Strategy of national security
Grigorieva, M.A. (2012). Evaluation of the level of the foodstuffs security of the Russian Federation. National Security, 2, 4–8.
The article is devoted to the issue of evaluation and analysis of the level of guarantees for the foodstuffs security.
In order to measure it and to establish the relevant factors the author offers the method of complex (integral)
evaluation of the level of foodstuffs security, which allows to see all the variety of indicators and characteristics,
which in their totality duly refl ect the condition of the foodstuffs market and foodstuffs security of the state as a
whole and particular region.
economics, export, import, foodstuffs, independence, products, market, characteristics, security, markers.
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Gazimagomedov, G.G., Davydov, L.V. (2012). Conflict bases for the political security of the modern Russia. National Security, 2, 9–21.
Political security and non-conflict condition of society are identical until the civil society manages to form effi cient
forms of control over the market and economy as a whole. Till that time the state is fully responsible for the political
security and the level of conflict in the society. Non-confl ict situation in the society presupposes minimal social
differentiation, negative minimal consequences of functioning of the market relations. Since the market relations
defy the state control, the state cannot control the market relations without ruining them. The attempts o the state
to interfere with the market prerogatives strengthen the conflict and lower the level of political security.
political science, security, state, civil society, market, social differentiation, need, conflict, political order, political security.
System and interaction
Zhalinsky, A.E. (2012). Forensic characteristics of terrorism in Russia. National Security, 2, 22–29.
The article contains the provision of the A.E. Zhalinsky’s last report, which he presented on November 1, 2011
at the Congress on Fighting Terrorism in Beijing. In this article one may find characteristics of the normative
bases for fighting terrorism, the author provides statistical data, and general evaluations of situation with fighting
terrorism in Russia. The author points out that the general evaluation of condition and dynamics of terrorism
is complicated and controversial. The article also includes forensic specific features of terrorism in the Russian
Federation, then the author evaluates the prevention of terrorism, which includes the general means of influence
onto the factors, which provide for terrorism, such as strengthening of social support of fi ghting terrorism among
the general public, organizational and technical means. The author then provides a forecast on fighting terrorism
in Russia, which in author’s point of view is quite optimistic, as shared by most people. The author also points out
negative attitude of Russian society to all types of terrorism.
jurisprudence, security, legality, forensic science, law, crime, criminality, prevention, terrorism.
Transformation of national security systems
Ostroukhov, O.V. (2012). Political risk within an aspect of national security (bases for the optimization of political
risk). National Security, 2, 30–38.
The article includes an attempt to show the place of political risk within the system of national security of the
state, which is the main goal of this article. From the point of view of studying the political risk, the author defines,
firstly, the key threats (risks) of globalization to the state, secondly, he points out the growing value of optimization
of economic relations between the federal centre and the regions, which in turn, presupposes the formation of
supra-national, and regional subjects of economy, thirdly, the relations among nations and regions within federal formation become more topical in the sphere of stability and territorial integrity of the federation. The article
shows that optimization of risky behavior should combine rational attitude to risks and prevention.
political science, risk, politics, security, national, social, personal, state, system.
Reliability factor in security systems
Panenkov, A.A. (2012). Improvement of legal bases for the organization of security at the nuclear energy and
transportation objects in 2011. National Security, 2, 39–47.
In this article the author analyzes the directions for the improvement of the legal basis of the objects of use of
nuclear energy and transportation in 2011, he provides the data for 2011, then he provides specific ideas as to
improvement of fighting terrorism and its financing.
jurisprudence, bases, security, transportation, energy, nuclear, terrorism, financing, improvement, fighting.
Legal support of national security
Andreev, P.G. (2012). Formation of a complex institution of legal guarantees for the information security within
the system of Russian law. National Security, 2, 48–55.
The mass spread and introduction of information and communication technologies in all the spheres of social life,
which has happened in XXI century brought both the positive effects of information society and the new threats,
which made the problem of ensuring information security by legal means more topical. The need to develop the
legislation on information in order to neutralize the threats of information sphere of social life requires a new
complex legal institution – the institution of legal guarantees of information security, which shall be a part of
information law.
jurisprudence, information, security, institution, system, society, complex, inter-branch, sub-branch, law.
Informational support of national security
R. M. Aslanov, À. À. Ìorozov (2012). System analysis of legal guarantees for the information security in Russian Federation. National Security, 2, 56–59.
Currently in the Russian Federation there are all necessary conditions for the transfer to the information society, and one of such conditions is the development of the system of normative regulation of the relations in the sphere of information security. It is also fair to note that the social relations in the information sphere influence the development of information=related legislation, as well as legislation in the sphere of information security.
guarantees, distribution, information, security, system, regulation, conditions, relations, society.
Informational support of national security
Akopov, G.L. (2012). Political and legal threats of spreading socially-oriented Internet technologies. National Security, 2, 60–67.
The article includes analysis of the existing threats to national security within the context of development of
Internet technologies the formation of the information society in the Russian Federation. At the current stage of
development of the information society and integration of the social networks into the private lives of persons,
the issue of security and protection of personal data is quite topical. At the same time the process of involvement
of a person into the Internet society, on one hand shows the abilities for the political choice, and on the other had
includes the process of imposition of decision-making as well as a number of cyber-threats.
political science, Internet, social networks, Internet-resources, Internet-society, Internet-threats, information security, internet-communication, personal data.
Informational support of national security
Sedykh, N.S. (2012). Modern terrorism from the point of view of information and psychological threats. National Security, 2, 68–75.
The article includes analysis of terrorism as an information and psychological threat. The author views the
means of mass communication as a discourse system, and their role in social construction of the phenomenon
of terrorism. The author offers the methods for the studies of the specifi c psychological and information-based
infl uence of mass media and communications reports on terrorism in order to organize an efficient information
and psychological counteraction.
psychology, terrorism, terrorist act, threat, influence, information, communication, text, discourse, media-discourse.
Internal aspects of national security
Noyanzina, O.E., Goncharova, N.P., Avdeeva, G.S. (2012). Ethnic-political extremism as a threat to the national
security of Russia. National Security, 2, 76–87.
An analysis of data of sociological research on problems of reproduction of social risks in form of nationalism,
extremism and xenophobia is presented in this article. The conclusion that extremist practices are present in all spheres of social life and have universal non-specific character was made by the authors based on data from the
six regions of Russian Federation. It is revealed that the content of such indexes as attitudes towards representatives
of other nations, fear to be a victim of national hostility and sense of national hostility have specifi c features
in different regions.
extremism, nationalism, xenophobia, security, national security, interethnic relations, tolerance, intolerance, interethnic conflict
External threats and countermeasures
Manoylo, A.V. (2012). Iran and the USA: complicated game with the variety of possible results. National Security, 2, 88–95.
This article includes results of the analysis of possible causes for the aggravation of the Iran situation as well as
of the practice of use of the modern technologies of management of political confl ict by the USA in Syria. Many
characteristics and traces of use of such technologies allow us to state that the colored revolution in Syria and
the managed aggravation of confl ict with Iran are the links of the same chain of operation of the USA on change
of format of the Middle East.
Libya, Syria, Iran, date of the revolution, national security, foreign policy, international relations, international confl ict, confl ict management, political modernization, psychological operations, information policy.
External threats and countermeasures
Lyubimova, T.M. (2012). Media language of the war in Libya: language technologies which are fashionable in
France in this military season. National Security, 2, 96–103.
The article includes analysis of the Resolution 1973(2011) of the UN Security Council from the point of view of
classical legal rhetoric, unity of ethos, pathos, and logos, interaction of direct and hidden meanings, as well as
use of some language technologies (taking French language text as an example), which was introduced by mass
media in France in order to pacify the social opinion on the issue of war with Libya.
political science, manipulation, mass media, ethos, pathos, logos, argument, social poll, political euphemism, no-flight zone.
External aspects of national security
Petrova, T.P. (2012). Relations between the USA and Peru: Monroe-ism vs. Bolivar-ism. National Security, 2, 104–110.
The article includes analysis of the foreign relations of the USA and the Republic of Peru, which for a long time
was formed as a result of competition among the concepts of Monroe and Bolivar. The result of competition of
these cultural and civilization concepts made a key influence on nature and contents of the foreign policy of Peru,
which in turn was formed with the strong outer infl uence from the USA, but still retained the national ideology
and values of the Latin American culture.
political science, politics, society, the USA, Peru, international relation, Monroe, doctrine, conflict, interests
Economical support of national security
Kashapov, T., Fabiankova, K. (2012). Trade and economic cooperation between Germany and the USSR since
1939 till 1941. National Security, 2, 111–123.
Molotov-Ribbentrop’s pact signing marked the beginning of the two-year period of intensive economic cooperation
between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. This article is dedicated to the analysis of trade between the
two countries during 1939-1941 period, its role in the economic and technological development of civil and war
economies. The main objectives of the article was the research of mainly foreign archive materials and literature
and presentation of its results concerning the two sides’ intentions, reasons of close cooperation establishment
and the structure of trade. The evaluation of cooperation is mentioned in the conclusion as well as the discussion
on appropriateness of the Pact for the Soviet Union.
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Hitler, Stalin, war economy, economic cooperation, Germany, the Soviet Union.
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Pogodina, I.V., Fraimovich, D.Y. (2012). Multi-level approach to defi ning the basic indicators in regional security
based on economic and mathematical modeling. National Security, 2, 124–130.
Strong differentiation of the levels of development of the regions, un-homogeneous innovation space, unsatisfactory
criminal situation considerably limit the implementation of modernization of the state. In order to solve this
problem it is necessary to adequately evaluate the functioning of social and economic systems from the point of
view of use of their inner and outer abilities. The method of establishing the integral marker allows to complete a
multi-level calculation for the use of potential of the constituent subjects of the Federation, and then based on the
mathematical processing on the results to form a model, which characterizes the complex correlation of factual
and optimal regional security.
economics, security, evaluation, region, characteristic features, multi-level, subject, modeling, mathematical, analysis.
(2012). Walter Gropp (translated by T.V. Rednikova, edited by O.L. Dubovik). In memory of Gunter Heine. National Security, 2, 131–133.
The article contains description of life and scientifi c achievements of the renown German scientist in the sphere
of criminal law, member of the Board of Editors of the “National Security” journal, Professor Gunter Heine. The
publication of the article relates to the anniversary of his death.
jurisprudence, law, responsibility, criminal law, environmental law, crime, legal entities, administrative law, cooperation.