – the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It
is noted that at the turn of the XVI – XVII centuries the legal norms aimed to guarantee the political order of
the Russian state become more complicated and were improved within the framework of general strengthening
of the centralized states under the influence of political crises and conflicts which often ended up on military
clashes, which threatened the very existence of an independent Moscow kingdom. As a result of the abovementioned
matters by the XVII century the legal guarantees of political security were established by a rather
well-developed system of regulative and law-enforcement norms. The religious pledge of alliance to the king
served as preventive means in order to guarantee the political security of the Moscow state. The Council Code of
1649 contained protective provisions, aimed to guarantee the implementation of obligations provided for in the
text of the pledge. The author comes to a conclusion that when the Council Code of 1649 appeared the original
system of legal protection of political security was finally formed in the Moscow state. It was a complex system which was characterized by the combination of preventive and punitive measures. The system included state
law, criminal law, and procedural provisions, which mutually complemented each other. The main objects of
political security were personality and status of the tsar. At the same time legal (secular) rules for the protection
of political order were much supported by the religious institutions.
political order, political security, Moscow state, tsar, religious pledge, the Council Code, system of norm, honor of a king, capital punishment.
Legal support of national security
Dundukov, M.Y. (2013). Intelligence activities as a type of state activity
of the USA. National Security, 4, 579–584.
The article is devoted to the intelligence activities of the USA as one of the types of activity
of the American state. The article evaluates the issue of whether foreign intelligence activity, counterintelligence
activity, political investigation, internal security guarantees, secret operations activity may
be regarded as intelligence activities. The article is based upon the analysis of the American legislation
and first of all on such legislative acts a the National Security Act of 1947, Intelligence Reorganization
Act of 1992, Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004. The article also discusses the
evolution of views on the “domestic security” from the 1950s when it stood for fighting global communist
threat to the current time, when the domestic security refers to protection of the US territory from
terrorism and other threats.
intelligence activities, foreign intelligence, national intelligence, secret service, domestic security, political investigation, secret operation, intelligence information, intelligence community.
Legal support of national security
Georgievsky, E.V. (2013). Security of society and state as objects of criminal law
protection in the Ancient Russia. National Security, 4, 585–596.
Social and state security as objects of criminal law protection in the Ancient Russia become legislatively
supported much later than such objects as personality and property. It is due to the fact that the
priority of provisions for the protection of certain objects follows from certain stages in social development.
The ancient Russian people did not clearly distinguish security of state and society. The interests of the state
are regarded as interests of a certain collective entity and their violation results in harsh punishment up to
capital punishment. However, the interests of both social and state security are legislatively provided for in
the very first acts of the ancient Russian state – the treaties between Russia and Byzantium, treaties between
Russian and German cities, the Russian Truth, Pskov and Novgorod Judicial Charters, church Charters of the
Great Princes. The criminal legal protection includes social security and order (both secular and religious),
environmental security, foreign security of the state.
perevet, treason, fistfight, cause a fight, security, incendiary, blasphemy, discipline, disorderly conduct, Pskov Judicial Charter.
Informational support of national security
Vladimirova T.V. (2013). Information security: sociological perspective
of the term. National Security, 4, 597–604.
The article discusses a topical issue of the definition of information security within the object field of
sociological knowledge. The author analyzes traditional definitions of information security, and she offers an
approach towards structuring the information environment and the attitudes to information environment both
in the broad and narrow understanding of the term. The author provides for the understanding of information
security as security of social practices of the information service in the conditions of growing intensity of information
streams and outdating information.
social studies, security, information environment, information, cyber-space, modern time, practices, actual/virtual, social, speed-up/outdate
External aspects of national security
Karpovich, O.G. (2013). Modern concepts and models of international conflict
management: comparative political science analysis. National Security, 4, 605–612.
The article evaluates cultural and civilization approach to the modern models, means and
technologies of psychological management of international and internal political conf licts from the
standpoint of comparative political science analysis. Currently there is a great variety of various methods,
means and technologies in the world allowing to have psychological inf luence onto the conf licts,
however, their in-depth analysis shows that all of them have clear cultural and civilization-related differences
and they can be divided into four key worldview approaches: Anglo-Saxon, Eastern – Asian,
Middle Eastern (Islamic) and Western European (Roman-German).
political science, national security, managing international conflicts, international relations, foreign policy, psychological technologies, psychological operations, information warfare, diplomacy.
External aspects of national security
Borodin, E.A. (2013). Republic of Kyrgyzstan and the return of Russia
to the Central Asia. National Security, 4, 613–619.
This article is devoted to the goals and aims of return of Russia to the Central Asian region and
the role of Russian – Kyrgyz cooperation in it. The Central Asia currently plays an important role in international
relations, being the crossing point for the interests of largest global actors – Russia, the USA,
China, the EU, and the field for the mutual penetration and clash of interests of largest global civilizations:
Christian, Confucian and Islamic. The modern Central Asia became a key region in the global map, and
control over the region allows to control global transit of hydrocarbons and other strategic raw materials
for the largest developing economics, and to influence their economic growth, combined power and directions
of their expansion. Russia currently is returning to the Central Asia as a key foreign political player,
and it should find support in regional allies and partners, including Kyrgyzstan. There is no doubt that
currently Russia needs a foreign policy, which should be adjusted to the current situation, and aimed on
the support of national interests in the region, stability of the borders and restraint of the foreign political,
economic and military expansion of non-regional players, such as the USA, the NATO, and the EU.
political science, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, foreign policy, international relations, national security, national interests, integration, strategic partnership.
External aspects of national security
Evseev, V.V. (2013). The concept of the Greater Middle East
from the angle of national security. National Security, 4, 620–628.
The article evaluates the Greater Middle East Concept as presented by the Administration of
President Bush-junior in November 2003. It is based on the democratization and reconstruction of the
Middle East and Northern Africa, where previously used US foreign policy on support of authoritarian
regimes for the sake of stability and security failed. Based upon the analysis it was found out that the
concept of the Greater Central Asia was to a great degree based upon the ideas of the Greater Middle
East, but it was applied to a more limited region. It was shown that both concepts formed an inalienable
part of the US regional policy for both the Republican and Democratic rule. It was noted that the
activities of the USA led to destabilization of the situation in the Middle East and in the Central Asia,
which had negative impact on the national security situation in the Russian Federation.
political science, East, the USA, reconstruction, democratization, Asia, Russia, security, interests, concept.
Economical support of national security
Vasiliev, I.V., Karpov, V.A. (2013). Deoffshorization – the strategy for the economic
repatriation of investment flow
to the Russian Federation. National Security, 4, 629–635.
The article contains analysis of the current situation regarding the use of offshore companies
in order to avoid taxation and movement of the taxation center from the Russian Federation to the states
with beneficial taxation. The article ref lects upon the measures taken in legal and tax practice of foreign
states against abuse of offshore by physical persons and legal entities in order to minimize taxation.
The authors make a number of propositions on economic measures, which should facilitate transfer of
taxpayers into the sphere of legal business and due payment of taxes. As the practice shows, the key
factors in support of the use of offshore companies within foreign jurisdictions include physical accessibility
and convenience of jurisdiction, minimal requirements (absence of such requirements) towards
disclosure of information on beneficiaries of the companies, simplified accounting, free access to cheap
credit resources through the stock circulation in the foreign markets, as well as meticulous protection
of banking and audit secret. However, at the top of the list is so-called ‘comfortable” taxation, which
means absence of taxes on profits from the activities of foreign resident companies. Among the economic
measures aimed to facilitate the transfer of bad-faith participants of foreign economic activity into the
sphere of legal business and tax payment, it is necessary to establish the mechanisms of taxation of income of controlled foreign companies in the Russian Federation; to introduce the “offshore” tax and
to create the mechanism for divulging the information about Russian beneficiary owners for the tax
and customs bodies; legislative provisions for the term “ offshore zone”. Finally, the complex of such
economic measures shall guarantee the f low of capitals from the offshore to the Russian Federation, it
shall support the balance of payment and Russian currency.
deoffshorization, the Russian Federation, taxation, avoiding, companies, offshore, legalization, business, jurisdiction, reporting.
Economical support of national security
Bazhenov, A.A., Polyakova, N.N. (2013). Bad-faith formation of the profit indicators
in accounting (financial) reporting of organizations. National Security, 4, 636–642.
The article shows that the transfer to the market economy required a serious reconstruction
of the methods for reporting financial results and formation of a novel approach to the accounting of
sources of financing of organization spending. As a result of analysis of the current legislation, it is
established that the use of income in the organization for the consumption, except for dividend payments,
by lowering the passive sub-accounts on Account 84 “Reserve profit (unrecovered loss)”, including
assets reporting, is not supported by current legislation. The authors also prove that due to referring
spending to Account 84, the general sum of spending is lowered and the sum of general financial result
is groundlessly heightened. It results in groundless awards to the executive body of a unitary enterprise
based on the results of the accounting year, harming the owner (the state). Also other users of accounting
(financial) reports are misled as to the efficiency of the financial and economic activities of the state.
spending, account, reserve profit, reporting, calculation, method, reflecting, owner, loss, opinion.
Economical support of national security
Goncharov, V.V. (2013). On some issues regarding efficient interactions
between the state government bodies and businesses
in order to implement the priority national projects
in the territory of the Russian Federation. National Security, 4, 643–649.
This article is devoted to the issues regarding guarantees of efficient interactions between the
state government bodies and businesses in the sphere of implementation of priority national projects in
the Russian Federation. The author considers that it is possible for the Russian Federation to keep its
sovereignty and independence on the condition that its economy shall be structurally modernizes and
the quality of living standard of its people shall be improved. These changes may only be implemented
thanks to the joint efforts of the state and society by implementing priority national projects in the
Russian Federation. Russian businesses should play the most important role in these processes. The
article includes analysis of the obstacles in the way of cooperation of the state government bodies and
private economic entities in the sphere of implementation of priority national projects, and the author
also makes propositions for the measures to overcome these obstacles as soon as possible.
jurisprudence, independence, priority national projects, state sovereignty, modernization, national security, sustainable development, living standard, business.