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Police and Investigative Activity

Hookahs and smoldering hookah coals as an object of forensic fire and technical expertise

Udilov Timofei Vasil'evich

ORCID: 0000-0001-9824-3032

PhD in Technical Science

Deputy Head of the Institute; East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation'

664074, Russia, Irkutsk region, Irkutsk, Lermontov str., 110
Other publications by this author

Aleksandroi Vladimir Ivanovich

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Technosphere Safety of the Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University

664074, Russia, Irkutsk, Lermontov str., 110
Other publications by this author

Vavilov Aleksandr Mihailovich

Senior lecturer; Department of Forensic Expertise; East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

664074, Russia, Irkutsk region, Irkutsk, Lermontov str., 110









Abstract: The subject of the study is to establish the involvement of smoldering hookah coals in the occurrence of a fire during the production of a forensic fire-technical examination. Currently, there is no universal concretized algorithm for determining the involvement of tobacco smoking devices and hookah coals in the occurrence of a fire for all possible cases of fire. The authors have attempted to combine well-known information about the detection of signs of exposure to combustible materials from a relatively low-power ignition source with the results of experiments and studies of smoldering hookah coals. Two types of hookah coals were selected as objects of research: cubic natural charcoal for hookah, fast-burning cylindrical coal. Cotton fabric, cotton wool, paper, wood (pine), synthetic carpet with fine pile, synthetic carpet with large pile, soft decorative elements with synthetic filling and a pillowcase made of furniture fabric, PVC floor materials (linoleum, PVC tiles), floor panels, lined with polymer films (laminate). In conducting this study, a systematic approach was applied to the analysis of the situation of a fire-related incident, as well as general scientific empirical and theoretical research methods (observation, comparison, description, measurement, analysis and synthesis, etc.) The results of empirical studies confirm the hypothesis of the formation of deep charring zones in places of contact of hookah charcoal with combustible materials (wood, laminated floor coverings). Based on the results of experimental studies, a step-by-step algorithm for constructing versions about the occurrence of a fire from smoldering hookah charcoal is formulated, including focusing the attention of an expert (a person conducting an inspection of the scene of an incident related to a fire) on the need to take into account factors such as the time of the fire and the induction period of ignition, the presence of conditions for heat accumulation, the presence of air exchange, the presence of an air inflow into the smoldering zone, the presence of signs of the dynamics of fire propagation, characteristic of low-power ignition sources. It is noted that the probability of burning from smoldering hookah coal increases in cases where conditions are created for the smoldering process to proceed with minimal heat loss, the possibility of heat accumulation and the presence of an oxidizer (oxygen in the air) in sufficient quantities.


forensic examination, fire examination, fire, hookah charcoal, inspection of the scene of the incident, smoldering, cause of fire, fire source, specialized knowledge, ignition source

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Currently, hookah smoking and hookah rooms in cultural and entertainment establishments and catering establishments have gained wide popularity. Smoking establishments are located in administrative buildings, as well as administrative premises of residential buildings: lounge bars, time bars, smoke bars and others. Such establishments are essentially smoking rooms or hookah halls.

It should be noted that one of the fire hazard factors of hookah rooms is the abundance of textiles, pillows, upholstered furniture, carpets and other combustible materials in the interior. At the same time, special solid fuel compositions are used for smoking hookahs – hookah coals that can smolder for a long time with the release of a large amount of heat.

Thus, there is a high probability of fire when smoldering hookah charcoal comes into direct contact with combustible materials.

Examples of such fires have been entering the information field throughout Russia every year for the last decade. At the same time, fires due to violations of safety rules when smoking hookah occur both in administrative and residential buildings, as well as other facilities where hookahs are used.

For example, on August 22, 2019, a fire broke out on the four-deck motor ship Pyotr Tchaikovsky, which was moored on Oktyabrskaya Embankment in St. Petersburg. At the time of the fire, there were people on the ship, more than 300 people were evacuated from the ship to the shore. The main version of the cause of the fire is hookah smoking in the cabin (The fire on the ship "Pyotr Tchaikovsky" in St. Petersburg occurred due to hookah smoking in the cabin - Ministry of Emergency Situations // Information and Analytical Agency "PortNews". [Electronic resource]: URL: / (date of access: 02/12/2024).

On March 26, 2021, a fire broke out in one of the apartments of a 23-storey residential building on Zemskaya Street in Chekhov, Moscow region, caused by a violation of safety rules when smoking hookah. According to eyewitnesses, the smoking device was accidentally overturned, burning coals poured out on the sofa, the flame began to spread rapidly across the living area (Hookah lovers started a fire in one of the skyscrapers of Chekhov near Moscow // Information and entertainment portal "Chekhov View" [Electronic resource]: URL: / (date of access: 02/12/2024).

On August 16, 2021, a fire broke out in a detached building of the hookah bar "Mr.Smoke" in Vyazniki, Vladimir region. The fire area was 300 sq.m. (Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia liquidated a fire in the building of a hookah bar in the city of Vyazniki and prevented the spread of fire to the pharmacy building // The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Vladimir region. [Electronic resource]: URL: (date of application: 02/12/2024).

On February 27, 2022, a fire broke out in one of the apartments of a 25-storey residential building on Avangardnaya Street in Krasnogorsk, Moscow region, caused by a violation of safety rules when smoking a hookah (In the Moscow region, an apartment burned down because of a hookah // Online publication . [Electronic resource]: URL: (date of application: 02/12/2024).

On July 6, 2022, an administrative building on an area of 100 square meters was damaged by fire in Kineshma, Ivanovo region. There was a hookah bar in the building (26 people extinguished the fire in the hookah bar // Kineshma City News Resource 168 hours - WWW.168.RU " [Electronic resource]: URL: (date of application: 02/12/2024).

On January 23, 2023, there was a fire in a hookah bar on Strastnoy Boulevard in Moscow (The fire in Elagin's mansion in Moscow occurred due to a fire in a hookah bar // The Internet portal of Rossiyskaya Gazeta. [Electronic resource]: URL: (date of application: 02/12/2024).

On July 2, 2023, a fire broke out in the hookah bar "Fog Hookah X GastroBar" on Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street in Vladimir (In Vladimir, on the night of July 2, 8 people were evacuated due to a fire in a hookah bar // Mass media network publication Tsargrad/Tsargrad. [Electronic resource]: URL: (date of application: 02/12/2024).

On May 7, 2024, a fire broke out in a multi-storey residential building in Yekaterinburg, as a result of which a 30-year-old man died. The main version of the cause of the fire is a violation of safety rules when smoking a hookah (The apartment in the house on Soyuznaya in Yekaterinburg could catch fire due to smoking a hookah // Online publication "TagilCity". [Electronic resource]: URL: (date of application: 02/12/2024).

Due to the significant number of fires in hookah smoking areas, conducting research to establish the involvement of tobacco smoking devices in the fire is an urgent task.

The fire danger of smoking rooms is traditionally associated with an ignition source and a high combustible load. A combustible load is combustible substances or materials located indoors or in open areas, and an ignition source is a means of energy action that initiates the occurrence of gorenje.

Smoldering coal, open fire and heated hookah surfaces can act as the main sources of ignition in hookah rooms. The most energy-intensive thermal ignition source, which is in a heated state for a long time, is smoldering hookah charcoal.

At various times, such authors as: M.K. Zaitsev, S.I. Zernov, N.A. Ilyin, A.P. Livchikov, B.V. Megorsky, G.P. Pavlov, G.V. Plotnikova, K.P. devoted their works to the theory and practice of forensic fire-technical expertise, in particular to the research of thermal ignition sources. Smirnov, S.I. Taubkin, L.N. Ulyanov, A.I. Fedotov, I.D. Cheshko, V.E. Chirko, S.O. Shulgin, etc. At the same time, in the scientific literature, when studying smoldering ignition sources and similar low-power ignition sources, the authors, as a rule, paid attention to smoldering tobacco products, smoldering particles, mechanical and welding sparks [1-5]. Currently, the issues affecting the peculiarities of the occurrence of combustion under the influence of smoldering hookah coals have not been reflected in the theoretical works of the above-mentioned authors. Gorenje

In expert practice, when investigating fires in hookah smoking areas, the most common question is: "Is it possible for certain objects to ignite from smoldering hookah charcoal?".

In order to assess the possibility of ignition of combustible materials from smoldering hookah charcoal, a number of experiments were planned and conducted.

Two types of hookah coals common on the domestic market were selected as objects of research: cubic natural charcoal for hookah "Ecocha" (Indonesia), fast-burning charcoal "Carbopol" (Poland).

Cotton fabric, cotton wool, paper, wood (pine), synthetic carpet with fine pile, synthetic carpet with large pile, decorative pillow with synthetic filling and pillowcase made of furniture fabric, PVC floor materials (linoleum, PVC tiles), floor panels, lined polymer films (laminate).

The methodology for conducting a study of the incendiary ability of hookah coals was as follows. Object No. 1 was heated in the flame of a gas burner for 60 seconds. In the study of object No. 2, heating was performed before the initiation composition began to burn. Gorenje Smoldering hookah charcoal was placed in the center of the surface of the investigated combustible material. With the help of a stopwatch, the time of events was recorded.

When conducting a study of the incendiary ability of hookah coals, it was found that when the combustible material comes into direct contact with smoldering hookah coal, charring occurs (wood, PVC floor materials, laminate), melting (synthetic carpet short-pile and long-pile, synthetic furniture filler), burning and ignition of combustible material (cotton fabric, cotton wool). Visual changes in the combustible material caused by exposure to smoldering hookah charcoal are observed from the first seconds of exposure.

Based on the results of an experimental study, it can be concluded that smoldering hookah charcoal can be considered as a possible source of ignition.

Of particular practical interest are the results of a study of the flammable ability of hookah coals in contact with synthetic textile finishing materials of various densities, soft furniture elements and floor coverings, given in [6-9].

It was experimentally determined that the studied samples of floor coverings in contact with smoldering hookah coals of the Carbopol and Cocos brands experience thermal deformations and damage − the carpet melts, the surface of the laminate and parquet board is charred. The substrate under the laminate at the point of contact with the coal has also melted through. However, ignition and flame propagation over the surface of the studied floor coverings were not observed. According to the results of the experiments, it was concluded that the incendiary ability of hookah coals when interacting with floor coverings is determined by the properties of the latter, in particular by their chemical composition. Natural wood, if heated with smoldering hookah charcoal to 367 ° C, begins to smolder, which can eventually turn into flaming gorenje and fire.

When conducting experiments with synthetic upholstery furniture fabrics and upholstery fabrics of mixed composition, all the studied samples received thermal deformations and damage at the point of contact with smoldering hookah coals, ignition and flame propagation over the surface of the fabrics were not observed. The tissues at the point of contact with the embers melted and hardened.

In general, the experimental results confirmed the hypothesis [10] that in the case of a smoldering ignition source, self-sustaining smoldering of the material in contact with this ignition source is necessary for ignition to occur.

It should be noted that the interiors of public and residential premises are characterized by the presence of various combustible materials capable of supporting decay: elements of interior decoration, a combination of materials of furniture elements, textiles, clothing, etc. Therefore, smoldering hookah charcoal in prolonged contact with such combustible materials can cause flaming gorenje and fire.

Thus, during the production of fire-technical expertise of fires, the location of the smoldering hearth found on interior items (furniture, equipment, decorative elements, textiles, etc.) or building structures and finishing materials of the room (flooring) provides a basis for putting forward versions about the possible cause of the fire from a smoldering source.

It is obvious that a priori it is impossible to formulate a universal strictly specified algorithm for determining the involvement of tobacco smoking devices and hookah coals in the occurrence of a fire for all possible cases of fire. We have made an attempt to combine well-known information about the detection of signs of exposure to combustible materials from a relatively low-power ignition source with the results of experiments and studies of smoldering hookah coals.

In carrying out this study, a systematic approach was applied to the analysis of the situation of a fire-related incident, as well as general scientific empirical and theoretical research methods: observation, comparison, description, measurement, analysis and synthesis, deduction, generalization, analogy, etc.

When conducting a fire technical examination, one of the stages of work to establish the involvement of tobacco smoking devices and hookah coals in the occurrence of a fire is to investigate the circumstances of the incident. At the same time, the expert must consistently perform a set of the following measures [11]:

1. Inspection of the scene of an incident related to a fire.

2. Identification of the situation at the scene of the incident that preceded and (or) accompanied the fire.

3. Study of the case materials.

4. Making a decision on the need for additional expert research.

It is an undeniable fact that the definition of a fire source largely depends on the correctness of the establishment of the source of its occurrence. It is a mistake to believe that the case materials and witness statements can replace an inspection of the scene.

During the inspection of the scene of an incident related to a fire, the expert must:

1. Detect and fix the signs of a fire.

2. To detect, seize and ensure the safety of objects that may be material evidence.

3. Collect information and data reflecting the situation at the scene preceding and (or) accompanying the fire, including the location of interior items and furniture in the room, as well as information about the circumstances of fire detection and liquidation.

When constructing versions about the occurrence of a fire from a smoldering source, when examining the fire site, it is necessary to pay attention to the specific signs of non-flammable gorenje (smoldering).

Gorenje gorenje gorenje (smoldering) process differs from flaming combustion primarily by a lower temperature in the combustion zone, as well as a relatively low propagation velocity. Due to the physico-chemical features, the smoldering process proceeds more steadily, including under conditions of a limited amount of oxidizer (air oxygen).

Given the characteristic dynamics of the smoldering process, a weakly expressed convective flow and the almost complete absence of a radiant heat flux, local thermal damage to the combustible material will be observed directly in the smoldering zone and have clearly defined boundaries of deep burnout (charring). At the same time, closely located objects may have minimal signs of thermal damage or not at all.

When examining the fire site, it is advisable to pay attention to structural elements, interior elements of the room, furniture frame, areas of flooring with deep charring zones. Such zones will indicate places of longer thermal exposure to combustible materials, and, consequently, to foci of possible smoldering.

Relatively low temperatures in the smoldering hearth, the course of low-temperature pyrolysis reactions (thermal decomposition of combustible material with a limited amount of oxidizer) cause the formation of coal residues of combustible material of a characteristic type and density. For example, when wood is smoldering, a denser coal layer is formed without deep and large cracks. The physico-chemical properties of coal formed in the zone of low-temperature pyrolysis are the basis for the method of measuring the electrical resistance of coal samples, used in practice to calculate the temperature and duration of thermal exposure. The electrical resistance of the coal sample taken in the smoldering zone has higher values compared to the samples of coal formed in the flaming gorenje zones [10].

The results of our experimental studies of hookah coals confirm the hypothesis of the formation of deep charring zones in the places of contact of hookah coal with combustible materials (wood, laminated floor coverings).

As a rule, the location of the smoldering hearth found on interior items (furniture, equipment, decorative elements, textiles, etc.) or building structures and finishing materials of the room (flooring) provides a basis for putting forward versions about the possible cause of the fire from a smoldering source.

It is advisable to start analyzing the version about the possible involvement of smoldering hookah charcoal or heated surfaces of a tobacco smoking device by excluding other versions of the occurrence of a fire. This approach is due to a number of factors, one of which is the lack of the possibility of removing hookah coal as a physical object as material evidence at the scene of an incident related to a fire.

When putting forward versions, the presence (absence) of the following factors at the scene of the fire incident is analyzed:

1. The presence of a set of conditions necessary and sufficient for the occurrence of combustion from smoldering hookah charcoal or the heated surface of a tobacco smoking device. Gorenje

2. The presence of signs of the dynamics of gorenje propagation, characteristic of low-power ignition sources.

3. The presence of signs of prolonged decay on interior items, surrounding structures, and furniture structural elements.

Considering the first factor, it is necessary to take into account the physico-chemical features of the occurrence and development of gorenje. Thus, it is most likely that only solid combustible materials capable of self-sustaining smoldering combustion, with a certain degree of probability, under prolonged exposure to a low-power ignition source, heat up to a state where no third-party energy source is required for the process of self-smoldering.Gorenje.

At the same time, the probability of burning from smoldering hookah coal increases in cases where conditions are created for the smoldering process to proceed with minimal heat loss, the possibility of heat accumulation and the presence of an oxidizer (air oxygen) in sufficient quantities. Gorenje

So, for example, the most "favorable" place for the occurrence of burning from smoldering hookah charcoal may be the space between a decorative pillow and a seat or back, the space between a decorative blanket and a seat of upholstered furniture, the space between cushions of upholstered furniture, the space between textile interior elements, elements of outerwear and structural elements of upholstered furniture.Gorenjesus, the space between pillows of upholstered furniture, the space between textile interior elements, elements of outerwear and structural elements of upholstered furniture.

Considering the above, when constructing versions about the occurrence of a fire from smoldering hookah charcoal, it is necessary to take into account the above factors: the most likely place where smoldering hookah charcoal enters, the presence of conditions for heat accumulation, the presence of air exchange, air inflow into the smoldering zone.

The second factor that must be taken into account when putting forward versions is the presence of signs of gorenje propagation dynamics characteristic of low-power ignition sources.

According to the results of laboratory studies [6-9], the smoldering of hookah charcoal with dimensions of 25x25x25 mm in calm air can last for 60 minutes. At the same time, the smoldering temperature of hookah charcoal can reach values of 500 0 C, which in many ways exceeds the temperature of smoldering (295 0 C), ignition (255 0 C) and self-ignition of wood (399 0 C) [12].

Situations with ignition sources of this kind are characterized by a long duration of the smoldering stage (the so-called "induction period") during which heat accumulates and the process of thermal destruction of the combustible material develops, then, if appropriate factors are present, the smoldering passes into the stage of flame combustion. Gorenje

Fires that develop rapidly and dynamically at the initial stage are not typical for ignition sources of this kind. The presence of an induction period is a qualifying sign of fires caused by a low-power ignition source [10], or a smoldering ignition source.

The third factor that must be taken into account when putting forward versions is the presence of signs of prolonged decay on interior items, surrounding structures, and furniture structural elements.

As noted earlier, the smoldering process occurs locally, at the site of the initiator, in a small area, and if it continues for a long time, as in the case of the smoldering of hookah coal, then significant (deep) thermal damage to the combustible material occurs. At the same time, the thermal effect on structures and objects located outside the smoldering zone is minimal.

Thus, the conducted experimental studies of hookah coals confirm the hypothesis of the formation of deep charring zones in the places of contact of hookah coal with combustible materials (wood, laminated floor coverings). Based on the results of experimental studies, an algorithm for constructing versions about the occurrence of a fire from smoldering hookah coal is formulated, including the expert's attention to the need to take into account such factors as the most likely place of ingress of smoldering hookah coal, the presence of conditions for heat accumulation, the presence of air exchange, the presence of air inflow into the smoldering zone.

1. Kozlitin, A.A., Lebedeva, V.V., & Nepochatykh, I.N. (2016). Development of a fire from a low-power ignition source. Scientific Bulletin of the NIIGD Respirator, 4(53), 43-51.
2. Chirko, V.Ye., Savandyukov, M.A., & Pertsev, S.Ye., & Popov, I.A. (1993). Investigation of fires: in 2 parts. Moscow: VNIIPO MVD RF Publ.
3. CEU FPS IPL po Krasnoyarskomu Krayu Publ. (2014). Investigation of the fires associated with the lowpower source (in the form of the smoldering tobacco product). Krasnoyarsk.
4. Cheshko, I.D. (1997). Expert examination of fires (objects, methods, methods of investigation). St. Petersburg: SPb IPB MVD RF Publ.
5. Saklantiy, A.R., & Taubkin, I.S. (2016). The temperature of smoldering tobacco. The method of its measurement by thermocouples for the solution of the question of the cause of the fire. Theory and Practice of Forensic Science, 1(41), 112-117.
6. Smirnova, S.S., Chashkin, D.S., Mochalova, T.A., & Storonkina, O.E. (2024). Assessment of the flammability of upholstered furniture from hookah coals. Natural sciences and fire safety: problems and prospects for research: Collection of materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation, Ivanovo Fire and Rescue Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, March 21, 2024. – Ivanovo: Ivanovo Fire and Rescue Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. Pp. 256-259.
7. Fedorov, A.A., Plokhov, N.P., Mochalova, T.A., & Storonkina O.E. (2024). Assessment of the flammability of floor coverings from hookah coals. Natural sciences and fire safety: problems and prospects for research: Collection of materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation, Ivanovo Fire and Rescue Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, March 21, 2024. – Ivanovo: Ivanovo Fire and Rescue Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. Pp. 268-272.
8. Kulik, E.V., Mochalova, T.A., & Storonkina, O.E. (2023). Flammability of finishing textile materials from hookah coals. Current issues of natural science: Collection of materials of the VIII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, Ivanovo, March 30 2023. – Ivanovo: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Ivanovo Fire and Rescue Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief”. Pp. 55-59.
9. Udilov, T.V., Kuznetsov, K.L., & Azovkina, A.V. (2013). Study of the ignition ability of hookah coals. Bulletin of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 4(67), 53-59.
10. Taubkin, S.I. (1999). Fire and explosion, examination features. Moscow.
11. Cheshko, I.D. (2010). Analysis of expert versions of the fire. St. Petersburg: LLC Printing House “Beresta”.
12. Baratov, A.N. (1990). Fire and explosion safety of substances and materials and means of extinguishing them: Reference. Moscow: Chemistry.

First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the research in the article submitted for review is, as follows from its name, hookahs and smoldering hookah coals as an object of forensic fire and technical expertise. The declared boundaries of the study have been observed by the scientist. The methodology of the research is not disclosed in the text of the article. The relevance of the research topic chosen by the author is beyond doubt and is justified by him as follows: "Currently, hookah smoking and hookah rooms in cultural and entertainment establishments and catering establishments have gained wide popularity. Smoking establishments are located in administrative buildings, as well as administrative premises of residential buildings: lounge bars, time bars, smoke bars and others. Such establishments are essentially smoking rooms or hookah halls. It should be noted that one of the fire hazard factors of hookah rooms is the abundance of textiles, pillows, upholstered furniture, carpets and other combustible materials in the interior. At the same time, special solid fuel compositions are used for smoking hookahs – hookah coals that can smolder for a long time with the release of a large amount of heat. Thus, there is a high probability of fire when smoldering hookah charcoal comes into direct contact with combustible materials. Examples of such fires have been entering the information field throughout Russia every year for the last decade. At the same time, fires due to violations of safety rules when smoking hookah occur both in administrative and residential buildings, as well as other facilities where hookahs are used"; "Due to the significant number of fires in hookah smoking areas, conducting research to establish the involvement of tobacco smoking devices in the fire is an urgent task." Additionally, the scientist needs to list the names of the leading experts who have been engaged in the study of the problems raised in the article, as well as reveal the degree of their study. The scientific novelty of the work is manifested in a number of conclusions of the author: "When conducting a study of the incendiary ability of hookah coals, it was found out that when the combustible material comes into direct contact with smoldering hookah coal, charring occurs (wood, PVC floor materials, laminate), melting (synthetic carpet short-pile and long-pile, synthetic furniture filler), combustion and ignition of fuel material (cotton fabric, cotton wool). Visual changes in the combustible material caused by exposure to smoldering hookah charcoal are observed from the first seconds of exposure. Based on the results of an experimental study, it can be concluded that smoldering hookah charcoal can be considered as a possible source of ignition"; "It was experimentally determined that the studied samples of floor coverings in contact with smoldering hookah coals of the Carbopol and Cocos brands experience thermal deformations and damage − the carpet melts, the surface of laminate and parquet boards It's charring. The substrate under the laminate at the point of contact with the coal has also melted through. However, ignition and flame propagation over the surface of the studied floor coverings were not observed. According to the results of the experiments, it was concluded that the incendiary ability of hookah coals when interacting with floor coverings is determined by the properties of the latter, in particular by their chemical composition. Natural wood, if heated with smoldering hookah charcoal to 367 ° C, begins to smolder, which can eventually turn into flaming gorenje and fire. When conducting experiments with synthetic upholstery furniture fabrics and upholstery fabrics of mixed composition, all the studied samples received thermal deformations and damage at the point of contact with smoldering hookah coals, ignition and flame propagation over the surface of the fabrics were not observed. The tissues at the point of contact with the embers melted and hardened. In general, the experimental results confirmed the hypothesis [5] that in the case of a smoldering ignition source, self-sustaining smoldering of the material in contact with this ignition source is necessary for ignition to occur." etc. Thus, the article makes a certain contribution to the development of domestic legal science and, of course, deserves the attention of potential readers. The scientific style of the research is fully sustained by the author. The structure of the work is quite logical. In the introductory part of the work, the author substantiates the relevance of his chosen research topic. In the main part of the article, the scientist examines hookahs and smoldering hookah coals as an object of forensic fire and technical expertise: describes the experiments he conducted, defines a list of measures that must be performed by an expert, identifies factors influencing the nomination of certain versions. The final part of the work contains conclusions based on the results of the study. The content of the article corresponds to its title, but is not devoid of formal shortcomings. So, the author writes: "At the same time, special solid fuel compositions are used for smoking hookahs – hookah coals that can smolder for a long time with the release of a large amount of heat" - the first comma is superfluous. The scientist notes: "The most energy-intensive ignition source that is in a heated state for a long time is hookah charcoal" - "The most energy-intensive ignition source that is in a heated state for a long time is hookah charcoal" (comma omitted). The author indicates: "When conducting a study of the incendiary ability of hookah coals, it was found out that when the combustible material comes into direct contact with smoldering hookah coal, charring occurs (wood, PVC floor materials, laminate), melting (synthetic carpet short-pile and long-pile, synthetic furniture filler), burning and ignition of combustible material (cotton fabric, cotton wool)" - the first comma is superfluous. Thus, the article needs additional proofreading - punctuation errors occur in it. The bibliography of the study is presented by 7 sources (monographs and scientific articles). From a formal point of view, there should be at least 10 sources. There is no appeal to opponents, which is unacceptable for a scientific article. The author refers to a number of theoretical sources to substantiate his judgments or to illustrate certain provisions of the work, but does not enter into a scientific discussion. There are conclusions based on the results of the study ("Thus, the conducted experimental studies of hookah coals confirm the hypothesis of the formation of deep charring zones in the places of contact of hookah coal with combustible materials (wood, laminated floor coverings). Based on the results of experimental studies, an algorithm for constructing versions about the occurrence of a fire from smoldering hookah coal is formulated, including the expert's attention to the need to take into account such factors as the most likely place of ingress of smoldering hookah coal, the presence of conditions for heat accumulation, the presence of air exchange, the presence of air inflow into the smoldering zone"), have reliability properties, They are well-founded and undoubtedly deserve the attention of the scientific community. The interest of the readership in the article submitted for review can be shown primarily by specialists in the field of criminology and expert activity, provided that it is finalized: disclosure of the research methodology, additional justification of the relevance of its topic, expansion of the theoretical base of the work, introduction of elements of discussion, elimination of violations in the design of the article.

Second Peer Review

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The subject of the study. In the peer-reviewed article "Hookahs and smoldering hookah coals as an object of judicial fire and technical expertise", the subject of the study is the norms of law governing public relations in the field of fire safety in smoking establishments (preventive measures existing in the law), as well as conducting judicial fire and technical expertise in the event of a fire. Research methodology. In the course of writing the article, modern research methods were used: general scientific and private (such as dialectical, logical, historical, comparative legal, formal legal, etc.). The methodological apparatus consists of the following dialectical methods of scientific cognition: abstraction, induction, deduction, hypothesis, analogy, synthesis, and also the use of typology, classification, systematization and generalization can be noted. The relevance of research. The topic of the article seems to be very relevant. We can agree with the author that "... Currently, hookah smoking and hookah rooms in cultural and entertainment establishments and catering establishments have gained wide popularity. Smoking establishments are located in administrative buildings, as well as administrative premises of residential buildings: lounge bars, time bars, smoke bars and others ... one of the fire hazard factors of hookah rooms is the abundance of textiles, pillows, upholstered furniture, carpets and other combustible materials in the interior. At the same time, special solid fuel compositions are used for smoking hookahs – hookah coals that can smolder for a long time with the release of a large amount of heat." It is also correctly noted that "... fires due to violations of safety rules when smoking hookah occur both in administrative and residential buildings, as well as other facilities where hookahs are used," which poses a threat to human life and health. The current situation confirms the importance of doctrinal developments on this issue in order to improve modern domestic legislation and its enforcement. Scientific novelty. Without questioning the importance of previous scientific research, which served as the theoretical basis for this work, nevertheless, it can be noted that this article also contains provisions that differ in scientific novelty, for example: "Based on the results of experimental studies, an algorithm for constructing versions about the occurrence of a fire from smoldering hookah coal has been formulated, including the expert's attention to the need to take into account such factors as the most likely place of ingress of smoldering hookah coal, the presence of conditions for heat accumulation, the presence of air exchange, the presence of air inflow into the smoldering zone." The article presents other noteworthy research results that can be considered a contribution to science. Style, structure, content. The article is written in a scientific style using special legal terminology. The article is structured. The content of the article corresponds to its title. The requirements for the volume of the article have been met. There are no comments on the content of the article. The material is presented consistently and clearly. The theoretical provisions are illustrated by examples from law enforcement practice. However, in conclusion, the specific results of the study should be presented, and not limited to a general conclusion. A technical remark and a fixable one. Technical comments can also include non-compliance with the rules of punctuation in individual sentences (the text of the article should be carefully read). Bibliography. The author has used a sufficient number of doctrinal sources, including publications of recent years. References to sources are designed in compliance with the requirements of the bibliographic GOST. Appeal to opponents. The article contains references to the opinions of other scientists. All requests are correct. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. The article "Hookahs and smoldering hookah coals as an object of forensic fire-technical expertise" submitted for review can be recommended for publication, since it meets the requirements for publications in scientific journals. The article is written on an urgent topic, is characterized by scientific novelty and has practical significance. A publication on this topic could be of interest to a readership, primarily specialists in the field of administrative law, criminal law, criminal procedure law and criminalistics, and could also be useful for teachers and students of law schools and faculties.