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The theme of the secondary image in the Leningrad psychological school

Golovinov Evgenii Ivanovich

Postgraduate student, Department of General Psychology, Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis

111123, Russia, Moscow region, Moscow, 3rd Vladimirskaya str., 8
Other publications by this author

Gostev Andrei Andreevich

Doctor of Psychology

Professor; Department of History of Psychology and Historical Psychology; Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Office 1, Yaroslavskaya St., 13, Moscow, 129366, Russia









Abstract: The Leningrad (St. Petersburg) Psychological School is known for the fact that the center of interest of its founders and followers lie in complex human studies. In the context of the study of man at the Leningrad Psychological School (LPS), the theme of the secondary image, directly or in various aspects of the study of the image in psychology as such, can be traced back to the activities of V.M. Bekhterev. The term "secondary images" proposed by the LPS is used by its representatives as a general, systemic one for various kinds of figurative phenomena, and is associated with the level of representations of the subject. It is the secondary image that is central to the study of human behavior and psychoregulation in various situations, primarily related to the most cognitively problematic and value-significant for the subject. Secondary images determine communication with other people. Such communication is moving from the level of communication interaction to the level of education and the formation of social ideas, which is not always evaluated positively, and sometimes causes concern about the continuity of moral norms and values, the importance of direct communication and the preservation of traditions. The main conclusions of the study are the justification of the need for theoretical and practical development of the subject of secondary images in the general problem of human psyche research. Since the concept of a secondary image was born in the depths of the LPS, we consider it necessary to treat the history of its formation as a concept in the context of the interests of representatives of the Leningrad school. The latter is becoming increasingly relevant due to the digitalization of the space around a person, the transition from direct perception to the exchange of images provided by computer technologies used everywhere and the peculiarities of the modern information world. The contribution of the authors is determined by the analysis of the theme of the secondary image in a historically mediated sequential coverage of the stages of the formation of the problematic. The data of the theoretical study determine the importance and necessity of addressing the subject of the formation and transformation of a secondary image both in a general scientific context and from the perspective of practical use in psychotherapeutic work using altered states of consciousness.


consciousness, altered states of consciousness, figurative sphere of man, secondary image, psychological school, history of psychology, problem of consciousness, theory of consciousness, conscious and unconscious, image

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In the history of the Leningrad Psychological School (hereinafter LPS), researchers identify the main periods or stages of its development: Bekhterevsky, Ananyevsky and post-Ananyevsky. Each of them had its own milestones of addressing both the figurative sphere as a whole and the subject of the secondary image [1].

The importance of secondary images and their study by psychological science is also due to the use of appropriate technologies in psychocorrective practice [2]. Relying on the imaginative sphere opens up wide possibilities for the psychologist both in terms of diagnosis and corrective action, a way to stimulate personal changes, actualize the potential of self-regulation and self-improvement of the patient.

The use of a secondary image in the course of applying altered states of consciousness as a "bridge" to changing a person's perception of the world from the perspective of a positive or negative reaction that determines his inner state, "opens the door" to the specifics of the conscious and unconscious, clarifies the meanings and ways of their regulation in a particular situation.

The purpose of the study is to examine the dynamics of treatment and approaches to the figurative sphere of a person in general, and to the subject of the secondary image in particular.

The object of research is the figurative sphere of a person. The subject of the research is the subject of the secondary image in the Leningrad psychological school.

The main part

In the context of the authors' research, the issue of secondary image, based on the priorities and paradigms of LPS, is extremely important for the study of altered states of consciousness, where the image is the central category, and the contribution of Leningrad scientists to understanding the interdependence of issues related to altered states of consciousness and general psychology is important. It is the approach to the issues of the figurative sphere from the perspective of the possibility of considering them from the point of view of altered states of consciousness that determines the novelty of the research.

As part of the research, a theoretical analysis of the themes of the secondary image has been carried out throughout almost the entire history of the LPS. Available materials and publications are used as sources. The paper uses a review, comparison, generalization, and systematization of data.

The Leningrad Psychological School is known not only for being at the forefront of Russian science, but also for the fact that the human personality was at the center of the interests of the great scientists and thinkers who worked in it. The countdown can be traced back to the middle of the nineteenth century – from the fundamental philosophical and psychological work of A. I. Galich "The Picture of Man", which, in fact, laid the emphasis on the anthropological principle in human research in the further development of the LSE.

This approach to personality was taken up by V. M. Bekhterev, who is rightly considered the creator of the Leningrad psychological school. Even then, anthropologism became the philosophical basis for the study of cognitive processes, and then the approach to the study of personality as a combination of biosocial and functional in combination with the principle of self–determination [3, 4].

Consideration of the subject of the secondary image cannot be separated from the study of consciousness. V. M. Bekhterev also began the study of the human personality with an understanding of consciousness, which is reflected in the work "Consciousness and its boundaries". Of the interpretations available at that time, the scientist most often refers to G. Spencer, who defines consciousness as a well-known internal change (sequence of changes) organized by a personality: "Changes form the raw material of consciousness, and the development of consciousness is their organization" [5, pp. 303-304]. This practically means the formation of secondary images used by consciousness to interpret reality and predict the outcome of actions.

Bekhterev begins to know personality based on the postulates of subjective psychology through introspection, and the subject is consciousness, which, unlike his predecessors, he separated from the unconscious (before Freud), and by which he understood "... an internal, directly perceived state by us, which or which accompanies many of our mental processes" [6, p. 204]. Based on an objective scientific analysis of a person, Bekhterev drew parallels with the physiological processes that take place in the personal space.

By associating character types with certain nervous excitations in the cerebral cortex, he mediated by them a person's ability to react to the environment in one way or another. It was his objective assessment and differentiated diagnosis that allowed him to lay the foundation for the study of human character and personality, and his ideas to form the basis of the psychophysiology of individual human qualities at various levels of scientific knowledge. Bekhterev's works lay the basic foundation for an approach to the study of consciousness as connecting all human mental processes. At the same time, the scientist identifies several levels of it, stipulating that their formation occurs in a person gradually, during his maturation. He calls the most striking qualitative leap the ability of a person to separate and isolate his own "I" from the environment, linking this with a person's self-awareness.

Despite the fact that consciousness as such remains one of the least studied areas of the human psyche even at the level of terminology, scientists have attempted to analyze consciousness from the perspective of its structure and transformation. Singling out the "intimate" core of consciousness as a set of socio-moral concepts, he puts the concepts of human will there, thereby designating the latter as a subject of cognition. As a subjective position, a person can analyze the mental phenomena and processes occurring with him, while rising to a higher level of consciousness.

The scientific school created by V. M. Bekhterev has formed a whole galaxy of the largest Russian psychologists. Of these, B. G. Ananyev deserves special attention in the light of the study of the secondary image, through whose purposeful efforts the LPS was created. It was he who continued the implementation of V. M. Bekhterev's ideas regarding the comprehensive study of man in order to understand the laws of his social behavior. Since the work of B. G. Ananyev, there has definitely been a single vector of development of psychology within the framework of LPS, integrating the principles of anthropologism and an integrated approach to the study of the human personality, where individual mental development is considered by him as the final part of the structure of human development.

Despite the breadth of scientific research, B. G. Ananyev proceeded from the basic position that man is the subject of activity, social behavior and consciousness. Such a psychobiosocial structure is an internal determinant of the whole personality, determining its mental processes and activities [7]. In the context of considering secondary images, the scientist associated the formation of such a structure with the processes of continuous interaction of an individual with the world based on mental reflection, which forms or corrects secondary images. Holistic mental reflection and regulation mediates and relies on the functioning of all classes of secondary images in a particular situation of human life. At the same time, a person is an active actor who constantly acts, changes and develops in accordance with individual psychological mechanisms [8, 9]. Individuality is considered by scientists as the eclectic integrity of all the properties of a particular person that determine his psychological uniqueness.

According to B. G. Ananyev, the inner world of a personality consists not only of individual psychological properties of a person, but also on the basis of formed value systems, personal attitudes and a certain "organization of images, claims and self-esteem" [10]. The determination of the image is adjusted by the subject from the side of the structure of mental perception and the actual activity of the subject. B. G. Ananyev's works "Spatial discrimination" and "Psychology of sensory cognition" are devoted to the research of the sensory sphere of the psyche. The research brilliantly continued in this direction by colleagues and followers of the scientist results in the collective work "Theory of Sensations".

The set of secondary images forms a person's individuality as an independent substructure of his psychological organization. B. G. Ananyev finds this new quality in the combination of the properties of open and closed systems in humans – the inner world of man and his functioning in the environment. The criterion of the richness of a person's inner world is his individuality as a system of secondary images, the social behavior caused by them, and the ability to self-develop [11, 12].

The approach to a person as a unique system in the form of a set of psychological characteristics that collectively create the integrity and stability of a personality can be traced in the works of V. N. Myasishchev. Educated by the LPS, the desire to study the human personality deeply and carefully, with respect and awe, allows Myasishchev to identify beyond the limits of the personality structure its orientation, temperament and emotionality, through which, in the process of developing his concept, he designates the central element – attitude. The scientist identifies this category as a system–forming element of personality, and the human relationship system as a manifestation of the relationship of the subject with both individual parties and the surrounding world and society as a whole. Focusing on attitude as a criterion of human interaction with the world, through this category Myasishchev essentially considers the formation of a person's imaginative sphere, and a change in attitude as a correction of a secondary image, although he does not use such terminology [13].

Considering Myasishchev's concept from the point of view of our research interest, it is important for us that he separately identified an emotional component in the structure of the relationship, in addition to the evaluative and conative. In his opinion, it is the emotional side of the relationship that determines motivations, behavioral reactions, assessments, and the formation of attitudes, which further mediate the formation or change of the human psyche. Characterizing the level of personality development, V. N. Myasishchev designates both its intellectual, volitional, and emotional properties, including them in the general structure of the relationship. This understanding, which continues the traditions of the LPS, creates the foundation for further research of consciousness in the context of education and the modification of images as the basis of human interaction with the outside world.

A. N. Leontiev viewed the subjective world of a person as an image that develops in the subject in the process of his contacts with the outside world. It is mediated by a person's perception of reality, his activities and his assessment, contacts. And the image itself, in turn, is adjusted depending on what or with whom a person interacts [14].

In the paradigm of consciousness perception by B.G. Ananyev, V.M. Bekhterev and other well-known scientists belonging to the LPS, L.M. Vekker created an all-encompassing theory combining mental processes and human consciousness, especially carefully considering aspects of sensory perception in image formation [15]. Considering the image as a subjective reality, B.F. Lomov described its transformative function, mediating reality in the context of needs, motives, goals and the emotional component of a particular person related to the mental reflection of the world.

Thus, B. G. Ananyev and his students A. A. Bodalev, L. M. Vekker, L. A. Golovey, B. F. Lomov, N. A. Loginova, V. N. Myasishchev and many others laid the foundation for the psychology of secondary images. The reflection of the surrounding world in secondary images forms the transformation of what is represented by direct perception to the level of higher mental processes and functions.

Attention to the imaginative sphere of personality as the most important component of the inner world of a person is due to the fact that secondary images create conditions for the penetration of unconscious information into the inner world of a personality and express themselves precisely in the language of images – the most ancient language of the psyche. This expression makes it possible to interpret the language of metaphors, symbolism and mythology, to realize spiritual meanings. Through images, it is possible to master knowledge and experience inaccessible to conscious thinking, which manifest themselves, for example, in intuition. At the same time, images mediate the mental regulation of a person, and he forms a kind of program for changing the circumstances taking place here and now, for purposeful movement towards the desired [16].

At the same time, the importance of LPS is beyond doubt, although in the modern world there is a contradiction between the relevance of studying secondary images and the level of appeal to the problem. Even with the growing attention to the topic, more traditionally psychology and related fields of scientific knowledge prefer the study of other mental processes [17]. In this regard, there is an obvious need to study the deep mechanisms of mental reflection and regulation from the perspective of describing the diverse interrelated classes of secondary images that form the "imaginative sphere" of a person. Considering the latter, it is important to designate the "translational function" as a mechanism that forms the inner world of a person and the ways of interacting with reality in the context of a person's subjective perception, mediated by his emotional, sensual and spiritual preferences. It is the multidimensional description of the set of characteristics of secondary images with the allocation of their basic constants, as well as taking into account the individual characteristics of the figurative sphere and their personal correlates, that will determine the study of the functioning of the figurative sphere of a person with the possibility of deep self-knowledge of personality and its changes [18, 19].


So, in psychology, the term "secondary image" has taken shape as a generalizing term for a variety of figurative phenomena corresponding to a certain cognitive and psychoregulatory situation and, in fact, means a qualitatively new stage of cognition.

The exceptional role of images in the human psyche makes them an integral part of almost any psychological problem in various fields of psychological knowledge.

The research vector set by the LPS will encourage the psychological community to pay closer attention to the problems of secondary images, and their roles and functions that ensure the activity of human consciousness and the spheres of the unconscious mental.


The use of historical, psychological, interdisciplinary and cultural aspects in scientific analysis allows for a deeper understanding of the role of the figurative sphere in the cognition of moral and spiritual meanings. In the context of the demands of the time for a deeper and more thorough study of consciousness, particularly in the figurative sphere, the study of secondary images is becoming in demand in the scientific community.

Therefore, the role and contribution of LPS in the problem of secondary images cannot be overestimated. And the foundations of this perception and the awareness of the need to study them were laid by its creators and their students and followers, who carried the traditions of the school's psychological approaches through the centuries.

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2. Martynova, P. G. (2023). Perception of visual images in the psychology of art. SMALTA, 1, 83-92.
3. Belov, V. V. (2023). Historical and methodological analysis of the concept of personality development of V. M. Bekhterev-the creator of the national psychological school. Bulletin of the Leningrad State University named after A. S. Pushkin, 2, 208-231.
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8. Gostev, A. A. (2007). Psychology of secondary image. Moscow: Publishing House of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
9. Kirichkova, M. E., & Krasnoshchechenko, I. P. (2020). The figurative sphere of the psyche as the focus of working with client's problems in psychotherapeutic practice from the perspective of different approaches. Bulletin of Kostroma State University. Series Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2, 100-106.
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11. Loginova, N. A. (2023). Memoirs of N.A. Loginova about the Faculty of Psychology of Leningrad State University. Psychological Newspaper.
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14. Farvazieva, I. R., & Ilyukhina, N. A. (2021). The logic of figurative modeling of the sphere of the inner man (based on the material of the "living" model) // XVI Royal Readings: collection of materials of the International Youth Scientific Conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's space flight, in 3 volumes, pp. 990-991. Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev.
15. Balin, V. D., & Stepanova, Yu.V., (2018). L.M. Vekker and the St. Petersburg Psychological School. Methodology and history of psychology, 4, 17-33.
16. Golovey, L. A. (2022). Founder of the Leningrad (Saint Petersburg) psychological school B. G. Ananyev: a scientist ahead of his time. Bulletin of the Saint Petersburg State University. Psychology, 12(1), 29-45.
17. Grachev, A. A. (2021). Terminal image as a concept of applied psychology. Cognition and experience, 1, 6-29.
18. Golovinov, E. I., & Gostev, A. A. (2024). The secondary image as a psychocorrective resource: the search for new research opportunities. Psychologist, 2, 49-59.
19. Gostev, A.A. (2001). Psychology of the secondary image: Subject, phenomenology, functions: abstract of the dissertation... Doctors of Psychological. St. Petersburg.

First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The article "The subject of the secondary image in the Leningrad psychological school" is submitted for review. The work contains: a statement of the problem, a brief analysis of theoretical approaches. The subject of the study. The subject of the study is not highlighted in the article. The author pays special attention to the description of the main approaches and periods of development of the Leningrad psychological school. Research methodology. The research is based on the main approaches that were formed within the framework of the Leningrad psychological school. The author notes that the human personality was at the center of the interests of the great scientists and thinkers who worked within its framework. The historical starting point of the school's formation is the middle of the 19th century, when A. I. Galich's fundamental philosophical and psychological work "The Picture of Man" appeared. Further, the approach to personality was substantiated in the research of V.M. Bekhterev, B.G. Ananyev, etc. The relevance of the study. The author notes that the research vector set by the Leningrad psychological school allows us to pay closer attention to the problems of secondary images, and their roles and functions that ensure the activity of human consciousness and the spheres of the unconscious mental. It is important to identify and describe the main areas of study. The scientific novelty of the research is not highlighted in the work. The author presents the directions of scientific analysis of historical, psychological, interdisciplinary and cultural aspects. Style, structure, and content. The style of presentation corresponds to publications of this level. The language of the work is scientific. The structure of the work is intuitive, despite the fact that the author highlights the main semantic parts. The logic of the work is outlined. The content of the article meets the requirements for works of this level. However, the amount of work is insufficient to reveal the subject of the study. The article is mostly an abstract or an extended outline of theoretical research. The author presents the main approach to the subject and the expansion of the subject of the secondary image, as well as the directions of research. Bibliography. The bibliography of the article includes 16 domestic sources, most of which have been published in the last three years. The list mainly includes articles and abstracts, as well as monographs. In addition, an educational and methodological manual and an abstract of the dissertation are also presented. The sources are mostly designed correctly and uniformly. However, you need to pay attention to the presentation of online sources. Appeal to the opponents. Recommendations: 1) Some statements (concepts) of the author need to be clarified. For example: "Relying on the imaginative sphere opens up EXTRAORDINARY possibilities for a psychologist, both in terms of diagnosis and corrective action." It is important to substantiate what extraordinary possibilities are being discussed in psychological research. 2) To increase the amount of work due to a more detailed justification of approaches to the study of the secondary image. 3) Structure the work by highlighting the introduction, the main part and the conclusion. In the introduction, highlight the relevance, purpose, object and subject, as well as the scientific novelty of the research. Conclusions. The issues of the raised topic are distinguished by their undoubted relevance, theoretical and practical value. The article will be of interest to specialists who deal with the problems of forming the imaginative sphere of a person. The raised topic was considered in the context of the problems of secondary image. Moreover, special attention was paid to the approaches that were formed at the Leningrad psychological school. However, the article cannot be recommended for publication. It is important to take into account the highlighted recommendations and make appropriate changes. This will make it possible to submit scientific, methodological and research work to the editorial board, characterized by scientific novelty and practical significance.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the research in the presented article is the subject of the secondary image in the Leningrad psychological school. The descriptive method, the categorization method, the analysis method, and the historical method were used as the methodology of the subject area of research in this article within the framework of the anthropological principle and the principle of self-determination. The relevance of the article is beyond doubt, since secondary images are of great importance for use in psychocorrective work. Famous scientists who joined the Leningrad Psychological School made a significant contribution to the study of consciousness and related secondary images. From these positions, the study of the subject of the secondary image at the Leningrad psychological school is of scientific interest in the community of scientists. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the study and analysis according to the author's methodology of the subject of the secondary image at the Leningrad psychological school, as well as in the consideration of "the dynamics of treatment and approaches to the imaginative sphere of man in general, and to the subject of the secondary image in particular." The article is written in the language of a scientific style using the positions of well-known scientists on the issue under study in the text of the study and using scientific terminology and definitions characterizing the subject of the study. Unfortunately, the structure of the article cannot be considered consistent, taking into account the basic requirements for writing scientific articles. The structure of this study includes elements such as an introduction, the main part, conclusions and conclusions, and a bibliography. The content of the article reflects its structure. In particular, the statement noted in the study is of particular value that "attention to the imaginative sphere of personality as the most important component of a person's inner world is due to the fact that secondary images create conditions for the penetration of unconscious information into the inner world of a personality and express themselves precisely in the language of images – the most ancient language of the psyche. Such an expression makes it possible to interpret the language of metaphors, symbolism and mythology, to realize spiritual meanings. Through images, it is possible to master knowledge and experience inaccessible to conscious thinking, which manifest themselves, for example, in intuition. At the same time, images mediate the mental regulation of a person, and he forms a kind of program for changing the circumstances taking place here and now, for purposeful movement towards the desired." The bibliography contains 19 sources, including Russian periodicals and non-periodicals. The article describes the positions and points of view of famous scientists who characterize the meaning and features of secondary images. The article contains an appeal to various scientific works and sources devoted to this topic, which is included in the circle of scientific interests of researchers dealing with this issue. The presented study contains conclusions concerning the subject area of the study. In particular, it is noted that "in psychology, the term "secondary image" has taken shape as a generalizing term for a variety of figurative phenomena corresponding to a certain cognitive and psychoregulatory situation and, in fact, means a qualitatively new stage of cognition. The exceptional role of images in the human psyche makes them an integral part of almost any psychological problem in various fields of psychological knowledge. The research vector set by the LPS will encourage the psychological community to pay closer attention to the problems of secondary images, and their roles and functions that ensure the activity of human consciousness and the spheres of the unconscious mental." The materials of this study are intended for a wide range of readership, they can be interesting and used by scientists for scientific purposes, teachers in the educational process, psychologists, psychotherapists, consultants, analysts and experts. As the disadvantages of this study, it should be noted that it is necessary to pay attention to the structure of the article and its individual elements. In particular, when writing a scientific article, it is necessary to adhere to the approximate research structure, which, as a rule, includes an introduction, a review of scientific literature, methods and methodology, research results, their discussion, conclusions and conclusion. Special attention should be paid to a clearer description of the research methodology, and not limited to defining approaches to the topic. It would be advisable to describe the conclusions separately and draw a conclusion on the conducted research separately, to write them more succinctly and in detail. The abbreviation "LPS" is used in the text of the article, but when applying this abbreviation, it would be necessary to make a clarification in the text, such as "Leningrad Psychological School (hereinafter – LPS)". It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the volume of the submitted manuscript does not allow to fully and comprehensively disclose the stated topic of scientific research. These shortcomings do not reduce the scientific significance of the study itself, but they must be promptly eliminated, the text of the article must be finalized in terms of specifying its structure and expanding its scope. It is recommended to send the manuscript for revision.

Third Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

Subject of the study: the subject of the study is the subject of the secondary image in the Leningrad psychological school. The object of research is the figurative sphere of a person. Research methodology: As part of the study, the authors carried out a theoretical analysis of the subject matter and review of the secondary image throughout almost the entire history of the LPS. Available materials and publications are used as sources. The paper uses a review, comparison, generalization, and systematization of data. Relevance: The relevance of the research is due to the fact that the use of a secondary image in the course of applying altered states of consciousness as a "bridge" to changing a person's perception of the world from the perspective of a positive or negative reaction that determines his inner state, "opens the door" to the specifics of the conscious and unconscious, clarifies the meanings and ways of their regulation in a particular situation. Scientific novelty: The scientific novelty and originality of the ideas underlying the work lies in the fact that relying on the imaginative sphere opens up wide opportunities for the psychologist both in terms of diagnosis and corrective action, a way to stimulate personal changes, actualize the potential of self-regulation and self-improvement of the patient. Style, structure, content: The scientific style is good, the structure and content meet the requirements.The article is characterized by consistency and laconicism in the analysis of the stated topic. The conclusions are brief and at the same time convincing. Bibliography: The list of references is minimal, which rather reflects a historical retrospective of the extremely rare appearance of research papers of this kind. Not all sources specify the doi. Appeal to opponents: Appeal to opponents is expressed when referring to the works of B.G. Ananyev and his students A. A. Bodalev, L.M. Vekker, L.A. Golovey, B.F. Lomov, N. A. Loginova, V. N. Myasishchev and many others, who laid the foundation for the psychology of secondary images. The reflection of the surrounding world in secondary images forms the transformation of what is represented by direct perception to the level of higher mental processes and functions. The authors emphasize that L.M. Vekker has created an all-encompassing theory that unites mental processes and human consciousness, especially carefully considering aspects of sensory perception in image formation. Conclusions, interest of the readership: It is interesting to conclude that the exceptional role of images in the human psyche makes them an integral part of almost any psychological problem in various fields of psychological knowledge. The authors note that the research vector set by the LPS will encourage the psychological community to pay closer attention to the problems of secondary images, and their roles and functions that ensure the activity of human consciousness and the spheres of the unconscious mental. The authors competently characterize the role and contribution of LPS in the problem of secondary images.