Question at hand
Bykov, V.M. (2011). Police as an investigating body: some notes on the new law. Law and Politics, 5.
attention is paid to police as preliminary investigative body. Having analyzed the law, the author makes some critical points
and gives some advise, that may be used by legislator for the further improvement of the law in question.
jurisprudence, law, police, investigation, expertise, publicity, glasnost, fairness, explanation, detention, custody.
State institutions and legal systems
Gribanov, D.V. (2011). Development of regional legislation in scientifi c and technical sphere. Law and Politics, 5.
The article is devoted to specifi c features of legal regulation of social relations in the sphere of science, scientifi c, technical
and innovative spheres. He then analyzes the bases of regional scientifi c – technical and innovation policy of the constituent
subjects of the Russian Federation.
science, innovation, legal regulation, regional legislation, innovative policy.
State institutions and legal systems
Batrova, T.A. (2011). Condition and tendencies of codifi cation of trade law abroad. Law and Politics, 5.
The issue of independence of trade law is related to the presence of the trade code as well as the civil code, which shows
the legislators’ intent to single out certain legal norms. Accordingly the author analyzes the tendencies for codifi cation of
trade law in the foreign states.
jurisprudence, trade, commerce, law, codifi cation, legislation, code, singling out, systematizing, bringing into order.
Transformation of legal and political systems
Udartsev, S.F. (2011). Legal policy, systematization of legislation and evolution of law. Law and Politics, 5.
The article includes analysis of correlation between the legal policy and the systematization of legislation along with the
evolution of society and law. The author shows variety of interactions of legislative system with various factors, which in
turn infl uence the evolution of law. The author then draws a conclusion on relative practical application of forms of systematization.
Their implementation largely depends on historical peculiarities of legal systems. So in various states and
historical situations similar goals of legal regulation may be attained by various legal means, as well as by various form
for brining legislation into the system. At the same time the global legal system now includes all types of systematization
of legislation, as expressed in legal policy.
jurisprudence, legal policy, systematization of legislation, consolidation, codifi cation, evolution of law, understanding of law, electronic form of law, levels of law, legal regulation.
Transformation of legal and political systems
Skovikov, A.K. (2011). Tendencies and contradictions in the process of formation of the Russian Parliament. Law and Politics, 5.
The article is devoted to issues of improvement of election law, as the branch of law, which aims to protect the powers of the
ruling class, as well as of the political class. The author shows the key tendencies and contradictions between the previously
chosen legal format of organization and holding of elections and social and political practice.
political science, election law, election process, ruling class, political class, political parties, Parliament, elections, election system, electorate.
Authority and management
Fedyunin, S.S. (2011). Constitutional responsibility of the deputies of the legislative (representative) bodies of state power
of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation as an element of their constitutional and legal status. Law and Politics, 5.
The article is devoted to constitutional responsibility as a key element of legal status of the deputies of the legislative
(representative) bodies of the government of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation. The author then shows the blanks in regulation of constitutional responsibility of this category of persons, as well as shows the ways to improve the
legislation, which regulates this legal institution.
jurisprudence, responsibility, constitution, deputy, representation, status, mandate, offence, control, recall.
Law and order
Melekaev, R.K. (2011). Forensic expertise of normative legal acts for corruptiogenesis: defi nition and characteristics of
corruption factors. Law and Politics, 5.
The article includes the defi nition of anti-corruption expertise, its object and subject, the author analyzed the currently used
method of anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts and drafts of such acts under the Decree of the Government of
the Russian Federation, n. 96 of February, 26, 2010. Based on the experience of application and theoretical grounds the
author offers an improved methods of forensic expertise of legislation in order to fi nd elements of corruptiogenesis, and
offers to use it.
jurisprudence, crime, corruption, fi ght, counteraction, anti-corrpution expertise, forensic expertise, corruption factor, method, normative legal act.
Law and order
Vorobiev, D.V. (2011). General legal characteristics of raiders’ takeover. Law and Politics, 5.
The legal defi nition of raider takeover is disclosed in this article. The legal description is given to this notion. The composing
elements of a raider takeover are investigated and different opinions of legal scholars are analyzed.
Corporate raid, hostile takeovers, The Strategy of national security of the Russian Federation, merging, takeovers.
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Alekseeva, D.G. (2011). Legal regulation of risks in banking activity as a marker of banking security. Law and Politics, 5.
In the conditions of globalization of world fi nancial markets the Russian banking system has became a part of world fi nancial
system. In addition to obvious positive elements of it, the national banking system has became an object of more risks,
to which it was not prepared (which is proven by the long-term fi nancial crisis at the modern stage of development of the
banking sector). In the conditions. In the current situation in order to support the national banking system and to improve
the competitiveness of the Russian banks and banking security, one should not only regulate banking risks more heavily,
but also one should review the approach to analysis and evaluation of such risks, based on international legal norms.
banking risks, credit organizations, banking security, fi nancial crisis, globalization, fi nancial stability, required standards, the Basel Committee, banking review, international norms
International relations: interaction systems
Shugurov, M.V. (2011). International law and technological gap: problems and solutions. Law and Politics, 5.
The article is devoted to the international legal analysis of the global technological gap. The author studies international
legal directions of activities of the states and international organizations, which are aimed to deal with the great differences
in scientifi c and technological development. Much attention should be paid to legal regulation of international transfer of
jurisprudence, innovation, transfer, technology, stability, cooperation, gap, globalization, diffusion.
International relations: interaction systems
Antonov, M.V. (2011). Infl uence of Russia on the system of collective security in the NIC: problems and perspectives. Law and Politics, 5.
This article is devoted to the interaction between the Russian Federation and the NIC states in the sphere of military and
political cooperation. CSTO being the key instrument of stability and peace on the post-Soviet territory. The article shows
the aspects of strategic roles of the CSTO within the system of national security of the Russian Federation in complicated
and unclear military and political situation in the post-Soviet territory.
political science, NIC, CSTO, Strategy of National Security of the Russian Federation till 2020, NATO, EU, UNO, Russia, collective security, regional security.
International security systems
Umerenko, Y.A. (2011). Status of permanent neutrality in international law: issue of establishing. Law and Politics, 5.
The article is devoted to the defi nition of neutrality as an international legal status, as well as of permanent neutrality as a
highest form of development of neutrality. At the same time the article includes analysis of the topical issue of establishing the status of permanent neutrality, and upholding it, its guarantees. The author then provides legal analysis of the possibilities
to recognize the status of permanent neutrality by the UN, evaluates the points of view of various legal scholars.
jurisprudence, neutrality, permanent neutrality, establishing the permanent neutrality, recognition, international treaty, support, guarantees, the UN, international legal status.
International security systems
Soliev, F.R. (2011). International terrorism as an international criminal act. Law and Politics, 5.
The article is devoted to analysis of international terrorism as an international criminal act, based on analysis of scientifi c
works of renowned Russian and foreign international law scholars.
jurisprudence, international terrorism, terrorist act, international security, fi ghting international terrorism, the ICC, international crime, state sovereignty, territorial integrity, the UN Security Council
Pashkovskaya, I.G. (2011). Options of Russia’s reaction to the acceptation of the third legislative package on power industry
by the EU. Law and Politics, 5.
In March 2007 the European Council formulated the bases for the Energy Policy for Europe, and it pointed out that one
of the aspect of the EU energy policy is complete formation of the inner market of electric energy and gas. During two
years the European Commission held preparatory work and in July of 2009 the European Parliament and the Council of
the EU accepted 5 legislative acts in order to complete the formation of the European inner energy market for electric
energy and gas, and they came into force in March, 2011. The enforcement of the Third Legislative Package on energy
policy means a total change (to the opposite) from the previously existing legal regime of vertical power companies in the
EU shall certainly have legal, political and economic consequences for the activities of the Russian energy companies in
the EU member states.
jurisprudence, the EU, Russia, the third, legislative, package, power industry, law, politics.
Public communications
Akopov, G.L. (2011). Internet as a communicative space for the political discourse. Law and Politics, 5.
Due to development of the information and communications technologies the blogs became an active element of communication
between the government and the people, as well as among the public offi cials, having created unique possibilities
for the development of democracy and for the formation of the civil society.
political science, Internet, political discourse, civil society, blog, democracy, communication, government – people, blogosphere, communicative territory
Human and state
Smolyanov, M.S. (2011). Legal procedure as a guarantee of human rights. Law and Politics, 5.
The article provides a general overview of legal procedure, its genesis, defi nition, characteristic features. From the point
of view of human rights, the author evaluates the practice of implementation of legal procedure in the foreign states, he
studies certain types of legal procedure, including the sphere of their implementation. Much attention is paid to the role of
legal procedure as a guarantee of human rights.
jurisprudence, law, procedure, guarantee, process, establishing law, implementing law, protection of law, court, ritual.
Anthropology of law
Gulyaikhin, V.N. (2011). Early legal socialization of the Russian citizens. Law and Politics, 5.
The article is devoted to the problem of early legal socialization of Russian citizens. Using the methodology of psychoanalysis
the author analyzes the basic psychosocial problems of formation of a person as subject of law, establishes the key goals
of the agents of socialization. Much attention is paid to age factors, which considerably infl uence the process of formation
of legal conscience of a child in the Russian social and cultural area.
jurisprudence, legal socialization, legal conscience, legal culture, legal values, legal order, crisis, individual, child, person, Russian citizen.
History of state and law
Esieva, F.K. (2011). Constitutional and legal bases of interaction of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of
state power in the history of the Soviet statehood. Law and Politics, 5.
This article is devoted to the constitutional principles of interaction of legislative (representative) and executive bodies
of state government in the history of Russian statehood. The author also studies various organizational and legal forms
of interaction of these government bodies. Based on normative materials and practice, the author shows value and role of
legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power in solving the key issues of state life.
jurisprudence, power, Soviets, the USSR, unity, Constitution, principles, forms, interaction, mechanism.
History of state and law
Puryaeva, A.Y. (2011). The forest protection committee as a body dealing the protective forests in the pre-Revolution forest
legislation of Russia in late XIX and early XX centuries (taking the Kazan province as an example). Law and Politics, 5.
This article of A.Y. Puryaeva is devoted to the key provisions of the Forest Decrees, which established the status of the Forest
Protection Committees in Russia in late XIX – early XX centuries, as well as the procedure for implementing responsibility
for the violations of the Provisions on Protection of Forests. The author analyzes the judicial case on non-allowed cutting
of protective forest in the Kazan province, gives the statistical data on the work of the Kazan Forest Protection Committee
in late XIX century.
jurisprudence, forest, pre-Revolution, forest, legislation, Russia, forest protection, Committee, protective, forest.
Popov, E.A. (2011). Modern sociology of law: problem of conceptualization. Law and Politics, 5.
Lately the relations of various spheres of socio-humanitarian tradition (such as social studies and jurisprudence) became
quite topical in the sphere of development of poly-paradigm principles of studies of socio-cultural reality. The article is
devoted to some possibilities of law and social studies joining in sociology of law. The author points out the position of
sociology of law within the system of sciences on society, where sociology dominates, as well as within the system of legal
sciences, where socio-cultural orientation is equally important.
jurisprudence, sociology, law, conceptualization, norms, values, legal relation, ontology, conventionalization, institution
Practical law manual
Vorontsova, E.B. (2011). Legal bases for the activities of the managing organization in the sphere of housing. Law and Politics, 5.
This article is devoted to the analysis of the legal norms, which regulated the activities of the organizations, which manage
apartment buildings. The article includes analysis of formation of the managing organization. Much attention is paid to the
legal characteristics of key directions of its activity. The author also shows legal problems, which the managing organizations
have to face, when dealing with other subjects of law, taking into account the legal norms, legal doctrine, and judicial
practice, the author then offers the directions for the improvement of the legislation.
jurisprudence, management, organization, provision of resources, owner, property, apartment building, communal fees
Troitskaya, A.A. (2011). Review on the book by S.V.Vasilieva, Constitutional and legal status of political opposition,
Moscow, 2010. Law and Politics, 5.
The book, which is subject to this review, is devoted to the political opposition from the constitutional legal point of view.
The author analyzes various legal mechanisms of opposition to the government within the framework of ensuring political
competition in a democratic society. Comparative studies of theoretical attitudes, normative regulations and practice of
implementation of opposition activities in various states, allow the author to make conclusions and provide advise as to
perspectives of institutionalization of the political minority in Russia.
jurisprudence, opposition, competition, rights, minority, party, policy, Parliament, guarantees, democracy.