Dobrynin, N.M., Gligich-Zolotareva, M.V. (2011). Managing the development of the federation: applied systemic analysis
in the sphere of state and territorial structure. Part 2. Problems of the federal system: establishing problems and the ways to solve them. Law and Politics, 1.
This article is 2nd in the cycle of articles, which are devoted to the introduction of the methodology of applied systemic analysis into the sphere of state and territorial structure. The article includes analysis of key problems of the Russian federal system, as well as possible solutions. In order to define the possible strategy of solution of problems, existing in the Russian state and territorial structure, the authors study the bases of modeling in the process of solution of the systemic problems, as well as components for governing the federal system. The practical application of the results allows to deal with choice of methods of managing the federal system.
jurisprudence, system, law, applied systemic analysis, federation, state construction, constitution, development management, constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, result-aimed budgeting
Authority and management
Popov, E.A. (2011). Rrole of the government bodies within the social and cultural development of the Rrussian region. Law and Politics, 1.
The article includes analysis of the role of the state government
bodies in social and cultural development of the Russian regions. The materials are studies, taking the Altai region as an example. The author emphasizes the need for the complex solution for this problem on the part of the system of state government.
political science, power, politics, region, problems, development, programs, management, government, economics, code
Authority and management
Berkutova, T.A., Leonenko, N.T. (2011). The right of veto: regional aspect. Law and Politics, 1.
The article is devoted to the nature of veto as an institution. The authors present an original study of the practice of application
of veto by the head of the executive branch of the constituent
subject of the Russian Federation in order to decline the laws, passed by the legislative branch of the constituent subject of the Russian Federation, taking the Novosibirsk region as an example. In order to improve the quality of the legislative process, to ensure more efficient cooperation of legislative and executive branches of government in the regional legislative process, the authors offer measures to be taken to improve the institution of veto.
jurisprudence, administration, veto, interaction, return, governor, law, amendment, constituent subject, court
State institutions and legal systems
Kholikov, K.N. (2011). The subjects of address to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Tajikistan: specific
features and classification (analysis of legislation). Law and Politics, 1.
The article is devoted to the types of subject of address to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as the dynamics of changes in its national legislation, conditions to the use of this right via request, compliant and petition.
jurisprudence, Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Constitutional Court, The Law on the Constitutional Court, address, constitutional judicial procedure, judicial body, request, compliant, petition
State institutions and legal systems
Zolotukhina, T.A. (2011). Influence of the Ukaz law-making on the character of the law-making policy of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 1.
This article includes the analysis of the Decree (Ukaz) law-making of the President of the Russian Federation, the author establishes specific features of the legal power of the acts of the President of the Russian Federation, shows the need for “law-substituting” documents by the President of the Russian Federation.
jurisprudence, law-making policy, Decree law-making, the President of the Russian Federation, normative legal act, by-law, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the law, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, legal force of a normative legal act
State security
Garbuzov, S.E. (2011). Globalization as a factor for the economic
security of the state. Law and Politics, 1.
The modern concept of globalization and technology of its implementation in the political practice of the international society is topical and contradictory nowadays. In spite of direct or hidden counteraction to this process at the level of national states, the globalization of the modern spheres of social development keeps unveiling. That is why the studies of this matter are important for the understanding and correct evaluation of the possible threats to the national security of modern Russia, especially in the sphere of economics.
political science, globalization, regionalization, commercialization, stability, security, political, national, economic, state
Vanyarkho, A.V. (2011). Oon introduction of the position of specialist into the arbitrazh process. Law and Politics, 1.
The article is devoted to the problem of introduction of specialist into the list of participants of the arbitrazh (commercial
court) procedure. The author establishes the need to introduce specialists into the procedure and shows the forms of their participation, considering the growth of the cases, requiring special knowledge in the practice of the arbitrazh (commercial) courts. The author then analyzes characteristic features of specialist, as a person, whose participation may be regulated by the arbitrazh procedural legislation.
jurisprudence, specialist, arbitrazh process, special knowledge, cooperation, justice, consultation, participation
Zherebtsova, E.E. (2011). Role of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the implementation of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. Law and Politics, 1.
It is well-known that the Russian legislation on its current stage allows for use of various means of protection o human
rights and freedoms, including the right to address international bodies for protection of human rights, in case when all national means of legal protection are exhausted. This article is devoted to some aspects of cooperation of the European Court of Human Rights and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, including the issue of implementation of the ECHR decisions into the Russian legal practice.
jurisprudence, the European Convention of Human Rights, European court of Human Rights, precedent practice, constitutional justice, complaint of citizens, interpretation of law, law-making function
Human and environment
Savin, A.V. (2011). On the issue of subjects of state ecological control of the Rrussian Federation. Law and Politics, 1.
The goal of this article is to establish the legal bases for the recognition of the state bodies by the subjects of state ecological
control. The article is devoted to the points of view of the Russian scientists on the category of “the subjects of the state ecological control”, the author analyzes the provisions
of the Russian legislation, which establish the control powers of some state bodies.
jurisprudence, state, ecological, control, subjects, President, Parliament, government, prosecution, courts
Anthropology of law
Grafsky, V.G. (2011). Legal communication in the past and in the present. Law and Politics, 1.
This article is devoted to the analysis of succession and novelties in the history of legal communication as a complex social and legal phenomenon, practical cognition of which has an important general cultural and survival guarantee in human society.
jurisprudence, law, legality, justice, succession and novelty, legal communication, primeval law, legal culture, civilization, history and modern time
History of state and law
Kovaleva, N.V. (2011). Key directions of trade and industrial policy of the Rrussian Eempire of XIX – early XX centuries (legal aspect). Law and Politics, 1.
The article is devoted to the studies of trade and industrial policy of the Russian Empire of XIX – early XX centuries, which influenced the forming legislation on industrial legislation. The author studies key directions of trade and industrial policy, dividing them into key and supporting ones. The author also mentions the legislative drafts, which are initiated by the state in this sphere, which helped the formation
of the Russian economics of the period.
jurisprudence, law, politics, legislation, state, industry, legislation, legislative drafts, trade and industrial policy, the Russian Empire
History of state and law
Belkovets, L.P. (2011). Amnesties for the participants of the White movement and political emigrants as a basis for the recovery of the Russian (Union) citizenship. Law and Politics, 1.
The article is devoted to the policy of the Soviet government
towards the participants of the White movement and the political emigrants in 1920-1930. The author studies the various normative acts, which regulated the return of emigrants. The Soviet government used various means in order to fight its ideological counterparts, but it provided an amnesty for all former Russian citizens, who did not commit grave crimes against it. So it allowed them to return or to recover the Russian (Union) citizenship.
jurisprudence, Soviet government, White movement, political emigrants, 1920-1930, amnesties, return, Motherland, citizenship
Practical law manual
Bykov, V.M. (2011). Problems of application of the Art. 210 of the Criminal Code of the Rrussian Federation in the version of the Russian Federal Law of the Federation of November 3, 2009, N. 245-FZ. Law and Politics, 1.
The article is devoted to the new Federal Law of November 3, 2009 N. 245-FZ, which considerably amended the Art. 35 and 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The author analyzes such topical issues, arising in the sphere of application of this law, as separation of the criminal community
(criminal organization) from an organized group, responsibility of persons, who participate in gatherings of organizers, leaders and other representatives of organized groups, acts, as provided for by the Art. 210 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, if committed by a person, taking a leading position in the criminal hierarchy. As a result of the study the author provides ideas for the improvement of the new criminal legislation.
jurisprudence, crime, society, group, organizers, hierarchy, persons, advice, law
Discussion forum
Lukyanova, E.A. (2011). The fall of constitutional bases?. Law and Politics, 1.
The article includes analysis of the article by the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation V.D. Zorkin “The limit to flexibility” as it was published in the “Russian Newspaper”, and which formed the basis for the speech at the XIII International Forum on Constitutional Justice. The author criticize the idea to form a “protective
mechanism” from implementation of the Decisions of the ECHR, which, in the opinion of the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, touch upon the national sovereignty and basic constitutional principles. The motivation for the “limits to flexibility” by the priority position of the branches of power, namely the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and by comparing the “public interest” with the international courts, threatens us with the violation of international legal obligations of Russia and with the fall of the constitutional bases.
jurisprudence, ECHR, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the priority of the international convention, implementation of the ECRH decisions, national sovereignty, limit to flexibility, Konstantin Markin v. Russia, discrimination, right to family life