State institutions and legal systems
Goncharov, V.V., Zhilin, S.M. (2010). Problems of correlation of powers and interaction of institutions of President and Head of the Government of the Russian Federation within the system of executive power and their perspectives of resolution. Law and Politics, 1.
This article is devoted to the studies of the problems of correlation of powers and interaction of institutions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation within the system of executive power, and the perspectives of their resolution. The authors study the current stage of the system of executive branch, analyze the future development of this branch of power within the state mechanism. The authors also evaluate the risks of development at the middle range. As well, the authors provide ideas for the measures to be taken to avoid problems.
jurisprudence, President, Government, powers, executive, centralized, state, system, events
State institutions and legal systems
Channov, S.E. (2010). Application of labor legislation to the regulation of labor of employees of law-enforcement bodies. Law and Politics, 1.
The article is devoted to the problem of application of labor relations to law-enforcement bodies. Practice (including judicial practice) shows variety of approaches to this sphere, and moreover the legislation in this sphere lacks system. The author provides ideas to improve the situation.
jurisprudence, law-enforcement, service, labor, legislation, subsidiary, project, judicial, Code
Authority and management
Sheverdyaev, S.N. (2010). On the new edition of principles of service behavior of state servants. Law and Politics, 1.
The article is devoted to the analysis of one of the aspects of the current anti-corruption reform: improvement of ethics of state servants. In July of 2009 the President D.A. Medvedev signed a Decree, which had corrected the very principles of service behavior. The author offers his own evaluation of this normative acts and offers ideas for the future development of Russian legislation in this sphere.
jurisprudence, ethics of the state service, principles of service behavior, anti-corruption reform, ethical code of the state servants, state service in the Russian Federation, anti-corruption policy of the President D.A. Medvedev, the Ukaz of the Preside
Authority and management
Schepachev, V.A. (2010). Municipal government bodies as legal persons. Law and Politics, 1.
The article includes analysis of the issues related to the status of municipal bodies as legal persons. The author points out the contradictions in understanding the category of legal persons in civil law and their correlation to the legislation on municipal government.
jurisprudence, municipal bodies, municipal property, types of municipal government bodies, legal persons
Transformation of legal and political systems
Kolesnikov, G.G. (2010). Political and legal issues of implementation of interests by the subjects of customs law. Law and Politics, 1.
Implementing the foreign trade policy of the state, the customs bodies should support the development of the international trade turnover. Their interaction with the private subjects should be aimed onto improvement of legal customs policy, simplification of the customs procedures, based upon such matters as conventions. The balance of private and public interests in the sphere of customs should be achieved based on broader application of simplified procedure, optimization of the system of customs support and control, fighting and prevention of corruption.
jurisprudence, politics, Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, bodies, subjects, state, trade, budget, payments, corruption
Transformation of legal and political systems
Almazova, B.I. (2010). Modern tendencies of legal regulation of medical activities. Law and Politics, 1.
The article is devoted to the topical aspect of law: regulation of relations in the sphere of medical services. The author pays attention to such spheres as self-regulating organizations, their legislative regulation, the necessity of development of mechanism of self-regulation in the sphere of medical activities.
jurisprudence, self-regulation, medicine, quality, service, regulation, responsibility, health service, co-regulation, control
Stabilization systems: government control
Zubenko, Y.S. (2010). Legal problems of protection of archaeological finds in the Russian Federation: history and modern situation. Law and Politics, 1.
The article is devoted to analysis of legislative acts and scientific articles in the sphere of protection of archaeological finds, the author analyzes the existing legislation on this issue, takes into account the historical aspect of state protection of archaeological finds in the Russian Federation, as well as participation in the international politics on the issue.
jurisprudence, problems, finds, treasure, property, protection, history, values, heritage, state
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Sedelnikova, R.I. (2010). On the issue of legal regulation of inter-budgetary relations in the modern Russian within the structure of budget federalism. Law and Politics, 1.
On the issue of reform and formation of inter-budgetary relations in the modern Russia. The author pays attention to the problems of inter-budgetary financing, regulation of inter-budgetary aid, principle of federalism in the budget law of the Russian Federation and its application.
jurisprudence, principles, federalism, legislation, costs, budget, reform, region, funding, crisis
Transnational interests
Stepanova, M.M. (2010). Legal regulation of competition in the USA and the EU states. Law and Politics, 1.
Development of integration processes in the world economy causes Russia to be more and more deeply involved into the international trade relations. That is why it is necessary to evaluate legal regulation of competition in the US and the EU law. The article includes analysis of anti-dumping legislation at the international level, which helps the author in the complex evaluation of the problem of legal regulation of competition.
jurisprudence, competition, dumping, anti-dumping legislation, material harm, commercial activity, competitive sphere, globalization, foreign economic activity, market of goods
Vorontsova, I.V. (2010). “Newly Found Circumstances” in the Positions of the Higher Courts and Procedural Legislation of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 1.
The article includes analysis of some grounds for the re-evaluation of judicial acts based on newly opened circumstances in civil process and arbitrazh process of the Russian Federation. The article reflects the problems, which are related to application of these grounds, as well as the ways to solve these problems, as offered by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitrazh Court of the Russian Federation, by the scientists and the author of this article.
jurisprudence, precedent, court, source, practice, provision, law, definition, circumstances, review
Chaikovsky, L.L. (2010). Elements of the principle of fair trial under the Art. 6 of the ECPHR. Law and Politics, 1.
This article includes analysis of para.1 of Art. 6 of the ECPHR. The author singles out the principles of fair trial, analyzes the practice of the European Court of Human Rights.
jurisprudence, Convention, principle, fairness, judicial, elements, characteristics, practice, court
Public communications
Konovalov, A.O., Zhdanov, A.F. (2010). On the issue of codification of legislation of the Russian Federation on elections. Law and Politics, 1.
This article is devoted to the issue of codification as the most acceptable form of bringing legislation of the Russian Federation on election into system, if taken from the point of view of unifying the position of formation of legal norms and their application.
jurisprudence, systematization, codification, elections, consolidation, incorporation, competence, law-making, application of law, election
Public communications
Shemelin, A.V. (2010). Political and legal bases of functioning of the institution of elections in Russia. Law and Politics, 1.
The article is devoted to the studies of the political and legal bases of functioning of the institution of elections in Russia. The author analyzes the conditions for the participation of electors in elections, the fortune of parliamentarism in Russia from early XX century to the current time.
political science, elections, Council, parliamentarism, Constitution, election system, transformation, elections law, citizen, reunion
Human and state
Lobzhanidze, A.A. (2010). Extreme and irrational political behavior. Law and Politics, 1.
The article includes the approach, which views behavior as irrational, when such a behavior is a way to accept the reality, which seems non-cognizable, when the situation calls for adaptation for the non-cognizable matters. The author offers a concept, which allows to single out irrational, extreme, extremist behavior, find and predict irrational matters in the behavior of subjects and social groups.
political science, extreme, irrational, prediction, young people, adaptation, marginal, behavior
Human and state
Kakovkina, N.V., Gusev, A.A. (2010). Regional aspects of education policy within the context of problems of stable development. Law and Politics, 1.
The restructuring of the system of higher professional education, which formed in Russia since XXI century as one of the key directions, presupposes improvement of principles of formation of the education policy, as well as the formation of mechanisms, which would guarantee complex and proportional development of the higher education institutions both in the country and in its regions. That is why in order to achieve and ensure stable development it is necessary to ensure the basic level of education, and invest resources into the growing generation.
political science, stable development, higher education, education policy, Russian Federation, higher professional education, higher education institutions, national projects, relevant market of education services
Human and environment
Semenikhina, V.A. (2010). Modern problems of legal protection of climate: international initiatives and reactions of national legislations. Law and Politics, 1.
The article includes information on initiatives on prevention of global warming and climate changes on international and national levels of various states, as well as on results of the latest UN conferences on climate change. The author also provides statistical data on the greenhouse gas input by various states.
jurisprudence, climate, waste, ecology, warming, Convention, initiative, obligation, legislation, Conference
Human and environment
Androsov, M.V. (2010). Some issues related to ensuring ecological security in the nuclear energy sphere. Law and Politics, 1.
The article is devoted to some issues of ensuring ecological security in nuclear energy sphere. The author studies the issues of correlation of ecological security of nuclear and other energetic objects, the costs of nuclear energy use, lowering the related risks, role of legal and international legal mechanisms in this process. Ensuring ecological security at the nuclear energy enterprises is viewed within the concept of stable development.
jurisprudence, legal mechanism, energy, ecological security, radiation, organic sources of energy, harm to environment, IAEA, nucleus, security, APS
Rustamova, N.N. (2010). Definition and structure of conflict of laws norms in the international private law. Law and Politics, 1.
The article is devoted to problems of definition and structure of the conflict of laws norms in international private law. It includes analysis of key points of view on above-mentioned issues, and formulation of the alternative point of view on how the sanction of conflict of laws norm shows itself.
jurisprudence, international, private, conflict of laws, norm, amount, relation, sanction, differentiation, desintegration
History of state and law
Kravets, I.A. (2010). Control function of the State Duma and State Council of the Russian Empire: legal bases and problems of implementation. Law and Politics, 1.
The article includes study of two types of issues: correlation between the reform of state structure of Russia in 1904-1906 and development of control function of the first all-national representative institution of Russia, as well as legal limits and political abilities of implementation of the control function by the State Duma and the State Council.
jurisprudence, law, control, request, question, interpellation, parliament, monarchy, government, control
History of state and law
Hen Zhou (2010). Comparative analysis of formation of the term of crime against elections in Russian and Chinese criminal legislation: influence of cultural traditions (before the 1920s).
Legal Practice. Law and Politics, 1.
In the period from 1766 to early XX century the practice of criminal responsibility for the violation of legislation on elections in Russia went a long way of development from simple forms to efficient and well-grounded forms. In China the institution of protection of election rights was formed much later, basically at the same time with the system of elections. The cultural differences are the key reason for the existing differences.
jurisprudence, elections, crimes against elections, cultural traditions, Confucius, historical development, election rights, differences, China, Russia
Practical law manual
Grave, A.V. (2010). On some problems related to involvement of the specialist at the stage of initiating a criminal case. Law and Politics, 1.
The article includes characteristics of the modern state of scientific analysis of problems related to use of specialized knowledge at the stage of initiation of the criminal proceedings. The article includes classification of procedural and other activities, which require a specialist, while checking information about committed crimes. The author shows the differences between procedural value of positions of expert and specialist, as well as issues on protection of specialist rights, gaps in the law. The author also offers to amend the existing Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation in order to provider clearer status to the specialist at the stage of initiation of criminal proceedings.
jurisprudence, specialist, study, stage, initiation, crime, control, protection, classification, problems
Discussion forum
Savostianova, A.G. (2010). Topical issues of bankruptcy of users of natural subsurface resources. Law and Politics, 1.
This article is of scientific and practical character. Its topicality has to do with the fact that the legislation on bankruptcy lacks a specific procedure for users of subsurface resources. The author shows a typical example, when such a user gets investments, and then uses the procedure of bankruptcy in order to avoid his obligations to pay back. Then, the author provides detailed analysis of legislation in order to find the gaps, and offers ideas on amending law, in order to change things.
jurisprudence, bankruptcy, use of natural subsurface resources, investment, natural resources, creditors, abuse, debt, mountain property, legislative draft