Nasonov, S.A..
Specific features for the limits to the
judicial proceedings in criminal cases
involving trial by jury
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2014. ¹ 5.
P. 575-586.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2014.5.64916 URL:
The article is prepared in the process of scientific research work within the framework of the Federal Targeted
Program “Scientific and Scientific – Pedagogical Cadres of the Innovative Russia” for 2009-2013.
The article is devoted to the specific features of the judicial proceedings when the criminal case is
tried by a jury. First specific features concerns “separation” of the position of the prosecution into elements,
which have to be evaluated by the jury and which are examined by the court only after the verdict. The second
specific feature involves a special procedural document – a questionnaire, which presents the factual basis
for the accusation (and often for the defense as well). The second range of problems regards provisions in the
Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation allowing the parties to provide specialized and alternative
questions for the jury, which may alter the contents of the accusation. The article is completed by the analysis
of the problems regarding correspondence between the formulation and legal qualification of the crime in the
court decisions based upon the factual circumstances established by the jury verdict.
jurisprudence, limitations to the judicial proceedings, trial by jury, verdict, court decision, altering the accusation, questionnaire, accused, accusation, jury.
Lobanova, L.V..
Regard for the mitigating circumstances
when applying punishment to a person,
who has previously concluded a pretrial
cooperation settlement
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2014. ¹ 3.
P. 331-340.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2014.3.63970 URL:
The article contains analysis of mitigating circumstances, which are of importance for the application
of rules provided for by part 2 and 4 of Art. 62 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The
author analyzes the issues of correlation between these circumstances and the grounds for providing exceptionally
light punishment under Art.64 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as some other
aspects for the application of mitigating circumstances according to the relevant legislative list. It is stated
that the purpose of the pre-trial cooperation settlement is not only (and maybe not so much in) providing an
additional stimulus for the more active attitude from a person, who has committed a crime, towards assistance
to the investigative bodies, but also in making these activities target-oriented and efficient, usually by
providing a requirement to cooperate for the purpose of revealing or investigation of crimes of other persons
(part 1 of Art. 317.6 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation). Based upon a number of
assumptions, which are also supported by the judicial practice, the author draws a conclusion that part 2
of the Art. 62 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation should be formulated as follows: “The period
or amount of punishment to a person, who has previously concluded a cooperation settlement and took all
measures depending on him in order to fulfill his obligations may not exceed (further provide the option
for lighter punishment), if it is shall be proven that this person has also acknowledged his guilt or actively
facilitated revealing (investigation) of the crime committed with his participation or of the crime committed
by other person (persons)”.
mitigating circumstances, list of mitigating circumstances, consideration of mitigating circumstances, facilitating revealing of a crime, guilty plea, exceptional lightening of punishment, pretrial agreement, rules for lighter punishments, lighter punishment, pretrial cooperation.
Laptev, V.A., Ekimenko, E.N..
Corporate conflicts:
causes of their appearance
and means of protection
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2013. ¹ 3.
P. 268-279.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2013.3.62501 URL:
The appearance of conflict situations in the corporate relations requires that a lawyer should find a
norm of law, which would allow to solve the dispute (conflict). The methodological value of classification of
corporate conflicts is that it allows to single out specific types of corporate conflict and to distinguish them
from the other types. Classification of corporate conflicts (disputes) may be provided based on their object
(disputes, related to the formation, reorganization and liquidation of a legal entity, the disputes regarding the
ownership of stocks and shares in the charter capital of the economic partnerships and companies, disputes
on the claims of founders, members, investors of a legal entity on compensation for the losses, etc. They may
be provided based on the initiating subject of the corporate conflict (inner and outer), on the forms of their
appearance or initiation (buy-in, or stripping of large packets of shares, blocking the rights of share-holders, participants or members to manage the corporation, etc.), or based on the subjects and character of the legal
relations (disputes between the entity and the share-holders, or participants, disputes among the share-holders
or participants, disputes between the main and affiliate companies, etc.). The understanding of classification
of corporate conflicts may be useful in order to form the unitary practice of application of the corporate
law norms by the arbitration courts and practicing lawyers. The analysis of objective and subjective causes for
the formation of corporate conflicts allow to avoid them in many cases. The article also includes analysis of
the methods of uncovering the corporate conflicts, namely the analysis of actions (lack of action), which allow
to suppose that the conflict situation is arising.
law, Corporation, corporate relations, corporate disputes, corporate disputes, business companies, corporate disputes, corporate ownership, enterprise security, corporate lawyer.
Apresova, N.G..
Small business taxation
// LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law).
2013. ¹ 3.
P. 280-285.
DOI: 10.7256/1729-5920.2013.3.62502 URL:
The article is devoted to the issues of legal personality in the sphere of small business, specific features
of tax relations and persons, who participate in these relations (taxpayers, tax bodies and the persons,
facilitating the payment of taxes). The author also discusses the issues regarding the specific features of small
business taxation, and the bases for the general and special regimes of taxation of such subjects, right and
order of transfer from one regime of taxation to another, and the right to apply two special tax regimes. The
article casts light upon the issues of accounting in a simplified taxation regime for the subjects in question.
The author also views the issue of the simplified taxation system based on the patent of an individual entrepreneur,
and she discusses the forms of state support for small businesses.
taxes, business, small business, tax relations, legal personality, general taxation regime, special taxation regime, the Tax Code.