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Linguistic and cultural specifics of the semantics of the word "happiness" in the Russian and Armenian languages

Hovsepyan Siranush

Postgraduate student; Faculty of Philology; P. Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

6 Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 117198, Russia










Abstract: This article is devoted to the analysis of the semantics of the word «happiness» in the Russian and Armenian languages. The authors show what the concept of happiness is in the Russian and Armenian linguistic consciousness represent, what value and meaning it carries and compare them. The purpose of this article is to show that «happiness» is not just a universal concept, but that it is capable of reflecting the national-specific traits of the language. The object of the study is the concept of «happiness» in the Russian and Armenian languages. The subject of the study is the national-cultural specificity of the concept of «happiness» in these languages. The following methods were used: the method of directed sampling, the classification method, the analysis of dictionary definitions, observation, the descriptive method, the comparative method, the field method, the definitional-component analysis used to describe the semantic content of nominative units representing interest. Scientific novelty is determined by the fact that thanks to the complex analysis it becomes possible to identify the national-specific features of the semantic content of the word «happiness». This research is a significant step for further comparative research of the lexical-semantic field «happiness». The bibliography consists of 30 sources - 8 dictionaries, including 6 Armenian ones. We identified 24 cognate words to the word «երջանկություն» [erjankutyun] and 30 to the word «բախտ» [bakht]. The word «երջանկություն» [erjankutyun] in Armenian has 8 synonyms, as well as 3 synonyms in a figurative sense. In Russian, we also found 8 synonyms.


semantic, happiness, semantic content, the Armenian language, Russian, semantic field, linguoculturology, national specifics, linguistics, culture

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"Modern linguistic research is characterized by pronounced anthropocentricity, that is, it focuses on a person as a native speaker of language and culture" [25, p. 1219]. Thanks to the Soviet and Russian linguist V.N. Telia, linguoculturology has become an independent discipline. The 90s of the XX century are considered the beginning of the formation of linguoculturology. The interest of scientists and young researchers in this field of linguistics is increasing every year.

The methodological basis of the article is the theory of the semantic field (V.P. Abramov, V.N. Denisenko, J. Trier, Yu.N. Karaulov, V.V. Morkovkin, S.G. Shafikov, G.S. Shchur) and linguoculturology (V.V. Vorobyov, V.V. Krasnykh, V.A. Maslova, V.V. Oschepkova, I.A. Sternin, V.N. Teliya, N.L. Chulkina, V.M. Shaklein).

The theoretical basis of this work was Russian and Armenian dictionaries: N. Abramov [1], V.I.Dahl [8], M. Fasmer [20], E.B. Agayan [25], G.B. Jaukyan [28], A.A. Sekoyan [29], A.M. Sukiasyan [30], as well as publications by Russian and Armenian authors in which contrastive analysis of various concepts was carried out, for example, Ts. Wang [2], G. Wan, N.K. Shabelskaya [3], N.K. Gasparyan [6], R. Grdzelian [7], A.A. Nikoghosyan [13], N.V. Nosenko, M.A. Savina [14], G. Oganesyan [15], L.A. Safaralieva, N.V. Perfilieva [16], O.N. Spalek [17], S. Sun, C. Zhang [18], A.M. Shatiryan [22].

We also reviewed the works in which the authors carried out a contrastive analysis of the concept of happiness in various languages: E.G. Dmitrieva, S.V. Kravtsov [9], U.I. Idzibagandova [10], Yu. Li [12].

Special attention was paid to the works devoted to the study of the Armenian language. It should be noted that we have not found any works in the RSCI devoted to the comparative analysis of the concept of happiness in Russian and Armenian. This fact shows the novelty and relevance of this work.

The theoretical significance of the work lies in the fact that the results obtained during the study are of great interest for further scientific research in linguoculturology.

The practical significance of the research is determined by the fact that its results can be used in teaching courses on lexicology, cultural linguistics, areal linguistics, sociolinguistics.

The concept of semantic content of words

Among the publications on linguoculturology, there are many works by scientists and young researchers devoted to the comparative analysis of various concepts with national specific content.

We also found works that carried out linguistic and cultural comparisons of various concepts in various languages, for example, in Russian, Chinese, Spanish, English, Polish, Kalmyk, Korean, etc. It should be noted that a large number of studies have been devoted to the Russian and Chinese languages. The contrast analysis was carried out with such concepts as family, soul, color, curiosity, religion, grief, youth, etc. The research was devoted to the linguistic and cultural description and disclosure of national-specific features.

When studying the relationship between language and culture, the field method is the most frequently used. Y.N. Karaulov emphasizes that "field theory reflects the connection of language with reality, its correlation with non-linguistic reality" [11, p. 14]. In linguistics, the term field was first mentioned in his speech by J. Trier. In his opinion, words have meaning because other, related words have meaning [24, p. 417].

Different linguists have defined the concept of field in different ways, however, they have not come to a common definition. In order to understand what the concept of a field is, we need to identify its main features. Note that the field consists of a core, a center, and a periphery. Based on the work of S.G.Shafikov "The theory of the semantic field and the component semantics of its units", we can also note that the elements of the field are in interrelated relationships; the relationship between the elements of the field is regular; depending on the relationship with neighboring elements, the significance of the element may vary [23].

In his book "Understanding cultures through keywords" by A. Vezhbitskaya notes that language and society are interconnected [4, p. 14]. Language provides us with invaluable material for understanding culture. Words can convey more than just the meaning and meaning of objects or phenomena, they can show us the peculiarities of the worldview, thinking and mentality of the people.

The semantic content of a word in different languages may partially or almost completely coincide, or it may not coincide at all. There are words that have a specific national meaning. Such words can include, for example, homeland, love, family, etc. Without a doubt, we can say that the semantic content of these words in different languages will be different. In our work, we will determine the semantic content of the words happiness and երջանկություն [erjankutyun] in Russian and Armenian.

The semantic field makes it possible to reflect objective reality, thereby showing the researcher the elements of such a complex system. This system consists of various units. The units of the semantic field form a semantic environment, networks... They are in a hierarchical relationship with each other, correlate with certain and specific concepts. A semantic field is an association of various and numerous units. These units are united by common semantics.

In the modern world, human knowledge about the surrounding phenomena is constantly being replenished and developed. This undoubtedly affects the lexical structure of the language. New words appear, which are automatically included in the long-existing system. This system is in our minds.

Analysis of the words happiness and երջանկություն [erjankutyun] in Russian and Armenian

The semantic field of happiness is a complex of different meanings and associations associated with the concept of happiness. It can include various words, phrases, and concepts. Thanks to them, it becomes possible to understand more deeply what the concept of happiness is, how native speakers of different languages perceive it and what factors influence it. The analysis of the content of the concept of happiness in the national consciousness allows us to explore ethnic specificity [10, p. 323].

Many great people from different cultures have defined the concept and essence of happiness in different ways. In each epoch, the content, that is, the semantics of this concept was different. Of course, it will be different for each individual. In ancient China, life itself was considered happiness. The Chinese believed that a person should live their life happily. In the Ancient In India, the meaning of happiness was contained in the essence of man. It was within oneself that one had to look for happiness. In the age of Enlightenment, many authors spread the idea that happiness should be sought on earth. Of course, we will not find such a definition of happiness in religious definitions. The picture is completely different there. For some peoples, the importance of collective happiness is much more important than personal happiness, while for other cultures, individual happiness is more important than collective happiness. All this shows that the perception of happiness is greatly influenced by the culture and society in which a person lives. In addition, you need to understand that each person's happiness is, in a sense, individual. It is this fact that allows us to consider the semantic field of happiness as extremely rich for research.

By the word happiness, we mean feelings that express joy, contentment with life, and the concept of happiness is also associated with emotions such as laughter, delight, calmness, etc.

In Russian, the word happiness is used to denote feelings of satisfaction with life. V.I. Dahl defines happiness as well-being, good fortune, share, fate. Prosperity, earthly bliss, a desired daily life without sorrow, troubles, anxiety; peace and contentment, everything desirable, everything that comforts and satisfies a person according to his beliefs, tastes and habits [8, p. 339]. A happy Russian person is a person who experiences joy like a bird during flight [9].

When studying the etymology of the word happiness in the Russian language, we saw that it has a proto-Slavic origin *sčęstje. Happiness is a general Slavic Suf.-pref. derivative (using the prefix u- in the sense of "good" (see muffin) and suf. (-ij-) from chast (through "yus" small). Literally – "the good part, the share" [20, p. 816]. As we can see, the lexical meaning of the word happiness in Russian is related to the etymological one.

In N. Abramov's Dictionary of Russian Synonyms and Expressions of Similar Meaning, we found the following synonyms for the word happiness:
  1. well-being;
  2. prosperity;
  3. grace;
  4. bliss;
  5. victory;
  6. luck;
  7. success;
  8. the case of [1, p. 469].

In the Armenian language, the word երջանկություն [erjankutyun] is mainly used to convey feelings of satisfaction with life.Since the Armenian language belongs to the Indo-European language family, which is a separate language branch, most Armenian words have Indo-European roots. The word երջանկություն [erjankutyun] - happiness comes from the Indo-European root *pri (+ անկ)՝ *prāi-, *pri, which means to love, deign, favor. Words in many other languages originated from the same root. For example, in Greek, the word beloved is (πράως); in ancient Iranian, priyati means to favor, and so on [28, p. 228]. In the Armenian language, the etymology of the word երջանկություն [erjankutyun] is happiness is associated with love, benevolence.

In the Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Armenian Language by E.B. Aghayan, happiness has three meanings:

  1. երջանիկ լինելը [erjanik linele] – be happy;
  2. երջանիկ վիճակ [erjanik vichak] - happy state;
  3. [erjanik linelu zgacume] - a happy feeling [25, p. 358].

In the Explanatory Dictionary of Synonyms of the Armenian Language (Հայոց լեզվի հոմանիշների բացատրական բառարան) by A.M. Sukiasyan, the word երջանկություն [erjankutyun] - happiness has the following synonyms:

  1. երանություն [eranutyun] – bliss;
  2. բախտավորություն [bakhtavorutyun] - happiness, luck;
  3. բարեբախտություն [barebakhtutyun] - the word consists of two parts: բար [bar] dobro and բախտ [bakht] fate;
  4. բարo րություն [barorutyun] - well-being;
  5. երջանկավետություն [erjankavetutyun] – great happiness;
  6. երանելիություն [eraneliutyun] – bliss;
  7. գերերջանկություն [gererjankutyun] - the word consists of two parts: գեր [ger] supreme and երջանկություն [erjankutyun] happiness;
  8. բազմերջանկություն [bazmerjankutyun] – the word consists of two parts: բազմ [bazm] - diverse and երջանկություն [erjankutyun] – happiness [30, p. 290]. This means that happiness can be diverse for native Armenian speakers. S.G. Vorkachev in his work "The concept of happiness in the Russian linguistic consciousness: the experience of linguistic and cultural analysis" noted that "happiness is the sum of diverse and transient pleasures that bring joy and differ from each other only in intensity. They oppose misfortune as grief and suffering" [5, p. 129].

Figuratively, the word երջանկություն [erjankutyun] - happiness in the Armenian language has the following meanings:

  1. արեւ [arev] – the sun;
  2. առավոտ [aravot] - morning;
  3. բարի աստղ [bari astgh] is a good star [30, p. 290].

Based on the examples given figuratively, we can conclude that happiness for the Armenian people is associated with the sun, the new day, and the stars. The word արեւ [arev], in addition to its main meanings, also has figurative ones – life, being, joy, happiness, day, sun-like.

The above examples show that the words բար [bar] – good and բախտ [bakht] – happiness are often used in the Armenian language.

In the Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Armenian Language (Ժամանակակից հայոց լեզվի բացատրական բառարան) edited by A.S. Gharibyan, we found the following root words for the word երջանկություն [erjankutyun] happiness:

  1. երջանիկ [erjanik] - happy;
  2. երջանկաբաշխ [erjankabashkh] - giver of happiness;
  3. երջանկաբար [erjankabar] - how happy;
  4. երջանկաբեր [erjankaber] - bringing happiness;
  5. երջանկագուշակ [erjankagushak] – fortune teller;
  6. երջանկադեմ [erjankadem] - with a happy face;
  7. երջանկալի [erjankali] - full of happiness;
  8. երջանկահար [erjankahar] - exhausted by happiness;
  9. [erjankahishatak] - a happy person who was honored with a mention, a person who left good memories (that's how they say about the dead);
  10. երջանկահորդ [erjankahord] - breath of happiness;
  11. երջանկահուշ [erjankahush] - 1. the man who left good memories 2. promising happiness;
  12. երջանկանալ [erjankana] – become happy;
  13. [erjankashagh] - a man who exudes happiness, a man who spreads happiness;
  14. երջանկաշող [erjankashagh] - beaming with happiness;
  15. երջանկապես [erjankapes] - how happy;
  16. երջանկասփյուռ [erjankaspyur] – spreading happiness;
  17. երջանկավայել [erjankavayel] - adj. enjoying happiness;
  18. երջանկավայր [erjankavayr] is a happy place;
  19. երջանկավետ [erkankavet ] - great happiness;
  20. երջանկացնել [erjankacnel] - make you happy;
  21. երջանկացում [erjankacum] – make yourself happy;
  22. երջանկափայլ [erjankapayl] - beaming with happiness;
  23. երջանկափառ [erjankapar] - famous for happiness;
  24. երջանկաորեն [erjankoren] - how lucky [27, p. 358].

Analysis of the word բախտ [bakht] in the Armenian language

The word բախտ [bakht] was translated into Armenian from the Persian language from the word بت, which means happiness, luck, luck.

In the "Russian-Armenian Educational Dictionary" A.A. Sekoyan's translation of the word happiness into Armenian is presented as follows:

Happiness – երջանկություն [erjankutyun], բախտավորություն [bakhtavorutyun], բախտ [bakht] – happiness. For example, fortunately for me [im bakhtic] [29, p. 295].

In the Explanatory Dictionary of Synonyms of the Armenian Language by A.M. Sukiasyan, the word [bakht] – happiness is presented in 4 articles:

  1. ճակատագիր [chakatagir] fate <…>;
  2. վիճակ [vichak] - condition, 2 դիպված [dipvatc], պատահար [patahar] - case;
  3. հաջողություն [hajoghutyun] - luck, բախտավորություն [bakhtavorutyun] - happiness, երջանկություն [erjankutyun] - happiness, երանություն [yeranutyun] - bliss, բ արեբախտություն [barebakhtutyun] - the word consists of two parts: բար [bar] good and բախտ [bakht] fate;հաջողակություն [hajoghakutyun] – good luck, երջանկավետություն [erjankavetutyun] is a great happiness and dialect.: նասիբ [nasib] – fate/happiness, status, share, ղսմաթ [ghsmat] – luck;
  4. բաժուկ [bazhuk] - hairline [30– p. 110].

We have identified 3 main meanings of the word բախտ [bakht] in the Armenian language։ fate, happiness, luck:

  • The word բախտ [bakht] in the Armenian language means fate.

Initially, Bakht was a spirit in Armenian mythology. He is popularly represented as a young man or an old man with a white beard and a white coat. Bakht determines a person's fate and happiness, which, in turn, is recorded on each person's forehead at birth by Groh. Thunder is the spirit of death. In popular beliefs, Bakht is also called the spirit of happiness. It is believed that Bakht brings happiness and luck to a person, however, Bakht can leave a person if he is offended. Then luck and fortune leave a person, then failures occur. Therefore, girls often performed certain rituals before the New Year to bring their bakht, their happiness back. Hence the meaning of fate in the Armenian language. For example:

  1. [26] "Fate is what is written on a person's forehead, when he is born, there is no escape from him," someone else intervened.
  2. Ա՜խ, արտասվելի վախճան, ողբալի բախտ [26] - Oh, a deplorable end, a deplorable fate.
  3. բախտի խաղ [Bakhti Khagh] – the game of fate;
  4. բախտի ծաղր [bakhti tcaghr] - the irony of fate;
  5. բախտի վրա հուսալով [Bakhti vra Husalov] – hoping for fate;
  6. բախտը փորձել [bakhte pordzel] – try your luck;
  • The word բախտ [bakht] in Armenian means happiness.
  1. Փայփայանքները բախտ համարեցի իմ մենության մեջ [26] – I considered caring to be happiness alone.
  2. [326 - Uncle Ovakim continued to seek happiness and never reached it.
  3. Բախտը ժպտաց [bakhte jptac] - happiness smiled.
  • The word բախտ [bakht] in the Armenian language means luck, luck.
  1. Թե մի գուցե բախտը բանի, կորուստն էլ ետ ջրից հանի [26] – Or maybe luck will somehow bring the loss back from the water.
  2. բախտ ունենալ [bakht unenal] - have good luck;
  3. բախտի անիվ [bakhte aniv] - wheel of fortune;
  4. բախտի անիվը շուռ է եկել՝ թեքվել է [bakhti anive shur e ekel՝ teqvel e] – the wheel of fortune has turned

In the Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Armenian Language, edited by A.S. Gharibyan, we also found the root words for the word [bakht].:

  • Root words for the word բախտ [bakht] with the meaning of fate:
  1. բախտագրություն [bakhtagrutyun] – what is written by fate;
  2. բախտակից [bakhtakic] - to have the same fate, to be in the same condition;
  3. բախտահույս [bakhtahuys] - hoping for fate;
  4. բախտահուսորեն[ bakhtahusoren] - hoping for fate;
  5. բախտընկեր [bakhtenker] - a friend of fate;
  6. բախտորոշ [bakhtorosh] - deciding fate;
  7. բախտահալած [bakhtahalac] - tormented by fate;
  8. բախտանշան [bakhtanshan] - a sign of fate, meaning happiness;
  • Root words for the word բախտ [bakht] with the meaning state:
  1. բախտակոծել [bakhtakotcel] – mourn your miserable condition;
  2. [ [bakhtadzernarkum] – in a desperate state to do something;
  • Root words for the word բախտ [bakht] with the meaning of happiness:
  1. բախտաբաշխ [bakhtabashkh] – giver of happiness;
  2. բախտաբեր [bakhtaber] - bringing happiness;
  3. բախտագյուտ [bakhtagyut] – finding happiness, fortune teller;
  4. բախտազուրկ [bakhtazurk] - 1. adj. depriving of happiness; 2. essence. The unfortunate man;
  5. բախտամեծ [bakhtametc] – very happy;
  6. բախտավորվել [bakhtavorvel] - 1. get married/get married 2. Become happy;
  7. բախտաշեն [bakhtashen] -building happiness;
  8. բախտապարգեվ [bakhtapargev] - giving happiness;
  • Root words for the word բախտ [bakht] with the meaning luck:
  1. բախտանիվ [bakhtaniv] - the wheel of luck;
  2. բախտավոր [bakhtavor] – 1. lucky; 2. happy; 3. bringing good luck; 4. showing happiness;
  • Root words for the word բախտ [bakht] with the meaning of fortune-telling and deception:
  1. [bakhtakgndir] - adventurer, conman;
  2. [ bakhtahuyz] - adventurer, conman;
  3. բախտախնդրություն [bakhtakhndrutyun] – being a conman;
  4. բախտախաղ [bakhtakhagh] is a game in which the player's winnings depend only on luck, not on skills;
  5. , [bakhtatoms] - lottery ticket;
  6. բախտագուշակ [bakgtagushak] – fortune teller, fortune teller;
  7. բախտահմա [bakgtahma] – fortune teller, fortune teller;
  8. բախտահմայություն [bakhtahmayutyun] – fortune telling;
  9. բախտացույց [bakhtacuyc] - a board for building stars, which astrologers used to guess fate;
  10. բախտանման [bakhtanman] - 1. charming; 2. similar to fate [27, p. 272].

The above examples (30 units) show that the word բախտ [bakht] in the Armenian language has mainly 5 meanings: fate, luck, fortune, happiness, fortune-telling and deception. In this paper, we are interested in words with the meaning of happiness. We can conclude that happiness can be distributed, given, found, guessed at, built upon, and possibly lost. Getting married is also associated with this concept.


Giving an accurate definition of the concept of happiness is quite a difficult task. In Russian, the word happiness is used to describe a feeling of contentment with life. Sociologists, for example, have a different opinion. Happiness is a constant striving for new heights. Representatives of different cultures and times had different ideas about the concept of happiness – in Ancient China, India, etc. The concept of happiness is quite abstract and contradictory. Happiness is built and formed from various and diverse elements.

In the Armenian language, the word երջանկություն [erjankutyun] is mainly used to denote the state of happiness, as well as in some cases բախտ [bakht]. The word բախտ [bakht] happiness is not its main meaning. The etymology of the words happiness and երջանկություն [erjankutyun] in Russian and Armenian languages is different. In the Russian language, happiness is associated with the share that a person has. In the Armenian language, the etymology of the word is երջանկություն [erjankutyun] – happiness is associated with love, benevolence.

Happiness in the Armenian language is associated with the morning, the sun, and the stars, but we have not found such synonyms in Russian. When searching for synonyms in the Armenian language, we did not find a synonym for victory for the word երջանկություն [erjankutyun], and the case is synonymous only with the word բախտ [bakht]. For a more accurate analysis, it is necessary to conduct additional research on phraseological units with the word component happiness, conduct a free associative experiment, etc.

For the Armenian people, happiness can be distributed; happiness can be speculated about; happiness can be enjoyed and celebrated, but it can also cause suffering; people shine with happiness; a face can be happy; happiness can be big and full; a place can be happy; you can become happy or make another person happy; a person is also considered happy if he is well remembered during his lifetime and after his death.

An analysis of the semantic content of the words happiness, երջանկություն [erjankutyun], and բախտ [bakht] has shown the diversity of this concept. In the course of the research, we came to the conclusion that the formation of the semantic field is influenced by many factors, especially culture. When comparing two or more languages, the most effective way is to match semantic fields. The semantic field most vividly and reliably reflects the connection of language with reality. After analyzing the semantic content of the words happiness, երջանկություն[erjankutyun], and բախտ [bakht] in Russian and Armenian, we found many similar features, as well as distinctive ones. Similar features indicate similarities in mentality and culture, and the difference highlights the specific and national structure of the language.

In this paper, we have paid more attention to the semantic content of the word happiness in the Armenian language, since this concept is quite well-researched in Russian. After analyzing the definitions of dictionary entries, we can conclude that for native speakers of Russian and Armenian, happiness means a state of life satisfaction, as well as the accompaniment of luck and success. Dictionary definitions poorly reflect what is perceived by the linguistic consciousness, however, this work provides significant material for further contrasting analysis of the concept of happiness in Russian and Armenian, including on the basis of dictionary definitions, phraseological units, data from associative dictionaries to identify similarities and distinctive features in these languages.

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2. Wang, J. (2024). Phraseological units with the semantics of "human character" in Russian and Chinese. Litera, 3, 11–20. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.3.70072
3. WAN, G., & Shabelskaya, N.K. (2025). Reflection of the concept of "Justice" in the Russian and Chinese language pictures of the world. Litera, 1, 51–60. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2025.1.72990
4. Vezhbitskaya, A. (2001). Understanding cultures through the medium of keywords. Moscow: Languages of Slavic culture.
5. Vorkachev, S.G. (2002). The concept of happiness in the Russian linguistic consciousness: the experience of linguistic and cultural analysis. Krasnodar: Kuban State University.
6. Gasparian, N.K. (2023). The concept of “money” in Russian and Armenian linguacultures. Pushkin State Russian Language Institute. 140-145. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=54636811&pff=1
7. Grdzelian, R.R. (2024). Lexicographic analysis of Russian and Armenian synonymous series with the semantic component "high". Bulletin of Yerevan State University. Russian philology, 1(24). 19-28. URL: https://journals.ysu.am/index.php/bulletin-ysu-rus-phil/issue/view/vol10_no1_2024/143
8. Dal, V.I. (1980). Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language. In 4 volumes. Moscow: Rus. yaz.
9. Dmitrieva, E.G., & Kravtsova, S.V. (2023). The etnocultural component of the concept «the happiness» in the english, german, russian and french phraseology. All-Russian Scientific Conference "Achievements of Science and Technology-DNiT-II-2023".https://www.doi.org/10.47813/dnit-II.2023.7.275-280 URL:h // http://ru-conf.domnit.ru/media/filer_public/8f/b4/8fb4c950-0591-4902-89c4-3575de3def54/2009-dnit-ii-2023-doi.pdf
10. Idzibagandova, U. I. (2022). Comparison of the concept “Happiness” in Russian and Dargin languages. Neophilology, 8(1), 91-97. doi:10.20310/2587-6953-2022-8-1-91-97
11. Karaulov, Yu.N. (2010). General and Russian ideography. In S.G. Barkhudarov (Ed.), 2, Moscow: Book house "LIBRIKOM.
12. Li, Y. (2023). The Lexeme ‘Happiness’ in the Language Consciousness of Russian and Chinese University Students. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Rossiyskaya i zarubezhnaya filologiya, 15(3), 44-53.
13. Nikogosyan, A.A. (2022). Representation of the concept mother ʻմայրիկʼ in Russian and Armenian languages (on the material of translations of the novel “Mom, i love you” by W. Saroyan). The world of science, culture, and education, 5, 322-324.
14. Nosenko, N.V., Savina, M.A. (2024). National and cultural specificity of lexemes with the semantics ‘curiosity’ in Russian, English and Italian languages. Litera, 12, 215-223. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72469
15. Oganesyan, G. (2024). The semantic field of anger in Leo Tolstoy's novel "Father Sergius". Bulletin of the Yerevan State University. Russian philology, 1(24), 29-38. https://doi.org/10.46991/BYSU.H/2024.10.1.038URL: https://journals.ysu.am/index.php/bulletin-ysu-rus-phil/issue/view/vol10_no1_2024/143
16. Safaralieva, L. A., & Perfileva, N. V. (2023). The Modelling of a Multidimensional Linguocultural Concept on the Example of the Concept ñòàðîñòü ‘senility’. RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics, 4, 1217-1234. https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2299-2023-14-4-1217-1234
17. Spalek, O.N. (2024). Linguistic and cultural images of Moscow and Warsaw in Russian and Polish language parodies. Litera, 6, 188-198. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.6.71056
18. Sun, X., & Chzhan, C. (2023). Russian and Chinese National Personalities: Based on the Material of Phraseological Units, Proverbs, and Sayings With the Concept of "Family". Litera, 12, 315-327. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.12.69220
19. Sun, X. (2024). Russian and Chinese national personalities: based on the material of phraseological units and proverbs with the concept of "religion". Litera, 1, 192-201. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.1.69478
20. Fasmer, M. (2004). Etymological dictionary of the Russian language, In 4 volumes, Trans. and additional by O.N. Trubacheva (Ed.). Moscow.
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First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the research in the reviewed work is the linguistic and cultural specifics of the semantics of the word "happiness" in Russian and Armenian. The relevance of the work is beyond doubt and is due to the increasing interest of linguists in analyzing linguistic phenomena aimed at identifying the national and cultural specifics of the most important categories of ethics and allowing us to trace the peculiarities of the mentality of the people, their history, ethnic characteristics, and character traits of people. The theoretical basis of the research was mainly the fundamental works of such domestic and foreign scientists as A. Vezhbitskaya, V. A. Maslova, S. G. Ter-Minasov, A. A. Potebnya, Yu. D. Apresyan, V. I. Karasik, Yu. N. Karaulov, A. N. Luk, I. A. Sternin, M. V. Bakhtin, S. G. Vorkachev, E. I. Goroshko, V. V. Oschepkova, S. G. Shafikov, Joost Trier, and others. The bibliography consists of 29 sources, including 10 lexicographic ones, corresponds to the specifics of the subject under study, the content requirements and is reflected on the pages of the article. However, the author(s) do not appeal to relevant scientific papers published in the last 3 years, which does not allow us to judge the real degree of study of this problem in the modern scientific community. The research methodology is determined by the set goal and is complex in nature: general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis are used; descriptive method, including observation, generalization, interpretation, classification of material; definitional component analysis, used to describe the semantic content of nominative units representing interest, as well as the field method. It should be noted right away that the author(s) is inaccurate in the name of the main research method: "When studying the relationship between language and culture, the most commonly used method is the field. This method is also a successful and effective method for comparing two or more languages." As far as we know, there is no field method. Russian Russian analysis of the theoretical material and its practical substantiation allowed the author(s) to identify similar and distinctive features of the concept of "happiness" in Russian and Armenian: "in the Russian language, happiness is associated with the share that it has, and for the Armenian people, happiness is associated with love, benevolence", "... for the Armenian people, happiness is associated with love, benevolence", "... for the Armenian people, happiness is associated with love, benevolence", "... for the Armenian people, happiness is associated with love, benevolence", "... for the Armenian people, happiness is associated with love, benevolence".For native Armenian speakers, as for native Russian speakers, happiness is to some extent connected with fate." It is concluded that "when comparing two or more languages, the most effective way is to compare semantic fields. The semantic field most vividly and reliably reflects the connection of language with reality; the formation of the semantic field is influenced by many factors, especially culture. In Russian and Armenian, the semantic content of the word happiness/երջանկություն [erjankutyun] is different"). The theoretical significance of the research is associated with a certain contribution of the results of the work done to the development of such modern scientific areas as cognitive linguistics, pragmatics, linguoculturology; to the theory of the study of the lexico-semantic field "happiness". The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of using its results in university courses in linguoculturology, lexicology and lexicography. The style of presentation of the material tends to the scientific type. However, there are numerous typos and inaccuracies in the text, which requires an author's edit: see "the boundaries of the field are blurred and uncertain", "From examples we can see that happiness is in our hands, are we?", "Sometimes fate is in our hands, and in some cases we are unable to change that- either in our lives.Russian Russians and Armenian speakers, happiness is the sum of various pleasures," "In Russian and Armenian, the semantic content of the word happiness/երջանկություն [erjankutyun] is different," "Great interest in the study of the semantic content of the word through the analysis of semantic fields justifies itself," "It is desirable to becomeand show that..." etc. The article has a complete form; it is quite independent, original, will be useful to a wide range of people and can be recommended for publication in the scientific journal Litera after the above-mentioned comments have been eliminated.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The article "Linguistic and cultural specifics of the semantics of the word "happiness" in Russian and Armenian languages" is submitted for review. The subject of the research is the national and cultural specifics of the concept of "happiness" in Russian and Armenian. The research methodology is based on a combination of theoretical and empirical approaches using methods of analysis, generalization and synthesis. The relevance of the work is due to the fact that the linguistic picture of the world is primarily aimed at displaying cognitive and value concepts marked by linguistic and cultural specifics and characterizing speakers of a particular linguistic culture. The concept of "happiness" refers to the basic linguistic and cultural concepts that define the specifics of national linguistic consciousness, reflect the national worldview and have a value content. The scientific novelty of the study lies in its complex nature, the contrastive analysis allows us to demonstrate the nationally specific structure of the Russian and Armenian languages through the prism of the semantics of the word "happiness". The presentation style is scientific, structure, and content. The article is written in the Russian literary language. The structure of the manuscript includes the following sections: introduction (contains a statement of the problem, an overview of the theoretical basis of the study is given); discussion (a comprehensive analysis of the word "happiness" is performed, the semantic content of the word in different languages is considered, attention is paid to the etymology of the word, the main meanings of the word are highlighted, illustrative examples are given for clarity); conclusion (the author draws general conclusions); bibliography (includes 34 domestic and foreign sources). Conclusions, the interest of the readership. The research goes beyond linguistics and cultural studies, and the results will be of interest to those who study the phenomenon of the linguistic worldview and the culture of the Russian and Armenian peoples. The research is of practical importance for effective communication at the international level, the analysis provides an up-to-date idea of the features of conceptualization of the surrounding reality by the Russian and Armenian peoples through the prism of the concept of "happiness", it helps to better understand the mentality of cultural speakers and take it into account in the process of intercultural communication. Recommendations to the author: 1. The article does not formulate the object, subject, scientific novelty and methodological foundations of the conducted research. The amount of empirical material and its sources should also be indicated. 2. The volume of the article is close to the minimum editorial requirements. It may be worth introducing subheadings (there is only a "conclusion" in the text of the article). 3. It is necessary to pay more attention to the review and analysis of scientific papers, the theoretical analysis of modern sources is also insufficient. 4. It is necessary to unify the mentions of proper names in the article (in the text: Y.N. Karaulov, Joost Trier, A. Sukiasyana). 5. It would be appropriate to provide more illustrative examples to support the theoretical speculations of the author of the article about similarities and differences. It is necessary to unify the format of illustrative examples. 6. Arrange the use of quotation marks and double-check the text for typos, descriptions and omissions of characters. The question arises as to the appropriateness of using bold font in the text. In addition, it is necessary to check the presence of references to primary sources in the text, as well as the correctness of their design in the article. 7. Bibliographic descriptions of some sources need to be adjusted in accordance with GOST and editorial requirements. It is worth expanding the bibliography, including increasing the share of domestic and foreign works over the past 3 years. The material is of interest to the readership, but needs to be finalized, after which it can be published in the magazine "Litera".

Third Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

It is worth recognizing that modern linguistic research is characterized by pronounced anthropocentricity, that is, it focuses on a person as a native speaker of language and culture. Thanks to the Soviet and Russian linguist V.N. Telia, linguoculturology has become an independent discipline. The 90s of the XX century are considered the beginning of the formation of linguoculturology. The interest of scientists and young researchers in this field of linguistics is increasing every year. Indeed, this is true, and the work in this methodological framework is relevant, in demand, and new in its own way. The reviewed article is no exception, because it is thematically aimed at deciphering the linguistic and cultural specifics of the semantics of the word "HAPPINESS" in Russian and Armenian. I think that in general, the work is independent, original, and interesting. The materials can certainly be used in university practice. The style of work correlates with the scientific type: for example, "When studying the relationship between language and culture, the field method is the most commonly used. Y.N. Karaulov emphasizes that "field theory reflects the connection of language with reality, its correlation with non-linguistic reality" [11, p. 14]. In linguistics, the term field was first mentioned in his speech by J. Trier. In his opinion, words have meaning because other, related words have meaning [24, p. 417]," or "The semantic field makes it possible to reflect objective reality, thereby showing the researcher the elements of such a complex system. This system consists of various units. The units of the semantic field form a semantic environment, networks... They are in a hierarchical relationship with each other, correlate with certain and specific concepts. A semantic field is an association of various and numerous units. These units are united by common semantics," etc. The author reveals the topic of the work consistently and systematically; the terms and concepts used in this work are unified. No serious factual inaccuracies have been identified, and there are no errors. Nevertheless, analytics prevails in the work, there is enough argumentation of positions: "When studying the etymology of the word happiness in the Russian language, we saw that it has a proto-Slavic origin. Happiness is a general Slavic Suf.-pref. derivative (using the prefix u- in the sense of "good" (see muffin) and suf. (-ij-) from chast (through "yus" small). Literally – "the good part, the share" [20, p. 816]. As we can see, the lexical meaning of the word happiness in Russian is related to the etymological ", or" by A.M. Sukiasyan. The word " [bakht] - happiness is presented in 4 articles: [chakatagir] fate <...>; վիճակ [vichak] – a condition 2. դիպված [dipvatc], պատահար [patahar] – case; հաջողություն [hajoghutyun] – good luck, բախտավորություն [bakhtavorutyun] – happiness, երջանկություն [erjankutyun] – happiness, երանություն [yeranutyun] – bliss բարեբախտություն [barebakhtutyun] the word consists of two parts: բար [bar] good and բախտ [bakht] fate;հաջողակություն [hajoghakutyun] – good luck, երջանկավետություն [erjankavetutyun] is a great happiness and dialect.: նասիբ [nasib] – fate/happiness, status, share, ղսմաթ [ghsmat] – luck; բաժուկ [bazhuk] – hairline [30, p. 110]" etc. research Methods relevant General analytical outline of research is correct; it is noteworthy position calibrated and accurate. The author is interested in the subject of the study, so she tries her best to reveal the topic fully. In the final section, it is noted that "in our work we have paid more attention to the semantic content of the word happiness in the Armenian language, since this concept is quite well-researched in Russian. After analyzing the definitions of dictionary entries, we can conclude that for native speakers of Russian and Armenian, happiness means a state of life satisfaction, as well as the accompaniment of luck and success. Dictionary definitions poorly reflect what is perceived by the linguistic consciousness, however, this work provides significant material for further contrasting analysis of the concept of happiness in Russian and Armenian, including on the basis of dictionary definitions, phraseological units, data from associative dictionaries to identify similarities and distinctive features in these languages." The actual requirements of the publication have been taken into account, serious editing of the text is unnecessary; the list of sources is extensive and diverse. The topic as such has been disclosed, the research task has been solved. I recommend the article "Linguistic and cultural specifics of the semantics of the word "happiness" in Russian and Armenian languages" for publication in the journal "Litera" of the publishing house "Nota Bene".