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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Totem the Donkey. A hypothesis about unification of Aryan clans and tribes is confirmed?

Asadullaev Iskandar Kurbanovich

Doctor of Philosophy

member of the International Hegel Society.

734064, Tadzhikistan, g. Dushanbe, ul. Nusratullo Makhsum, 73/2 kv. 52

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1. ¹ 26008 of August 7, 2012 g. Source – Moscowski Komsomolets. Internet address of the article-http://www.centrasia.ru/newsA.php?st=1344407820
2. Boroday, Y.M. To the Issue of Socio-psychological Aspects of the Emergence of Primitively Ancestral Community. // The principle of historicism within the cognition of social phenomena. – Moscow: Nauka, 1972. – p.198
3. S. Freud. Totem and Taboo: Coll. Moscow: Olymp; JSC “Publishing House AST – LTD”, 1998 – pp. 88-89.
4. Dictionary of Mythology. Moscow: “Soviet Encyclopedia”, 1991,-p. 585.
5. Max Weber, Selection. The image of society. Moscow: Yurist, 1994, p. 102.
6. “The Oxford Dictionary, Oxford University Press 1996» the following explanation is given to the English word charisma: “ecclesiastical loan from Greek kharisma, from kharis…”, it should be pointed out the Greek words begin with letter kh.
7. Search: Myths of world nations. Encyclopedia, 2nd Volume, Moscow: Scientific edition “Great Russian Encyclopedia”, 2000. – p. 264.
8. Boroday Y.M. To the question on social-psychological aspects of primitive community emergence // The principal of historicism within cognition of social phenomena. Moscow: Science, 1972. – p. 198.
9. the translation of the word Khara from the Avesto means “sacred ass”; Avesto, Yasna 48, 4.
10. Avesto, Neirangistan, 67.