State institutions and legal systems
Ivanin, D.S. (2012). Constitutional legal aspects of policy of use of the National Wealth Fund. Law and Politics, 1, 8–15.
The article is devoted to the analysis of legal regulation of the status of the NWF of the Russian Federation. The author
evaluates the practice of use of oil and gas income of the budget. Then the author offers to constitutionalize the legislation
of the Russian Federation regarding the issues of policy of use of the NWF.
jurisprudence, Constitution, state, policy, budget, fun, wealth, use, principles, priorities.
Authority and management
Bekbosynov, M.B. (2012). Municipal government in the conditions of federal Russia: legislative guarantees, problems
and perspectives. Law and Politics, 1, 16–22.
The author of the article views the institution of municipal self-government in the conditions of the federal Russia. The article
includes analysis of constitutional and legal bases of this institution, process of reform of municipal self-government,
legislative grounds for this process, problems, which arise in the way of the municipal reform, as well as their possible
solutions. The author then points out the value of the institution of the municipal self-government.
political science, municipal self-government, decentralization, federalism, municipality, municipal reform, legislation, levels of power, people, the Russian Federation.
Authority and management
Malakhova, M.A. (2012). Legal regulation of the structure and functions of the prefect services at the departments of
France. Law and Politics, 1, 23–30.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the legislation of the French Republic, which regulates organizational and functional
aspects of the prefectures of the department level in France, taking the prefecture of Morbihan. The author studies the changes
in the inner organization of the prefectures in the dynamics of the two latest decades, which show the decentralization of
prefectures. The author then provides brief characteristics of key directions of the activities of the prefect services.
jurisprudence, prefect, department, management, bureau, structure, function, prefecture, France, decentralization.
Transformation of legal and political systems
Ivannikov, I.V., Pakhorukov, K.I. (2012). Decentralization in France: evolution of the French Unitarianism. Law and Politics, 1, 31–39.
The object of studies in this article is one of the most topical issues in the political arena of France – the reform of territorial
collectives with the background of considerable changes in the system of government of the 5th Republic. The authors
concentrate on the changes in the role of regions as key subjects of the system of local government, then on positive and
negative aspects of the reform. Much attention is paid to the positions of key French political parties towards the reform.
The authors come to a conclusion on questionable effi ciency of this reform, determining role of the processes of regionalization
in Europe, dependency of the development of the reform on the political situation in France. It’s not a long time of
waiting, since in spring 2012 there shall be presidential and parliamentary elections and we shall shortly see how successful
is the policy of the French decentralized Unitarianism. If the ruling party keeps its rule, it would show that the process of
decentralization shall continue, and the role of regional government and municipal bodies shall yet grow.
political science, department, decentralization, Constitution, region, regionalization, regional council, reform, territorial collectives, Unitarianism.
Transformation of legal and political systems
Lukyanenko, S.V. (2012). Evolution of legislative regulation of the institution of decisions of the general meeting of the
corporation. Law and Politics, 1, 40–50.
The article is devoted to the historical and legal analysis of the formation and development of legislation on the decisions
of general meetings of the corporations. The author shows the tendencies of legislative regulation of gathering and holding
such meetings, the procedures for the decision-making at various terms of the Russian history.
jurisprudence, challenging, binding force, decision, protocol, majority, voting, quorum, gathering, corporation.
Law and order
Gurin, A.A. (2012). Topical issues of prosecutors’ supervision over implementation of law by the control bodies in the
sphere of entrepreneurial activity. Law and Politics, 1, 51–55.
In this article the author singles out the role of the prosecution in protection of rights in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity
by supervision over the relevant controlling bodies, showing the key goals and objects of prosecutors’ supervision. The
author also attempts to classify the government bodies, working in the sphere of enteperpreneurial control, depending on
their legal standing, forms, the way they deal with their issues, sphere of their competence, provides their general characteristics.
The author also views the self-regulated organizations as governing bodies in the sphere of entrepreneurial activities,
pays attention to the lack of normative regulation of supervision in the sphere of interaction between the prosecution
and the self-regulated organizations, then the author shows the potential for their advanced cooperation in order to form
a favorable legal fi eld for the economic activities of the people and for the attraction of the foreign investors.
jurisprudence, state, prosecution, supervision, legality, entrepreneur, management, control, organization, interaction.
Law and order
Pirzadaev, A.N. (2012). Modern understanding of the term “consequences of the crime” and its value for the qualifi cation
of crimes in the criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Law and Politics, 1, 56–62.
Currently the issues of growing level of crime is topical for the society as a whole. One should note that anti-social qualities
of the crime are shown in the harmful consequences, that is the crime does not end at the time of certain action or lack of
action, rather it continues to include the harm, which is caused by this action (lack of action). This article is devoted to the
role of such criminal consequences for the qualifi cation of crimes under the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The
author shows various points of view in this sphere, as well as the author’s view on this issue.
jurisprudence, society, crime, consequences, structure, responsibility, behavior, act, person, Kazakhstan.
Bykov, V.M. (2012). New law on the courts of the general jurisdiction in the Russian Federation: scientifi c commentary
(part 2). Law and Politics, 1, 63–67.
The article is devoted to the new Federal Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 2011 n.1 “On the
Courts of the General Jurisdiction of the Russian Federation”. The author analyzes the new law and shows the possibility
for its amendment and improvement.
jurisprudence, court, appeals, board, instance, panel, the Supreme Court, Chairman, powers, judges.
International relations: interaction systems
Tatarintseva, E.A. (2012). Legal consequences of adoption for a child under the legislation of the Russian Federation, the
UK, and the USA. Law and Politics, 1, 68–78.
The article is devoted to the legal consequences of adoption for an adopted child and his children in the Russian Federation,
England and the USA. The author classifi es the legal consequences of adoption in general and adoption of a child. Then the
author makes offers on improvement of the existing Russian legislation, the author analyzes the general approaches, which
seem the same in the Russian Federation, the UK, and the USA, which can be seen as a prerequisite for the achievement of
unity in the regulation of relations on adoption by unifi cation of norms of the material law at the international level.
jurisprudence, adoption, child, protection, name, legal consequences, place and date of birth, citizenship, provision of funds, inheritance.
International security systems
Klescheva, T.A. (2012). The Shanghai Cooperation Organization as a key anti-terrorism body of the Asian – Pacifi c
Region states. Law and Politics, 1, 79–93.
The article is devoted to the topical issue of the political process in the framework of globalization and role of regional
organizations in establishment and upholding of the security in the APR. The SCO is one of such organizations. Its activities
provide for prevention of terrorism, extremism, separatism at the territory of the ATR, establishment of the general
concepts of the activities of the SCO, broadening its infl uence on the global community.
jurisprudence, the SCO, international terrorism, terrorism, the APR, fi ghting terrorism, terrorist threat, the Summit of the SCO, the history of the SCO, security in the APR.
Public communications
Kirichek, A.I. (2012). The problem of youth participation and factors of infl uence on the political activity of the youth. Law and Politics, 1, 94–103.
The author views the forms of political activities of the youth, shows the key points of view of the youth activities, as shown
in the modern scientifi c literature on youth policy. The author analyzes the participation of the youth in the social and civil
life of Russia.
political science, youth, politics, activity, state, participation, citizenship, culture, society, factor.
Public communications
Khrumalova, Y.V. (2012). Civil lobbying in the addresses to the government bodies as a form of participation in law-making
activity. Law and Politics, 1, 104–108.
In this article based on a vast variety of theoretical materials the author views civil lobbying via addresses to the state
power bodies as a form of participation in the law-making activity. The author then analyzes the Russian experience in
this sphere and the US experience, then the author makes a conclusion that the civil lobbying is a constitutional form of
participation of people in the law-making in between elections in the absence of the referendum.
jurisprudence, lobby, lobbying, citizen, law, draft, legislation, address, state, society.
Human and environment
Khannanov, R.A. (2012). The new paradigm of legal guarantees of the stability of plant growing. Law and Politics, 1, 109–132.
Russia joined the WTO, and it raised the topicality of the issue of competition in the agricultural production, especially
crop raising in Russia. One should take into account loss of foodstuffs security and dependency on imported agricultural
products. One of the key reasons for the Russian agricultural production falling behind is imperfection of its legal regulation.
There’s need to overcome conservatism and rigid views on the role and place of law in the agricultural relations, and
to form a new paradigm of legal guarantees of stable crop raising.
jurisprudence, economics, agricultural, crop raising, production, bio-potential, stability, paradigm, regulation.
Human and environment
Ramonova, M.A., Zhuzha, D.Y. (2012). The strategies of management of natural resources in the international political
systems. Law and Politics, 1, 133–142.
The complex view on the key concepts, strategies and mechanisms of regulation of the problems of natural resources management
is provided by the authors of this article. Transformation of international systems under the infl uence of the crisis
trends in all of the key spheres of the modern society (economics, social relations, politics, culture, environment, etc.) and
the spread of the neo-liberal values led to the concept of decentralization and to the formation of the new hybrid forms of
co-management of natural resources.
political science, nature, resource, habitat, management, globalization, regime, decentralization, property, co-management.
Anthropology of law
Gulyaikhin, V.N. (2012). Agents of legal socialization of a person. Law and Politics, 1, 143–149.
The article is devoted to the analysis of infl uence of agents of legal socialization onto the evolution of an individual as a
subject of law within the framework of the modern social and cultural situation. The author comes to a conclusion that there
are fi ve key agents: family, in which due to global transformations there is a negative tendency of a lower traditional role
of a father, who embodies order, discipline and law for a child, school, which implements the orders of the state regarding
education of the youth, peers, who are the psycho-social opposition to the parents, school and state legal policy, and the
mass media as an institution of legal enlightenment, social organizations, which have considerable infl uence on the formation
of the system of axes of the legal culture of the citizens.
jurisprudence, legal socialization, legal conscience, legal culture, legal values, agents of socialization, family, school, mass media, social organizations.
Khachirova, D.K. (2012). Typology of state-to-state unions: key approaches. Law and Politics, 1, 150–155.
The article is devoted to the general theoretical aspects of the problem of classifi cation of state-to-state unions in both historical
and modern contexts. The article includes the defi nitions of the key types of state-to-state unions. The authors also
express the modern approaches to the singling out of the criteria for the unions of states via the category of integration.
Then the author comes to a conclusion on the need to bring various classifi cations into one system, and to take historical
and integration criteria as basic ones.
jurisprudence, state formation, state-to-state union, union of states, state sovereignty, integration of states, quasi-state, union, protectorate, legal relations.
Schkel, S.N., Gareeva N.E. (2012). Modern methodological approaches to studies of transformations of policy and regime
at the post-soviet territory. Law and Politics, 1, 156–162.
The article includes analysis of the newest studies of transformations in the sphere of politics and regime in the post-Soviet
states. The authors point out the key methodological approaches and theoretical models of analysis of the post-Soviet political
transformation, shows the key achievements and problems of the modern political science in the studies of the dynamics
of political and regime transformations in the post-Communist states.
political science, regime, politics, post-Communism, transformation, theory, model, democracy, transitology, authoritarianism
Oparina, M.V. (2012). Unifi cation and harmonization of the copyright law. Law and Politics, 1, 163–169.
The change in the mechanism of legal regulation of the copyright law is due to the active growth of the market. After the
Part 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation came into force, it made a considerable input into solving the problems
of regulation of copyrights. However some differences between the Russian law and the unifi ed norms are due to the need
to take into account the peculiarities of the Russian legal system.
jurisprudence, unifi cation, harmonization, norm, the EU, regulation, property, integration, globalization.
Practical law manual
Vorontsova, A.I. (2012). Control and analysis aspects of unlawful bankruptcy. Law and Politics, 1, 170–175.
The article is devoted to the structural elements of the forensic characteristic features of the criminal bankruptcy. The
author includes a brief methodology of the audit under the Methodological recommendations on expertise on presence of
elements of fi ctitious or premeditated bankruptcy, as well as goals and aims of the auditor.
jurisprudence, bankruptcy, calculation, property, procedures, management, competition, responsibility, management, owners.
Dubovik, O.L. (2012). Transfer of criminal responsibility to the earlier boundaries: comparative legal analysis based on
the examples of German and Hungarian criminal law. Law and Politics, 1, 176–179.
The review characterizes the results of the joined study of the German and Hungarian specialists in the sphere of criminal
law, which was devoted to the problem of application of criminal responsibility (in both theory and practice). The author
also analyzes the limits to punishments regarding attempted crimes. The authors also pay attention to the situations of putting
a person into danger, as well as the limits of criminal responsibility in cases of terrorism, computer crimes, etc.
jurisprudence, criminal law, criminal responsibility, comparative law, fi gure, law-making, implementation of law, modernization.
Chelyshev, M.Y. (2012). Review of the monograph by K.M. Belikova “Legal regulation of trade turnover and codifi cation
of private law in the Latin American states. Law and Politics, 1, 180–182.
This article is a review of the monograph by K.M. Belikova “Legal regulation of trade turnover and codifi cation of private
law in the Latin American states (Moscow, Justice-inform, 2010, 480 p.).
jurisprudence, Latin, America, codifi cation, private, law, legal, entities, contract, consumers.
Uzikhanova, E.G. (2012). Review of the monograph of V.A. Voropanov “Regional factor of formation of the judicial system
of the Russian empire in the Urals and in the Western Siberia (last three decades of XVIII – fi rst half of XIX
centuries): historical and legal study. Law and Politics, 1, 183–184.
The review is devoted to the monograph by V.A. Voropanov “Regional factor of formation of the judicial system of the
Russian empire in the Urals and in the Western Siberia (last three decades of XVIII – fi rst half of XIX centuries): historical
and legal study.
jurisprudence, system, analysis, politics, justice, region, supervision, control, judicial system, reform.
Academic life
(2012). 6th Philosophical and Legal Readings named after Academician V.S. Nersesyants. Law and Politics, 1, 185–202.
Report on the Sixth Philosophical and legal readings in memory of Academician V.S. Nersesyants on the topic "A legal person from the point of view of eternity", held in October 2011 at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the participation of leading Russian experts in the field of history, theory and philosophy of law.
yurisprudentsiya, antropologiya, chelovek, Nersesyants, obshchenie, kommunikatsiya, pravo, filosofiya.