Romanenko, N.S. (2007). Characteristic features of equivalency in the Russian civil law. Law and Politics, 11, 5–9.
Even at the time of their very formation law and economics interacted actively and took particular terms from each other. It was the case with the term “equivalency” as well. Equivalency is most closely related to the term “retribution” and it have always seemed that the difference is clear…However, now two terms are often mixed up…
Authority and management
Koloteva, V.G. (2007). Role of the central executive bodies in the Latin America: a matter of interest for Russia. Law and Politics, 11, 10–15.
In the 1990s a number of superpresidential Latin American republics took steps towards more balance in the sphere of separation of powers. This experience is quite relevant for us, since, as some tend to think, a number of post – Soviet republics, namely some middle – Asian post – Soviet states are superpresidential, and so is the Russian Federation, since the Russian President enjoys a wide scope of powers…
Transformation of legal and political systems
Kakitelashvili, M.M. (2007). Constitutional legal aspects of financing elections in the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 11, 16–25.
The issues of financing elections have gained topicality lately, and this is the reason why the author chose this topic. The relevant issues include rules related to formation and spending of election campaign budget, as well as rational spending of state funds provided for organizing elections.
State security
Volokh, V.A. (2007). Development of legislation on refugees as an important factor of formation of the state migration policy of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 11, 26–29.
Migration of people now rose to the unprecedented level and the number of migrants comes close to 175 million people. Is it possible to regulate such a global process? This article by V.A. Volokh is devoted to the topical problems of migration and migration policy in the Russian Federation, including the problems of forced migration…
State security
Galuzin,A.F. (2007). On narcotism and narco-lobby in theory and practice of ensuring the security of individuals and society (state). Law and Politics, 11, 30–37.
As the author of this article points out, the narco-lobby is a type of social psychology and thinking aimed to legalize narcotics, in order to support criminal business, while it is masked as protection of human rights and freedoms. It poses itself as protection of rights of choice of the drug – addict, which basically means protection of his rights to suicide by the means of drugs…
Stabilization systems: government control
Kurakin, A.V. (2007). Theoretical and practical problems of realization of administrative and legal means of prevention and fighting corruption within the system of state service in militia of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 11, 38–43.
As the author of this article points out, it is now clear that there are no adequate administrative means to fight corruption within the state service system in the Russian Federation. For this very reason, it is quite important to learn more about corruption and its scientific studies, to develop well-based means to fight corruption within the system of the state service of the Russian Federation.
Stabilization systems: government control
Tsuran, A.A. (2007). Problems of classification of means of administrative and legal coersion. Law and Politics, 11, 44–49.
Administrative legal coersion includes a variety of coersive measures. These measures can be separated in various groups, depending on their particular goals. Their classification holds both theoretical and practical value…
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Geivandov, Y.A. (2007). Payment union of the CIS and the international banking institutions at the post-Soviet territory. Law and Politics, 11, 50–60.
After the break-up of the Sovied Union, the formation of the Payment Union and international institution of banking cooperation has become an important condition for the development of cooperation on the post – Soviet territory and normalization of the payment relations. There is now a number of both international and national acts aimed to develop these institutions, and they are the subject of the studies, provided in this article.
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Yeremyan, E.V. (2007). Tax policy within the process of transformation of a traditional legal system of the Great Britain and the Northern Ireland. Law and Politics, 11, 61–75.
In the late years, within the context of financial instability and stabilization of the national economy, it becomes clear that the taxation system in the UK needs change, in order to adapt it to the changes in consumer demand. At the same time mechanisms of control over provision of credits and higher social security payments prove efficient…
Stabilization systems: fiscal control
Kazantsev, A.P. (2007). Legal aspects of liberalization of the foreign currency regime in the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 11, 76–79.
As the author of this article points out, our state needs convertible rouble, in order to strenghen the relation with the international economic system. And for the citizens of our country it shall mean an ability to take their roubles with them, when going abroad.
International relations: interaction systems
Rabtsevich, O.I. (2007). The problem of “common principles of law” in the international law. Law and Politics, 11, 80–85.
The problem of “general principles of law” is a subject to heated discussion of both international law scholars and theoreticians of law. While the international law scholars study this term in its relation to international law, the latter study its correlation to national legal systems. This article by O.I. Rabtsevich contains the study of existing approaches, and includes the author’s own view…
International relations: interaction systems
Abakarov, A.T. (2007). The Caspian region within the global strategy in the conditions of the new geopolitical territory. Law and Politics, 11, 86–93.
The interest to the Caspian region by the leading states and transnational corporation is growing, and so is their activity in the region. Russia’s regional interests strongly related to national and everyday security of Russia as a whole, as well as to region in question.
Chumachenko, T.A. (2007). The crisis of the judicial power in the European Union: the means of solution in the light of refusal of the Member States to ratify the European Constitution. Law and Politics, 11, 94–104.
As a result of heated debate the Governments of the EU Member States stopped trying to rehabilitate the European Consttution. Instead they now offer the Correction Agreement. The goal of this article is to evaluate the influence of above-mentioned events on the judicial system of the European Union as a whole…
Law and order
Kolosovsky, V.V. (2007). Some issues related to the application of the commentary norm to the Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 11, 105–106.
Both legal scholars and legal practitioners state that the commentary norm of th Art. 228 of the Russian Criminal Code is imperfect. Its legislative provisions related to limitations to the voluntary surrender of narcotic substances or analogous substances, when a person is detained, as well as a number of other matters remain unclear.
Public communications
Aivar, L.K., Trunov, I.L. (2007). The problems related to realization of rights of criminal victims. Law and Politics, 11, 107–109.
The assessment of the importance of information as an authoritative, managerial resource has led to the fact that it is considered as a particularly significant object of public law, legal regulation of the activities of state authorities and local self-government, relations between citizens and authorities. As the author of this article notes, certain prerequisites for such an assessment of the place of information in the system of objects of legal regulation were given by the legislator himself. The Constitution of the Russian Federation has granted everyone the right to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information in any way …
Kretova, E.A. (2007). On the issue of information as an object of the public law. Law and Politics, 11, 110–115.
Evaluation of information as a government resource led to information being regarded as an important object of the public law, and legal regulation by the state bodies and local municipalities, relations between the state and the people. As the author points out, the legislator himself provided the basis for such an approach…
Samigullin, M.V. (2007). On the issue of definition of constitutionalism. Law and Politics, 11, 116–120.
The term “constitutionalism” is quite important for legal studies, politology, sociology and a number of other sciences. It is one of the basic terms within the system of sciences, related to the public power, its organization and functioning. Constitutionalism is an integral term and a system-forming factor. What are its contents?
History of state and law
Ivanova, O.M. (2007). On the goals of legal responsibility. Law and Politics, 11, 121–126.
The term “goal of legal responsibility” includes both the official goal and the goals of legal practice. The goals exist when the legal norms are formed and implemented. Is this term objective or subjective?
History of state and law
Vladimirova, G.E. (2007). Basic state laws and defining the political and legal characteristics of the Russian State (for the 175th anniversary of publication). Law and Politics, 11, 127–131.
The Basic State Laws were established 175 years ago and were in force with no serious amendments untill 1906, when their amended version provided for the transition from the absolute monarchy to the constitutional monarchy. This article aims to evaluate appearance of the BSL within the context of the Russian constitutionalism, study the process of their formation and structure.
History of state and law
Pimenova, N.V. (2007). Reform of the state mechanisms of financial control within the policy of the Russian state (XIX – early XX centuries). Law and Politics, 11, 132–136.
This article is devoted to the organization and legal mechainsms of realization of the state policy in the sphere of financial control in the Russian Federation. As the author of this article points out, the existing chronology is related to the fact that formation of the financial control system in Russia took place in late XIX century, when its inspection, administrative and budget functions were legislatively established and supported.
History of state and law
Shishkova, M.A. (2007). Definition of subjects of law in the policy of the Russian state in XVIII – early XX centuries (historical and theoretical analysis). Law and Politics, 11, 137–144.
Historical processes and state reforms changed the legal status of the subjects of law thoughout the history of the Russian state. Certain limitation of the clan and community powers by the state gave more freedom to individual property rights of subjects, however, the state still dominated, which can be clearly seen at the time of the “Moscow state”. Later the scope of subjective rights grew and the legal provisions for the legal subjects changed.
Practical law manual
T.Y. Ampleeva (2007). On the issue of place and role of the community court within the system of the ancient Russian justice. Law and Politics, 11, 145–151.
As the author points out, the community court within the system of the ancient Russian justice graduall became an element of Prince’s judicial bodies. However, the community kept helping the claimant in searching for the criminal, and provided its representatives to the “common trial”, where they had considerable influence. The community also played an active role in reconsiliatory measures aimed to achieve dispute resolution without the judicial procedures.