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Wang, T., Wan, S. (2025). Food product naming: semiotic aspect. Litera, 2, 392–404.
Food product naming: semiotic aspect
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2025.2.72612EDN: EKKKYAReceived: 07-12-2024Published: 04-03-2025Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of semiotic aspects of food product naming and their influence on consumers' perception and choice. In a modern market saturated with a variety of offers, the product name fulfill not only the function of identification, but also creates an emotional context that awakens feelings, evokes associations. The author analyses how names can activate emotional responses, shape product identity, create new cultural narratives. The role of semiotics in this process is demonstrated by the fact that each name becomes a sign that carries not only information about the product, but also a multitude of cultural meanings. The article also looks at examples of successful naming, emphasizing how the use of metaphorical, associative elements can increase the attractiveness, competitiveness of products in the market. The authors used the following research methods: - descriptive analysis of words and expressions of food-related names in terms of their semantic properties, morphological structure and semiotic usage. - descriptive method, collection, primary analysis and presentation of vocabulary on the topic of research and their characteristics. Scientific novelty of the study: 1. The role of naming as a tool that forms not only the identity of the product, but also creates new cultural narratives, which has been studied fragmentarily so far, is emphasized. 2. A detailed analysis of the use of metaphorical and associative elements in naming is presented, which demonstrates their influence on consumers' perceptions and choices, thus expanding the existing understanding of the semiotics of food products. 3. For the first time, cross-cultural differences in the perception of product names are emphasised, illustrating how cultural codes transform attitudes towards the same products. 4 The study integrates approaches from classical semiotics, cultural studies and marketing to provide a new perspective on the interaction between sign systems, consumer behaviour. Keywords: naming, cultural values, semiotics, perception, linguoculture, emotional reactions, product identity, cultural narratives, marketing, metaphorsThis article is automatically translated. You can find original text of the article here. Since the concept of naming appeared, especially in the context of marketing and branding, scientists and practitioners have begun to actively study this phenomenon. Early researchers such as Kotler, Kapferer, and Martin, as well as later authors, including Graves and Taylor, note that the product name is not just an identifier; it forms a complex semantic field that significantly influences consumer perception and choice [14]. From the point of view of linguistics, the problem of nomination is reflected in the theories of linguistic nomination, which were actively developed in Soviet linguistics in the 70s and 80s by N.A. Arutyunova, V.N. Telia, Yu.S. Stepanov, E.S. Kubryakova, Yu.D. Apresyan, V.G. Gak, D.N. Shmelev. This article is aimed at analyzing the semiotic aspects that influence the perception and decision-making process of consumers. In today's market, saturated with a variety of offers, the product name performs not only the function of identification; it creates an emotional context that awakens feelings and evokes associations, which, in turn, has a significant impact on consumer choice. Nomination is defined in a general sense as a naming process: "naming as a process, a specific correlation of a word with a given referent" [1, p. 270], as well as "the naming function or side of a word, the semantic aspect of a word as used (arising) in a given speech situation or context." In these definitions, it is important that the nomination is both a process and a result of naming (name, designation) [3]. The essence of the nomination process is that a specific referent is correlated with a specific word. The mechanisms of correlating a referent with a word or neym are diverse and numerous. According to the structural factor, a commercial nomination or naming is divided into a one-word and a multi-word (or composite) nomination, that is, one that is expressed by a phrase or sentence. The nomination is also classified according to the degree of "transparency" into direct and indirect. In the case of a direct nomination, the recipient immediately understands which product is being sold, what it is used for, and what its main features are. In the case of an indirect nomination, the name either has nothing to do with the product being offered, or is associated with it only associatively. For example, the name of the ice cream "Taste of Childhood" is an indirect nomination based on an associative mechanism. Basically, an indirect nomination is used for goods, since it would be strange to call the product milk "Milk" or diapers for children "Diapers". Direct nomination is usually used for the names of institutions and stores, when it is necessary to immediately and clearly inform the recipient about what he will find in this store, for example, the Auto Parts, Fabrics, and Building Materials store. And just in the case of store names, an indirect nomination may not be entirely profitable, although it is possible. So, the name of the Perekrestok food store chain is an indirect name, but it is popular and has already taken root in the minds of consumers. The linguistic aspects of naming are considered by V.S. Elistratov, P.A. Pimenov. The authors identify several main trends in naming modeling in the Russian language [5]: 1. Using internal models – such models are suitable only for goods/ services that will not enter the international market, because internal language models are understandable only to native speakers. For example, the name of the cafe-bar "Come try it" can be read with ironic overtones, and this can only be done by a native speaker of the Russian language. 2. Pseudoesthetization (and at the same time pseudoexoticization) using borrowed words and foreign cultural models. This model is used in order to give the name a particularly high, in the opinion of the owner of the company, notes, sound and thus – a higher image in the eyes of consumers. For example, names such as "Cleopatra", "Lotus", "Flamingo", "Melange", "Versailles", "Classic", "San Marino", "Hummingbird", "Dragon", "Orpheus", "Chili", "Palace" and others were created using exotic templates. etc. 3. The use of Anglicisms and Americanisms. M.E. Novichikhina conducted a study of the modern commercial nomination of goods, services, retail establishments, shops and identified the following naming trends [10]:
Food naming refers to a type of commercial nomination and is a specific form of communication in which elements of culture, history and marketing are intertwined [9]. Names can be metaphorical, associative, or playful, creating multi-layered meanings interpreted by consumers depending on their personal experience and cultural context. For example, the term "cheeseburger" not only refers to the composition of the product, but also evokes associations with American culture, daily life and lifestyle, thus reflecting the complex semiotic connections between the product and its cultural environment. A distinctive aspect of naming is its ability to shape the identity of a product on the market. As noted by T. P. Slesareva, the name can transform into an iconic symbol, integrating into the structure of consumption and interacting with various other signs [13]. It has the ability to evoke emotional reactions, activate memories, and even create new cultural narratives. Food naming often includes elements of wordplay, making the names more attractive and memorable for the target audience. Naming of food products is usually of a national nature, that is, the name of the product reflects the mental and cultural differences of the people who produce this product, even if the name contains foreign language inclusions. The German philosophers I.G. Herder, V. Humboldt, H.–G. Gadamer, who laid the foundations of anthropocentric linguistics, spoke about the inseparability of thought and language, the presence of man in language. The language expresses the "common sense" of the people and symbolically represents their collective experience, i.e. all forms of existence (religion, myths, customs, institutions). On the other hand, the language itself sets the "vision of the world", defines the worldview of the native-speaking people [4]. That is why food brands often come from the history and specifics of the people themselves – they reflect the surrounding reality, the "spirit" of the people, and their collective experience. In other words, reality itself and the collective experience of the people suggest a name for the product. For example, the name of the ice cream "Soviet classics" may occur only in Russia or in the former Soviet Union. The product name should trigger a certain chain of psychological reactions and associations in the consumer. Therefore, product names are often based on the fact that they evoke some gustatory, verbal, tactile and other associations, impressions and memories in the consumer. For example, the names of ice cream that refer to impressions and memories: "Taste of childhood", "Soviet classics", "20 kopecks", "Sundae", etc. These names are aimed at an adult audience who remembers Soviet ice cream, especially sundae, which gained popularity in the USSR. Allusion is another mechanism that is widely used in food naming. An allusion is a reference to some kind of precedent cultural source (film, cartoon, work of fiction and folk literature, musical work, etc.). For example, the names of ice cream "White Pole", "Why", "Fixiki", "Smeshariki", "101 Dolmatians" are aimed at a children's target audience that I am familiar with the relevant cartoons and their characters. The pleasant emotions that arise at the sight of these names transfer (project) the emotions of children onto the product itself. Therefore, it is possible to identify such a mechanism of naming, in which certain positive emotions are transferred from the secondary object to the primary object – the product itself [2]. Metaphorization is another linguistic and psychological phenomenon widely used in commercial nomination. Human thinking itself, as linguists have proven, is metaphorical in nature. People think in metaphors, so metaphors are well received by recipients and allow them to distinguish a product from others. For different categories of food products, naming may be related to the specifics of their production. So, the names of dairy products are based on the place of production of this food product. For example, "Koshkinskoe" is milk that is produced at the Koshkinsky dairy. "Kubanskaya Burenka" means Kuban milk, "Vologzhanka" means the milk of the Vologda Dairy Plant, "Ugleche Pole" is named after the village of Uglich, which used to be called Ugleche Pole and where milk of this brand is produced. Other names use references to cultural phenomena. For example, dairy products "Prostokvashino" is the name of a fictional village in the Mozhaisk district of Moscow region, the setting of the story-tale by E. Uspensky "Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat." Thus, the product name is not just a label, but a significant reflection of the surrounding reality. Names can reflect not only the cultural and historical features of the country of food production, but also the trends that exist in society at the moment. As an example, the growing popularity of the terms "organic" and "natural" can be cited. These words resonate with the increasing public interest in health and environmental sustainability. They not only inform consumers about the contents of the package, but also illustrate the broader trend towards an informed lifestyle and environmentally sound choices. Consequently, when a consumer makes a decision about choosing a product, he does not just decide what to eat, but becomes part of a cultural shift that focuses on health and environmental protection. The specifics of food naming are determined by the fact that it is a commercial nomination, and therefore its main purpose is sales. The product must be competitive in the market, its name must be memorable and attract attention, and this name must create an image and influence the buyer [10]. Thus, the names of Russian tea manufacturers are often based on the use of English words or references to Indian culture – England and India are considered one of the experts in tea. So, the tea brands "Princess Nuri", "Princess Java", "Princess Gita" were released by the Russian company "Orimi Trade", which also has Greenfield and Tess brands in its portfolio. Thus, analyzing the naming of food products, it can be seen that it is a complex process of semiosis. According to Pierce, each name becomes a sign that carries not only information about the product, but also a variety of cultural meanings [8]. It is necessary to realize that food is not only an elementary necessity for survival, but is also an integral part of human existence. In the cultural context, food goes beyond simple satisfaction of needs, transforming into a complex semiotic system saturated with many meanings. The variety of food products, as well as the methods of their preparation and consumption reflect deep historical and cultural values and serve as a powerful symbol of ethnic and cultural identity. In this context, food can be considered as a language, as suggested by Ferdinand de Saussure, representing a system of symbols that together form a meaningful code [15]. Rituals related to eating function as a way of expression, allowing you to interact with this code and create collective experiences. Bread is an example. Expressions such as "daily bread" or "earning bread" find a deep response, because in many cultures bread is unconsciously perceived as a symbol of life. This connection is inherited from cultural traditions and religious practices. As E. N. Panov rightly argues, bread allows us to return to the fundamental aspects of early religious rituals, emphasizing that "food is as closely woven into the fabric of our lives as faith" [11]. Thus, food becomes not just an object of consumption, but also a deep reflection of human essence. When the concept of the term "kitchen" is considered, it means not only the space dedicated to cooking, but also the communities that form around certain culinary dishes and techniques, as well as the values that define these practices. Cuisine appears as a complex interweaving of evaluative codes both within and between cultures, which is closely related to the collective sense of identity, similar to language systems [6]. This culinary code often functions as an optical lens through which others are perceived, which sometimes leads to the formation of stereotypes and hasty judgments [9]. Claude Levi-Strauss rightly pointed out that real culture arises from what he called "culinary technology", which is a transformative force in the history of mankind [17]. He identified three key processes: frying, cooking on fire and smoking. Frying, being the most primitive process, involves the direct effect of fire on food. In contrast, cooking is a more complex step that takes place within the confines of a pot and is often a collective activity that helps bring people together. Using his method, Levi-Strauss identified a fundamental semiotic principle — the difference between raw and cooked food. In its raw state, food exists only as a means of survival. However, as it is prepared, it transforms into something more meaningful: a semiotic substance saturated with meaning. This concept echoes Barthes' concept of a "second-order semiological system," in which food transcends its basic form and becomes a carrier of culturally encoded meanings, projecting itself onto the broader symbolic landscape of culture. When the ancient people found permanent food sources, they began to settle in one place, which became the basis for the formation of permanent settlements. This process marked the beginning of the domestication of plants and animals, which allowed not only to provide food needs, but also to use them for transport, clothing and other needs. With the increase in population and the development of sustainable communities, cultural institutions have emerged, united by common rituals and culinary traditions. Food has become an indispensable element of various rituals and symbols that permeate human life. In modern society, a set table continues to occupy a central place in a variety of ceremonies, from vibrant celebrations such as weddings to simple social gatherings such as birthdays. People plan "breakfast," "lunch," and "dinner" every day to mark the passage of time and meet biological needs. However, each of these events acquires a special symbolic meaning due to cultural traditions that lead to a change in food choices in accordance with certain customs. Even on a romantic date, food often becomes part of the courtship ritual. The edibility of food is more a reflection of cultural norms and traditions than a matter of natural properties. When excluding foods that are certainly harmful to the human body, it becomes obvious that the classification of foods as edible or inedible is largely determined by the historical context and cultural practices. For example, consuming tree bark, grass, or straw will not provide the necessary nutrients, whereas there are many other, quite nutritious sources of calories- frogs, ants, earthworms, and snails. But within the framework of modern Russian culture, the suggestion to try such products will cause a negative reaction. In contrast, in many other cultures, these foods are consumed not only to meet physiological needs, but are also considered an integral part of culinary heritage. The concept of "instilling taste" to unfamiliar foods emphasizes the close relationship between cooking and cultural perception. Unfortunately, in some cases culinary differences are perceived as a clear division into "friends" and "strangers." However, it is worth noting that with increasing interest in other cuisines, not only in terms of taste, but also in terms of its sophistication, the art of cooking becomes more important. The fact that certain types of food cause interpretations and reactions (even physiological ones) is confirmed by the famous story about the scientist Alfred Korzybski, the founder of general semantics [16]. One day, when the scientist Korzybski was giving a lecture to a group of students, he suddenly stopped to take out a package of cookies from his bag. "I'm very hungry," he said, "would you like some?" Several students from the front row eagerly took a cookie and started eating it. Korzybski asked with a smile: "Delicious cookies, aren't they?" He then tore open the package and pointed to the label with the image of a dog's head and the inscription "Dog biscuits". The students instantly changed their expressions: some covered their mouths with their hands and hurried to the bathroom, clearly upset by the discovery. Korzybski, watching the reaction of the students, noticed: "You see, I just demonstrated that people eat not only food, but also words. The taste of one can be overshadowed by the taste of the other." This experiment became a vivid example of how semiotics influences people's perceptions and choices, emphasizing the importance of understanding the meanings that we attach not only to food, but also to linguistic signs in our lives. When we hear the word "pasta", we may think of Italians, "Bavarian sausages" — of Germans, and "onigiri" — of Japanese. These are not just arbitrary food names; they also encode social and ethnic connotations, as well as taste reactions through suggestion. In addition, the use of foreign words or cultural references in naming is also an effective marketing strategy [7]. The name "Thai curry" demonstrates how foreign terms can create a unique image of a product, being associated with exoticism and authenticity. This practice allows manufacturers to stand out from the competition, attracting the attention of consumers seeking new gastronomic experiences. Cultural references not only enrich the name, but also create a sense of belonging to a broader cultural tradition among consumers, which can contribute to the formation of brand loyalty [12]. One of the most striking examples of successful naming in modern marketing is the use of names that create positive images and emotions in the consumer. The name "Healthy Morning" illustrates this concept, as it not only highlights the beneficial properties of the product, but is also associated with the beginning of a day filled with energy and vigor; names such as "Traditional Homemade" create associations with coziness and comfort, or products called "Eco-superfood" emphasize health and wellness. sustainable development. This approach to naming contributes to the formation of a positive product image among consumers, which in turn can increase its competitiveness in the market. Thus, the semiotics of food explores how food products become iconic artifacts in the context of consumer society. Naming of food products significantly influences the formation of their semiotic identity, turning them into symbols of certain cultural and social meanings. In the future, naming will continue to evolve, adapting to new social realities and consumer expectations. References
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