Question at hand
Dobrynin, N.M. (2005). Some thoughts on improvement of federal relations in the Russian Federation and on participation of the subjects of the Russian Federation in social and economical development of the state. Law and Politics, 8, 4–13.
At the session of the Council of State of the Russian Federation on July 2, 2005 in Kaliningrad the discussion concerned the role of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the social and economical development of our country and their responsibility for improvement of level of life of the people. As the mass media reported, the discussion also concerned the issue of improvement of federal relations and optimal division of powers. The author shares his "insider" impressions on these relevant and important issues with our readers.
Question at hand
Zhalinsky, A.E. (2005). Legal thought and professional activities of lawyers. Law and Politics, 8, 14–23.
Throughout the late years a lot of criticism was directed at the level of professional education and activities of our lawyers. In A.E. Zhalinsky's article, he raises the issue of correlation between the state of legal thought and the professional activities of a modern lawyer. Author analyzes some popular approaches in our society, as well as subjective approach of lawyers to their profession, otherwise known as "legal approach"…
Khachaturov, R.L. (2005). Responsibility in modern international law. Law and Politics, 8, 24–43.
The issue of responsibility in modern international law, which is the key point of this article, is directly related to the functioning of the international law as such. If no international responsibility for the actions of the state were recognized in the international law, the very international law would cease to exist since the goals of international law, such as liquidation of local wars, protection of peace and international security, fighting terrorism, would become unattainable.
Musatkina, A.A. (2005). Correlation of financial responsibility and other types of legal responsibility. Law and Politics, 8, 43–52.
Authority and management
Kurakin, A.V., Tyurin, V.A., Savostin, A.A. (2005). International, European and national aspects of fighting corruption within the system of state service of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 8, 53–60.
State institutions and legal systems
Fedorchenko, V.N. (2005). Exclusive powers of the President of the Russian Federation in the sphere of embargo on sale of weapons and military machinery, on the military and technical services: legal aspects. Law and Politics, 8, 61–68.
As the author of this article notes, today one cannot name a unified approach towards the decision-making by the President of the Russian Federation in the sphere of embargo on sale of weapons and military machinery, on the military and technical services, as well as on provision of raw materials, machinery and technologies to the foreign states in accordance with the Resolutions of the Security Council of the UN. Since these issues are of great international-legal importance, this article contains the detailed analysis of these issues.
Transformation of legal and political systems
Kubantsev, S.P. (2005). Therapeutic jurisprudence: the American pattern. Law and Politics, 8, 69–77.
This article is devoted to the issue of criminal insanity and "therapeutic jurisprudence" in the American practice. As the author notes, provisions of the modern American legislation on criminal insanity vary from the too determined ones to the absurdly broad ones, and the criminal insanity as a criminal legal category is quite a problem, since its definition is concentrated on the causes of criminal behavior. As a result of all of this, the American legislation on mental health becomes less and less effective. Is "therapeutic jurisprudence" a panacea?
Transformation of legal and political systems
Naumov, A.M. (2005). The principle of adversary proceedings in the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 8, 78–90.
International relations: interaction systems
Kostenko, N.I. (2005). Legal mechanisms of international cooperation in the law-enforcement sphere. Law and Politics, 8, 91–103.
Criminal activities have been traditionally viewed as local (or at best, national) issues, and accordingly, investigation of crimes and criminal prosecution have been seen as national issues, not international ones. However, one of the obvious negative points of globalization is appearance of transnational crimes, which, in turn, calls for cooperation of law-enforcement bodies of various states. In N.I. Kostenko's article one can find analysis of this problem and existing practice, as well as possible solutions…
International relations: interaction systems
Belyanskaya, O.V., Pugina, O.A. (2005). Conditions of implementation of international legal norms into the Russian legislation. Law and Politics, 8, 104–110.
Development of the protection of human rights in the Russian legislation can best be achieved by implementation of international legal norms. Thus, the international law serves as a bridge between national and international legal systems. In this article by O.V. Belyanskaya and O.A. Pugina one can find review of mechanisms and key problems in this sphere.
Conflict: tools of stabilization
Smirnov, M.G. (2005). Specific features of a non-international armed conflict as a legal term. Law and Politics, 8, 111–115.
This article is devoted to the issue of regulation of non-international armed conflict and contains international legal and comparative analysis of such terms as "the state of war", "civil war", "insurrection movement". The doctrine of international law also contains such terms as "rebellion", "insurrection". The author provides us with the terminological analysis of relevant terms.
Shabanova, T.N. (2005). Alternative means of dispute resolution in the US legal proceedings: California’s example. Law and Politics, 8, 116–126.
T.N. Shabanova's article contains detailed analysis of the US regional practice on use of alternative means of dispute resolutions within both civil and criminal proceedings. As the author notes, the system of arbitration, mediation and other alternative programs is rather complicated. Up to 90 per cent of civil disputes are resolved out of courtroom due to use of voluntary or obligatory arbitration…
Zabeida, A.V. (2005). Problems of ensuring and protecting rights and freedoms and the very person of a juror in the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 8, 126–129.
Being a juror in Russia is far less safe and advantageous, as it is in the US and the Western states. Russia lacks a clear juror protection system, and often the jurors do not get their financial compensation for their service. This article concerns the guarantees of independence and personal immunity of jurors, necessary security measures. Author analyzes new features of Russian legislation (such as Art. 298 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Slander on juror"), points out the blanks and gaps in the Russian legislation.
Human and state
Alisievich, E.S. (2005). On the value of interpretation of the Convention on human rights and freedoms by the European Court of Human Rights. Law and Politics, 8, 130–134.
This article by E.S. Alisievich contains analysis of the interpretation practice of the European Court of Human Rights. This practice is of key importance for understanding of the guarantees of rights and freedoms of people in accordance with the European Convention on human rights.
History of state and law
Borshevsky, A.P. (2005). General principles of functioning of local self-government and justices of peace in Bessarabia by 60s-70s of the XIX century. Law and Politics, 8, 135–140.
The article is devoted to analysis of activities of the justices of peace and of local municipal institutions. As the author points out, the institution of local government is one of bases of any democratic society and the independent judicial authority is an essential element of democracy, promoting protection of the rights and freedom of citizens, which makes their studies so topical. The author on the basis of use of various sources has managed to show us the essence and value of local government and peace justice in Bessarabia in 60-70 of XIX century.
Practical law manual
Maksimkina, E.A. (2005). A change in the housing relation due to the new Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 8, 141–151.
As the new Housing Coude of the Russian Federation came into force in March, the housing law had changed greatly and was brought into accord to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In E.A. Maksimkina's article one can find analysis of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, its novel features, as well as gaps in modern housing legislation.