Samsin, I.L..
Legal regulation of the procedure for
the tax dispute resolution
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2014. № 3.
P. 377-380.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2014.3.63974 URL:
The article shows specific features of legal regulation of the procedure of tax dispute resolution. The
author singles out its elements and stages, paying special attention to the characteristics of the first stage,
which has to do with the existence of the legal norm, which is a fundamental basis for the order in procedural
relations, as well as character of material relations, which should be put into a procedural form, predefining
the direction of procedural regulation, as well as the principles of this or that type of process. The moving force
of the dynamics of the tax disputes and the grounds for the transfer of the procedural relations form one stage
to another are legal facts. The author studies the problems regarding initiation of a tax dispute, and the possibility
for its initiation by a tax body due to act or a failure to act by a taxpayer constituting an offence. Additionally,
the author analyzes the issues of judicial appeals for the decisions of tax bodies. Based upon the use of a
dogmatic method of studies the author comes to a conclusion that a tax dispute a) is a separate legal relation,
which is not included into the structure of a tax obligation, while having a significant impact upon the development
of tax legal obligations and relations; b) is a parallel process towards the latter relations, rather than
taking place after they are completed (an exception is the situation when a decision of a tax body on charging
an additional tax, when an independently calculated sum was already paid by a taxpayer).
ax, tax dispute, taxation, taxation in Ukraine, tax obligation, mechanism for dispute regulation, legal regulation, legal fact, tax debt, judicial appeal to the decision.
Ershova, I.V..
Definition of entrepreneurial activity
in theory and judicial practice
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2014. № 2.
P. 160-167.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2014.2.63839 URL:
The article contains analysis of entrepreneurial activity definition based upon the theory of entrepreneurial
law, legislation and judicial practice. The author evaluates existing scientific viewpoints on the sphere
of application of this term, attention is paid to the position on the absence of legislatively provided definition of
entrepreneurial activity, which the author considers to be questionable. From the standpoint of entrepreneurial
law the author characterizes elements of entrepreneurial activity, such as systemic character and the aim to
obtain a profit. Much attention is paid to legitimacy as a formal element of entrepreneurial activity. An opinion
is expressed on the contents of entrepreneurial activity, and it is pointed out that the profit of entrepreneur
and profit of the owner of property should be differentiated. Finally, the conclusion is made that incorrect and
unclear legal definition is complemented by the legal positions from the judicial practice. The article contains
the key legal positions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the
Russian Federation and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on the relevant issues.
entrepreneurial activity, profit, systemic character, judicial practice, legitimacy, state registration, offence, responsibility, entrepreneurial law, economic activity.
Svirkov, S.A..
The “last mile” contract:
legal nature and general
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2013. № 7.
P. 693-697.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2013.7.62882 URL:
The article includes analysis of specific features and legal nature of one of the most controversial
contractual constructions in the modern electric energy industry, which is the «last mile» contract. The key
prerequisite to its appearance was the existing lack of balance in the price regulation of the electric energy
sphere, when the tariffs, which are set by the state for the electric distribution network companies, are
considerably different from the tariffs for the mainstream network companies. Additionally, the application
of the financial and economic model, for which this contract provides, is aimed to improve the financial
position of the distribution network companies. At the same time the right of organizations to conclude the
«last mile» contracts is not beneficial for the customers, since they have to pay the higher tariffs for the
electric energy. In this article the author provides a critical evaluation of this contractual construction, and
he also notes that in the absence of the legislative legitimacy these relations may become an object for the
anti-monopoly regulation. At the same time, the author comes to a conclusion that such contracts may be
regarded as a form of abuse of right.
jurisprudence, electric energy supply, electric energy network, infrastructure, rent, contract, transfer, tariffs, services, abuse.