Romanchuk, I.S. (2010). Modern institutions for limitations of power. Law and Politics, 9.
The study is developed to the critical analysis of the existing methods of limitations of the arbitrary actions of the state. The author discusses the set of ways, which allow to lower the level of corruption in state and power relations. The author also studies idealistic paradigm of efficient influence of the civil society onto the state in order to make it act in the interests of the people of the state
jurisprudence, state power, mechanism of influence, limitations of power, monitoring of state power, elections, separation of powers, legal limitations, institution of recall
Authority and management
Igonin, D.I. (2010). Migration policy of the Russian state of the new time, as reflected in the Addresses of the President to the Federal Assembly. Law and Politics, 9.
In order to single out the definition of migration policy of the Russian Federation the author of this article analyzes the texts of the addresses of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, where the positions of the state leaders were clearly established
political science, migration, migration policy, migration management, anthropo-social dynamics, anthropo-stream, extremism, addresses of the President, legal migration, illegal migration
Authority and management
Schepinov, A.O. (2010). Sports as a factor of state and political government. Law and Politics, 9.
The article is devoted to the topical questions of political potential of sports for the political government of the Russian Federation. The author evaluated the political functions of sports in the modern Russian society and state, analyzes the role of the Olympiad for the formation of international and national image of the state. The author finally analyzes the influence and participation of the Russian sportsmen in state executive and legislative bodies, such as the State Duma of the Russian Federation
political science, Russia, sports, sportsmen, politics, society, state Olympiad, deputies, government
Transformation of legal and political systems
Osipov, A.V. (2010). Formation and development of the institution of administrative justice in the neighboring foreign states. Law and Politics, 9.
The article is devoted to the problems of formation and development of administrative justice in the neighboring foreign states in 1990s and 2000s. The author studies the key stages of formation of the administrative justice in these states, as well as practical problems of implementation of law. Taking into account the plans to form the system of administrative courts in Russia, this practice may be of interest both practically and theoretically
jurisprudence, administrative law, administrative justice, administrative court, neighboring foreign states, administrative process, model of administrative justice, judicial code, administrative dispute, Code of Administrative Judicial Procedure
Transformation of legal and political systems
Avanesov, E.Y. (2010). Civil law regulation of the relations in the sphere of paid education: the contract for the compensated provision of educative services. Law and Politics, 9.
In this article the author studies the civil law regulation of the relations in the sphere of paid education, including analysis of the key terms of contracts for paid education, establishes its legal nature, as well as its current state. The author analyses the Federal Law “On Education”, showing the lack of clarity in the sphere of provision of paid educative services, shows the reasons for negative attitude towards the new legislative draft on legal position of state (municipal) organizations
jurisprudence, education, service, payment, reform, contract, compensated, paid, civil, education, regulation
State security
Glotova, E.A. (2010). Nature and structure of the system of national security of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 9.
The article includes analysis of the views of various political scientists on the term “national security”. The author provides classification of types of national security based on the spheres of vital activity, and analyzes the system of national security of the Russian Federation
political science, security, national, person, society, state, system, legislation, concept, ensuring
State security
Kunyaev, N.N. (2010). Information opposition and international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of information security. Law and Politics, 9.
The article is devoted to the topical issues of international cooperation in the sphere of information security, the author analyzes the modern views on the nature of “information warfare” and “information arms”, offers the ways of legal regulation, which are aimed to ensure information security of the Russian Federation in the conditions of information opposition
jurisprudence, information, security, war, opposition, arms, cooperation, interests, Russia, regulation
Law and order
Schepachev, V.A. (2010). Interaction between institutions of civil society and public authority regarding liquidation of corruption. Law and Politics, 9.
The article studies the problem of corruption within the legal relationship system concerned with rendering public services by public authorities to population. The author analyzes the reasons and terms of corruption, role of citizens in counteracting corruption, notes significance of negative consequences of corruption, offers measures for prevention corruption at public authorities
corruption, public authority body, civil society, public control, corruptogenous factor
International relations: interaction systems
Ovsyannikov, D.P. (2010). Bilateral trade agreement as a key source of legal regulation of the foreign trade of the Russian Federation with the foreign states. Law and Politics, 9.
In this article the author based on the analysis of bilateral treaties of the Russian Federation with the foreign states, analyzes the issues of foreign trade. Much attention is paid to trade treaties, their contents and key issues of this type of treaties. Based on scientific analysis and comparative analysis, the author establishes similarities, differences and peculiarities of the bilateral trade agreements as a key source of international trade law, regulating the foreign trade relations of the state. The legal search system Consultant Plus was used in research for this article
jurisprudence, foreign trade, economic, goods turnover, international contract, inter-governmental commission, the regime of the most favored nation, trade mission, trade agreement, scientific and technical cooperation
Conflict: tools of stabilization
Dryzhov, G.V. (2010). Means of mutual influence of parties to a collective labor dispute: what it takes to solve it. Law and Politics, 9.
The article is devoted to the problems of legal grounds for mutual influence of the parties to the collective labor dispute. The author analyzes various means of influence of the parties, both inside and outside the scope of legislation
hunger strike, Italian strike, Japanese strike, boycott, flash-mob, strike-breaking
Human and environment
Khannanov, R.A. (2010). The law of self-regulation of nature and its rules: theoretic, empirical and legal aspects. Law and Politics, 9.
The problem of existing of the society as a single unit, which is integrated by the material conditions of life of a social organism is currently being interpreted through the outdated ideas of multiple so-called “laws of social development”, which are themselves outdated and far from scientific proof. Based on the analysis of the law of self-regulation (self-development) of nature and objective patterns of its expression in society the author provides in this article his own views on the problem, and provides ideas as to improvement of scientific and legal activities in the state and improvement of legislation
political science, world, nature, law, society, pattern, self-regulation, state, law, legislation
Human and environment
Lesnova, N.A. (2010). On origin of law from a game. Law and Politics, 9.
This article is devoted to the teachings of the J Huizinga on the role of game in formation of law. The author views the key provisions of this teaching on the role of game components in legal matters. The author then studies development of law within the framework of game concept of culture of J. Huizinga
jurisprudence, law, game, theory, history, teaching, culture, person, Huizinga
History of state and law
Suleymanov, B.B. (2010). On the issue of specific features of Dagestan in XIX century. Law and Politics, 9.
This article is devoted to the specific features of the legal system of Dagestan in XIX century, the author demonstrates how many moments of the modern concept of the legal system may be used in order to show the valuable elements of the legal life of a society at various periods in history
jurisprudence, legal system, legal life, legal cognition, custom, normative legal act, source of law, mechanism of legal regulation, legal ideology, statehood
History of state and law
Titsky, I.A. (2010). Key directions of reorganization and structure of powers of local councils of deputies of the working people in first half of 1970s. Law and Politics, 9.
The article is devoted to the legal basis for the activities of the local Councils in the first half of the 1970s. The author describes some novelties in the powers of the local Councils of Deputies of the Working People, their rights and obligations
jurisprudence, deputy, legislation, powers, USSR, RSFSR, Executive Committee, rights, Decree, self-government
Practical law manual
Elagin, M.B. (2010). Problems, related to the electronic digital signature. Law and Politics, 9.
The article is devoted to the problems, related to the electronic digital signature. Much attention is paid to the procedure of “non-documentary” turnover of promissory notes, the author also pays attention to the market of securities, shows a number of problems and solutions for them
jurisprudence, promissory note, right, title, document turnover, licensing, document, facsimile, signature, certificate, depository
Practical law manual
Filatova, M.A. (2010). The supply contract as a type of sales contact. Law and Politics, 9.
The article is a result of the scientific and practical study of the contract for the supply of goods within the system of civil law of the Russian Federation. The article includes criteria for separation of the supply of goods from general sales contract, the author also defines the place of supply within the system of civil legislation, offers her point of view on substantial terms of the contract
jurisprudence, supply of goods, terms, term, goal, type, contract, sale of goods, subject, goods
Practical law manual
Uchitel, D.Y. (2010). Withholding monetary funds as means to ensure execution of obligations under the contract of interbank credit. Law and Politics, 9.
In this article the author attempts to view the issue of possibility to withhold money on the account of the lending bank in the current market conditions. Based on the analysis, the author makes several general theoretical conclusions on the legal qualification of this means of ensuring execution of obligations
jurisprudence, withholding, market, inter-banking, credit, monetary, means, borrower, security, obligation
Korobko, K.I. (2010). Definition, characteristic features and elements of the contract for medical services, as concluded by the subject of private medical practice. Law and Politics, 9.
This article includes analysis of the norms of the current legislation, which regulate the mechanism of conclusion and enforcement of the contract for provision of medical services, as concluded by the subjects of private medical practice. Based on the analysis the author establishes a number of legal problems in the sphere of studies and the author offers the ways to solve them
jurisprudence, medicine, service, entrepreneurship, private, contract, essential, refusal, voiding, rules
Ratnikova, D.S. (2010). Investments: definition and legal nature. Law and Politics, 9.
Investment relations form a modern and often-used mechanism. At the same time both in legal and economical literature the term “investment” is understood in various ways and there is no clarity as to understanding the nature of this matter. This lack of clarity shows itself in analysis of legislation on investment activities in the Russian Federation, and this, in turn, causes some difficulties in application of law. The author of this article attempts to analyze the term “investments” and its elements in order to study them in detail and formulate the definition of investments
jurisprudence, investments, investing, objects of civil rights, property rights, exclusive rights, objects of investment activities, goals of investment, profit, useful effect
Danilina-Pustoshinskaya, I.A. (2010). Subjective factors of differentiation in regulation of the labor of seasonal workers. Law and Politics, 9.
The article is devoted to the subjective factors of differentiation of labor of seasonal workers. The author analyzes legislation on workers younger than 18 and employment of women in seasonal jobs
jurisprudence, labor of persons employed in seasonal jobs, factors of differentiation of labor of workers, persons employed in seasonal jobs, protection of labor, safety of labor, harmful and dangerous production factors, limitations of work in seasonal j
Discussion forum
Kozhevnikov, O.A. (2010). Legislation on constitutional (Ustav) justice of the subjects of the Russian Federation calls for participation of the President of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 9.
The article is devoted to one of the topical problems of the modern Russia, that is, to the formation of constitutional (Ustav) justice of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation. As a result of the studies, the author then comes to a conclusion that the current legal regulation on the order of formation and activities of the constitutional (Ustav) justice of the subjects of the Russian Federation contradicts the Constitution of the Russian Federation, legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and federal legislation, and therefore needs to be amended
jurisprudence, law, constitutional (Ustav) courts of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, President of the Russian Federation, judicial system, right for judicial protection, legal status of a