Gavrilova, Y.A..
Methodological problems
of the semantic field of law
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2013. № 11.
P. 1176-1183.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2013.11.63443 URL:
The studies of the meaning of law within the integrative theoretical cognition model with the
nuclear — peripheral structural organization, which is recognized as the semantic field of law, include authentic
convergence of a number of methods, such as dialectics, synergy, hermeneutic and conceptologic
methods for the purpose of achieving cognition of the meaning of law. The problem of meaning of law and
the model for its resolution via the semantic field require mitigation of the possible contradictions between
the competing legal research methods, as well as including them into the common methodological field of
legal science as relevant and historically adequate instruments. The above-mentioned methods in their correlation
within the model of semantic field of law are not the only suitable methods for such a study. They
have their specific and typical positions within each specific zone of the semantic field of law, which is based
upon recognition of the general thesis under which subjective and objective legal realities do not contradict
each other, rather the meaning of law may be found in their unity. All of the above methodologies in their
totality appear and function within the framework of general problem of meaning and they are related to
the semantic field of law. Solution of methodological problems in the sphere of meaning of law within the
model of its semantic field shall facilitate intensive adaptation of the objectively existing various types of
legal understanding in the Russian legal studies.
methodology, dialectics, hermeneutics, synergy, conceptology, meaning of law, concept, legal understanding, semantic field of law, value.
Kotenko, E.S..
and characteristic features
of a multi-media product
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2013. № 6.
P. 587-600.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2013.6.62720 URL:
The article contains novel results of intellectual activities, which are formed with the use of computer
technologies. Currently it is necessary to establish their legal nature. Based upon the analysis of the
specific features of the legal relations regarding the use of some results of intellectual activity, such as computer
games, Internet sites, virtual museums, etc., the author comes to a conclusion that they are types of
multi-media products. The author offers a definition of multi-media product as an electronic (digital) object
of copyright, which includes several protected results of intellectual activities (computer programs, works
of art, music, etc.), and which interacts with a user via computer machinery. The author also shows the key
specific features of this result of intellectual activity (complicated character, virtual character, interactivity),
and establishes the point of view, under which lack of one of these features means that the product is not a
multi-media product.
jurisprudence, multimedia product, complicated object, intellectual property, Interactive, virtual, computer program, database, Internet website, audio-visual work.