Alpatov, A.A. (2009). Problems of scientific studies of law. Law and Politics, 10.
The article is devoted to the issues of criteria of scientific character o f studies of law. The author evaluates the truthfulness of results of analysis of legal phenomena from the points of view of postmodern, phenomenology, hermeneutics, synergy. The author establishes the issue of hierarchy of patterns, which, from the author’s point of view might allow to view a new aspect in understanding of law, widen the horizons of our understanding of law.
Keywords: jurisprudence, law, scienctific character, post-modern, phenomenology, hermeneutics, synergy, patterns, hierarchy, natures
State institutions and legal systems
Azizov, V.M. (2009). Conservative technologies of political and legal development: theoretical and category-based analysis. Law and Politics, 10.
The article is devoted to the studies of political and legal processes in the modern Russia, which are necessary for logical and theoretical reflection of the nature of changes, which are taking place. The author studies central element of political and legal technologies, as represented by the state, as well as its ideological and theoretical development.
Keywords: jurisprudence, conservatism, technology, sovereignty, modernization, reform, ideocracy, statehood, ideology, theory
Authority and management
Anikina, M.V. (2009). Genesis of municipal property. Law and Politics, 10.
The institution of municipal property as a normative complex remains within the system of Russian law for a rather short period of time, and at the same time, the property relations, which are regulated by this institution came into being at the same time, as the Russian statehood did. It is possible to call community property a predecessor of the modern municipal property. Formation of municipal property in Russia developed in several stages, as a result of decentralization of economics, which allowed to single out municipal government from the stat government.
Keywords: jurisprudence, formation, history, municipal, law, formation, legislation, local, municipal government, property
Authority and management
Soloviev, S.F. (2009). Formation of municipal government in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Law and Politics, 10.
The author has analyzed the experience of development of municipal government in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in its historical, legal and organization-based aspects. It is noted that formation of local municipal government in the Republic, as well in the country as a whole, was not without political and legal problems.
Keywords: political science, municipal government, relations, toyonate, two-tier, Republic, fighting, model, ulus, formation
Transformation of legal and political systems
Tkachenko, S.V. (2009). Modern model of Russian federalism. Law and Politics, 10.
The article is devoted to the problem of reception of the Western concept of federalism. As being based on the ethnical principle, it poses a threat to the unity of the Russian Federation. However, changes in the ideology of federalism, as well as the transfer towards the legal federalism shall allow to ease the tension among the people of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: jurisprudence, law, ideology, federalism, reception, imperialism, subjects, myth, ethnical, politics
Transformation of legal and political systems
Dzheloukhov, S.G. (2009). Imperial state and legal regime: criteria-based theoretical and methodological analysis. Law and Politics, 10.
The article includes key points of view on the issues of imperial state and legal regime from the point of view of theoretical and methodological analysis. The author establishes and gives grounds for key criteria for the classification of such regimes. The author then comes to a conclusion that the criteria and the dimensions of the imderial state and legal regime in their logical union are the legal realization of principles and ideas of imperial statehood.
Keywords: jurisprudence, empire, methodology, statehood, ideocracy, emperor, legitimacy, poliethnic character, pluralism, regime
Transformation of legal and political systems
Shkel, S.N. (2009). Post-Soveit regime transformations: experience of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Law and Politics, 10.
This article is devoted to specific features of post-Soviet political transformations, taking the Republic of Kazakhstan as an example. The author characterizes the key features of political power transformations of this state, as well as of the specific featuers of modern political regime. The author forecasts possible scenarios of regime transformation in the modern Kazakhstan.
Keywords: political science, politics, power, regime, post-Communism, transformation, elites, actors, retraditionalization, modernization
Stabilization systems: government control
Korchagin, A.G., Sonin, V.V. (2009). Problems of corporations (legal persons) in private and public law. Law and Politics, 10.
The article is devoted to theoretical aspects of definition and contents of corporation in private and public law, legal regime of their property, as well as the possibility for establishing criminal responsibility of legal persons.
Keywords: jurisprudence, corporation, organization, legal relations, private, public, property, fault, responsibility, cessation
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Bogorad, L.M. (2009). Municipal and financial control in Russia and in France: on the issue of search for the optimum model. Law and Politics, 10.
In this article based upon the analysis of existing organizational and legal problems of activities of control municipal units in the Russian Federation for the purposes of finding an optimum model of municipal financial control, the author turns towards the French experience of formation and functioning of regional accounting departments.
Keywords: jurisprudence, financial control, municipal institutions, accounting chamber, France, Russia, reform of financial control, budget of municipal formations, procedure of financial control, regional accounting chambers
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Pavlova, M.A. (2009). Legal problems of regulation of metal accounts. Law and Politics, 10.
This article is devoted to the problems of legal regulation of non-personalized metal accounts and responsible keeping metal accounts. The author evaluates, analyzes and gives detail to the structure of contract for metal account. The author also gives comparative legal analysis of a classic banking account and the non-personal metal account.
Keywords: jurisprudence, bank account, metal account for responsible keeping, gold, non-personal metal account, precious, metals, silver, operations with precious metals, bank
International relations: interaction systems
Sarkisov, K. (2009). Offshores: terminological aspect of understanding of law. Law and Politics, 10.
The article is devoted to application of the term “offshore” in Russian and international legislation, its application in law-enforcement practice, attitude towards this new phenomenon of the world community, application of anti-offshore regulation measures. The author also offers a definition of offshore, its subject and object elements based on differentiating between the profits from input of capital into the investment state and grounds for activities outside the investment state.
Keywords: jurisprudence, offshores, anti-offshore regulation, offshore business, offshore jurisdictions, offshore territories, term, investment, subject and object elements, capital
Law and order
Dilbaryan, G.G. (2009). Correlation of civil, criminal and administrative means of protection of intellectual property law. Law and Politics, 10.
The article includes characteristics of civil law, administrative and criminal measures for protection of intellectual property under the Russian legislation, The author also analyzes the criteria for distinguishing these measures, as well as the tendencies of their development.
Keywords: jurisprudence, intellectual activity, intellectual law, objects of intellectual property, intellectual piracy, intellectual activity, copyright, related rights, licensee, elements of offence
Law and order
Artemenko, N.N. (2009). Definitions and responsibility for theft, robbery, plunder and fraud in Russia and foreign states in 2000. Law and Politics, 10.
This article includes comparative analysis of the key crimes against property (theft, robbery, plunder, scamming under the legislation of the Russian Fedderation an other foreign states, points out positive and negative features.
Keywords: jurisprudence, politics, crimes, property, Russian Federation, Poland, US, England, Germany, France
Law and order
Kukharuk, V.V. (2009). Illegal turnover of psychoactive substances and non-traditional ways of influence on psychological functions of an individual: problems of criminal legal regulation. Law and Politics, 10.
The article is devote to the most complicated issues of qualification of socially dangerous acts in the sphere of psychoactive substances, as based on unlawful use of achievements in the sphere of chemical synthesis, selection, technology of production of substances and materials. The author establishes the need for use of means of criminal legal regulation in order to fight non-traditional (acoustic, electromagnetic) means of influence on psychological functions of a human being.
Keywords: jurisprudence, law, psychoactive, substances, narcotics, dependency, health, qualities, poisoning, i-dosers
Conflict: tools of stabilization
Garipov, R.Sh. (2009). Rights of indigenous peoples in the USA. Law and Politics, 10.
This article is devoted to the rights of indigenous peoples of the USA. The natives of the US were greatly harmed by the cruel colonization, physical destructions, dying out of whole peoples. The author analyzes history of formation and development of rights of American Indians in the North America, studies their position in the modern conditions.
Keywords: jurisprudence, Indians, natives, people, USA, rights, indigenous peoples, America, small numbers of people
Practical law manual
Aushev, A.B. (2009). Some problems related to establishing and executing punishment of juveniles. Law and Politics, 10.
The article includes analysis of shortcomings of measures of punishment, used for juvenile offenders, and the author comes to a conclusion on complications of practical application of punishment towards juvenile offenders. The author provides results of the opinion poll among the judges, prosecutors, and the juvenile militia officers.
Keywords: jurisprudence, arrest, improvement, punishment, juvenile offender, juvenile convicts, accused, sanction, court, fine
Practical law manual
Gliznutsa, S.I., Darovskikh, Y.V. (2009). Supervision over juvenile suspect (accused) as a key procedural measure in criminal cases regarding juvenile offenders. Law and Politics, 10.
The article includes statistical data on procedural measures towards juvenile offenders (suspects and accused persons). The author analyses various procedural measures, offers to exclude the signing of the obligation not to change location and to behave properly.
Keywords: jurisprudence, juvenile, offender, suspect, accused, review, control, representative, call, measure, procedural detention and limitation
Practical law manual
Potapkov, A.A. (2009). Solidary responsibility of parents for the harm, caused by the juveniles. Law and Politics, 10.
In spite of its topicality, the problem related to solidary responsibility of parents for the harm, which was caused by their children, is hardly well-studied in the Russian science. This scientific article includes analysis of some ambiguous theories of Soviet civil doctrine, Decrees of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, judicial practice, author offers to amend the legislation in order to improve it.
Keywords: jurisprudence, solidary, parents, juveniles, harm, child under 14, compensation, bases, delict
Rayevskaya, T.S. (2009). Responsibility of mother company for the obligations of the filial company (piercing the corporate veil) in English law. Law and Politics, 10.
In this article the author analyzes the doctrine of “piercing the corporate veil” based on a number of judicial precedents. The author pays attention to the issue of responsibility of the mother company on the debts of the filial company, including the EU legislation level. The author also compares the definition of doctrine of “piercing the corporate veil” with the similar situation with responsibility of mother company for the filial company in Russian legislation.
Keywords: jurisprudence, independent legal person, limited responsibility, piercing the corporate veil, judicial precedent, Bankruptcy Act of 1986, group of companies, fraud, lying, agency, illegal sales, responsibility of the main company
Human and state
Korobko, K.I. (2009). Licensing of activities of the subjects of the private heath care system. Law and Politics, 10.
This article includes analysis of the existing legislation, which regulates licensing of activities of the subjects of private health care system. As a result of the analysis, the author points out a number of problem issues, which need solution. The author also provides for a number of measures, which are aimed to improve the mechanism of licensing the activities of the subjects of private health care system in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: jurisprudence, licensing, health care, entrepreneurial, legislation, quality, control, self-regulation, sanctions, private
Human and state
Gavrilova, S.V. (2009). Interaction of power and society while implementing the town-planning projects in Moscow (legal aspect). Law and Politics, 10.
The article includes analysis of interaction of power and government while implementing the city planning projects in Moscow. The author stresses public hearings as a form of cooperation. The studies are based on analysis of the legal field, and the author predicts possible influence of public hearings on lowering the level of conflicts among the power bodies and people, while implementing the city planning in Moscow.
Keywords: political science, power, state, city planning, cooperation, conflicts, participation, people, efficiency, hearings
History of state and law
Vasiliev, A.A. (2009). Muslim legal doctrine as a source of law: historical aspects. Law and Politics, 10.
The article is devoted to historical analysis of evolution of the Muslim legal doctrine. The article establishes the connection between religion and law in Muslim legal studies. At the same time, the author emphasizes the peculiarity of Muslim legal doctrine: religious character, conservatism, high efficiency, etc.
Keywords: jurisprudence, source of law, legal doctrine, Islam, Sunnah, ijma, kiyas, stratagems, mazkhabs, adat