Christine Bertrand.
Paradoxes of the immigration policy
of the European Union
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2014. № 4.
P. 485-492.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2014.4.64200 URL:
The article is devoted to the paradoxes of immigration policy of the European Union. The author singles out
three such paradoxes. Regarding the first one, the author studies the changes in the policy from the openness of the
internal (national) borders and guarded external borders to the opposite situation, when the external borders are
weakened. Regarding the second one, the author discusses the issues of the need for immigrants in the European
Union and marginalization of the labor immigration policy. Regarding the third one, the author discusses the need
to respect the values of the European Union and the primary importance of the position in support of immigration.
It is stated in the introduction that the Member States of the European Union have for a long time been regarding
immigration as a purely national issues, and they attempt at the same time to manage migration streams, to pass
documents defining legal regime of immigrants, and to make decisions on prerequisites and conditions for leaving
the state of nationality for the public law reasons. The author uses both general scientific approaches and the
specific methods of legal studies in the process of analysis of the legislation of the Member States of the European
Union. For the first time in the Russian legal literature, the article allows the readers to get acquainted both with
the legal regulation of immigration and the problems, which the Member States of the European Union are facing.
France, security and justice, legal immigration, illegal immigration, public order, joint policy, family reunion, work, Schengen, the European Union.
Bessarabov, V.G..
Guarantees of lawfulness
in the sphere of migration
by the prosecution bodies
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2013. № 10.
P. 1081-1093.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2013.10.63255 URL:
The article is devoted to the activities of the Prosecution of the Russian Federation in the sphere of
guarantees of lawfulness in respect to migration. It concerns the issues of lawful labor migration, illegal migration,
internal migration in Russia. The author characterizes the activities of the controlling and supervising
bodies working in this legal sphere. Much attention is paid to the guarantees of lawfulness in the sphere of
migration by the prosecution bodies in the Russian Federation.
jurisprudence, prosecutor supervision, migration, human rights, International Organization for Migration, the states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, lawful labor migration, illegal migration, internal migration.
Kashkin, S.Y..
The concept for the examination
on the legislation
of the Russian Federation
for the migrant workers
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2013. № 10.
P. 1094-1097.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2013.10.63256 URL:
The article is devoted to the concept discussion for the organization, holding and legal regulation of
the exam on the fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation for migrant workers. It formulates
goals and principles, as well as significant elements of the said exam, showing its relation to the exams on Russian
language and Russian history. The author offers the options for interaction of the relevant ministries and
institutions, as well as optimum forms and methods for holding such exams. The author analyzes the measures
for the efficient implementation of the relevant components of the Strategy for the State National Policy of the
Russian Federation till 2025.
jurisprudence, migrant workers, fundamental of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adaptation, integration, guarantees of rights, national security, strategy, exam.
Pang Dongmei.
Composition of crimes committed
by foreign citizens
in the Far Eastern Region
of Russia
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2013. № 10.
P. 1098-1106.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2013.10.63257 URL:
The problem of crimes committed by the foreign citizens during their stay abroad is topical for most
states in the world, Russia included. Fighting crime by foreign citizens and apatrides became an important vector
in a criminal law policy of many states. In early XXI century in Russia over 90 per cent of crimes committed
by foreign citizens and apatrides are referring to the citizens of the CIS Member States. A number of crimes
by Chinese persons is no more than 1 per cent of the total amount of crimes committed by foreign citizens.
Criminal situation, its dynamics and structure in the Far Eastern region of Russia are somewhat different in
comparison with the statistics for the state in general.
jurisprudence, migration, illegal migration, the Far Eastern region of Russia, crime by foreign citizens, condition, structure, dynamics.
T.A. Prudnikova.
Professional education of lawyers:
new approaches
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2013. № 9.
P. 934-942.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2013.9.63076 URL:
Starting from this issue of the journal, we begin publication of the materials on the newly developed
Master’s Program of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University on «Material Law and Judicial Protection
in Civil Cases». The program is presented with series of publications on special courses (disciplines) of
the program, authors of this program develop the working programs for such disciplines. Special disciplines
within the program relate either to material law or to the procedural block, which serve as a «specialization
core» — a professional cycle of the program defining its contents and profile. The relation among the
disciplines reflects the dominating basic vector of the program towards cognition and understanding by the
students of the mutual influence and interdependence of material and procedural law in the sphere of civil
judicial procedure through the object of study — civil cases. The specialization of the program reflects upon
the inextricable connections between the civil (arbitration) procedural law and the branches of material
law, such as civil, family, labor law, which are considerably connected to civil judicial procedure, and a large
number of civil cases in these spheres are dealt with by the courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration
courts based on the procedural and material legal norms.
jurisprudence, Magister Program, specialized educational disciplines, civil cases, civil judicial procedure, civil (arbitration) procedural law, civil law, family law, labor law, the EU law.
Prudnikova, T.A..
History of formation
and practice of legal regulation
of migration processes in Russia
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2013. № 9.
P. 943-952.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2013.9.63077 URL:
As a practical study shows, the modern society is currently facing a number of global problems,
reflecting on vital interests of all the people. One of such problems is migration crisis, which has
a considerable influence on all of the vital spheres and political, legal and economic processes in them.
Migration of people is a natural pattern, so all of the migration processes follow some universal laws
of social development, at the same time having some specific features depending on historical time and
place. Today all of the states pay much attention to the improvement of migration policy, however, the
objective reality requires the administrative efforts to be united in order to manage migration processes
more efficiently, to more actively fight negative effects and consequences of unlawful and spontaneous
migrations, etc. In order to find new efficient instruments and mechanisms for bringing the migration
processes In Russia into certain order and to bring them within the vector of social and economic development,
it is necessary to study specific features of formation and development of the Russian institution
of limitations to the freedom of movement, choice of place of permanent and temporary residence. The
article includes a retrospective analysis of formation of migration processes In Russia and the practice of
legal regulation in this sphere.
jurisprudence, legal regulation, migration processes, migration of people, migration legal order, Russia, migration policy, migration relations, freedom of movement, choice of place of permanent or temporary residence.
Zinchenko, N.N..
Regional specific features
of legal regulation of the processes
of external labor migration
(on an example
of the CIS Member States)
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2013. № 9.
P. 953-960.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2013.9.63078 URL:
At the current stage of development external labor migration is one of the key migration movements
in various regions in the world. The specific features of migration processes in the post-Soviet territory
is due first of all to the fact that at the time of earlier existence of a unified state, this migration was
regarded as internal migration. Currently these are external migration processes among the CIS Member
States within the framework of rather active migration exchange of people, including labor migrants,
among the CIS Member States and other states. The analysis of specific features of economic, geopolitical
and demographic conjuncture within this region allows the author to establish specific features of international
legal regulation of the labor migration processes among the CIS Member States and to provide some
recommendations on its improvement.
jurisprudence, external labor migration, international legal regulation, the CIS, the illegal labor migration, legalization, protection of rights and freedoms of the migrant workers, the ILO Conventions, the Eurasian Economic Community, legal status of migrant workers, regional cooperation.