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The calendar of Spiraea flowering in the Mari El Republic

Mukhametova Svetlana Valeryevna

ORCID: 0000-0001-7892-6450

PhD in Agriculture

Associate Professor; Department of Landscape Gardening, Botany and Dendrology; Volga State University of Technology

424000, Russia, Republic of Mari El, Yoshkar-Ola, Lenin Square, 3, room 245

Other publications by this author

Rusyaeva Dar'ya Mihailovna

Graduate student; Department of Landscape Engineering, Botany and Dendrology; Volga State University of Technology
landscape designer; IP Green Friend

424000, Russia, Republic of Mari El, Yoshkar-Ola, Lenin Square, 3, room 245










Abstract: Spiraea are beautifully flowering shrubs that are valued for their high decorative value, a variety of bush shapes and flower colors, abundant flowering, unpretentiousness and high resistance. The exact dates of flowering may vary depending on the climatic conditions of region, so the study of flowering periods in a particular region of introduction is relevant. The purpose of the study was to determine the flowering dates of the species Spiraea in the Botanical Garden-Institute of the Volga State University of Technology (Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El Republic). The observations were carried out in 2023. The objects of the study were 56 species and varieties in the exhibition "Fruticetum". The duration of flowering was 3 months – from May 6 to August 5. In the period up to mid–June, mainly plants with white flowers bloomed, and only 2 species with pink ones – S. Billardii and S. Densiflora. Since the second half of June, the flowering of pink-colored Spireas has prevailed. The distribution of the studied Spiraea into groups with early, medium and late onset and end of flowering has been carried out. A flowering calendar has been compiled. The species S. corymbosa had the longest flowering (56 days), also long-bloomed S. Rubella, S. Latifolia, S. Bumalda and its cultivar 'Antony Waterer', S. Salicifolia and its cultivar 'Alba', S. Humilis, S. Lemoinei, S. Syringaeflora, S. Rosthornii. The data obtained are of value to specialists in the field of landscaping. A limited number of Spiraea species are used in the plantations of settlements of the Mari El Republic, and thanks to the extensive collection of Botanical Garden-Institute, it is possible to enrich the range of Spiraea in urban plantings.


spiraea, blossom, phenological observations, landscaping, ornamental shrubs, duration of flowering, flowering dates, introduction of plants, exposition, botanical garden

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Spiraea (Spiraea L.) are deciduous shrubs from the Rosaceae family (Rosaceae Juss.). The genus contains about 90 species, slightly more than half of them have been introduced into culture [1]. Species of this genus grow in the temperate climate of the Northern Hemisphere, the greatest diversity is represented in East Asia, mainly in China, where there are about 70 species (47 endemic). Some species can be naturalized and are recognized as invasive in some countries, which indicates their high plasticity to environmental conditions [2].

Spirea is highly appreciated in landscaping not only for its unpretentiousness, but also due to its excellent decorative qualities, excellent subtle aroma [1]. They reach a height of 15 cm to 2.5 m, the shoots are erect, spreading or creeping. The leaves are alternate, petiolate, simple, from narrowly lanceolate-linear to round, whole, 3-5-lobed, simply or bicolored. Inflorescences are umbrellas, corymbose brushes, simple or complex corymbs, panicles. Flowers with 5 petals, white, light or dark pink, red to purple in color. The fruits are multi–seeded leaflets; the seeds are small, flat, lanceolate [3]. There are 3 sections within the genus: Chamaedryon, Calospira and Spiraria. Species from the Chamaedryon section form buds on shoots of the previous year, Spiraria sections on shoots of the current year, Calospira sections on both types of shoots. The type of shoot on which flower buds are formed largely determines the differences in the timing of their blooming [4].

According to the timing of flowering, there are 2 groups among the spiracles: spring and summer flowering species. In the first group, the inflorescences are located on the shoots of the previous year, flowering begins in May and lasts until July, it is very abundant, but short (15-25 days). As a rule, the flowers are white in color. These species are characterized by a height of 1-2 meters, strong tillering, durability and, with proper care, can grow up to 50 years. For rejuvenation, the bush is pruned, forming a new one from young shoots. This group includes such species as S. seraya, S. Wangutta, S. sharp-toothed, S. dubrovkolistnaya, S. sinuous, etc. [1]. As a rule, higher air temperatures contribute to an earlier start of flowering. In spring, the influence of weather conditions on the beginning of flowering is more pronounced, since the difference between air and water temperatures creates faster convection than in other seasons [5]. In summer-flowering species, flower buds are laid at the ends of the shoots of the current year. Flowering lasts from mid–summer to late autumn (June - September), the flowers can be in various shades of pink, red, crimson or bicolor. The height of the plants is from 0.3 to 1.5 m. Spirea of this group must be pruned in spring, shortening the shoots by 10-15 cm, which contributes to the formation of a compact, dense spherical shape and abundant flowering. Summer-flowering spiraea are less durable, they are replaced at landscaping sites after 15-20 years. This group includes S. berezolistnaya, S. belaya, S. belotsvetkovaya, S. trehlopastnaya, S. Bumalda, S. Japonica, etc. [1].

Spiraea are widely used for landscaping settlements, in parks and squares, because they withstand the gas pollution of city streets [6]. Good care, timely fertilizing and watering, and spraying with water in dry summers contribute to the preservation of the decorative properties of plants. However, spirea is very rarely damaged and practically does not lose its decorative effect. When composing compositions, you can take into account the diverse shape of the inflorescences, the size and shape of the bush. So, in single plantings or hedges, the tallest plant species can be used, for example, S. belaya, S. ivolistnaya, S. Douglas. To create low curbs, as well as for planting on a slide and in rockeries, such species as S. belotsvetkovaya, S. Bumalda, S. Japonica are well suited. Many tall and not very tall plants can frame a single tree or small groups of trees [7]. In general, spirea is recognized as one of the best flowering shrubs for creating hedges [8]. They can also be used in soil and water protection plantings, as well as in landscaping rocky areas due to their strong root system and resistance to drought and poor soils [9]. In addition to being used in landscaping, members of the genus are widely used in traditional and folk medicine. Phenolic compounds, terpenoids, alkaloids, steroids and other compounds have been isolated in plants, among which many exhibit biological activity. Thus, Spiraea species have high potential as a valuable resource [10].

Botanical gardens are valued for their extensive collections, which allow for a comparative study of species and varietal diversity in a particular region. In the Botanical Garden-Institute of the Volga State University of Technology (Yoshkar-Ola, Republic of Mari El), spiraea grow in the exhibition "Fruticetum", where a collection of ornamental shrubs is presented according to the conditionally systematic principle of placement. The plants are located on rectangular and square areas measuring 1.5×1.8 m, 3×4 m, 3×3 m, etc. [11].

The purpose of the study is to determine the timing of flowering of representatives of the genus Spiraea in the BSI PGTU. The observations were carried out from May to August 2023 with a frequency of 1-2 times a week. The opening of the first flowers was taken as the beginning of flowering, and the mass wilting of the corollas was taken as the end. Based on the xsr criterion. ± σ the distribution of species and varieties into groups with early, medium and late phenophase has been carried out.

The data obtained are presented in the form of a flowering calendar.

Table – Calendar of spiraea blooms in 2023


It has been established that in 2023, the flowering of spiracles began on May 6. The very first to bloom were S. dubravkolistnaya, S. St. John's wort and S. gray 'Grefsheim'. Also, the group with an early onset of flowering included S. srednaya, S. ostrozubchataya and its variety 'Compacta', which bloomed on May 10-13, S. sinuous (May 15), S. berezolistnaya, S. Billard, S. Wangutta, S. long-chain, S. three-lobed (May 20), S. gorodchataya (May 22). The late onset of flowering was recorded in S. belotsvetkova, S. Douglas, S. Margarita, S. Menzies, S. Sansusiyskaya, S. Fonteneyskaya, varieties of S. Japanese 'Magic Carpet' and 'Ronnenberg', (July 1), S. white, S. charming, S. Japanese 'Crispa' and 'Schirobana' (July 8), S. felt and S. Japanese 'Macrophylla' (July 15). The remaining 29 spiracles are assigned to the group with average flowering dates (May 27 – June 24).

The earliest end of flowering was noted on May 20 in S. dubravkolistnaya, S. gray 'Grefsheim' and S. St. John's wort, also the group with the early end of flowering included S. sharp-toothed and its variety 'Compacta', S. sinuous, S. srednaya (May 27), S. Wangutta, S. gorodchataya, S. three-lobed (June 3), S. long-chain, S. Nipponskaya various. tozenskaya, S. nipponskaya 'Snowmound' (June 10). At a late date, on August 5, the flowering of S. feltnaya, S. ivolistnaya and its variety 'Alba', S. krasnovataya, S. broadleaf finished. The remaining 38 species and varieties of spirea are assigned to the group with average flowering dates (June 17 – July 29).

The shortest flowering period of 12 days was characterized by S. gorodchataya and S. meandering. In addition, the short duration of this phenophase (14 days) has been established in S. Wangutta, S. dubravkolistnaya, S. St. John's wort, S. Nipponskaya various. Tosenskaya, S. Nipponskaya 'Snowmound', S. sharp-toothed and its varieties 'Compacta', S. gray 'Grefsheim', S. medium, S. three-bladed, S. Japanese 'Macrophylla' and 'Magic Carpet'. The longest flowering period is 56 days. It is noted in the scutellum. The group with a long duration of flowering included S. krasnovataya, S. broadleaf (49 days), S. Bumalda, S. ivolistnaya and its variety 'Alba', S. low (42 days), S. Bumalda 'Antony Waterer', S. Lemoine, S. sirenetsvetnaya, S. Rostgorna (35 days). The remaining 31 species and cultivars of spirea are assigned to the group with an average flowering duration (15-28 days).

In the period up to mid–June, mainly spirea with white flowers bloomed, and only 2 species with pink ones - S. Billarda and S. gustotsvetkovaya. Starting from the second half of June, the flowering of spiracles with pink color of flowers prevailed compared to white (28 and 9 names, respectively). In general, the flowering period of the spiracles was 3 months – from May 6 to August 5. Since the timing of phenological development is closely related to the weather conditions of the growing season, it is necessary to further study the timing of flowering of spirea, identify the characteristics of individual species and compile a flowering calendar based on long-term data.

In general, the data obtained are consistent with the data of other authors from different regions [3, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17] and they are valuable for specialists in the field of landscape architecture and landscaping.

It is known that the expansion of the range of introducents for landscaping is relevant, since their use provides a significant increase in the aesthetic and sanitary properties of landscaping plantings [14]. A limited number of spirea species are used in the plantations of settlements of the Republic of Mari El, and thanks to the extensive collection of BSI PGTU, it is possible to enrich the range of spirea in urban plantings, taking into account not only the flowering time, but also the habitus of plants.

1. Smirnova, Z.I. (2018). Prospects for the use of numerous species and varieties of meadowsweets in urban landscaping. Bulletin of the University of the government of Moscow, 1(39), 57–61.
2. Wrońska-Pilarek, D., Sowelo, M., Antkowiak, W., Bocianowski, J., & Lechowicz, K. (2022). Pollen morphology and variability of native and alien, including invasive, species of the genus Spiraea L. (Rosaceae) in Poland. Plos one, 17(8), e0273743. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0273743
3. Murzabulatova, F.K., Polyakova, N.V., Nikitina L.S., Putenikhin V.P., & Shigapov Z.Kh. (2018). Beautifully flowering and decorative deciduous shrubs ("Fruticetum", "Syringarium" and some other collection sites of the Ufa Botanical Garden). Ufa: World of printing.
4. Zasada, J.C., Stickney, P.F. (2008). Spiraea L.: spirea. In: Bonner, Franklin T.; Karrfalt, Robert P., eds. The Woody Plant Seed Manual. Agric. Handbook. Washington, DC. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Vol. 727 (1067–1070).
5. Kim, H., Park, C., Lim, J.H., & Shin, H.W. (2020). Changes of the flowering time of trees in spring by climate change in Seoul, South Korea. Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, 89(4), 1019–1033. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.32604/phyton.2020.010649.
6. Kulikova, L.V., Ivanova, E.V., & Shakina, T.N. (2022). Seasonal rhythms of development of some species of Spiraea L. and varieties of Spiraea japonica L. f. under conditions of collections the Educational Centre “Botanical Garden” of Saratov State University. Problems of botany of South Siberia and Mongolia, 21(2), 90–94. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.14258/pbssm.2022060
7. Plotnikova, L.S. (2014). Spirea in nature and culture. Forestry information, 4, 54–58.
8. Buzienė, I. (2014). Ornamental woody plants for green hedges, their ornamental and bioecological evaluation. Optimization of Ornamental and Garden Plant Assortment, Technologies and Environment, 5(10), 21–27, ref. 12.
9. Li, J., & Zhang, Q. (2008). Studies on resources of Spiraea in north China and application in gardens. Acta Horticulturae, 769, 415.
10. Zhang, S.D., Yan, K., & Ling, L.Z. (2023). Characterization and phylogenetic analyses of ten complete plastomes of Spiraea species. BMC genomics, 24(1), 137. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-023-09242-3
11. Sukhareva, L.V., Mukhametova, S.V., & Nekhoroshkova, E.V. (2021). The exposition "Fruticetum" of the Botanical garden-institute of VSUT (Yoshkar-Ola). Agriculture, 3, 43–62. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.7256/2453-8809.2021.3.37241
12. Krapivko, E.N. (2011). Winter hardiness and decorative traits of species and varieties of Spiraea L. in moderately arid steppe zone of Altai region with plots of vegetation. Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals, 1(80), 11–13.
13. Popova, V.T., & Dorofeeva, V.D. (2013). Rating introduction of certain species of the genus Spiraea L. in VSAFT arboretum and the prospects for their use in landscaping. Forestry Engineering Journal, 1(9), 59–68.
14. Gordeeva, G.N. (2018). The results of introductory testing of prospective species of Spiraea L. genus for planting greenery in steppe zone of Khakassia. Siberian Journal of Forest Science, 5, 76–84. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.15372/SJFS20180507
15. Murzabulatova, F.K., & Polyakova, N.V. (2017). Promising ornamental shrubs if the genera Pentaphylloides Duham. and Spiraea L. for gardening in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Proceedings of the Ufa Scientific Center of the RAS, 2, 34–39.
16. Pavlenkova, G.A. (2020). Prospects of using a group of spring-flowering species of the Spiraea L. genus in the VNIISPK arboretum gene pool for green construction. Selection and variety breeding of garden crops, 7(1-2), 118–122. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.24411/2500-0454-2020-11231
17. Smirnova, A.N., & Zainullina, K.S. (2021) Indicators of flowering and evaluation of decorative of Spiraea japonica plants (Rosaceae) in collection of the Botanical garden of the Institute of biology. Proceedings of Cheboksary branch of the Main botanical garden N.V. Tsitsin of the RAS, 17, 50–52.

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Shrubs of the genus Spiraea have a high decorative value and are often used in landscape design of various territories. According to the author, "a limited number of species of spirea are used in the plantations of settlements of the Republic of Mari El, and thanks to the extensive collection of BSI PGTU, it is possible to enrich the range of spirea in urban plantings, taking into account not only the timing of flowering, but also the habitus of plants." Therefore, it is very relevant to study the expanding range of spiraea species in the conditions of the Republic of Mari El, since their use provides a significant increase in the aesthetic and sanitary properties of landscaping plantings for landscaping the territory of the region. In the reviewed article, the object of research is various species of spirea grown in the Botanical Garden-Institute of the Volga State Technological University. The subject of the study is the study of the flowering phase period and its duration in different types of spirea in the conditions of the Republic of Mari El. The methodology of the study is the scientific observation and fixation of the onset of phenophases in different types of spirea. The purpose of the study is to determine the timing of flowering of representatives of the genus Spiraea in the conditions of the Republic of Mari El. The reviewed article is of an overview and descriptive nature and contains observational data from the beginning to the end of the flowering phase of various species of spiraea in the Botanical Garden–Institute of the Volga State Technological University. However, the article does not reflect the scientific novelty of the research, which apparently consists in studying the growth and development of rare and rare species of spirea in the conditions of the Republic. The structure of the article does not include the section "Conditions and methods of research". In which it is necessary to reflect the agrochemical characteristics of the soil where spirea grows and the climatic conditions of the research period. The author correctly notes that "the timing of phenological development is closely related to the weather conditions of the growing season." Therefore, in the article it is necessary to characterize the weather conditions of the vegetation of spirea species in 2023. The scientific significance of the article would have a higher level if long-term data were presented, rather than annual ones. In scientific articles, high representativeness (accuracy) of the presented research results should be important, which can be presented only after statistical processing of the results of many years of research. This criterion is missing from the peer-reviewed article. The author describes in detail the biological features and decorative qualities of different types of spiracles, there are references to 17 literary sources, 6 of which are in foreign languages. Which is undoubtedly the positive side of this article. It is advisable for the author to include sources no older than 5 years in the list of used literature, since 10 literary sources have a release date of more than five years ago. The reviewed work undoubtedly has practical significance, which consists in the selection of different types of spirea in terms of flowering periods when landscaping urban areas of the Republic of Mari El in order to ensure the longest period of flowering of spirea in the spring and summer period. The article will undoubtedly be interesting and useful to a wide range of people and can be recommended for publication in the scientific journal "Agriculture" after revision and elimination of the reviewer's comments.