Staffing of national security
Tikhonova, A.V. (2025). Stimulating Investments in Human Capital in the Agro-Industrial Sector as a Factor in Ensuring Food Security. National Security, 2, 1–18.
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The article is devoted to the development of mechanisms for improving the development of human capital in the agricultural sector with the participation of state regulators. The author identifies factors influencing the agro-industrial complex that contribute to the development of the national food system (development of rural areas and their infrastructure; investments; human capital; innovations). The following systemic problems of the effective use of human capital in the agricultural sector are identified: low qualification of personnel in the field of agriculture and food production; unfair distribution of the results of agricultural labor. The following macroeconomic data are studied: the number of graduates by profession, postgraduates and doctoral students, average monthly nominal accrued wages by type of activity; concerning the interaction between human capital, the agro-industrial complex and the food system. The following methods are used: comparative analysis, simulation modeling, interpretive studies, tabular and graphical methods of data presentation, analysis of a dynamic series and structural analysis. A reduction in the number of graduates of higher and professional levels in general for 2016-22, as well as in the sectors of "agriculture, forestry and fisheries" was revealed. The concept of E-STEM education, based on mutual partnership of educational, scientific institutions and business and taking into account entrepreneurial practice, was proposed as a tool for accumulating human capital. In addition, an assessment of wages by types of activity was carried out, on the basis of which an unfair distribution of wages in proportion to gross added value was proven. For this purpose, the use of financial regulation mechanisms was proposed. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the comprehensive development of tools that affect the accumulation of human capital in the agro-industrial complex through the optimization of national educational and fiscal policies.
budget financing, financing of labor costs, tax deduction, PIT, progressive tax scale, E-STEM education, education, agro-industrial complex, personnel policy, food security