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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Modern methods of estimation of business evaluation

Bazhenov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich

PhD in Economics

associate professor of the Department of Accounting, Finance and Service at Vladimir State University

600000, Russia, Vladimirskaya oblast', g. Vladimir, ul. Gor'kogo, 87

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Cherniatyeva Veronika Gennadievna

125993, Russia, g. Moscow, Leningradskii prospekt, d. 49

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1. Buloshnikova E., 2011. Model’ diskontirovaniya buduschih denezhnyh potokov ili kapitalizacii dohodov? Konsul’tant. 9: 25-28.
2. Fernandez P., 2007. Company valuation methods. The most common errors in valuations. IESE Business School – University of Navarra. 2:1-30.
3. Harrison, David S., 2011. Business Valuation Made Simple: It's all about cash. Strategic Finance. 2:17-23.
4. James R. Hitchner, 2003. Financial valuation: applications and models. By John Wiley & Sons. pp: 6-230.
5. Kosorukova I.V., Sekachev S.A., Shuklina M.A., 2011. Ocenka stoimosti cennyh bumag i biznesa: Uchebnoe posobie pod red. I.V. Kosorukovoy. Moskovskaya finansovo-promyshlennaya academia. pp: 672.
6. Lawrence W., 2010. Uniform Standards of Appraisal Practice. The Appraisal Foundation. 4:26-31.
7. Leonard J., 2005. Business Valuation Standards. American Society of Appraisers. 11:6-15.
8. Salmin P.S., Polyaeva O., 2009. Problemy ocenki stoimosti organizacii (na primere OAO "Nizhegorodskiy port"). Ekonomicheskiy analiz: teoriya i praktika. 34: 55-62.
9. Teryuhov V.E., 2010. Sovremenny y podhod k upravleniyu riskami pri ocenke biznesa i platezhesposobnoti zaemschika. Finansy. 3:56-58.
10. Zuev D., 2011.Ocenka biznesa dohodnym podhodom: ozhidaniya investor opravdayutsya. Konsul’tant. 13:18-22.