Strategy of national security
Kaprov, V.I. (2009). Principles of guarantees for national security strategy. National Security, 1.
This article is devoted to the key principles of guaranteeing the strategy of national security. The top priority in this sphere is the principle of lawfulness. It is no less important to ensure balance of the vital interests of individual, society and the state, as well as integration into the international systems of security. Then the author provides the analysis of the systemic principle within the framework of organization and management of strategic activities in the sphere of guarantees for the national security and the principle of centralized management of means, aimed to guarantee the strategy of national security, principle of interaction, principle of correspondence to legal and moral rules, principle of instant reaction.
Keywords: national security, principles, law, balance of interests, systemic character, centralized management, moral norms, instant reaction, national security
Transformation of national security systems
Palchikov, Y.D. (2009). On the issue of national security threats. National Security, 1.
This article is devoted to one of the key bases of methodology of formulation of the Concept of National security. As the author points out, if one dwells upon the supposition that there are three basic types of threats, then the Concept becomes three-dimensional, which would correspond to the correlation of threats in reality.
Keywords: national security, the Concept of National Security, threats to the national security, classification, methodology
Globalization and national security
Ivanova, D.I. (2009). Anti-terrorism policy of the UN and the strategy of control over the international terrorism. National Security, 1.
As the author of this article points out, the key role for international control over terrorism is set for the consistent and reconciled anti-terrorism strategy of the states. The agreement of states is crucial for formation of international legal norms, therefore so is the efficiency of activities of the international organizations, which attempt to control terrorism, as well as the efficiency of the security services in this sphere.
Keywords: terrorism, anti-terrorism strategy, international law, control, the UN, politic, policy, double standards, security services
External aspects of national security
Svininykh, O.Y. (2009). The foreign experience of legal regulation of activities of the state in the sphere of guaranteeing national security in the marine territory (taking as example the Coast Guards in Canada) and its significance for the activities of the border guards of the FSS at the marine border territory. National Security, 1.
This article by O.Y. Svininykh is devoted to the experience of the Coast Guards in Canada. As the author points out, the study of legal regulation of activities of the foreign law-enforcement bodies in this sphere is rather topical for the Russian Federation.
Keywords: Coast Guards, Canada, experience of the foreign states, marine territories, national security, calculation, reporting, FSS, marine border territory
Rapid response and tactics
Zvyagintsev, V.V. (2009). International legal standards in the sphere of transnational organized crime prevention. National Security, 1.
In this article by V.V. Zvyagintsev the role of international legal standards in prevention of transnational organized crime is viewed based on the example of the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols to it.
Keywords: jurisprudence, security, law, transnational, crime, formation, migration, contraband, slavery, fraud
Internal threats and countermeasures
Gusaeva, K.G., Ramazanov, M.A. (2009). Religious extremism and forms of its expression in the modern society. National Security, 1.
The religious extremism is dangerous not only with the direct destruction of social objects and values, not only with murder and terror, as key means of realization of this ideological program. The extremist ideology itself presents a key threat, since it causes the distortion of the persons’ understanding of the world around them, and serious psychological defects. This article is devoted to this topical problem.
Keywords: religion, extremism, religious extremism, modern society, fighting extremism, ideology, forms of expression, terrorism
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Laskovaya, I.A. (2009). State regulation of electric power security of Russia. . National Security, 1.
As the author of this article points out, the electric power industry is one of the state-forming structures, which provide the necessary conditions for the functioning of industry as a whole and living of the people, so in the end, it ensures the security of the state. This article is devoted to the analysis of the existing problems in this sphere and the ways to solve them.
Keywords: electric power industry, security, energetic security, state, regulation, ensuring security, industry, guarantees
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Zlotnikova, T.V. (2009). The nature protection in Russia (Ecological, legal, social, moral and political review of the
last two decades).
. National Security, 1.
This article by T.V. Zlotnikova includes analysis of two decades of work of the nature protection bodies in the USSR and in the Russian Federation at the time, when all the spheres of life, be it politics, economics, law-enforcement, or society as a while, are ecologically tuned. This article includes critical analysis of the provisions of legislation, of the potential of the judicial practice, namely the practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: nature protection, ecology, legislation, judicial practice, ecology of politics, ecology of economics, the Ecological Doctrine, the Constitution, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation Contact the author:
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Mukhina, E.N., Stolyarova, L.V., Strepetov, V.P. (2009). Problems of legal regulation of ecological security of the underground waters. National Security, 1.
The problem of ensuring the ecological security of underground waters gains more and more topicality at the modern stage. The interest to this topic is due to the fact, that ecological security as a whole, as well as security of underground waters in particular, are vital to health of present and future generations of people in the Russian Federation. This article is devoted to legislative and law-enforcement problems in this sphere.
Keywords: ecological security, waters, underground waters, health, ecology, legislation, security, environment, pollution of environment
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Petrenko, A.I. (2009). General characteristics of psychological operations. National Security, 1.
The article is devoted to the definition and nature of the term “psychological operations”. The author attempts to classify the psychological operations, based on their scale, the sphere of their application, level of participants, intensity and longevity, the general character of influence. The author also singles out key stages of psychological operations, characterizes the general principles of information and propaganda actions within the psychological operations. The article is concluded with the characteristics of the key structural elements of psychological operations.
Keywords: psychological operations, information and propaganda actions, planning of psychological operations, disinformation, lobbying, manipulation, propaganda, crisis management, blackmail, terror
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Manoilo, A.V. (2009). Psychological operations: models and technologies of conflict management. National Security, 1.
This article examines cultural and civilization approaches to modern models, methods and technologies of psychological management of international and internal political conflicts. In today’s world there is a vast multitude of various methods, means and technologies for psychological warfare to impact conflicts. However, a detailed analysis shows that all of them have clear cultural and civilization-related difference and can be conditionally combined within the framework of four primary ideological approaches: Anglo Saxon, Eastern Asiatic, Middle Eastern (Islamic) and Western European (Roman-Germanic).
Keywords: psychological operations, information and psychological wars, conflict management, business, politics, tactics, strategy, tactical schemes, influence, information management, negotiations
Informational support of national security
Frolov, D.B. (2009). Information geopolitics and the issues of information security. National Security, 1.
Information influence forms one of the key instruments for achievement of strategic advantages in the modern world. The development of the world civilization formed a number of prerequisites to the formation of the modern quality and role of these means and forces of information influence. What is the value of information in modern geopolitics and security issues? The author of this article provides his answers to these questions.
Keywords: strategy, globalization, information, information influence, information security, information policy, geopolitics, interests of the Russian Federation
Humanitarian support of national security
Dovgopolov, E.Y. (2009). National security and illegal migration in the Russian Federation. National Security, 1.
This article is devoted to some aspects of influence of illegal migration on the national security of the Russian Federation, mainly via definition of key threats to various spheres of activities of person, society and state on the part of illegal migration. The author also formulates the key directions of improvement for the migration policy in Russia.
Keywords: security, national security, migration, illegal migration, fighting illegal migration, migration policy
Person and citizen within security systems
Napso, M.B. (2009). On the issue of legitimacy of the problem of protection
of ethnic and national interests within the context
of secure development. National Security, 1.