Smakhtin, E.V. (2009). Correlation of criminal science with criminal law and criminal procedural law. Law and Politics, 3.
The article is devoted to the correlation of criminal science with criminal law and criminal procedural law as sciences.
Keywords: jurisprudence, law, criminal science, process, subject, method, branch, object, mutual inclusion, differentiation
Svinareva, E.A. (2009). On the issue of co-partnership to crime. Law and Politics, 3.
This article is devoted to the theoretical problem of co-partnership in crime. The threat of co-partners is that by supporting commission of crime, or aiding the criminal in hiding the signs of crime, they form necessary conditions for commission of crimes, neutralize the activities of the law-enforcement bodies. It is necessary to qualify their activities correctly, since mistakes lead to severe punishment of persons, who are not co-partners of crime. The author establishes that considering the lesser social threat, the legislator limited the forms of co-partnership in crime to those mentioned in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The value of co-partnership is that it encroaches upon the interests of justice in the broad sense as the main object, however this is true for some, but not all such crimes, where it may be facultative.
Keywords: jurisprudence, crime, legislation, justice, responsibility, corruption, Criminal Code, harm, fight, co-partnership
Authority and management
Sanaev, A.S. (2009). On some problems of legislative regulation of municipal service in the city of Moscow. Law and Politics, 3.
The new Federal Law of March 2, 2007 N. 25- FZ “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation” called for amendment of relevant laws of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation. In this article the author takes the Law of the City of Moscow “On Municipal Service in the City of Moscow” as an example, and studies the problems of regulation of working time of municipal servants, their public status, their payment, guarantees Much attention is paid to the status of a person, who serves as a Head of Local Administration based on contract, legal nature, and limitations to the term of his work.
Keywords: jurisprudence, municipal service, legislation, Moscow, position, level, certification, guarantees, contract
Authority and management
Efimov, T.V. (2009). Problems of the institution of recall of the deputy of the municipal representative body in the modern Russia. Law and Politics, 3.
The article is devoted to topical problems of recall of the deputy at the municipal level. The recall of the elected person within the system of municipal government is a form of enacting people’s rule, and implementation of the right of people to participate in the affairs of state and municipal units. The possibility of recall allows the people to form more efficient and authoritative municipal bodies, which implement their rights and obligations towards the interests of the local people.
Keywords: jurisprudence, law, municipal government, deputy, representative power, recall, municipal law, elections, people’s rule, representation of people, responsibility
Authority and management
Makartsev, A.A. (2009). Organization and legal aspect of administrative commission: theoretical and practical aspects. Law and Politics, 3.
The article is devoted to organization and legal aspects of activities of the administrative commissions in the Russian Federation with due attention paid to the legal nature. Analysis of the legislation of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as statistical data, which show the efficiency of the administrative commissions, allowed the author to say that they are not sufficiently efficient. The heightening of the quality of their work is directly related to the professionalism of their members, which much depends on the education level. The article includes a number of measures, which are aimed at insuring greater professional level of the commission members, analysis of their practice.
Keywords: jurisprudence, administrative law, administrative commissions, administrative legislation, jurisdiction, responsibility, legislation of constituent subjects, federalism, powers, competence
Transformation of legal and political systems
Skok, N.V. (2009). Value-related changes in modern time: theoretical and applied aspects. . Law and Politics, 3.
Destabilization and change of functions of the social states led to new correlation between the roles of state and market. In turn, it became one of the reasons, which established the great social consequences, which, in turn, touched upon all key parameters of human existence, such as social structure, labor, income, consuming, employment and unemployment, social protection, etc. However, the modern changes in the sphere of values are one of the key aspects of transformation of the modern societies, and are one of the forms of adaptation of modern post-Soviet societies to both the outer threats, such as globalization and modernization, and the inner threats, which are directly related to quality changes of the inner orientations and priorities of the people.
Keywords: democracy, globalization, third wave, the modern society, state, transformation, value
Transformation of legal and political systems
Tkachenko, S.V. (2009). Reception of Western law in Russia. Law and Politics, 3.
This article is devoted to the problem of reception of Western law in Russia. The article includes definition of reception, with due attention paid to the ideological component, which, in turn defines goals of the reception as such. With the help of the ideological component, the author studies the problems of modern political and legal borrowings.
Keywords: jurisprudence, law, ideology, donor, recipient, historical and legal, reforms, borrowings, reception, politics
Transformation of legal and political systems
Zhan In Zhan, (2009). History of advocacy, definition of advocate and his legal position in the pre-trial judicial procedure in the People’s Republic of China. Law and Politics, 3.
In this article the author reviews the development of advocacy in the history of China. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the careful attitude of the state to the advocate, as a representative of person, today has deep historical roots. For a long time a person, including advocate, had no procedural rights and freedoms, was a victim of the statehood. The author establishes the definition of advocate and his legal position in the pre-trial procedures under the existing criminal law, forms some offers for amendment.
Keywords: jurisprudence, advocate, advocacy, representative, protection, suspect, accused, aid, history, China
Transformation of legal and political systems
Gasymly, A.A. (2009). Role of geoeconomic (energetic) factor in the process of transformation of the political regime in Azebaijan: the retrospective analysis and modern time. . Law and Politics, 3.
This article is devoted to the role of geoeconomic factor within the process of transformation of the political regime in Azerbaijan. The author held a retrospective analysis of the political regime in Azerbaijan in 1918 – 1920s. The author also analyzed the systemic value of the oil factor in the formation of the political regime in the modern Azerbaijan.
Keywords: political science, geoeconomics, geopolitics, Azerbaijan, oil, nabucco, democracy, authoritarian rule, the conduit pipe, regime
International relations: interaction systems
Erpyleva, N.Y. (2009). States as subjects of international private law. . Law and Politics, 3.
This article is devoted to the topical issues of legal status of states as subjects of international private law. Much attention is paid to jurisdictional immunity of the state. The article includes analysis of the functions of the state in regulation of foreign economic activities, legal regime of state property and regulation of international turnover of cultural values.
Keywords: jurisprudence, state, law, bodies, property, culture, representation, trade, immunity, status
International relations: interaction systems
Shugurov, M.V. (2009). The great empire as an international legal value. Law and Politics, 3.
The article is devoted to the phenomenon of the leading empires as a value in international law. Based on the functional approach to the activities of the great states on the world arena, the author establishes their international legal status. Much attention is paid to the responsibility of great states for the whole architecture of the world order, and direction of the evolution of the international law.
Keywords: jurisprudence, world order, equality, great state, hegemony, international law, peacemaking, leadership, values, multi-polar system
International alliances
Sazonova, K.L. (2009). The great empires and the peacemaking of the UN. Law and Politics, 3.
The article is devoted to a topical problem of peacemaking within the activities of the UN. Special attention is paid to the role of so-called “great empires” within the structure of organization, the author studies the historical retrospective and the modern meaning of this term. The author also analyzes the activities of the states, which form the constant elements of the Security Council in the sphere of protection of peace and peacekeeping.
Keywords: political science, UN, UNO, the Security Council, peacekeeping, great empires, politics, peacekeeping operations, veto, international organization, international disputes and conflicts
Conflict: tools of stabilization
Svininykh, E.A. (2009). On the provisions of the Art. 76 of the UN Convention on Maritime Law of 1982. Law and Politics, 3.
In 2001 the Russian Federation addressed the UN Commission on Outer Borders of the Continental Shelf with the request to broaden the territory of its continental shelf. This request is still being reviewed. This article is devoted to some topical issues of interpretation of Art. 76 of the UN Convention on Maritime Law of 1982. Much attention is paid to the analysis of provisions on the outer borders of the continental shelf beyond the limit of 200 marine miles.
Keywords: jurisprudence, continental shelf, UN Convention on Maritime Law of 1982, international maritime law, coastal state, international legal regulation, limitation, application, marine borders, UN Commission on Boarders of Continental Shelf
Public communications
Rudnev, N.A. (2009). Legal regulation of the mass media: on the way to information and civic society. Law and Politics, 3.
The article includes analysis of the problems of legal regulation of the activities of the mass media within the framework of the development of mass media in a civil society and a jural state. The article includes analysis of the issues of information protection, and protection of state and society from negative information influence.
Keywords: jurisprudence, information, jural state, civil society, information protection procedures, Internet, licensing of the mass media, information security, mass media, information society
Human and state
Morozov, A.I. (2009). Youth crime: issues of criminal legal policy and prevention. Law and Politics, 3.
Youth crime (crimes, committed by persons age before 30) defines the “features” of Russian criminality, and there are no efficient means against it so far. The article attracts attention to this problem, and the author offers some measures and directions for solving it.
Keywords: political science, youth, juveniles, crime, responsibility, punishment, offence, politics, criminal, law
Law practice
Qersh Mahdi Hassan (2009). The Palestinian Foundation of compensation for the victims of the road accidents under the auspices of the Palestinian national administration. Law and Politics, 3.
The article is devoted to the history of formation of the Palestinian Foundation of compensation for the victims of the road accidents under the auspices of the Palestinian national administration, starting with the Ottoman empire. The analysis includes the first insurance companies, complications in their work, their functions and powers. The article includes the order of calculation of compensation of harm for the victims of road accidents. The author also mentions the 1995 Decree on formation of the Palestinian Foundation of compensation for the victims of the road accidents under the auspices of the Palestinian national administration, and on law on insurance of 2005. Much attention is paid to court claims of people to the Foundation.
Keywords: jurisprudence, judicial claims, insurer, insurant, insurance policy, compensation, victim, compensation fund, capitalization of sums, insurance legislation, insurance fee, transportation vehicle, technical passport, the road accident
History of state and law
Korchagin A.U., Svechnikova L.J., Shevchenko S.V. (2009). Judicial reform of 1864 in the Stavropol province. Law and Politics, 3.
The author analyzes the formation of Stavropol District Court, the normative acts, guiding its activities. The author also studies the evolution of judicial system in the region in late XIX – early XX centuries, the structure of judicial power, activities of Justices of Peace, attorneys, judicial investigators.
Keywords: jurisprudence, judicial statutes, court, reforms, judicial procedure, judicial structure, justices of peace, attorneys, judicial investigators, national minorities
History of state and law
Lastochkina, M.S. (2009). History of Russian legislation in the light of criminal legal protection of means of individualization of the participants of the civil turnover and their products. . Law and Politics, 3.
Based on comparative study of the norms of the Code on Criminal and Correctional Punishments of 1845 (1885 with changes by Amendments of 1912, 1913, 1914), Criminal Code of 1903, the Criminal Code of RSFSR of 1922, 1926, 1960 and the existing Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of 1996, the author studies the evolution of the legislation of Russia in the sphere of criminal legal protection of trademarks, service marks, name of place of goods’ origin.
Keywords: jurisprudence, intellectual property, trademark, means, individualization, brand, history, responsibility
Repeteva, O.E. (2009). On definition and types of offences in the sphere of labor. Law and Politics, 3.
The issue of definition of offence in the sphere of labor is rather topical, since there’s no legal definition of it. The article includes comparative analysis of various approaches to the understanding of offence in the sphere of labor relations. The author also studies the existing classifications in the sphere of labor activities.
Keywords: jurisprudence, offence, responsibility, labor, discipline, legal relation, classification, activity, employer, employee
Kuchin, O.S. (2009). On the role of legal regulation of turnover of precious metals and stones in scientific development of methods of uncovering and investigation of crimes in this sphere. . Law and Politics, 3.
In order to form the method of uncovering and investigation of crimes in the sphere of illegal turnover of precious metals and stones, one needs to study and define legal position of these values in the state. The criminal law establishes what crimes should be punished, but the provisions on legal activities with precious metals and natural precious stones is defined by norms of other spheres of law.
Keywords: jurisprudence, criminal science, legal regulation, precious stones, precious metals, methods of investigation of crimes, uncovering the crimes, crimes, preliminary investigation, turnover of precious metals and stones
Goncharova, E.V. (2009). Energy supply contract within the system of civil law contracts. Law and Politics, 3.
The article is devoted to legal nature of the energy supply contract and its place within the system of civil law contact. Within the framework of new legislation, which regulates the relationships of the participants of the market, the electric supply contract retained its value. However, the legal structure of electric supply relations changed considerably.
Keywords: jurisprudence, contract, energy supply, system, electric energy, sale, wholesale, retail, market, reform
Azarkhin, A.V. (2009). Legal nature and content of the institution of protection of human rights in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 3.
The article is devoted to the issues of definition and nature of the institution of protection of rights of military personnel. From the standpoint of protection human rights in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the author establishes the key features of this institution, studies the problem of limitations to military personnel rights, evaluates place and role of this institution within the system of Russian law.
Keywords: jurisprudence, theory of law, human rights, military personnel, institutions of law, Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, protection of rights, legal status of a person, branches of law
Practical law manual
Kuchina, Y.O. (2009). Specific features of criminal science classification of crimes in the sphere of professional legal assistance. Law and Politics, 3.
At the start of the process of formation of any criminal investigation method, one needs, first of all, to characterize the basis for the formation of the method – type or group of crimes. This basis should be established upon the well-grounded and practically valuable classification of crimes. The crimes in the sphere of professional legal assistance are no exception.
Keywords: jurisprudence, criminal science classification, crimes, legal services, legal aid, advocates, notaries, crimes in the sphere of legal assistance, criminal science characteristics, criminal science
Practical law manual
Boldyrev, V.A. (2009). Reorganization and change of non-owner legal persons. Law and Politics, 3.
The article includes analysis of problems of legal regulation of relations on reorganization of state foundations and unitary enterprises. Much attention is paid to changes in non-owner juridical persons as a legal phenomenon lacking systemic regulation, and the author also studies the possibilities of correlation of reorganization and change of type.
Keywords: jurisprudence, person, legal subject, reorganization, change of type, enterprise, state fund, non-owners, type, kind
Kerimov, D.A. (2009). Review on the monograph by N.M. Dobrynin, Russian Federalism: genesis, evolution. Selected publications. 2 vol. (1st vol. – 316 p., 2nd vol. – 493 p.) Siberian publishing firm “Nauka”, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 2008. Law and Politics, 3.
This article by D.A. Kerimov includes a review on two-volume book by N.M. Dobrynin, which is devoted to topical problems of Russian federalism. The first volume includes briefs on all monographs, that N.M. Dobrynin ever published, and the final part includes some reviews on his monographs.
Keywords: review, monograph, federalism, Russian, jurisprudence
Voronov, AB. (2009). Who owns our planet? Review on the book by Chernikov, G.P., Chernikova, D.A. The extra large transnational corporations and the modern world. – Moscow: ZAO “Publisher “Economika”, 2008, – 399 p. ISBN 978 – 5 – 282 – 02819 – 5. Law and Politics, 3.
The review is devoted to the book, which is about the extra large transnational corporations, which play a greatly growing role in the world economics nowadays. Just several hundred such companies play key role among tens of thousands of the companies For example, 800 extra large companies directly or indirectly control about one half of world GDP. The author of review singles out the topics of relations between extra large companies and the state, their influence on existing problems of the humanity as a whole, and their role in the global financial and economical crisis.
Keywords: corporation, largest, economics, branches, society, state, international relations
(2009). Serving science.
75th anniversary of Vladimir Evgenyevich Eminov.
. Law and Politics, 3.