Chernyadieva, N.A..
The Westphalian Peace Treaty:
the problems of fighting the
emerging terrorism
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2014. № 5.
P. 564-574.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2014.5.64915 URL:
Research is done with the financial support of the Russian Humanitarian Sciences Foundation within the framework
of the scientific research project (“Stages of the Formation of Universal Standards and Approaches in
Fighting International Terrorism”), project N. 14-03-00128.
The Westphalian Peace Treaty laid the
foundation for the formation of the modern international sphere. It formed the fundamentals (principles) of the
international law. The article is devoted to establishing the historical factors involved in the Westphalian Treaty,
which facilitated formation of the international terrorism. The object of studies was the process of formation
and development of the international public law for the purpose of defining the legal norms and principles,
that allowed for the terrorism to enter the international level. The study is based upon the primary sources: the texts of two treaties, which are united by the title of the Westphalian Peace Treaty. The article contains comprehensive
interdisciplinary studies, that is why, the author applied comparative legal and comparative historical
methods. Taking into account the specific features of scientific research, which is aimed at revealing similarities
in differences in social and political matter of predecessors and companions of terrorism. The applied principle
of historicism allowed to follow the starting stage, when the conditions for the terrorism have formed in the
international sphere. The author also used diachronic comparison in order to find prerequisites for the terrorism
in the international reality, and the synchronic comparison in order to find out general, specific and singular
features in the evaluation of terrorism in various states, viewing them as an embodiment of heritage of the
Westphalian Treaty. For the first time the Westphalian Treaty is analyzed as a primary basis for the global legal
order and a historical prerequisite for the current international security crisis. It is shown that the Westphalian
Treaties (Munster and Osnabruck Treaties) provide for the principles of sovereignty and equality of states,
double standards in foreign policy, legalization of wars as means of foreign policy, the Treaties define the range
of subjects of international law, providing for the monopoly of states for legalized violence.
international terrorism, principles of international law, Westphalian Treaty, conditions and prerequisites, sovereignty, principles of equality, subjects of international law, violence, history of international law, international security.
Dremlyuga, R.I..
International legal regime
of the Black Sea straits
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2013. № 10.
P. 1107-1114.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2013.10.63258 URL:
The article is devoted to the analysis of the modern situation regarding international legal regulation
of the navigation in the Black Sea straits. The author tries to find an answer to the question of how one should
interpret the unilateral changes in the navigation regime in the Black Sea straits by Turkey from the standpoint
of international maritime law. Special attention is paid to the application of the UN Convention on the Law
of the Sea of 1982 in order to establish the legal regime of the Black Sea straits. The author attempts to find
out whether the norms of the Convention are binding for the Turkey. The article also concerns the latest acts
adopted by Turkey. The analysis has shown that all of these acts are in violation of international law in some
respects. The author made a conclusion that in spite of provisions of the international maritime law on the
possibility for the coastal state to introduce new security and environmental protection rules for the straits, it
should be implemented with due regard to the international commercial navigation.
jurisprudence, commercial navigation, security guarantees, international law, maritime law, the Montreux Convention, the Black Sea straits, the coastal states, legal regime, the UN Conventions, navigation.
Antonova, E.Y..
Theoretical model for
the corporate (collective)
criminal responsibility
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2013. № 8.
P. 875-883.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2013.8.62910 URL:
The article concerns an issue of theoretical model of corporate (collective) criminal responsibility. The
author defines the factors, which socially provide for the corporate (collective) criminal responsibility, she analyzes
the correlation between collective civil, administrative and criminal responsibility, as well as the mechanism
of criminal activities of corporate (collective) entities. The article contains a conclusion that corporate
(collective) criminal responsibility should only be applied in cases, when other means (civil or administrative)
applicable to collective entities fail to restore social justice and prevent new harmful acts towards the social
relations protected by criminal law. The mechanism of unlawful acts of corporate (collective) entities arises
from the criminal corporate culture, which may be understood as a policy, means of management, course of
activities or practice of a corporate (collective) entity as a whole or of its structural divisions, within the process
of which the unlawful activities in the name of (or in the interests of) a corporate (collective) entity is allowed,
supported or neglected by the managing persons. Additionally, the article provides for the conditions for the
corporate (collective) criminal responsibility, and the conditions eliminating criminal character of activities of
legal entities and other collective entities, punishments and other means of criminal legal character, which
may be applicable to a collective entity.
jurisprudence, criminal responsibility, corporate culture, corporate entity, legal entity, collective subject, corporate guilt, subject of responsibility, social prerequisites, public danger, comparative analysis.
Lyutov, N.L..
Jus Cogens norms
and international labor law
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2013. № 5.
P. 495-508.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2013.5.61419 URL:
The article includes analysis of the possible existence of the imperative norms of general international
law (Jus Cogens) in the international labor law. The Jus Cogens norms are the highest source of law in the hierarchy
of international law, and no international treaty or other source of international law may contradict Jus
Cogens. However, the Russian and foreign doctrines of labor law present a variety of opinions on which norms
may be recognized as Jus Cogens in the international labor law. One may state, that the representatives of
the labor law science, are much more liberal towards the possible list o Jus Cogens norms in the international
labor law, when compared to the international law scholars. Considering the possibility for the Jus Cogens
norm to appear without the consent of the sovereign state, and the conservative practice of the international
judicial bodies towards this type of legal norms, as well as the danger of use of this concept for the political
purposes, rather than for the protection of human rights, the article calls for a careful approach to the norms
in question. Based upon the decisions of international courts, one may recognize legitimization of the Jus
Cogens norms on prohibition of discrimination and slavery (being an extreme form of forced labor). However,
all other human rights in the sphere of labor may be regarded as only being in the process of their possible
formation as Jus Cogens norms.
jurisprudence, Jus Cogens, labor law, international labor law, the ILO, the ILO Declaration of 1998, the imperative norms, the basic principles.
Moiseev, E.G..
The process of regulation
of the conflict in the Middle East
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2013. № 4.
P. 367-378.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2013.4.62627 URL:
The problem of regulation of the conflict in the Middle East is one of the most long standing (since
1948) unresolved international problems. The article is devoted to the process or regulation of this conflict
during the late years, in which Israel, Palestine and the neighboring Arabic states and the UN take part. The
author also shows the policy and actions of the Russian Federation in the sphere of resolution of the conflict
in the Middle East.
jurisprudence, the Middle Eastern, conflict, regulation, complications, process, Palestine, Israel, the UN, Russia
Bekyashev, K.A..
Legal status
of the Eurasian Economic
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2013. № 3.
P. 286-290.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2013.3.62503 URL:
The article is devoted to the prerequisites for the formation of the Eurasian Economic Commission.
The author characterizes its functions from the point of view of international law. The Commission acts based
upon the three principles: a) mutual profit, equal rights and regard for national interests; b) economic feasibility
of decision; c) open, public and objective character. These principles are not of legal character. However,
since they are included In the Treaty of November 18, 2011, they have legal value and are obligatory for the
members. According to the Art. 1 of the Treaty of November 18, 2011, the Commission is a regulating body
and an international autonomous body, which is formed based on the international treaty. The article includes
positions in support of such a view. The author considers that the Commission is not a supra-national organization,
since he believes that there is no such thing as such organizations.
jurisprudence, legal personality, the Eurasian territory, obligations and rights of states, supranational character, connection with the EAEC, cooperation with the UNO, the United Economic Territory, the perspectives for the development of the Commission, the European Commission, the EAEC, the law-making, supranational character of international organizations.