Belyasov, S.N. (2010). Interaction of the Russian state with
the NGOs in the sphere of protection of human rights and fredoms. Law and Politics, 10.
This article is devoted to the relations between the state and
NGOs with much attention paid to the role of NGOs, which
form an essential part of a jural state, being a link between
the state and individuals.
jurisprudence, law, NGO, interaction with the state, human rights defenders, state, expertise of legislation, protection of human rights, discussion of a law, civil society, control
Volovich, A.I. (2010). The state as a brake to the social
development. Law and Politics, 10.
A state as a political institution in some conditions may
limit or stall development of the society, which is due to the
nature of the state itself, lack of direct motivation to satisfy
the needs of the people among its offi cers, as well as to greed
for power. In the absence of effi cient means of control, the
state is dangerous to the society and it causes a number of
problems: limitations to freedom and competition in various
spheres in the society, growth of bureaucracy, low effi ciency,
incorrect domestic and international policy.
jurisprudence, monopolism, centralization, competition, widening, interests, state, power, limitation.
Gamzatova, M.M. (2010). Constitutional bases for the
national equality in the Republic of Dagestan:
problems of regulation and protection of rights of
national minorities. Law and Politics, 10.
In this article the author analyzes constitutional legal
regulation of equality of peoples of Dagestan, shows the
development of national relations in Dagestan, as well as key
principles of national equality in the Republic of Dagestan.
The author also analyzes the key problems of regulation and
protection of the rights of national minorities in Dagestan,
offers ideas for improvement of the situation for the peoples
of Dagestan.
jurisprudence, Constitution, minority, nation, equality, Dagestan, regulation, national, problems, person.
Rudakova, E.V. (2010). Succession of the government bodies
in the modern legislation. Law and Politics, 10.
Legislative (representative) and executive goverment bodies,
both federal and those of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation have the rigths of juridical persons and
have offi cial seals. Having such a status, such bodies have
certain rights to property, they are formed in order to implement
particular functions, and have certain powers. All of
these qualities form prerequisites for the succession.
jurisprudence, legislative (representative) bodies, executive bodies, separation of powers, succession, property, functions, transfer of powers, federal law, Russian legislation.
Transformation of legal and political systems
Viskulova, V.V. (2010). Regional (territorial) groups of
candidates: thinking of the guarantee nature of the
institution and its effi ciency within the modern election
system of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 10.
The article includes complex analysis of formation and development
of the institution of regionalization of lists of candidates,
as presented by the election unions in united election
districts in the Russian Federation. This article refl ects the
variety of approaches of legislators to the structurization of
lists of candidates, while holding election campaigns to elect
the deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, of
the legislative (representative) bodies of constituent subjects
of the Russian Federation, when it was used (1993 – fi rst six
months of 2010). Turning to the norms of international law
and to the practice of judicial bodies and election commissions
allows the author to offer the directions for the future
development of the institution in question.
jurisprudence, elections, guarantees, rights, regional groups, candidates, electors, districts, unions, effi ciency.
Transformation of legal and political systems
Vasiliev, A.M. (2010). Evolution of limitation and cancellation
of capital punishment in the history of Russia. Law and Politics, 10.
Capital punishment is one of the oldest punishments known
in the criminal law of Russia. It has been existing for many
centuries and still remains a topical issue for discussion.
There was a variety of approaches to its presence in criminal
law at various stage of historical development of Russia.
jurisprudence, death, punishment, capital punishment, Russia, legislation, discussion, law, 1467, Yaroslava.
Transformation of legal and political systems
Kotova, E.A. (2010). Topical issues of trade activity as an
object of civil law regulation. Law and Politics, 10.
The article is a result of scientifi c and practical analysis of
the trade activity (trade) as an object of civil law regulation.
The article refl ects the key problems, which appear in the
process of trade as a method of enterpreneurial activity, as
well as the ways to solve them.
jurisprudence, trade, sale, purchase, retail, enterpreneur, sale, trader, buyer, seller.
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Dokukina, A.I. (2010). Codifi cation of banking legislation
as a promicing direction of improvement of fi nancial
and legal regulation of banking activity in Russia. Law and Politics, 10.
The article includes analysis of the topical problem, which
has to do with improvement of banking legislation by creation
of the Banking Code of the Russian Federation. The
author provides a position on the nature an contents of this
Code, analyzes international experience of codifi cation of
banking legislation.
jurisprudence, banking, banking legislation, Banking Code, banking activity, legal regulation, perspectives of development, improvement, banking activity, codifi cation, problems of improvement
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Schepachev, V.A. (2010). On problems of fi nancial guarantees
of municipalities. Law and Politics, 10.
The article covers one of the most topical issues of local
government – fi nancial support of local authorities in the
course of execution of their powers. The author analyzes
the reasons for underfunding, offers ways out of the current
negative situation.
local budget, unfunded mandates, spent powers, certain state powers, local taxes, inter-budget transfers.
XXI century International law
Egiyan, V.G. (2010). The UN Convention on Registration
of Ships of 1986 and its infl uence on the practice of
“open” registration of ships. Law and Politics, 10.
The practice of open registration of ships was greatly
changed in the last 25 years since the Convention of 1986
was accepted. By now it is transformed into a new type of
register, which has nothing to do with either the overly strict
traditional concept of national fl ag, or the overly liberal
concept of the “convenient” fl ag.
jurisprudence, law, registration, fl ag, nationality, register, convention, ship, navigation, off-shore.
International relations: interaction systems
Neymatov, A.Y. (2010). Place and role of the Saudi Arabia in
the inter-civilization dialogue. Law and Politics, 10.
The author of the article understands dialogue as a form
of interaction of civilizations, he considers possible
achievement of a sustainable development of a global civilization only on the basis of dialogue and partnership
of local civilizations, as well as on the general economic,
international legal and cultural mechanism. In this article it
is offered to recognize a place of Saudi Arabia in dialogue of
civilizations as a center for the Muslim world that is caused
by historical position of this country in the Islamic world,
and be its modern natural and economic potential.
civilization dialogue, Saudi Arabia, interreligious relations, OIC.
History of state and law
Belkovets, L.P. (2010). Legal position of foreigners in Russia
(1918-1938). Law and Politics, 10.
The article is devoted to the legal position of the foreigners
in the Soviet Russia in 1920s – 1930s. The author analyzes
the domestic legislation and international agreements, as
well as specialized literature, then comes to a conclusion
on the national regime of Russia towards foreigners, as refl
ected by almost full equality of rights to working resident
foreigners and citizens.
jurisprudence, Russia, law, position, foreigners, legislation, agreements, regime, identity, equality, right.
Anthropology of law
Popov E.A. (2010). Contradictions and destructions of law in
the post-modern age. Law and Politics, 10.
The article includes analysis of the contradicting processes
of the infl uence of the post-modern age on the system of law
in Russia. Much attention is paid to the social and cultural
ties of law and its norm and institutions with spiritual and
social life of people. The author generalizes the experience of
evaluation of such interaction in various spheres of modern
social and humanitarian knowledge.
jurisprudence, law, post-modern, destruction, norms, epoch, legal cognition, world view, legal relations, spirituality.
Practical law manual
Poleschuk, O.V. (2010). Forensic registration as an element
of the system of information and analytical guarantees
of the investigation. Law and Politics, 10.
The article is devoted to the study of forensic registration as
a source of information on criminal cases. The author analyzes
information referential and analytical guarantees for
the investigative activities as a source for the modern systems
of collecting, keeping and usage of forensic information.
jurisprudence, registration, information, counts, investigation, activity, analysis, criminalistics, guarantees, system.
Practical law manual
Bandurina, N.V., Tatanov, S.M. (2010). Legal regime of the
property of state unitary enterprise. Law and Politics, 10.
The article includes analysis of legal aspects of operating
control towards the property, which is given to the unitary enterprise by the owner. The authors study the problems of
property of unitary enterprise, rights of enterprises to such
property, problems of use of property, etc.
jurisprudence, unitary enterprise, state, owner, property, object of law, subject of law, property complex, immovable property, profi t.
Kuznetsova, T.A. (2010). Problems of establishing the nature
and defi nition of the administrative coercion as a legal
category and as an institution of administrative law. Law and Politics, 10.
The article includes analysis of two approaches to the issue
of administrative coercion. The author studies the issue of
correlation of administrative legal coercion with the coercive
measures, as provided by norms of administrative law. The
author also paid much attention to defi nition of administrative
coercion as a legal category and an institution of
administrative law.
jurisprudence, administrative coercion, legal covering, legal regulation, limitations of right, functional power, non-service-related subordination, inter-branch character, complexity, plurality.
Tarasova, N.A. (2010). The right to education within the
system of constitutional rights of the citizens of the
Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 10.
The author of this article views the issue of right to education
belonging to various groups of constitutional rights. The author provides positions of various authors on this issue
and then makes general conclusions. Basically, there is no
unifi ed approach to this problem. The author also views this
issue within the framework of new draft of the Federal Law
“On Education in the Russian Federation”.
jurisprudence, law, legislation, education, system, social, cultural, project, natural, economical.
Gaboyan, E.P. (2010). On personal non-property rights to employment-
related objects of copyright and patent law. Law and Politics, 10.
The issue of personal non-property rights of authors of
copyright objects is topical and it calls for scientifi c study.
The article refl ects specifi c features of the implementation
of personal non-property rights by the authors of employment-
related objects of intellectual property.
jurisprudence, intellectual, service, employment, non-property, author, object, inviolability, divulgation, private, patent.
Markovich, A.M. (2010). Civil law aspects of correlation of the
terms “advertisement” and “advertisement activity”. Law and Politics, 10.
This article is devoted to the key scientifi c points of view
on advertisement and advertisement activities, the author
compares legislative norms, regulating this type of activity,
formulates the defi nition of advertisement.
jurisprudence, advertisement, activity, entrepreneurial, information, advertisement producer, advertisement distributor, communication, strategy, publicity.