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Police activity

The use of a complex obstacle course in the training of police officers in combined squads for deployment on business trips in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation

Kolegov Anton Leonidovich

ORCID: 0000-0003-3742-6905

PhD in Law

Associate Professor; Department of Physical Training of Law Enforcement Officers; Tyumen Institute of Advanced Training of Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Office 2, 75 Amurskaya St., Tyumen, 625049, Russia, Tyumen region
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Abstract: The author thoroughly examines the necessity of using a comprehensive obstacle course by police officers as preparation for deployment in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation as part of unified detachments, taking into account the heightened demands placed on officers of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation when performing operational and service tasks in special conditions. The object of the study is the educational activities within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The subject of the research is physical training, which has been introduced into the section of professional development programs. The goal of the research is to provide a theoretical justification, develop, and experimentally test the application of a comprehensive obstacle course for police officers in unified detachments. The research methods include theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature and documentary sources, interviews in the form of discussions, pedagogical observation, and methods of mathematical statistics. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of a comprehensive obstacle course for the training of police officers in unified detachments and the justification of a step-by-step methodology for the development of necessary physical qualities when performing official duties by police officers. The information obtained and systematized made it possible to identify the elements of a complex obstacle course with an explanation of their content regarding the specifics of service. The developed training methodology, taking into account the piecemeal development of the physical qualities of police officers, led to the successful overcoming of the obstacle course. Thus, the use of a complex obstacle course in the classroom by police officers in preparation for actions in special conditions makes it possible to increase the level of physical, tactical, and fire readiness, as well as determine the employee's readiness to leave on a business trip.


obstacle course, elements, police, consolidated squad, methodology, readiness, business trip, physical training, preparedness, physical qualities

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It is generally recognized that the need for police officers to perform operational and official tasks on the territory of the TFR of the Russian Federation places high demands on the level of training of law enforcement officers, especially for the psychological, tactical, shooting and physical aspects of the activities encountered during their service. Thus, the circumstances that have arisen determine the high relevance in applying effective training methods to actions that determine special conditions of service. In this regard, the problem of the study is determined by the insufficient informative use of means and methods in the preparation of consolidated police detachments departing to perform operational and official tasks as part of the temporary operational grouping of bodies and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate, develop, and experimentally test the use of an integrated obstacle course by employees of combined police units.

Research objectives:

1. To study the main aspects of police officers' preparedness to act in special conditions.

2. Identify the technical elements necessary for inclusion in the obstacle course, identified taking into account the specifics of the service.

3. To develop an element-by-element training methodology for police officers departing on a business trip as part of a complex obstacle course.

4. To test the piecemeal obstacle course and identify the kinematic indicators required for the level of training of employees in the composite police detachments.

The object of the study is educational activities in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The subject of the study is physical training, introduced in the section of advanced training and vocational training programs "Advanced training of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation involved in service (performing operational tasks) in special conditions" and "Advanced training of employees of internal affairs bodies involved in counter-terrorism operations in the North Caucasus region Of the Russian Federation" as a Police officer

The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of a comprehensive obstacle course for the training of police officers as part of combined detachments and the proposal of a piecemeal methodology for the development of necessary physical qualities in the performance of official duties by police officers in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation.

The defining aspect of performing operational and official tasks is the level of readiness of a police officer to act effectively while on duty, including in special conditions of service. As a result, we understand that a police officer serving in the TFR of the Russian Federation is obliged to meet the increased requirements in advance before leaving on a business trip. We assume that these requirements in the current study can be solved with the help of a comprehensive obstacle course aimed at improving the readiness of a police officer for various conditions and compiled piecemeal, taking into account the specifics of service in special conditions.

It is worth noting that the respected authors Kutergin N. B., Kulinichev A. N., Collar A. N. agree with the presented opinion and in addition state that the use of such means as overcoming specialized multifunctional obstacle courses that simulate non-standard situations of professional activity has great practical significance in improving the physical fitness of police officers. special exercises are recommended to be performed in personal protective equipment [6, p. 120].

It is worth noting that, according to R. G. Panferov, situations encountered during the performance of official duties by police officers during classes should be modeled into a single algorithm of actions, which should be characterized by the passage of certain stages, including the use of service weapons [8, p. 85]. S. A. Nosov agrees with this opinion, who argues that overcoming obstacle courses with shooting is an effective discipline in assessing the professional skills of a police officer. At the same time, this author supplemented with information about overcoming obstacles for a while, which is necessary for a police officer to quickly navigate and make decisions, and also suggested practicing combat techniques in overcoming the stages [7, p. 76].

This proposal is supported by the author's team (Bakin A.V., Pivovarov D. V., Gill V. R.), who recommend that police officers work out situations involving the conditions of persecution and forcible detention of an offender [2, p. 68]. At the same time, the manifestation of professionally important physical qualities by police officers during their service in the prosecution of offenders, the use of physical force and fighting techniques is an integral component of their professional training [4, p. 356].

In addition to the issue under consideration, Grigorieva O. V., Gorelov S. A., Yashin S. V., Nikolaev G. I., argue that the training and improvement of skills of employees in consolidated police detachments should be focused on mastering the tactics of actions when forcibly removing offenders from a car, as well as the tactics of personal inspection [3, p. 35].

A.S. Andreev suggests that the content of complex classes should include overcoming horizontal and vertical obstacles, accelerated movement, and running with a portable load [1, p. 56].

Thus, the objectives of the complex obstacle course are to improve physical qualities (strength endurance, speed, coordination), to practice tactical actions in an extreme situation, including after physical exertion, and to foster moral and volitional qualities [5, p.101].

At the same time, N. N. Pesterev notes that the obstacle course training regime develops emotional stability, poise, perseverance, the ability to assess one's strength when performing official tasks, and the ability to resist muscle fatigue [9, p. 177].

Also, as part of the complex obstacle course, it is mandatory to include first aid for injuries as one of the stages, paying special attention to the correct location of the tourniquet.

In conclusion, D. A. Chermenev and A. N. Tolstikhin note that in order to improve the results of individual activity in overcoming obstacle courses with shooting, it is necessary to provide the following pedagogical conditions: to identify the factors determining the level of special training of employees; to develop a methodology for preparing to overcome obstacle courses based on the comprehensive formation of special skills necessary for performing operational and official tasks [10, p. 221].

Research methods and organization

The following methods were used in the research: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature; theoretical analysis of documentary sources; interview in the form of a conversation; pedagogical observation; methods of mathematical statistics.

The theoretical analysis of the research problem was carried out in order to study the state of the issue in the field of research, which made it possible to study and summarize the problem involved, to trace ways to solve it, highlighting the main elements of training police officers to act in special conditions.

Data analysis and synthesis of documentary sources provided for the search for information in the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated February 02, 2024 No. 44 "On Approval of the Procedure for organizing personnel training to fill positions in the internal Affairs bodies of the Russian Federation", which defines the organization of professional service and physical training of police officers, including the use of a special obstacle course in the classroom..

The interviewing method was used with police officers who took part in business trips in the territories of the TFR of the Russian Federation (n=23) in order to obtain information about the research issues, including to identify elements of a complex obstacle course that will allow them to form certain skills that contribute to the successful performance of operational tasks in special conditions.

Pedagogical supervision made it possible to monitor the progress of the study and the conditions for measuring the kinematic characteristics of the performance by police officers of individual elements of the developed integrated obstacle course before leaving on business trips in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation as part of combined detachments. In addition, the conditions for performing motor actions by police officers and their compliance with established rules, sequence and order were monitored.

Mathematical statistical methods were used to process the results of control tests when performing the developed elements of a complex obstacle course by police officers for the purpose of subsequent analysis. The primary processing of the research results was carried out in order to calculate arithmetic averages and determine this indicator as a criterion for the fulfillment of this element.

The testing of the elements of the integrated obstacle course was carried out as part of classes with students enrolled in advanced training and professional training programs "Advanced training of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation involved in service (performing operational tasks) in special conditions" and "Advanced training of employees of internal affairs bodies involved in counter-terrorism operations in the territory of the Russian Federation". Of the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation" as a Police Officer in 2024.

The results of the study

The solution to the problem under study is the use of an obstacle course in the training of police officers as part of consolidated detachments, with the mandatory inclusion of specialized elements found in the performance of operational and official tasks obtained through an open survey from persons who participated in business trips in the territories of the TFR of the Russian Federation, as well as through the analysis of scientific and methodological sources. As a result of the application of research methods, the following aspects were identified that occur during the service with a descriptive characteristic. These elements of the complex obstacle course have been developed and are intended for police officers as part of combined detachments, and are also recommended for passage in the specified sequence. Data The specified time indicator is presented taking into account the testing of these elements with trainees in the advanced training program with this category of persons and is determined by the fulfillment of the element or not.

1. Accelerated running of 200 m (no more than 40 seconds).It is characterized by the following aspects during service: accelerated movement for police officers to effectively carry out the task of apprehending suspects and accused in situations where it is necessary to prevent a crime or detain an offender; accelerated movement training contributes to the overall improvement of physical fitness of police officers: rapid movement allows you to quickly respond to challenges and ensure the safety of citizens.

2. Crawling over a distance of 2-3 meters (no more than 10 seconds). This technical element can be important: when chasing criminals, if it is necessary to overcome barriers (gates, fences): in the event of an armed conflict, the ability to crawl over can change position: during the covert movement of police officers to the specified object and object.

3. Performing three forward somersaults (no more than 10 seconds). The use of the considered motor actions during classes allows you to: develop flexibility, dexterity, coordination: reduces the risk of injury during falls; react rationally to an extreme situation associated with harassment or physical contact with an offender.

4. Performing self-insurance on the right, left side (no more than 10 seconds). This element present in the obstacle course allows you to maintain health in case of loss of balance or, if necessary, evading a blow, a fighting technique of wrestling.

5. Overcoming the obstacle "underpass" 5 meters long (no more than 10 seconds). This technical element allows a police officer to practice actions for a correct and safe landing, fast movement in a bent position and performing a jump while climbing out of an obstacle.

6. Jumping a trench 1.5 meters long (no more than 1 attempt). In various situations of serving as a police officer, it may be necessary to overcome obstacles. The main element in overcoming obstacles is a coordinated and strong jump, performed at different take-off speeds.

7. Performing a combat wrestling technique ("backboard" throw) (no more than 1 attempt) .Skilful use of this skill will allow a police officer to effectively protect himself from an offender by controlling the situation without using weapons, which minimizes risks, reducing the likelihood of resistance and injury.

8. Overcoming a fence of 2 m (no more than 10 seconds). Overcoming obstacles allows a police officer to respond quickly and effectively to emerging threats, especially in an urban environment. In some situations, when pursuing suspects and accused persons, overcoming obstacles becomes a key aspect of fulfilling the duties of a police officer. Constant training of this component allows the employee to safely overcome obstacles, which reduces the risk of injury, especially when landing.

9. Removing the offender from the car (no more than 10 seconds). The implementation of the considered element characterizes the tactics of performing actions by a police officer regarding the removal of the offender from the car, which reduces the risk of injury and the use of special means to effectively perform assigned tasks.

10. Conducting an external search of the offender in a standing position with handcuffing (no more than 20 seconds). Proper execution of an external inspection allows a police officer to identify dangerous and illegal items, which will preserve personal safety and the safety of citizens.

11. Passing through a 5-meter zone at the command of "gases". (no more than 15 seconds). Police officers should be prepared to use protective equipment, since the acquired skill in the proper use of a gas mask allows employees to effectively perform their duties under the threat of poisoning or contamination.

12. Performing tactical actions during the inspection of premises (performing exercises without errors). This technical element requires the police officer's attention. At the same time, the correct implementation of actions allows you to minimize the risks of preserving people's health or lives.

13. Firing with a change of magazine, manufacture and firing position (no more than 1 miss out of 8 shots at a 10 cm diameter marker) Varying the elements will allow the police officer to effectively complete the task of neutralizing the criminal.

14. Applying a tourniquet to an extra's leg (no more than 20 seconds). For a police officer, the need to improve first aid skills in emergency situations is regulated by the obligation to perform the correct actions to stop blood in cases of emergencies, when providing assistance can save the life of the victim.

15. Carrying a person 10 meters by dragging (no more than 30 seconds). In extreme situations, such as attacks, accidents, or other accidents, a police officer may have to urgently evacuate an injured or detained person from a dangerous area.

In addition to the above, we suggest performing endurance exercises in the form of long-term running for at least 40 minutes in the heart rate range of 140-160 beats per minute at least 3 times a week, as well as endurance exercises in the form of long-term walking in a bulletproof vest for at least 1 hour at least twice a week.

This presented obstacle course, as part of the assessment of an employee's readiness to act in special conditions, is a crucial aspect, which is expressed in the correct execution of actions at a certain time, taking into account the penalty points converted into a time indicator. The complex exercise is performed in a bulletproof vest, a protective helmet and with a service weapon. Each element of the strip is fixed by the time and correctness of its execution. As part of determining the readiness of a police officer to travel on a business trip to the territory of the TFR of the Russian Federation, at least 80% of the completed elements are determined, including the total time for a police officer to complete a lane, which is regulated and varies depending on the composition of control tasks.

However, before presenting the requirements for the level of readiness of a police officer for each element, we offer methodological recommendations necessary for implementation during professional service and physical training or independently. We suggest following these recommendations separately or in combination with other steps. At the same time, it should only become more complicated if the task is performed at a sufficiently good level.

1. Accelerated running of 200 m. The training method is as follows: running 60 meters at 100% of the maximum, 5-6 repetitions, rest time between sets of 2 minutes; running 100 meters at 90% of the maximum, 3-4 repetitions, rest time between sets of 3 minutes; running 200 meters in a bulletproof vest at 85% of the maximum, 2-3 repetitions, rest time There are 4 minutes between sets. At the same time, the second method is recommended, which consists of fast walking in a bulletproof vest for at least 1 hour; running at a light pace in a bulletproof vest for at least 30 minutes; running at an average pace in a bulletproof vest for at least 15 minutes; running in a bulletproof vest at a maximum pace of at least 2 minutes: running at a maximum pace in a bulletproof vest for at least 30 seconds.

2. Crawling over a distance of 2-3 meters. The training method is as follows: crawling 4-5 meters at the maximum pace, 5-6 repetitions; crawling 4-5 meters at maximum pace in a bulletproof vest, 5-6 repetitions; crawling 10 meters at maximum pace in an armored vest, 3-4 repetitions.

3. Performing three forward somersaults. The training method is as follows: performing somersaults without time limit, 5-7 repetitions; performing somersaults with time limit, 4-5 repetitions; performing somersaults with time limit in a bulletproof vest, 3-4 repetitions;

4. Performing self-insurance on the right, left side. The preparation method consists of performing self-insurance on each side as follows: performing without time limit, 8-10 repetitions; performing without time limit in a bulletproof vest, 6-7 repetitions; performing with time limit in a bulletproof vest, 4-5 repetitions.

5. Overcoming the obstacle "underpass" with a length of 5 meters. The training method consists of the following: complex execution of this exercise without time limit, 7-10 repetitions; complex execution of this exercise with time limit, 5-6 repetitions; complex execution of this exercise with time limit in a bulletproof vest, 3-4 repetitions;

6. Jumping over a trench 1.5 meters long. The training method consists of the following: jumping a trench from a place without a bulletproof vest, 5-7 repetitions; jumping a trench by running with a bulletproof vest, 5-7 repetitions; jumping a trench without running with a bulletproof vest, 5-7 repetitions.

7. Performing a fighting technique of wrestling (throw "rear footboard"). The method of preparation consists of performing a footboard on each side is as follows: performing a throw with no time limit, 5-7 repetitions; performing a throw with time limits; 5-7 repetitions of performing a throw with time limits in a bulletproof vest, 5-7 repetitions; performing a throw with time limits and the resistance of the opponent in a bulletproof vest, 5-7 repetitions.

8. Overcoming a fence of 2 m (no more than 10 seconds). The training method consists of the following: overcoming obstacles with a running start, 3-4 repetitions; overcoming obstacles with a running start in a bulletproof vest, 3-4 repetitions; 3-4 repetitions; overcoming obstacles from a place in a bulletproof vest, 3-4 repetitions;

9. Removing the offender from the car (no more than 10 seconds). The training method consists of the following: practicing actions without time limit, 5-6 repetitions; practicing actions with time limit, 5-6 repetitions: practicing actions with time limit in body armor and resistance of the offender, 5-6 repetitions.

10. Conducting an external search of the offender in a standing position with handcuffing. The training method is as follows: performing actions without time limit, 5-6 repetitions: performing actions with time limit, 5-6 repetitions: performing actions with time limit with body armor and resistance of the offender, 5-6 repetitions.

11. Passing through a 5-meter zone at the command of "gases". The training method consists of the following: putting on a gas mask with a time limit, 5-6 repetitions; putting on a gas mask with a time limit and removal, and putting on a protective helmet, 5-6 repetitions; putting on a gas mask with a time limit and removal, and putting on a protective helmet after physical exertion, 3-4 repetitions.

12. Performing tactical actions during the inspection of premises (performing exercises without errors). The training method consists of varying training locations and locations with the movement of a designated object or statistician that a police officer needs to detect.

13. Firing with a change of magazine, production and firing position. The training method consists of the following: idle firing from various positions and hands (5-10 minutes): practicing actions to place a weapon in the left hand with a cartridge loaded and performing idle firing (5-10 minutes); practicing actions to change positions, 5-6 repetitions;

14. Applying a tourniquet to an extra's leg. The training method consists of the following: performing exercises without a time limit, 5-6 repetitions; performing exercises with a time limit, 5-6 repetitions; performing exercises with a time limit in a bulletproof vest, 5-6 repetitions.

15. Carrying a person 10 meters by dragging. The training method consists of the following: moving a person without time limit to a distance of 10 meters, 3-4 repetitions; moving a person with a time limit, 3-4 repetitions; moving a person with a time limit in a bulletproof vest, 3-4 repetitions.

These elements of the obstacle course can be performed by employees of consolidated police detachments both separately and comprehensively as part of professional training sessions, and independently during the preparation period for departure on a business trip in the territory of the TFR of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the presented complex obstacle course and piecemeal training of police officers is an effective means of increasing readiness to act in special conditions, which in turn will ensure confidence in the performance of operational and official tasks.

A rational solution to the problematic situations that arise in the professional activities of police officers is professional readiness, brought to automatism, which is expressed in performing various physical and technical actions in extreme conditions. In this regard, for the effective improvement of the skills of police officers to act in special conditions, piecemeal preparation for a complex obstacle course is favourably suited, which includes stages corresponding to the specifics of the service.


As a result of the research, the main aspects of the training of police officers departing on business trips to the TFR of the Russian Federation have been identified, which require improvement by including these components during training in a comprehensive obstacle course developed on the basis of analysis. We recommend that the following steps be included in these technical elements within the obstacle course and taking into account the specifics of the service: accelerated running of 200 m; crawling over a distance of 2-3 meters; performing three forward somersaults; performing self-safety on the right, left side; overcoming the obstacle "underpass" 5 meters long; jumping a trench 1.5 meters long; performing a combat wrestling technique; overcoming a fence; removing the offender from the car; conducting an external search of the offender in a standing position with handcuffs; passing through a 5-meter zone at the command of "gases"; performing tactical actions during the inspection of premises; performing shooting with a change of magazine, manufacture and firing position; applying a tourniquet to an extra's leg; carrying a person 10 meters by dragging. At the same time, we suggest using an element-by-element improvement methodology based on the principle of individualization and gradual completion of tasks. After the training events and testing of the complex obstacle course, we recommend using these time indicators as a basis, which will be an indicator of the police officer's compliance with actions in special conditions of duty.

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6. Kutergin, N. B., Kulinichev, A. N., & Vorotnik, A. N. (2014). Means of formation of complex-coordination skills in cadets of educational organisations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Historical and socio-educational thought, 3, 119-121.
7. Nosov, S. A. (2022). Overcoming the obstacle course as a way to prepare a police officer to pursue an offender or a criminal. Physical training of employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation: a collection of scientific articles of the All-Russian competition, 72-77.
8. Panferov, R. G. (2021). Overcoming a special obstacle course by employees of internal affairs bodies. Influence of the obstacle course on the development of physical qualities of employees. Nauka-2020, 6(51), 79-87.
9. Pesterev, N. N., & Shcherbinin, E. S. (2016). Tactical and special training the use of obstacle course for the development of volitional qualities of a police officer. Bulletin Barnaul. juridical institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1(30), 176-177.
10. Chermenev, D. A., & Tolstikhin, A. N. (2021). System of training in service-applied sports (on the example of overcoming the obstacle course with shooting). Optimisation of educational and training process in educational organisations of higher education: materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference, 219-223.

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The presented article on the topic "The use of an integrated obstacle course in the training of police officers as part of combined detachments for departure on a business trip in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation" corresponds to the topic of the journal "Policing" and is devoted to the topical issue of comprehensive training (psychological, tactical, shooting and physical) of police officers to perform operational and official tasks. under special conditions. The purpose, objectives, object and subject of the research are clearly formulated in the article. The authors also clearly identified a scientific novelty, which consists in the development of a comprehensive obstacle course for training police officers as part of combined detachments and the proposal of a piecemeal methodology for developing the necessary physical qualities when performing official duties by police officers in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the work of Russian authors. The style and language of the presentation of the material is scientific and accessible to a wide range of readers. The volume of the article corresponds to the recommended volume of 12,000 characters or more. The article is quite structured - there is an introduction, conclusion, internal division of the main part (Methods and organization of research, research results). The authors theoretically substantiated, developed, and experimentally tested the use of a complex obstacle course by officers of combined police units. According to the authors, the solution to the problem under study is the use of obstacle courses in the training of police officers as part of consolidated detachments with the mandatory inclusion of specialized elements encountered in the performance of operational and official tasks obtained through an open survey from persons who participated in business trips in the territories of the TFR of the Russian Federation, as well as through the analysis of scientific and methodological sources. As the results of the study, the authors cite: the main aspects of the training of police officers departing on business trips to the TFR of the Russian Federation that require improvement by including the components discussed in the article during classes in a complex obstacle course developed on the basis of the analysis. At the same time, the authors recommend that after the training events and testing of the complex obstacle course, the specified time indicators should be taken as a basis, which will be an indicator of the police officer's compliance with actions in special conditions of duty. The practical significance of the article is clearly justified. The comprehensive obstacle course developed by the authors for the training of police officers as part of combined detachments and the proposed piecemeal methodology for developing the necessary physical qualities in the performance of official duties by police officers can be implemented in the educational process of universities involved in the training of police officers in other regions of Russia. The article "The use of an integrated obstacle course in the training of police officers as part of combined detachments for departure on a business trip in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation" may be recommended for publication in the journal Policing.