State institutions and legal systems
Dobrynin, N.M. (2010). Constitutional legal responsibility: nature, specific features and reality of the newest history of the state. Part 2, final. Law and Politics, 6.
The author studies constitutional and legal responsibility, which is one of the key institutions for any state and legal model. Unfortunately, in the Russian Federation there’s no clear and efficient system in this sphere. Existing mechanisms of constitutional and political responsibility are characterized as “false, phantom”, harming the very basis of the constitutional structure of the state. The author analyzes reasons, legal and political nature of this institution, perspectives of its formation and development, taking into account both Russian and foreign experience in this sphere
jurisprudence, antithesis, citizen, offence, constitution, latent, legitimacy, state, population, negative
Authority and management
Omelchenko, N.A. (2010). The seduction of etatism: power and society in Russia within the framework of formation of evolution of national statehood. Law and Politics, 6.
The article is devoted to the problem, which is key to Russian statehood: relations between the society and the government. The author tried to use critical approach to the simplified positions, used in Russian legal science, and he takes into account specific features of the political culture of the Russian society, the position of the Russian people towards the state, power, their political ideals
political science, etatism, etatization, sacralization, autocracy, conciliarity, monarchy, Empire, schism, desacralization
Authority and management
Ryabchenko, O.N. (2010). State support policy: problems of legislative practice. Law and Politics, 6.
Implementation of the successful state support policy at the modern stage of development of the Russian society is key to the efficiency of executive branch of state power. As the author of this article points out, this policy should be aimed at regulating legal issues. The article also includes analysis of problems within the awards system
jurisprudence, politics, award, elements, protection, practice, awarding, code, foreign, trade
Authority and management
Geng Haitian (2010). Ñonfucianism and political leadership in China in last 25 years of XXth century and early XXI century. Law and Politics, 6.
The author makes a review of the Confucianism and political government of China in the last 25 years of the XX century and early XXI century. The author establishes the influence of Confucianism on political government of three Chinese leaders. The author also analyzes an important role of the government of China and its political activities
political studies, China, civilization, Confucius, Confucianism, Chinese language, democracy, modernization, tradition, culture
Transformation of legal and political systems
Maksimova, I.A., Khudoikina, T.V. (2010). Problems and perspectives of forms of protection of rights, freedoms and legal interests of children in Russia. Law and Politics, 6.
The article includes classification of forms of protection of rights, freedoms and legal interests of children in the Russian Federation, the author analyzes the contents of such forms. As a result, the authors point out key topical issues in each of such forms of protection of the children, and offer new ways to improve them in the modern Russian state
jurisprudence, children, rights, freedoms, interests, protection, form, bodies, organizations, organs
Transformation of legal and political systems
Korchagin, A.G., Sonin, V.V. (2010). Migration policy and its role in solving migration problems in Russia. Law and Politics, 6.
Currently the sphere of migration relations in its several aspects: migration policy, migration legislation and migration streams is of much interest for analysis for a number of reasons. The aritcle includes complex approach to the problem of migration policy in Russia from these three standpoints
jurisprudence, migration, politics, law, legislation, responsibility, regions, crime, improvement, foreigners
State security
Grankin, M.I. (2010). Economic threats to the bases of constitutional system and the means to neutralize them. Law and Politics, 6.
In this article the author examines the economic threat posing to the foundations of the constitutional system and the legal means of its neutralization, analyses the economic security protection activity of the State, and makes a motion for enacting the federal National Security law and the law concerning the Status of the Security Council of the Russian Federation
economic security, economic threat, bases of the constitutional order, market economical territory, competition, freedom of economic activity, federal law, the SC
International relations: interaction systems
Pavlovsky, A.I. (2010). International cooperation in claiming the space: key problems and their solutions. Law and Politics, 6.
In this article the author evaluates key problems, which arise in international cooperation in the sphere of space studies. Efficient international cooperation in this sphere takes such elements as long-term organization structure, financial stimuli, national interests, long-term participation, management of outer partners and risks, efficient cooperation among the states
political science, space, cooperation, national, interests, interaction, management, stimuli, structure
Human and environment
Brinchuk, M.M. (2010). Potential of the nature as a methodological basis for international and national environmental law. Law and Politics, 6.
The article supports the use of category “environmental potential” as a new instrument of formation of international and national environmental policy and ecological law, which is aimed to solve the problems of “living by ecological means”. The potential of nature as an instrument can be reasonably used in ecological law taking into account the existing degradation of nature, the needs for specific natural resources and the abilities to regain them, development based on ecological footprint, productivity of the biosphere of the planet
international law, potential of the nature, international ecological law, protection of nature, use of natural resources, protection of nature, ecological footprint, productivity of the biosphere of the planet, international ecological policy, national ec
History of state and law
Gruzdev, V.V. (2010). Legal conditions in Russian law before the Revolution. Law and Politics, 6.
The article includes analysis of various legal conditions of citizens in Russian pre-Revolution law. The author then draws a conclusion that these legal conditions can be divided into two types, depending on social and natural qualities of a person. Depending on the first group of qualities, a subject gained various amount of rights, obligations and legal capacities, while the latter group was legally valuable for a person as a legal subject
jurisprudence, condition, status, individual, subject, legal capacity, capability, limitation, individual, citizen
History of state and law
Antonova, E.G. (2010). Evolution of grounds for responsibility under Roman law. Law and Politics, 6.
It is well known that the problem of grounds for responsibility was well developed in Roman law. Written sources show that much attention was paid to this legal institutions, since the causes of responsibility of debtor were key to the economic mechanism as a whole. This article includes historical analysis of the positions of Roman lawyers on issues of responsibility for violations of property obligations
jurisprudence, Roman law, debtor, obligation, grounds for responsibility, fault, good faith, guilt-based responsibility, lawful behavior, absolute responsibility
History of state and law
Ismailov, H.D. (2010). Theoretical and legal issues related to country councils introduction in Azerbaijan (late XIX — early XX centuries). Law and Politics, 6.
Country councils (zemstva) were one of hte key forms of local self-government in late XIX — early XX centuries. In the second half of XIX century within the framework of European-style reforms in Russia such a reform was implemented, but unfortunately it was not efficiently used in Azerbaijan lands. In the beginning of the previous century there were country council hearings in Azerbaijan, and they set the grounds for the formation of an efficient system of municipal self-government. The author of this article analyses theoretical and legal aspects of implementation of this form of self-government in Azerbaijan, taking into accoutn the prepartaory works on an appropriate legal draft, establishing the key bases for country councils in this land
jurisprudence, country councils, petition, conception, explanatory note, country council elected bodies, organs, municipal government, legislation, law, people’s rule, government
Practical law manual
Elagin, M.B. (2010). Problems, arising after the decision on restoration of rights on promissory notes in the secondary market. Law and Politics, 6.
The article is devoted to the problems in the secondary market of promissory notes. Much attention is paid to restoration of rights under hte lost promissory notes, taking the judicial practice into account. The author also offers a number of solutions to the existing problems
jurisprudence, promissory note, law, right, authenticity, fraud, investor, payability, deal, promissory note holder, endorcement
Practical law manual
Oganesyan, A.N. (2010). Topical problems of application of vindication claim. Law and Politics, 6.
The article includes analysis of existing theoretical and practical problems, regarding vindication claims. In particular, the author pays attention to application of vindication claim by the persons, who own the disputable property based on obligation-based legal relations, as well as to existing practice of evaluation of vindication of movable and immovable property similarly. In the author’s point of view, due to the specific features,which the immovable property has, such a view is mistaken and it contradics the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the law on registration of property rights
jurisprudence, civil, right, property, immovable property, movable property, ownership, means, protection
Bystritskaya, N.Y. (2010). Specific features of disciplinary (status) responsibility of arbitration officers of members of self-regulated organizations. Law and Politics, 6.
This article is devoted to disciplinary responsibility of insolvency officers of members of self-regulated organizations. This article aims to give a full-scale analysis of “disciplinary responsibility” compared to insolvency officers under bankruptcy law. She offers to change the term “disciplinary responsibility” into “status responsibility”. The author offers to amend some norms on bankruptcy
jurisprudence, legal responsibility, disciplinary responsibility, status responsibility, arbitration officer, means of disciplinary status responsibility, definition of disciplinary status offence
Zhamsuev, Ts. B. (2010). Definition and legal nature of the constitutional principle of equal rights. Law and Politics, 6.
This article includes analysis of nature and definition of the constitutional principle of equal rights. The author studies various doctrinal interpretations and norms of legislation, which touch upon this issue, as well as existing problems in doctrine and legislation
jurisprudence, law, politics, constitution, equal rights, legal status, law, principles, legislation
Puras, M.G. (2010). Object of tax and levies evasion by organizations. Law and Politics, 6.
The issue of an object of tax offences is quite topical in the modern science of criminal law. The author draws a line between an object of criminal legal protection, as a socially important value, and the object of crime, as a social relation, which implements this socially important value. This approach allows to bring into accord the classic understanding of an object of crime as a social relation and the interpretation of objects of criminal law protection under Art. 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. From this standpoint the author analyzes the object of tax and levies evasion by organization (Art. 199 of the CC)
jurisprudence, object of crime, type of object of crime, group object of crime, immediate object of crime, object of criminal law protection, kind of object of crime, tax or levies evasion, economic activity, crime
Tatarintseva, E.N. (2010). Meaning of qualities of objects in cases of execution of alienation contracts. Law and Politics, 6.
This article is devoted to establishing the meaning of qualities of object and their influence on alienation obligations. The author defines the qualities of objects, the order of execution of obligations based on classification of objects
jurisprudence, right, object, obligation, qualities, contract, transfer of object, possession, term, implementation
Legal and political thought
Slezin, A.A. (2010). Modern studies on formation of Soviet system of political control. Law and Politics, 6.
The problem of political control is important for many social and humanitarian sciences: political science, philosophy, sociology, history, etc. The author views it from the historical point of view, trying to find the key tendencies in the works of the modern scholars of political control as a state function
jurisprudence, political science, historiography, sociology, state, Communist Party, Komsomol, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution, Speculation, and Sabotage, also known as the Cheka, USPD(OGPU), political control
Legal and political thought
Zdorov, G.A. (2010). On the problem of definition of the term “civil society”. Law and Politics, 6.
At the current stage there’s no unified approach to understanding « civil society » in both Russian and foreign legal studies, that is why there’s need to study the existing approaches and to develop a conceptually new definition, which is valuable for the formation of civil society in our country
political science, civil society, Russia, West, reforms, process, country, definition, political theory, civil initiative
Farkhutdinov, I.Z., Galiev, F.H. (2010). To modernize means to move forward… F.M. Rayanov. Theory of jural state: problems of modernization./ Rayanov, F.M. — Ufa, Gilem, 2010.- 136 p. Law and Politics, 6.
Jural state as a particular kind of state is a product of social development. Legal cognition in the modern Russia both meaningfully and technologically has always been related to the provisions for the jural state. The key ideology of transfer to jural state in the point of view of F.M. Rayanov is to transfer for power of force to the power of law
jurisprudence, jural state, state power, elements of state, legal cognition, democracy, human rights, democracy and human
Nechkina, E.S. (2010). Review on the journal of the Legal Faculty of the Beijing University. Law and Politics, 6.
The collection of articles, which is reviewed by E.S. Nechkina is published by the Legal School of the Beijing University, which was first formed in 1904 and remains one of the leading Universities in China and a large center for legal studies in both national and foreign law.
The collection includes 8 articles on law, economic analysis of law, criminal science, which are devoted to the problems, which are topical first of all for the Chinese legal system, and for the integration of China into the global community
international law, review, Beijing University, criminal science, criminal law, economic analysis, copyright law, intellectual property, banking law, TRIPS