Economical support of national security
Kovalev, V.A. (2025). Features of the foreign experience of strategic management of the development of national pension systems. National Security, 1, 1–19.
The object of the study is pension systems of foreign countries. The subject of the study is the strategic management of pension system development. The paper considers the main characteristics and provisions of the long-term plans of foreign governments for managing the development of national pension systems, interconnected with the long-term goals of the development of the state and containing a set of reasonable tasks, tools, methods and financial resources to achieve this goal. The author has conducted a comparative analysis of strategic planning documents for the prerequisites for their adoption and the planning period, the formulation of indicators of implementation and the main directions of development, the details of development activities and the complexity of the planned changes. The factors influencing and influencing the management of foreign pension systems in the long term are noted. The study examines the question of how much more changes in pension systems are caused by socio-economic shocks and impulses than by government plans. The work uses coefficient, factorial, comparative, vertical and horizontal analysis of pension provision indicators and the implementation of strategic planning documents in foreign countries, and highlights the main components of long-term plans. Conclusions are drawn about the partial preservation of situational management of the development of pension systems and the presence of difficulties in strategic management, complemented by the correlation of waves of increasing and decreasing the number of pension reforms with business cycles. The deterioration of the demographic burden is presented as the main prerequisite for reforms, and the inclusion in the tasks of plans in all countries to introduce or improve the funded component of pension provision and the development of a multicomponent pension system determines the construction of a multi-level and diversified pension system as the main general trend of strategic management. The development planning horizon is from 5 to 14 years. Among the main indicators of their implementation are the replacement rate, the real growth in the size of pensions, indicators of poverty and inequality. In turn, indicators of the balance of the pension system and the absence of an increase in the retirement age are provided only in Moldova and Ireland, respectively.
insurance pensions, social pensions, replacement rate, pension plans, pension reforms, strategic management, pension system, pension insurance, pension provision, social security