Authority and management
Stankevich, G.V. (2011). Religious factors in the politics of the modern states. Law and Politics, 7, 1096–1100.
The policy of the modern states is infl uenced by a number of religious factors. Political involvement of religion is due to
the fact that modern humankind is disappointed in scientifi c rationalism of the Western thinking, and it actively takes part
in various religious movements, thus it is easily infl uenced by them, and religious movements attempt to draw closer to the
government institutions, trying to have greater infl uence on political, social and economic spheres.
political science, politization, secularism, modernization, rationalism, re-politization, post-secular, pro-religious, fundamentalism, post-modernism.
Transformation of legal and political systems
Êasen Maksat (2011). Political and legal aspects of use of electronic voting. Law and Politics, 7, 1101–1106.
The article is devoted to the political and legal aspects of application of electronic voting, as a bright example of effi cient
convergence of political and information technologies. The author then gives practical advise on improvement of election
procedure via use of innovation technologies.
political science, politics, law, voting, convergence, technology, elector, democracy, elections, society.
Transformation of legal and political systems
Golovnev, M.N. (2011). Civil law aspects of training, advanced training and retraining of workers. Law and Politics, 7, 1107–1114.
This article is devoted to the problems of getting the system of education tuned in to the requests of economy in the sphere
of getting working people popular professions. The author provides grounds for renewal of legal and organizational bases
of education in the sphere of working professions, development of folk crafts and national crafts, analyzes the forms of
professional education in the sphere of working profession. Then the author points out the possible amendments in order
to improve this system of education at the place of employment, as well as distance education.
jurisprudence, folk crafts, national crafts, retraining, higher qualifi cation, education center, training of the workers, education, working professions, services.
Law and order
Bykov, V.M. (2011). A new law on examination of information on committed crime by an investigator. Law and Politics, 7, 1115–1121.
The article is devoted to the new version of part 1 of Art 144 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation.
The author criticizes some provisions of the new law. The author then offers to amend a new law with the norms on the right
of an investigator to get explanations from the persons and offi cials and to assign judicial expertise.
jurisprudence, investigator, crime, information, examination, explanations, study, specialist, expertise, act.
XXI century International law
Kalinin, E.A. (2011). Foreign political approaches of the US and the EU to the post-Soviet states within the context of
international law. Law and Politics, 7, 1122–1132.
The article is devoted to the key methods and means of lobbying of national and state interests of the states of the Western
civilization type, namely the USA and the EU, as applied to the post-Soviet states. The author analyzes the priority foreign
policy approaches of the EU and the US from the point of view of their consistency with the basic norms of international
law. The author pays attention to the lower role of the UN, as well as to the formation of the NATO – centric system, which
might be able to provide a more fl exible approach to protection of foreign political and strategic interests of these states.
Study of such approaches shall allow Russia to improve its own foreign policy in order to make it more just and symmetrical
to the global architecture.
jurisprudence, NATO, international law, the EU, the UN, Colored Revolutions, Humanitarian interventions, post-Soviet states, the USA, foreign policy.
International security systems
Lomtev, A.V. (2011). Zbignev Bzhezinsky on the role of the USA in solving of the global security problems. Law and Politics, 7, 1133–1138.
The article is devoted to the role of the USA in the system of global security based on the works of the Z. Bzhezinsky, which
are to a large extent are devoted to the hegemony of the USA. The author analyzes the role of the system of world security,
in which in Z. Bzhezinsky’s opinion, the US policy plays an important role. The author also studies relations and roles of
various global regions (such as the Eurasia, the Islamic world, the Eastern Asia, the Europe), and their infl uence on global
security, as well as various models of global security and mechanisms of their implementation. A separate part of the article
is devoted to cooperation with the NATO-integrated Europe, as well as to possibilities of development of NATO in the
Eastern direction in order to ensure global world order.
political science, globalization, security, world order, leadership, hegemony, super-power, super-state, community, democracy, regions.
Pashkovskaya, I.G. (2011). Legal bases of interaction of the EU and the Russian Federation in the sphere of energy. Law and Politics, 7, 1139–1148.
The relations between the EU and the Russian Federation in the sphere of energy are based on two legal pillars. The multipartisan
legal base is an EU – initiated agreement to the Energy Charter, which Russia had signed (as well as the Protocol
on the issue of energy effi ciency and ecological aspects) in 1994, and it used to apply it till 2009 (including 2009). Having
notifi ed the other parties on its refusal to be a member state, Russia noted that it is willing to use positive results of the
agreement and discuss its modernization. The position of the EU is to insist on application of the agreement. In 2007 the
EU and Russia agreed on further negotiations on the new agreement, which shall include a chapter on regulation of relations
in the sphere of energy, and it is currently the 12th round of negotiations.
jurisprudence, Russia, the EU, law, politics, contract, agreement, energy, power industry, negotiations.
Ryzhov, V.B. (2011). Formation of the universal international law: relations between the EU and the states of the Southern
hemisphere. Law and Politics, 7, 1149–1153.
The article is devoted to the experience of cooperation of the EU with the states of Africa, Asia and Latin America. The
author studies the modern approach to the relations of the EU within the framework of the globalization policy of facilitation
of development, he pays attention to international legal aspects of such relations.
jurisprudence, international law, the European law, law of international organizations, international cooperation, law of international economic aid, the EU, developing states, regional integration unions, principles of cooperation.
Public communications
Rasulov, Z.A. (2011). Information technologies and factors of their effi ciency in the process of regulation of political
relations. Law and Politics, 7, 1154–1160.
This article is devoted to the application of information technologies in regulation of the political relations. The author
introduces the term of political risks, characterizes their types, as well as the factors, which infl uence the effi ciency of
application of information and technology system in order to regulate political relations, such as technical, contents and
information, strategic and human factors).
political science, information technologies, political relations, regulation, factors, effi ciency, political risks, information and technology system, communications, Internet – technologies.
Public communications
Fomina, G.A. (2011). Mediatization and its theoretization through the agenda. Law and Politics, 7, 1161–1170.
Lately understanding of the relations between the media and the politics becomes more and more necessary, and the politicians
often address media logic, due to which they form the agenda, which becomes the source of management for these
relations. While the traditional parts of political campaigns remain, and communications are implemented via personal
contact, the politicians more and more often use media means of formation of the social opinion (Bennet and Entman, 2001).
Due to this fact, many researchers now agree that the political changes, which announced the weakness of nationalism in
the modern democracy as well as of party policy, became both the cause and the effect of the growing importance of the
media, and at the same time these political changes are adaptation mechanisms for state and democracy.
political science, mass media, mediatization, inter-dependency, communications, relations, personalization, media, politics, news.
History of state and law
Fevralev, S.A. (2011). Local legislation on state and legal development of Russia in the second half of XVII century – early
XX century. Law and Politics, 7, 1171–1181.
The article is devoted to the formation of the local law and its place in the state and legal system of Russia. The author
analyzes the factors, that defi ne the regional systems of local laws, parameters of their application towards the people of
certain national regions.
jurisprudence, the Russian Empire, sources of law, local law, legal policy, systematization of legislation, national regions, ethnic policy, Codex of Laws of the Russian Empire, Codes of Local Laws.
History of state and law
Loginov, V.V. (2011). State and society in late XVI - early XVII centuries: Turmoil – Civil war – Intervention. Law and Politics, 7, 1182–1190.
The article is devoted to the crisis of the Russian statehood in late XVI – early XVII centuries (Turmoil, Civil War, Intervention)
and to how the crises were overcame. The author shows the relations between the state and the society, the situation in the
sphere of courts and justice. The author analyzes the causes of the crisis, which was mostly caused by the oprichnik policy
of Ivan the 4th, and grave violations of rights of subjects of all positions and social states.
jurisprudence, justice, oprichnik, Ivan the Terrible, Fyodor Ioannovich, Boris Godunov, Vassily Shuisky, punishments without trial, delation, False Dimitry
Practical law manual
Osotkin, P.Y. (2011). Legal problems of stimulation of the fi eld development with hard to recover oil resources. Law and Politics, 7, 1191–1196.
In this article the author considers questions of perfection of legal instruments facilitating the development of Russian
oil fi elds with hard to recover reserves (HROR) of oil. The analysis of a condition and prospects of legal regulation of oil
production HROR in the con-text of overcoming of consequences of world fi nancial crisis.
the right to subsoil use, hard-to-recover oil reserves.
Practical law manual
Ulyanova, E.G. (2011). On the issue of innovation enterprises, as formed by budget organizations. Law and Politics, 7, 1197–1205.
This article is devoted to the studies of the legal issues related to the formation and functioning of innovation enterprises,
as formed by the budget-funded scientifi c and educational organizations, due to the legal novellas of the Federal Law of
August 2, 2009, N. 217-FZ. The author offers to improve legal provisions and amend the positions of this Federal Law in
order to implement them more effi ciently.
jurisprudence, state and municipal organizations, “innovation” enterprises, right of operative administration, reform, education institutions, scientifi c institution, public legal entities, civil law, results of intellectual activity.
Kolobova, G.A. (2011). Political and legal mechanisms: theoretical and methodological aspects. Law and Politics, 7, 1206–1211.
The article is devoted to the expression of the author’s understanding of the political mechanisms and their characteristics,
the author studies classifi cation of political mechanisms, offers her own grounds for differentiation. Singling out of the
state mechanisms, serving its political and power-oriented interests, allowed the author to show the specifi c features of this
phenomenon, as well as to give grounds for introduction of the category of “political state mechanism” into the political
political science, methodology, political actors, political mechanisms, state, power, political interests, state, power, political interests, strategy, function, political and state mechanisms.
Legal and political thought
Karipov, B.N. (2011). Nature of the conservative paradigm. Law and Politics, 7, 1212–1216.
Conservative direction of the social thought, as formed in the Europe in the middle of XIX century, was a new attitude to
the character and ways of development of the human civilization. Its change into the political ideology took part, when the
threat of loss of positive experience of the last generations and radicalism made people search for a conservative form of
political practice. Development of conservatism as a social and psychological phenomenon led to preservation and evolution
development of ever-lasting bases of human existence.
political science, conservatism, political ideology, evolution, civilization, social development, stability, order, social and psychological phenomenon. E.Burk.
Bibikov, A.I. (2011). Human being as a goal of law. Law and Politics, 7, 1217–1219.
The review is devoted to the monograph by V.V. Gruzdev, which is devoted to the correlation and interaction of person and
law. The author characterizes the conclusions, which were drawn by the author of the monograph, points out the positive
elements of the monograph, as well as more disputable issues, offers ideas for further studies in this sphere.
jurisprudence, person, subject, status, qualities, state, citizen, legal relation, legal capacity, formal legal capacity.
In memorium
(2011). In the memory of Vladimir Aleksandrovich Tumanov (1926-2011). Law and Politics, 7, 1220–1220.