Volkonskaya, E.K..
Repeated relapse into violent crimes
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2014. № 6.
P. 712-720.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2014.6.65028 URL:
The author has analyzed the correlations in primary and repeated crime in Russia in the last decade.
The author singles out and evaluates the tendencies for the greater relative weight of repeated crimes
within the structure of crimes, and lowering relative weight of previously convicted persons within the structure
of persons, who have committed crimes earlier. The author substantiates the position on the growing
number of latent violent crimes. The author also characterizes the correlation of the repeated violent crimes
and marginal, professional, organized (including ethnic organized) crime, economic crimes, juvenile crimes,
“street” and penitentiary crimes. The article includes analysis of other negative social processes, which serve
as the background for the spread of repeated violent crimes, such as infiltration of the elements of criminal
sub-culture into the social relations of law-abiding citizens, detachment of the general public from the process
of fighting crime, corruption in the government bodies, illegal turnover of weapons, military conflicts,
illegal migration, national and religious intolerance, criminal violence (including latent violence) in the penitentiary
and towards the convicts.
repeated relapse into violent crimes, repeated crimes, previously convicted persons, penitentiary crimes, criminalization of the society, latency, criminal sub-culture, violent crime, criminal processes, murder.
Gotchina, L.V..
International legislation in the sphere
of prevention of drug crimes committed
by juveniles or against juveniles
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2014. № 5.
P. 594-606.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2014.5.64918 URL:
International legislation in the sphere of prevention of drug crime defines national anti-narcotic policy
of the states. It is aimed at bringing the national legislations into accordance with the model laws of the UN
and the CIS on fighting unlawful turnover of controlled substances and abuse of such substances. Ratified international
conventions serve as a limiting factor against termination of national control over narcotic drugs, and
they protect children, teenagers and the youth from abuse of narcotic substances and drug crime. However, in
some states legalization of marijuana is being lobbied by introduction of the state regime of controlled tolerance
towards it.
youth drug crime, international cooperation, institutional interaction, conventional interaction, illegal turnover of drugs, transnational crime, marijuana legalization, fighting organized crime, aiding the youth, prophylactic activity.
Antonyan, Y.M., Goncharova, M.V., Malikov, S.V..
Poverty as a criminogenic factor
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2014. № 4.
P. 450-468.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2014.4.64197 URL:
The current economic situation in Russia causes high level of social tension among various social
groups, and alienation of the part of society, which is “deprived” by the government economic policy providing
for such an unfair situation. In such a situation the limiting potential of morals and law lessens considerably,
and the society stops having its limiting influence upon a person, therefore, anomy appears. Based upon the
above-mentioned prerequisite the article provides for the structure and characteristic features of the modern
poor social groups, and their criminogenic potential is evaluated. Based upon large amount of empiric materials,
including the results of the polling among the convicted criminals all around Russia, the authors prove a
number of traditional criminological theses on the connection between unemployment and the level of crimes,
and the exceedingly high expectations of persons before the moment when the crime is committed producing a
high level of tension and motivation for commission of crimes. At the same time the position is voiced, according
to which the level of crime cannot be lowered solely by economic means. The results of this study may be
used in the process of development of an unified concept of crime prophylactics in Russia.
poverty, categories of the poor, anomia, economic factors of crime, alcoholism, families with many children, migration, social tension.
Volkonskaya, E.K..
Poverty in determination
of the repeated violent crimes
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2013. № 10.
P. 1124-1132.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2013.10.63260 URL:
Based upon the analysis of social and psychological specific features of the poor and statistical data
on the crimes of its representatives, the author uncovers the correlations between poverty and repeated violent crimes Poverty, in which a person may live throughout his life forms persistent personal traits, and they
remain after criminal legal measures applied to such a person after previously committed crimes, therefore,
combined with other factors it continues to determinate his further violent crimes. The author analyzes various
mechanisms for the interaction between the environment of poverty and personality, causing repeated
violent crimes.
jurisprudence, poverty, repeated crime, violence, crime, criminal, inequality, determination, economic, pauper.
Antonyan, Y.M..
The criminal influence
on a personality at the stage
of the early socialization
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2013. № 7.
P. 735-741.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2013.7.62886 URL:
The childhood forms certain personal qualities, such as high level of anxiety and the acute need for
protection, which may be results of alienation from the parents and in the future these qualities, may become
motives for the criminal behavior. The child should be introduced into the society by the family, and if it does
not happen, it is likely that he might not be in conformity with the values and standards of the social environment.
The rejection of the child by the parents may become the axis for his criminal behavior in the future.
jurisprudence, high level of anxiety, deprivation, alienation, guilt, childhood, child, rejection by the family, colicinogenic family.