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Administrative and municipal law

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Tregubova Elena Valentinovna

PhD in Law

Associate Professor, Head of the Department ofState and Law Disciplines of the Social and Economic  Institute 

117292, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Kedrova, 8, of. 2

Other publications by this author

Trofimov Oleg Evgen'evich

134256, Russia, Moscow, ulitsa Yunosti, d. 5



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5. Strategicheskie napravleniya issledovanii i razrabotok na srednesrochnuyu perspektivu (2012-2015 gg.) // http://www.rzd-expo.ru/innovation/technology_platform_quot_high_intellectual_rail_transport_quot/Tehnologicheskaya_platforma_2012_2015.pdf
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8. Prikaz Ministerstva transporta Rossiiskoi Federatsii (Mintrans Rossii) ot 12 aprelya 2010 g. N 87 g. Moskva «O poryadke provedeniya otsenki uyazvimosti ob''ektov transportnoi infrastruktury i transportnykh sredstv» // http://www.rg.ru/2010/06/02/ocenka-dok.html
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