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Legal aspects of ensuring environmental safety in agriculture

Ivleva Yuliya Ivanovna

Junior Researcher; Department of Constitutional Law and Constitutional Justice; Institute of State and Law of Russian Academy of Science

10 Znamenka str., Moscow, 119019, Russia









Abstract: Ensuring food security is impossible in the absence of proper functioning and development of agriculture. In turn, a set of measures implemented within the framework of the activity under consideration often has an adverse effect on the quality and condition of objects in the surrounding world, on the environmental situation. The purpose of the research is to study the specifics of regulatory and legal support for such areas of national security as environmental safety. An urgent direction for scientific, legislative, and practical activities is the consideration of the features of regulatory and legal provision of environmental safety in agricultural production. In the context of studying agriculture, it is worth noting the need to develop the level of knowledge and awareness of subjects not only at the stage of obtaining vocational education, but also within the framework of agricultural congresses, symposiums, etc. Theoretical and empirical methods of scientific research, such as formal legal, systemic, historical, as well as analysis, generalization, are used in the work. The combination of the indicated methods of cognition of reality made it possible to trace some dynamics of the formation and development of the population's attitude to environmental challenges arising in the implementation of agricultural activities. The article attempts to determine the current system of sectoral legislation and identify promising areas for further transformations. The course of scientific reflections, as well as the results obtained, can serve as a basis for further study of institutions within the framework of constitutional, environmental and agrarian law, as well as for the formation of an ecological culture among the reader. The conclusion is formulated about the need to create a single and at the same time comprehensive regulatory legal act capable of creating an order for ensuring environmental safety both in the direction under consideration and in general. Also, the main aspect that can ensure the achievement of the most positive effect from the adoption of appropriate norms and rules is the proper organization of environmental education and upbringing of the population. It is the high level of environmental awareness that serves as the main factor in achieving a safe and developed society.


ecology, agricultural law, environmental protection, agriculture, legal support, Constitution of the Russian Federation, environmental education, environmental culture, environmental legal consciousness, environmental safety

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Agriculture, which is the basis of food production, as well as raw materials for various industries, should be considered in close relationship with environmental principles, requirements and norms. The proposed provision is due to the need to prevent the occurrence of adverse environmental consequences, achieve decent quality of the raw materials produced, maintain safe living conditions for the population, reproduction of the animal and plant world. The analysis of documents, as well as normative legal acts in force in the Ancient Russian state and in subsequent periods of development of our country, shows that historically consideration of environmental issues, attention to environmental protection were conditioned by the need to preserve and further consumption of natural resources. Russian Russian Pravda (in Short and Spatial editions (Article 36 of the Short Edition of Russian Pravda), in the Cathedral Code (Articles 217 and 218, 220 and 221, 223-225, 239), as well as in the acts of Peter the Great, in accordance with which the protection takes place forest plantations located in certain areas. The need to protect the forest is caused by the high demand for wood during the period of large-scale shipbuilding, in turn, the adoption of such a protectionist act reflects the ruler's understanding of the need to protect the forest to ensure its reproduction. In the future, the acts regulating the protection of agricultural facilities from environmentally unfavorable factors have undergone a transformation. The direct consumption of natural resources by humans (deforestation, river drainage, hunting, fishing, etc.) was replaced by the development of industry, which caused the deterioration of the global environmental situation. Following the use of organic fertilizers, chemicals and mineral fertilizers that are dangerous to human life, plants and animals were introduced.

An urgent direction for scientific, legislative, and practical activities is the consideration of the features of regulatory and legal provision of environmental safety in agricultural production. The formation of a proper understanding of the legal mechanism for the implementation of the designated direction, generally binding fundamental principles and norms can have a direct impact on the model of behavior, as well as the environmental legal awareness and culture of economic entities, to carry out the "greening of legal thinking" [1]. Achieving this is possible through the implementation of environmental education and education of citizens (paragraph "e6" part 1, Article 114 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation) at various levels of education. In the context of studying agriculture, it is worth noting the need to develop the level of knowledge and awareness of subjects not only at the stage of obtaining vocational education, but also within the framework of agricultural congresses, symposiums, etc. It is important to provide information, relevant thematic literature, and training through various information technologies to prevent difficulties associated with the need to temporarily suspend agricultural activities.

The basis of the legal regulation of the area of activity under consideration is formed by the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, namely Part 1 of Article 9, which enshrines the protection of land and other natural resources, since these are the basis of life, as well as the activities of peoples. In turn, the implementation of the vast majority of agricultural activities is directly related to designated natural sites. Also, it is necessary to pay attention to Article 42 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which proclaimed the right to a favorable environment, paragraph "d" of Article 72, according to which ensuring environmental safety should be carried out within the framework of direct interaction between the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation, since it is the subject of joint jurisdiction. At the same time, the provisions of paragraph "d" of Article 114 indicate that, in general, the highest executive authority, the Government of the Russian Federation, is vested with the authority to ensure state security, one of the directions of which is environmental safety. This wording, namely "environmental safety", was introduced into the Constitution of the Russian Federation by a law approving amendments to the Main Regulatory Legal Act of the state in 2020 (the Law of the Russian Federation on the Amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation dated March 14, 2020 No. 1-FKZ "On Improving regulation of certain issues of the organization and functioning of public Authority" // Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated March 16, 2020 No. 11, Article 1416.).

The idea of ensuring environmental safety is specified in the framework of the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" (Federal Law No. 7-FZ dated January 10, 2002 "On Environmental Protection" // Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated January 14, 2002 No. 2, Article 133.), the Federal Law "On Safety" (Federal Law No. 28 December 2010 No. 390-FZ "On Safety" // Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated January 3, 2011 No. 1, Article 2.), Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation "On the Strategy of Environmental Safety of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025" (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 19, 2017 No. 176 "On the Strategy of Environmental Safety of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025" // Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated April 24, 2017 No. 17, Article 2546.), as well as "On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation" (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2021 No. 400 "On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation" // Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 5, 2021 No. 27 (Part II) art. 5351.).

Environmental safety is one of the aspects of national security, the essence of which is to achieve and maintain an adequate level of protection of the natural environment and basic human interests from potential negative impacts, including from economic and other activities, as well as from emergency situations and their consequences. However, further development of doctrinal and legal provisions regarding its implementation is necessary due to the presence of various problems and contradictions, in particular, due to the large number of disputes about the essence of the concept itself, as well as the specification of mechanisms to ensure it [2].

The normative legal acts presented earlier generally define the foundations and specifics of ensuring environmental safety. In turn, the direct development of this institution in the context of agriculture takes place in sectoral acts, namely:

– Federal Law "On the Development of Agriculture" (Federal Law No. 264-FZ dated December 29, 2006 "On the Development of Agriculture" // Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2007 No. 1 (Part I) of Article 27.), the provisions of Article 13 of which provide for the provision of state support for the implementation of measures aimed at ensuring ecological balance. Achieving this condition is necessary within the framework of the entire set of agricultural production processes, including cultivation, production, processing of such, as well as the implementation of related services;

– Federal Law "On the Safe Handling of Pesticides and Agrochemicals" (Federal Law No. 109-FZ of July 19, 1997 "On the Safe Handling of Pesticides and Agrochemicals" // Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 29 of July 21, 1997, Article 3510.), regulating the procedure for public administration in this area, the exercise of powers by the relevant state authorities, general requirements for the safe use of pesticides, agrochemicals and other;

– Federal Law "On State Regulation of ensuring the fertility of agricultural lands" (Federal Law No. 101-FZ of July 16, 1998 "On State Regulation of ensuring the fertility of agricultural lands" // Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 20, 1998, No. 29, Article 3399.), which fixed the need to comply with environmental requirements in ensuring fertility lands, which, in turn, have an agricultural purpose;

– and other industry acts.

Let us draw attention to the fact that the acts regulating agricultural activities indicate the need to comply with environmental requirements, fix the safest means and methods of carrying out this activity. However, it is worth noting that in the current legislation there is no clear correlation between agricultural activity and such a direction of state policy as ensuring environmental safety. The need for this compliance will allow for a more targeted impact on the environmental situation and national security in general, and will act as a kind of platform for establishing specific mechanisms and ways to achieve it. Overcoming this problem is possible through the adoption of the Federal Law "On Environmental Safety", which has defined in detail the specifics, methodology, and sectoral feature of the implementation of specific measures, including in the field of agriculture. Earlier in 2005, attempts were made to develop a draft law "On general technical regulations on environmental safety", but due to the presence of various contradictions with current legislation, the ideas contained in this document were not implemented [3].

Despite the fact that agriculture, as an integral element of the general agro-industrial complex, causes less damage to the environmental situation than industries serving agriculture and processing relevant products, there is a negative impact one way or another. Therefore, it is necessary to pay due attention to regulatory and legal regulation, as well as direct law enforcement, since any technologies, techniques and methods in agriculture must meet an important requirement and condition – environmental safety. Achieving the necessary sustainable, safe and developed state is possible with the implementation of an integrated approach to the implementation of agricultural and at the same time environmentally oriented activities. As a result, it is important and significant, including the use of measures to economically stimulate entities whose activities are targeted, rational, and environmentally safe [4]. In this case, state support of the relevant economic entities serves as an effective measure to encourage, stimulate, and support participants in the designated public relations [5].

1. Ragulin, A. V. (2022). Environmental issues should become part of legal consciousness! Interview with Doctor of Law, Professor Elena Valeryevna Vinogradova. Eurasian Advocacy, 1(56), 9-11.
2. Abanina, E. N. (2022). Legal support of environmental safety of the Russian Federation: state and prospects of development. Ed. E. N. Abanina, E. A. Sukhova. Moscow: Justitsinform.
3. Pandakov, K. G., & Gushchin, N. E. (2014). Ecological safety of agrarian production: legal problems. Vestnik of the SSAJA, 4(99), 188-193.
4. Vedysheva, N. O. (2018). Legal aspects of ensuring environmental safety in agriculture. In Global environmental safety: current problems of law and practice: proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on February 16, 2018. Ed. M. M. Mukhlynina, A. I. Nikiforov, S. V. Aramilev, M. V. Saltykova, L. R. Sharifullina. Khimki, Vol. 2.
5. Ivleva, Y. I. (2023). Legal measures of state stimulation of agricultural development in Russia In Law and economics in modern realities: Collection of articles based on the results of the I International Conference, Moscow, November 21, 2022. Moscow: Lomonosov Moscow State University Publishing House (printing house), 38-47.

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The subject of the research in the article submitted for review is, as its name implies, the legal aspects of ensuring environmental safety in agriculture. The stated boundaries of the study are observed by the author. The methodology of the research is not disclosed in the text of the article. The relevance of the research topic chosen by the author is undeniable and justified by him as follows: "Agriculture, which is the basis for food production, as well as raw materials for various industries, should be considered in close relationship with environmental principles, requirements and norms. The proposed provision is due to the need to prevent the occurrence of adverse environmental consequences, achieve decent quality of manufactured raw materials, maintain safe living conditions for the population, reproduction of the animal and plant world"; "An urgent direction for scientific, legislative, and practical activities is the consideration of the features of regulatory and legal provision of environmental safety in agricultural production. The formation of a proper understanding of the legal mechanism for the implementation of the designated direction, generally binding fundamental principles and norms can have a direct impact on the model of behavior, as well as the environmental legal awareness and culture of economic entities, to carry out the "greening of legal thinking" [1]." Additionally, the scientist needs to list the names of the leading experts who have been engaged in the study of the problems raised in the article, as well as reveal the degree of their study. The scientific novelty of the work is manifested in some of the author's proposals, for example: "However, it is worth noting that in the current legislation there is no clear correlation between agricultural activity and such a direction of state policy as ensuring environmental safety. The need for this compliance will allow for a more targeted impact on the environmental situation and national security in general, and will act as a kind of platform for establishing specific mechanisms and ways to achieve it. Overcoming this problem is possible through the adoption of the Federal Law "On Environmental Safety", which has defined in detail the specifics, methodology, and sectoral feature of the implementation of specific measures, including in the field of agriculture." However, in general, the article is superficial in nature, representing a compilation of some of the sources used in its writing. The author does not offer original definitions of the key concepts of the article, does not identify new patterns of the studied social relations, does not develop a clear concept of appropriate legal regulation. Thus, the article needs a thorough revision. In the form submitted for review, it does not make a special contribution to the development of domestic legal science. The scientific style of the research is fully sustained by the author. The structure of the work is logical. In the introductory part of the article, the scientist substantiates the relevance of his chosen research topic. In the main part of the work, the author reviews the legal aspects of ensuring environmental safety in agriculture, identifies some problems of legal regulation and outlines ways to solve them. The final part of the article contains conclusions based on the results of the study. The content of the article corresponds to its title, but is not without drawbacks. So, the author writes: "At the same time, the provisions of paragraph "d" of Article 114 indicate that, in general, the authority to ensure state security, one of the directions of which is environmental safety, is vested with the highest executive authority – the Government of the Russian Federation" - "At the same time." The scientist notes: "However, further development of doctrinal and legal provisions regarding its implementation is necessary due to the presence of various problems and contradictions, in particular, due to the large number of disputes about the essence of the concept itself, as well as the specification of mechanisms to ensure it [2]" - the first comma is superfluous. Thus, the article needs additional proofreading - it contains typos, spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors (the list of typos and errors given in the review is not exhaustive!). The bibliography of the study is presented by 5 sources (scientific articles), including in English. From a formal point of view, there should be at least 10 sources. There is no appeal to opponents, which is unacceptable for a scientific article. The author refers to a number of sources solely to confirm his judgments or to illustrate certain provisions of the work. There are conclusions based on the results of the study ("Despite the fact that agriculture, as an integral element of the general agro-industrial complex, causes less damage to the environmental situation than industries serving agriculture and processing relevant products, there is a negative impact one way or another. Therefore, it is necessary to pay due attention to regulatory and legal regulation, as well as direct law enforcement, since any technologies, techniques and methods in agriculture must meet an important requirement and condition – environmental safety. Achieving the necessary sustainable, safe and developed state is possible with the implementation of an integrated approach to the implementation of agricultural and at the same time environmentally oriented activities. As a result, it is important and significant, including the use of measures to economically stimulate entities whose activities are targeted, rational, and environmentally safe [4]. In this case, state support of the relevant economic entities serves as an effective measure to encourage, stimulate, and support participants in the designated public relations [5]."etc.), but do not have the property of scientific novelty, which is partly confirmed by references to the sources of information used. Thus, they need to be clarified and specified. The interest of the readership in the article submitted for review can be shown primarily by specialists in the field of agrarian law, land law, environmental law, provided that it is substantially improved: disclosure of the research methodology, additional justification of the relevance of its topic (within the framework of the remark made), expansion of the theoretical base of the work, introduction of elements of scientific novelty and discussion, deepening of certain provisions of the article, clarifying and specifying conclusions based on the results of the study, eliminating violations in the design of the work.