Strategy of national security
Anikin, V.I., Surma I.V. (2012). Modern Russia: methodological aspects of strategy of political and economic
development. National Security, 3, 4–16.
In article current trends of development of world political system and Russia’s role in this process are considered. Using the
presented methodological approach and analyzing modern trends of the transformation of system of the international relations
and the complex processes of geo-economics and geopolitical character several possible scenarios of their development in
the long-term prospect are revealed and some recommendations for the development and formation of the main directions
of Russian foreign policy taking into account available experience of researches in this area are presented.
geopolitics, development strategy, geo-economy, a system crisis, modernization, the bifurcation point, a strategic matrix, the system-scenery analysis
Transformation of national security systems
Shutov, A.D. (2012). The Belavezha Accords and the geopolitical positions of Russia. National Security, 3, 17–22.
The article is devoted to the causes and bases for the Belavezha Accords, which have changed the geopolitical map of
Russia and the whole world. Twenty years ago as a result of the Belavezha Accords the USSR was destroyed. Its liquidation
should not be referred to as a disintegration, which is usually related to certain objective causes. The USSR was destroyed
as a result of conscious activities of certain persons. The historical lessons, which the descendants have gotten is that even
a great powerful state such as the USSR may come to the verge of destruction if the power in the state is in the hands of a
comparatively small group of political adventurists, who pose their personal ambitions above the interests of the state and
well-being of its people.
political science, the USSR, the USA, the Belavezha Accords, the destruction of the USSR, geopolitics, international relations, national security, confrontation, foreign policy.
Globalization and national security
Ursul, A.D., Ursul, T.A. (2012). The future of the global world: guarantees of security through sustainable
development. National Security, 3, 23–36.
The article establishes that a global world is fraught with new threats and dangers of planetary scale, which could cause
a global catastrophe. There is a need to infl uence global processes through sustainable development, providing for the
survival of civilization. By sustainable development the authors mean planetary-driven system and balanced development of
society and nature, not destroying the environment and ensuring the survival and continued existence of a safe indefi nitely
civilization. In the future, the global world with sustainable development, national and global security will be provided
mainly through this type of development that will promote the positive tendencies and overcome the negative tendencies of
global development.
security, globalism, globalization, global security, global governance, global processes, national security, social and natural contradiction, sustainable development, evolutionary globalism.
Rapid response and tactics
Golovin, Y.A. (2012). Protection of the political system of the Russian Federation: theoretical and applied aspects of the
problem. National Security, 3, 37–45.
Protection of the political system of the Russian Federation is an important goal for the society and state within the framework
of ensuring political security. Theoretical aspects are quite topical for the political studies as a basis for the applied political
technologies. The author provides the results of studies of the condition of public politics in Yaroslav region, as completed
in 2009 and 2011 under the auspices of the Russian scientists V.N. Yakimets, and L.I. Nikovskaya.
political system of the Russian Federation, political security, public policy, honest and free elections, power, business, society, their interaction.
Internal aspects of national security
Panenkov, A.A. (2012). The directions for fi ghting organized resistance by the participants of criminal groups at the stage
of pre-trial procedure at the time of counter-terrorism operation (materials of the Chechen Republic). National Security, 3, 46–62.
In this article the author analyzes the directions of fi ghting organized counteractions by the participants of criminal formations
at the pre-trial stage at the period of counter-terrorism operation (based on the materials of the Chechen Republic).
jurisprudence, directions, encroachment, mercenaries, emissary, coordination, counteraction, counteraction, investigation, interaction, fi ghting.
Internal aspects of national security
Kadimova, I.A. (2012). Political modernization in the Republic of Dagestan: reality and perspectives. National Security, 3, 63–66.
This article includes analysis of the perspectives of political modernization at the Republic of Dagestan. The author points
out the key diffi culties of regional modernization in the Northern Caucasus. The author then establishes the leading role of
the federal center in strengthening the vertical of power and political modernization in the regions.
political science, national security, regional policy, political modernization, Dagestan, regional studies, federalism, political system, political process, relations among the nations.
External threats and countermeasures
Grigoryan, I.V. (2012). The foreign policy of Turkey towards the Southern Caucasian states: new challenges and threats
to national security. National Security, 3, 67–75.
This article contains the results of the analysis of contents and directions of the foreign policy of Turkey at the Southern
Caucasus towards Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, which were formed as a result of the break-up of the USSR, and
are traditionally part of Russia’s political infl uence. The author evaluates the risks and threats to the national security of
Russia, which are due to the Turkey’s wish to strengthen its foreign political and military presence in the region and its
expansion policy.
political science, national security, regional policy, Turkey, Southern Caucasus, international relations, Armenia, Azerbaijan, political process.
External aspects of national security
Manoylo, A.V. (2012). Interests of foreign policy of the USA in the Afghanistan. National Security, 3, 76–81.
The article includes analysis of dependency of the foreign policy of the USA in Afghanistan on 2 key factors: national interests
and universal values. The author shows that the confl ict of values and interests in the US policy in Afghanistan lead to its
instability and lack of balance and ability to adequately respond to new threats and challenges. The foreign policy of the USA
towards other states for a long time was based on two leading ideological concepts: political realism and political liberalism.
Both concepts supported and developed the idea of the global historical mission of the USA, which were destined to become
the center for the management of resources of the entire civilized world, however they have different political trajectories
toward that goals, and also different means, methods and instruments, which are necessary for their achievement.
political science, politics, the USA, national security, Afghanistan, Pakistan, interests, values, international relations, confl ict.
External aspects of national security
Manoylo, A.V. (2012). The USA and the Taliban: strategic partnership. National Security, 3, 82–85.
On April 6, 2012 Afghanistan has again became the object of attention for the mass media: the Afghani Talibs which were
inactive in late months organized an attack on Kabul. The armed attack on April 15 was directed to the diplomatic part of
the capital, including the embassies of the USA, the Great Britain the FRG, the Presidential Palace, the Parliament, the
UN Mission, the Headquarters of the International Forces for Promoting Security in Afghanistan. The attack took place
only one month before the NATO summit in Chicago, during which the administration of President Obama was meant to
introduce the fi nal plan on bringing international forces out of Afghanistan.
political science, the USA, national security, Afghanistan, Pakistan, international relations, values, confl ict, foreign policy.
External aspects of national security
Petrova, T.P. (2012). Modern condition of the foreign political relations of Russia and Peru: problems and perspectives
of international cooperation. National Security, 3, 86–92.
This article is devoted to the current situation of foreign political relations between Russia and the Republic of Peru. The
author analyzes the history of formation and development of Russian-Peruvian relations, its current situation, threats and
challenges of national security.
political science, national security, international relations, foreign policy, Peru, Latin America, identity, political system, political process, information policy.
Confrontation and defense potentialities
Tytar, V.A. (2012). Role and place of the nuclear containment in guarantees of military security of Russia. National Security, 3, 93–101.
The goal of this publication is to fi nd out and describe the role and place of nuclear containment in the system of guarantees
of military security in Russia. The object for the studies is military security as a special condition of state and inter-state
relations, and the matter is nuclear containment and its implementation as one of the instruments for guaranteeing military
security. The key methods of this study are induction and comparison. The key result is motivated demonstration of nuclear
containment as one of the forceful means for the guarantees of military security of the Russian Federation. The results of
the study may be used in order to develop the means for the strategic stability and strategic partnership in the matters of
collective and addressed military security, as well as for the scientifi c and teaching purposes at the higher schools which
specialize in state security. The key conclusion is that there is no alternative to nuclear containment in the guarantees of
security of Russia at the short-term and medium-term perspectives.
military, strategic stability, nuclear containment, anti-missile defense, strategic nuclear forces, prevention of aggression, threats to statehood, ballistic missiles, nuclear arms, outer threats.
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Semenkov, M.K. (2012). Fighting crime related to motor vehicles in the activities of the International Organization of
Criminal Police in the Russian Federation. National Security, 3, 102–106.
The article is devoted to the analysis of activities of the International Organization of Criminal Police in Russia in fi ghting
crimes regarding motor vehicles. Author analyzes the reasons for the growth of number of crimes of this type, and classifi es
the infl uencing factors.
jurisprudence, international, organization, criminal, police, Russian, Federation, motor vehicles, means.
Informational support of national security
Pashinyan, I.A. (2012). Specifi c features of perception of information risk. National Security, 3, 107–113.
The article is devoted to the results of studies of differences in perception of information risks by two groups of experts:
journalists and special service staff. The author describes the mechanisms for the deformation of perception of professional
risks due to psychological peculiarities of these groups. The author then comes to a conclusion that a number of mechanisms
may infl uence the results of expertise, which should be taken into account when analyzing reliability and trustworthiness
of the results of expertise.
political science, security, information, journalist, information risk, expert method, deformation effect, phenomenon, competence, cognition.
Informational support of national security
Turchenko, M.S. (2012). Political agenda in the discourse practices of V.V. Putin at the time of federal election campaigns
in 2000 – 2010. National Security, 3, 114–120.
The study of verbal activities of politics is quite important within the political science, since their sayings are often performative
by their nature, that is they not only provide for the characteristics of the political system and constellation of
actors, but they actually change the world. Due to this fact the discourse practices of V. Putin in Russian politics become
a topical issue for research and study.
political science, national security, politics, election campaigns, Putin, Russia, discourse, political agenda, political course, information.
Humanitarian support of national security
Shutov, A.D. (2012). Distortion of history: falsifi ed demands. National Security, 3, 121–130.
The entire history of Russian state is endless fi ght for independence against the attacks of powerful enemies, dreaming of
overcoming it. From the XIII century on Russia was a subject to devastating attacks in every century, and in XX century
one can see a number of intervention and ruinous wars. In many confl icts Russia was on the verge of fall, but every time it
was victorious and national understanding and self-consciousness of the people were supported by it. In the XV century the
Russians destroyed the Mongolian Tatar yoke, in the XVII century the yoke of the Polish occupants, who dreamt of making
the Moscow Kremlin the residence of the Polish kings. At later times the Western haters of Russia in envy to its riches used
any case to attack Russia. At the time of Mongol-Tatar yoke the Western aggressors, such as Poland, Lithuania, Sweden,
supported by Vatican and using the diffi cult situation in Russia attempted to take away Western and North-Western territories
from Russia and to introduce Catholicism there. Wise commander Great Prince Alexander Nevsky overcame innumerable
diffi culties and managed to keep Russia, however ruined, within its traditional boundaries. In 1812 the French Emperor
Napoleon decided to achieve great glory by taking Russia, however him and his armies were kicked out of Russia, and his
place in history became not one of great leader, but one of a military adventurist.
political science, politics, the USA, the Belavezha Accords, the break-up of the Soviet Union, geopolitics, international relations, national security, confl ict, foreign policy.
Humanitarian support of national security
Aleshin, V.I. (2012). Social protection of the Russian science by the state: problems and perspectives of
implementation. National Security, 3, 131–136.
Taking into account the lack of systemic state policy in the sphere of development of science and high technologies, the
author establishes the contents of social protective function of the Russian state in this sphere. Based on the analysis the
author points out the key directions for the improvement and optimization of interaction of state and scientifi c collectives
including scientifi c engineering societies.
social studies, interaction, state, science, institution, society, problems, ways, coordination, interests.
(2012). In memory of Professor Alfred Ernestovich Zhalinskiy. National Security, 3, 137–138.