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Law and Politics

Institute of Mediation: current state and development prospects.

Kel'manzon Il'ya Maksimovich

Postgraduate student; Department of Civil and Corporate Law; St. Petersburg State University of Economics

197082, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Turistskaya str., 28, building 1, sq. 3










Abstract: This article analyzes the current state of the institution of mediation as an alternative method of resolving disputes and possible ways of its development. The most important problems of mediation that exist at the current stage of its development in the Russian Federation are studied. Among such problems, the author highlighted the insufficient level of professional education of mediators and the process of execution of the mediation agreement. Attention was also drawn to the lack of awareness among civil society participants of the nature and essence of the mediation procedure. The author conducted a study of an array of statistical data on the use of mediation procedures for the previous period 2014–2022. Based on these statistics, as well as gaps in legislation, the main conclusions of this work were drawn, aimed at the evolutionary development of the covered institution. The author’s main conclusions based on the results of the research are: the need to legislatively establish in the Law on Mediation the required level of additional education for professional mediators and, possibly, the type of document that confirms this education; legislate the principle of competence in the professional activity of a mediator (by analogy with the communities of lawyers and notaries); the need for further regulation of rules to guarantee the execution of a mediation agreement by contacting a notary; the introduction of the above innovations will resolve another problem – it will increase awareness of the essence of mediation and its significance in the eyes of potential participants in the procedure, and increase confidence in the mediator as a professional conciliator. The author also put forward a proposal to introduce a mediation procedure in disputes about the protection of consumer rights (within the framework of online trading on marketplaces), which will reduce the burden on the judicial system.


conciliation procedure, mediation, mediation procedure, pre-trial dispute resolution, mediator, intermediation, mediation system, mediation problems, SRO of professional mediators, mediation agreement

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In accordance with Article 45 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens is guaranteed. In order to fulfill this guarantee, jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional regulation is used and various conciliation procedures, including mediation, are applied.

Mediation (from Latin. "mediatio" - "mediation") is one of the types of pre–trial dispute resolution, the feature of which is mediation, the assistance of a third party (a professional mediator) to achieve consensus between the parties, and as a result, conflict resolution. This institution appeared in domestic legislation relatively recently – in 2011 with the entry into force of Federal Law No. 193–FZ dated 07/27/2010 "On Alternative Dispute Settlement Procedure with the participation of an intermediary (Mediation Procedure)" (hereinafter – the Law on Mediation). The main purpose of this law was to implement measures aimed at increasing the number of cases of voluntary dispute settlement and, as a result, reducing the burden on the judicial system as a whole [1, p.104].

Prior to the adoption of this law, in the modern history of the Russian Federation, there was already an example of an attempt to organize education and training for the nascent mediation system – the creation of a joint Russian-American program on conflictology, through which a significant contribution was made both to the development of the practical application of mediation in St. Petersburg and to the training of the first professional mediators in the Russian Federation. Later, in 1993, the Conflict Resolution Center (CRC) was established, and in February 2005, with the support of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, the 1st International Conference "Mediation. A new step towards building a rule-of-law state and civil society." Since 2006, the journal "Mediation and Law" has also been published for more than 10 years [2, p.56].

In general, the period before adoption in 2011 The Law on mediation and the first "five-year period" after it can be confidently called a period of "euphoria". The practical problems of the institute under discussion did not immediately become apparent.

The adoption of the above-mentioned law on mediation procedure is directly correlated with the global trend towards the development of pre-trial dispute settlement institutions [3, p.104]. In accordance with Part 1 of Article 1 of the Law on Mediation, the widespread use of mediation will allow to achieve an increase in the level of ethics of business turnover, the development of business partnerships and the general harmonization of social relations. At the time of adoption, there were all reasons to believe that this was feasible.

The study of the current state of the mediation institute, as well as its current problems and possible ways of development, within the framework of this study will allow: firstly, to assess in retrospect the need to introduce mediation procedures into the legislation of the Russian Federation; secondly, to assess the degree of influence of the changes introduced by the legislator earlier on the part of their effectiveness and necessity; thirdly, to highlight the existing problems of the institute and, based on the established scientific and statistical base, suggest possible ways to overcome them.

Before proceeding directly to the problems of this type of pre-trial settlement of a dispute at the present stage of its development, it is necessary to determine its essence. By its nature, a mediation procedure is a special form of mediation, as well as a special form of reconciliation. With the help of this procedure, through the use of the help of an independent person (mediator), the conflict is resolved in a voluntary form. According to the Doctor of Law, Professor V. F. Yakovlev, mediation is one of the constituent elements of the conciliation procedure, the purpose of which, as mentioned above, is to eliminate obstacles to reaching consensus between the parties to the dispute. In accordance with the professor's beliefs expressed back in 2007, mediation can be applied both within the framework of the process (arbitration and civil), and as a separate independent procedure.

A similar position is held by the Candidate of Law A. A. Maksurov, who supports the position of presenting the mediation procedure both as a separate dispute resolution mechanism and as one of several tools. It is worth noting that this position is practically confirmed: 1) In our country, there are Regulations of the Board of Intermediaries for conducting Conciliation Procedures at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, which is designed to regulate the rules of organization and application of the procedure under study to resolve disputes between entrepreneurs and other participants in economic activity (Regulations on the Board of Intermediaries for conducting Conciliation Procedures at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation // https://mediation.tpprf.ru/ru/docs/). 2) Examples of the use of mediation as a dispute resolution tool are Orders of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/29/2015 No. 996-r "On Approval of the Strategy for the Development of Education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025", as well as dated 08/25/2014 No. 1618-r "On approval of the Concept of State Family Policy in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025". Within the framework of the first order, the need for the development of separate methods of mediation for conflict resolution in the children's environment and the educational process is noted, while within the framework of the second – the need to introduce mediation to achieve consensus in family law disputes.

Despite the fact that in foreign countries where similar laws were adopted, there was a general decrease in the number of appeals to judicial authorities [4, p.57], there was a strong opinion in the domestic scientific community that the above-mentioned law on mediation was not so much able to resolve existing problems and controversial issues in the institute under study as systematized the practical component [5, p.25].

In accordance with the current legislation, the parties to the dispute can seek help from a mediator at any stage: both before applying to the judicial authorities, and directly within the framework of the already initiated process. As a result of contacting the mediator, the parties can come to a consensus that suits everyone or continue their dispute.

A lot of talented legal scholars have been and are studying mediation as a conciliation procedure: E.I. Nosyreva, L.B. Sitdikova, A.L. Shilovskaya, R.Y. Bannikov, as well as other researchers whose works are mentioned in this article. It is also worth noting that due to the regular introduction of innovations by the legislator to the institute under study, as well as the unflagging interest in it from the scientific community, the currently available research (including those of the listed authors) needs constant replenishment.

At the present stage of its development, the institute of mediation in the Russian Federation has many problems that prevent its further evolution [6, p.19]. Based on the available practice, as well as an array of scientific publications on the topic under study, several main problems of the mediation institute can be identified that hinder its systematic development.

One of the important problems that is currently very much "slowing down" the institution under discussion is the lack of awareness of participants in civil turnover (i.e. potential "users") about the possibility of using mediation in certain cases, as well as the lack of a clear understanding of the nature and consequences of using this procedure.

V. V. Lisitsyn noted almost a decade ago the actual absence of mediation advertising in the domestic legal field [7, p.28]. The opinions of the scientific community speak about the following reasons for this situation: 1) the number of normative acts regulating this institution; 2) weak state assistance in popularizing mediation [8, p.90]. 3) As a result, there is a lack of the necessary number of properly trained mediators, as well as a minimum of information about the mediators themselves and their level of competence.

The problem of the small number of trained mediators [9, p.646], as well as information about the procedure and the mediators themselves, has long been discussed among legal scholars [10, p.25]. In accordance with Article 15 of the above-mentioned law, any capable, adult person who has not been convicted can act as a mediator. Due to the fact that the kind of "qualification" for joining the ranks of mediators was quite low (the candidate needed to have an appropriate higher education and professional training. In addition, no other achievements or requirements were expected), then people who were not fully prepared for conducting conciliation procedures began to enter it. To this end, back in 2019, the law was amended in order to increase confidence in mediators by allowing retired judges to become the last, which, from the author's point of view, is a logical step – no matter how a judge can impartially bring the conflicting parties to a consensus.

Another "painful" point of the Law on Mediation is the issue of professional education of mediators. In accordance with Article 16 of the Law, in order to carry out professional activities, a potential mediator, in addition to higher education, must also have additional professional education regarding the application of mediation procedures. In contrast to, for example, the European Code of Conduct for Mediators (the European Code of Conduct for Mediators, adopted on 06/02/2004 // https://mediation-eurasia.pro/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/evropejskij-kodeks-povedenija-dlja-mediatorov.pdf) , which has only a recommendation value for the Russian Federation. It is also not disclosed exactly what level of the above–mentioned additional education a potential professional mediator is required to have. For help, you can turn to the Model Law on Mediation: based on Part 2 of Article 11 of this Law, a professional mediator can carry out his activities only after completing training in the mediator training program and obtaining a special certificate of qualification of a mediator (Model Law on Mediation (out-of-court Dispute Settlement), adopted in St. Petersburg on 11/29/2013 by Resolution 39-14 at the 39th plenary meeting of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States // https://mediator.uz/mediaci/148-modelnyj-zakon-o-mediacii-vnesudebnom-uregulirovanii-sporov.html ). But this format does not comply with current legislation in the field of education – the available acts indicate that within the framework of additional professional education it is possible to obtain only a diploma of professional retraining or a certificate of advanced training (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 07/01/2013 No. 499 (ed. dated 11/15/2013) "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional professional programs" // https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_151143 /, Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 03/12/2015 No. AK-610/06 "On the direction of methodological recommendations" (together with "Methodological recommendations on the development, issuance and accounting of documents on qualifications in the field of additional vocational education") // https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_177814 /).

Currently, the training of mediators in the Russian Federation is divided into 3 stages: basic, special, and coaching. Upon completion of each of these stages, the mediator is issued an appropriate document confirming the completion of the stage, namely, a certificate. At the same time, it is allowed to receive a diploma of professional retraining (training of a mediator) only after passing all the stages of preparation and successfully passing the exam.

In the light of all the above, it seems that the legislator in Article 16 of the Law on Mediation needs to move away from a broad interpretation of this norm and clearly indicate the necessary level of additional education for mediators and, possibly, the type of document that would confirm education. For example, leave an indication that only persons who have a diploma of professional retraining and appropriate qualifications can conduct mediation on a professional basis. If this is not done, then organizations that organize mediation procedures will be able to continue, at their own request, to establish the level of education necessary for mediation, even if the potential mediator does not have a diploma of professional retraining, but only a certificate of one of the previous levels.

Some authors have been suggesting for quite a long time, by analogy with the communities of lawyers or notaries, to consolidate the special principle of competence of the mediator's professional activity [11, p.30]. This principle is in correlation with the European Code of Conduct for Mediators mentioned above. In accordance with the Code, mediators must have the necessary and in–depth knowledge in the field of mediation and possess appropriate competencies. This cannot be achieved without constant improvement of their professional qualities, development of theoretical and practical skills, etc.

The introduction of the voiced principle into legislation will increase the importance of the process in the eyes of potential participants in the mediation procedure, as well as increase confidence in the mediator himself as a trained professional who is responsible. Moreover, this principle will fully comply with the meaning of Article 45 of the Constitution indicated at the beginning of this work.

A problem closely related to the previous ones is the lack of guarantees from the state for the enforcement of a mediation agreement that was previously reached between the parties. Thus, the execution of a mediation agreement directly depends on the good faith and diligence of the parties, which once again explains the low popularity of this institution, since potential participants in the procedure objectively worry about the future execution of the adopted act.

In 2019, the legislator made a correct attempt to solve this problem by introducing the possibility of certifying the concluded mediation agreement with a notary, which gave the agreement the force of an executive document. In this case, I would like to additionally emphasize that in this work the author examines precisely the non-jurisdictional pre-trial mediation agreement, which is concluded by the parties to the dispute immediately before applying to the judicial authorities (in accordance with Part 4 of Article 12 of the Law on Mediation). In accordance with this norm, such an agreement is by its nature a civil law transaction.

The possibility of notarization of such an agreement between the parties: firstly, it corresponds to the international principles of the enforceability of mediation agreements; secondly, it contributes to the greater use of professional mediators with the appropriate level of qualification, because if the pre-trial mediation agreement was poorly drafted, violates the law or the rights and interests of other persons, then the notary has the full right to refuse to certify such an act.

As a result, the provided notarial control over the parties' compliance with the mediation agreement and the requirements that apply to such an agreement allow, on the one hand, to increase the enforceability of the concluded agreement [12, p.186], and on the other, to make the possibility of executing the agreement dependent on the thoroughness of its drafting, which in turn requires an appropriate level of knowledge from a professional mediator.

At the moment, the state has taken measures aimed at popularizing the institution of mediation, as well as increasing confidence in professional mediators conducting the procedure (including financial incentives through partial refund of state duty when applying to mediation), but now we are seeing record low rates of mediation use, starting in 2012.

According to the Report of the courts of general jurisdiction on the consideration of civil and administrative cases in the first instance for 2021-2022, the citizens of our country are less and less actively resorting to mediation in dispute resolution from year to year. According to statistics: in 2020, 0.5 thousand mediation agreements were concluded (0.2% of all terminated cases); in 2021, 0.2 thousand (0.1%); in 2022, even less – 367 (0.1%) (Report on the work of courts of general jurisdiction on the consideration of civil and administrative cases on of the first instance // http://cdep.ru / index.php?id=79&item=7645). Moreover, the statistics become even more depressing if we point out that there were 24,912,959 cases that were completed with a court order in 2022. Compared to the number 367, there is a huge difference.

Within the framework of the same statistics, it is necessary to mention the application of the mediation procedure introduced in 2019 using judicial conciliators: at the moment, only 0.13% (437) of cases have been terminated using them. The extremely low popularity of this type of dispute settlement is also indicated by the fact that at the time of writing this article (2024) 3 and 5 judicial conciliators are operating in Moscow and St. Petersburg, respectively (List of judicial conciliators // https://vsrf.ru/documents/own/28689 /).

However, the above statistics regarding the use of mediation were not always the same: 06/22/2016 The Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation approved the Certificate of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation "On the practice of application by Courts of Federal Law No. 193-FZ dated July 27, 2010 "On alternative Dispute Settlement Procedure with the participation of an intermediary (mediation procedure)" for 2015". According to the document, out of 15 million cases considered in the framework of the first instance, only slightly more than 1,000 (0.007%) were resolved using the mediation procedure. In accordance with the above-mentioned Certificate on the practice of applying the law by courts, "in 2015, 1,531,473 applications were considered by the arbitration courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation. In 2015, the mediator was involved by the parties in the consideration of only 44 cases, of which only in 7 cases the court approved a settlement agreement, and in 37 cases the plaintiff filed a waiver of the claim or the claim was recognized by the defendant" (Certificate on the practice of application by courts of Federal Law No. 193 dated July 27, 2010-Federal Law "On alternative dispute settlement procedure with the participation of an intermediary (mediation procedure)" for 2015 // https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_200160 /). At the same time, compared to 2014, the number of cases where mediation was used decreased, which once again indicates insufficient "propaganda" of the use of mediation by the state.

Due to the objective decrease in interest in the mediation procedure, parliamentary hearings on mediation were held in the State Duma of the Russian Federation on April 13, 2023 (Parliamentary hearings were held in the State Duma on April 13, 2023 on the topic: "The use of mediation and mediation technologies in socially significant areas (restorative and family mediation)" // http://No.7 2023 [YUN]180komitet2-6.km.duma.gov.ru/Novosti_Komiteta / item/28489739/). As part of these hearings, statistics were provided, which for the period from 2015 to 2021 indicated the number of disputes settled through mediation. In general, these statistics correlate with the data provided in the article above (the peak of mediation use is 2017 and 1,407 disputes, the minimum is 2021 and 724 disputes, respectively). The participants of the hearings came to a disappointing conclusion about the decrease in interest in the mediation procedure, and at the same time this decrease is of an annual systematic nature. With this in mind, the causes and consequences of the current situation of domestic mediation have been identified: 1) a fairly low "qualification" for obtaining the status of a professional mediator; 2) as a result – the entry into the market of a large number of poorly trained specialists discrediting the institute; 3) weak state supervision of the activities of mediators due to the lack of a specialized body; 4) despite the previous problem – the low role of SRO professional mediators in 5) due to the absence of a specialized state body responsible for the institute of mediation, the actual information "silence" regarding the essence of mediation, professional mediators, their organizations, etc.; 6) imperfection in the system of execution of mediation agreements (the possibility of fraud when certifying a document through a notary).

According to the results of the hearings, it was also concluded that the emphasis on the SRO of professional mediators in regulating the institute without the support of a specialized state body did not justify itself, as can be seen from the results of 13 years of practice (Mediation in the Russian Federation // http://komitet2-6.km.duma.gov.ru/upload/site8/document_news/028/489/709/Prezentatsiya_Gosduma_-_07.04.2023.pptx). Based on this, a proposal was put forward to tighten the requirements for mediators and complicate training programs (including the development and implementation of uniform standards and norms of ethics), moreover, it was even proposed to legislate cases when the mediation procedure would become a mandatory pre-trial procedure prior to going to court. All this involves making serious changes or a complete revision of the current law "On Mediation in the Russian Federation".

Despite the actual agreement of the legislator that at the present stage of its development, the institute of mediation needs to be improved, there is an alternative opinion in the scientific community that the reason for the decline in popularity of the procedure lies not so much in the plane of imperfection of the regulatory framework or weak education about the advantages of the procedure, but in low legal culture and literacy the overwhelming number of our compatriots who firmly believe that only an appeal to the judicial authorities can quickly and, most importantly, officially solve their problems [13, p.178].

In the light of the above, back in 2021, Draft Law No. 1138398-7 "On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Consumer Rights Protection" and the Federal Law "On Alternative Dispute Settlement Procedure with the Participation of an Intermediary (Mediation Procedure)" was submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation. According to the plans, the adoption of this bill will form the necessary legislative framework for the functioning of a special system of alternative online dispute resolution mechanisms in the Russian Federation. At the moment (2024), consideration of the draft law in the State Duma in the second reading has been postponed (Draft Law No. 1138398-7 On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Consumer Rights Protection" and the Federal Law "On Alternative Dispute Settlement Procedure with the Participation of an Intermediary (Mediation Procedure)" // https://sozd.duma.gov.ru/bill/1138398-7 ). In general, the formation of an online dispute resolution mechanism (albeit so far in certain areas: in the field of consumer protection in online commerce) corresponds to the concept of digitalization of the entire life of society, and can also partially solve the problem of a lack of information regarding the mediation procedure [14, p.51]. According to the author, the introduction of a mandatory mediation procedure in such a massive sphere as online commerce (which includes, for example, marketplaces) can become a kind of "springboard" for the institute of mediation, will allow it to gain popularity, as well as fulfill its function as a pre-trial way of settling a dispute in order to unload the judicial system.

Summarizing all of the above, starting in 2019, our state has taken the right course to update the legislative framework of the mediation procedure. The adoption of amendments, bills or completely new laws will allow people to regain their faith in pre-trial settlement. The author is convinced that, first of all, it is necessary to work out the possibility of introducing mandatory pre-trial mediation, as well as to develop additional economic incentives from using this procedure.

1. Kurbatova, S. M. (2023). Organizational and legal aspects of mediation and online mediation in conflict resolution. Law and state: theory and practice, 10(226), 104-105.
2. Lepeshkina, V. S. (2022). Problematic issues in the development of mediation in disputes in the field of entrepreneurial activity in modern Russia. Eurasian Advocacy, 1(56), 56-63.
3. Bannikov, R. Yu. (2019). On the relationship between mediation and non-jurisdictional forms of pre-trial dispute resolution. VSU. Series: Law, 1, 103-110.
4. Zagainova, S.K. (2017). Mandatory mediation in Italy: problems of implementation. Electronic supplement to the Russian Legal Journal, 6, 56-62.
5. Voroshilova, O. L. (2015). On the issue of the formation of coherent monologue speech in children with special needs of senior preschool age. Integrative processes in education and medicine, 4, 24-28.
6. Kovaleva, I. A. (2022). Problems and prospects for the development of mediation at the present stage in Russia. Prospects for the development of institutions of law and state. Collection of scientific articles of the 5th International Scientific Conference, 18-21.
7. Lisitsyn, V. V. (2015). On the issue of judicial reconciliation. Court administrator, 4, 26-29.
8. Shamlikashvili, T. A. (2015). Alternative methods of dispute resolution and mediation in modern Russian legislation. Modern law, 5, 88-93.
9. Yusupova, A. F. (2020). Mediation as an alternative method of resolving disputes in civil proceedings. Issues of Russian justice, 7, 642-649.
10. Toropova, A. A. (2019). Problems of application of legislation on mediation in organizing and conducting the mediation procedure. University Lawyer, 4, 13-30.
11. Novikova, T. Y. (2017). Legal regulation of the mediation procedure. Prospects for the introduction of judicial mediation. Russian justice, 12(140), 25-34.
12. Kiselev, O. A. (2021). Enforceability of the mediation agreement. Law and state: theory and practice, 4(196), 182-186.
13. Minyailenko, N. N. (2023). Mediation as a way to resolve civil disputes: problems and prospects. Legal science, 7, 177-180.
14. Minyailenko, N. N. (2022). Legal digitalization in Russian civil proceedings: problems and prospects. Legal science, 6, 50-52.

First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the research in the article submitted for review is, as its name implies, the current state and prospects for the development of the mediation institute. The stated boundaries of the study are observed by the author. The methodology of the research is not disclosed in the text of the article. The relevance of the research topic chosen by the author is undeniable and is justified by him as follows: "In accordance with Article 45 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens is guaranteed. In order to fulfill this guarantee, jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional regulation is used and various conciliation procedures, including mediation, are applied. Mediation (from Latin. "mediatio" - "mediation") is one of the types of pre–trial dispute resolution, the feature of which is mediation, the assistance of a third party (a professional mediator) to achieve consensus between the parties, and as a result, conflict resolution. This institution appeared in domestic legislation relatively recently – in 2011 with the entry into force of Federal Law No. 193–FZ dated 07/27/2010 "On Alternative Dispute Settlement Procedure with the participation of an intermediary (Mediation Procedure)" (hereinafter – the Law on Mediation). The main purpose of this law was to implement measures aimed at increasing the number of cases of voluntary dispute settlement and, as a result, reducing the burden on the judicial system as a whole [1, p.104]. Prior to the adoption of this law, in the modern history of the Russian Federation, there was already an example of an attempt to organize education and training for the nascent mediation system – the creation of a joint Russian-American program on conflictology, through which a significant contribution was made both to the development of the practical application of mediation in St. Petersburg and to the training of the first professional mediators in the Russian Federation. Later, in 1993, the Conflict Resolution Center (CRC) was established, and in February 2005, with the support of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, the 1st International Conference "Mediation. A new step towards building a rule-of-law state and civil society." Since 2006, the journal "Mediation and Law" has also been published for more than 10 years [2, p.56]. In general, the period before adoption in 2011 The Law on mediation and the first "five-year period" after it can be confidently called a period of "euphoria". The practical problems of the institute under discussion did not immediately become apparent." Additionally, the scientist needs to list the names of the leading experts who have been engaged in the study of the problems raised in the article, as well as reveal the degree of their study. The scientific novelty of the work is manifested in a number of conclusions and suggestions of the author: "Due to the fact that the kind of "qualification" for joining the ranks of mediators was quite low (the candidate needed to have an appropriate higher education and professional training. In addition, no other achievements or requirements were expected), then people who were not fully prepared for conducting conciliation procedures began to enter it. To this end, back in 2019, the law was amended in order to increase confidence in mediators by allowing retired judges to become the last, which, from the author's point of view, is a logical step – no matter how a judge can impartially bring the conflicting parties to a consensus."; "In light of all the above, it seems that the legislator in Article 16 of the Law on Mediation needs to move away from a broad interpretation of this norm and clearly indicate the necessary level of additional education for mediators and, possibly, the type of document confirming education. For example, leave an indication that only persons who have a diploma of professional retraining and appropriate qualifications can conduct mediation on a professional basis. If this is not done, then organizations that organize mediation procedures will be able to continue, at their own request, to establish the level of education necessary for mediation, even if the potential mediator does not have a diploma of professional retraining, but only a certificate of one of the previous levels"; "At the moment, measures have been taken by the state aimed at popularizing the institution of mediation, as well as increasing confidence in professional mediators conducting the procedure (including financial incentives through partial refund of state duty when applying to mediation), however, at the moment we are seeing record low rates of mediation use since 2012," etc. Thus, the article makes a certain contribution to the development of domestic legal science and, of course, deserves the attention of potential readers. The scientific style of the research is fully sustained by the author. The structure of the work is quite logical. In the introductory part of the article, the scientist substantiates the relevance of his chosen research topic. In the main part of the work, the author identifies the main problems of the functioning of the mediation institute in Russia, suggests ways to solve them and determines the prospects for the existence of the phenomenon under study. The final part of the article contains conclusions based on the results of the study. The content of the article corresponds to its title, but is not without formal drawbacks. So, the author writes: "Before proceeding directly to the problems of this type of pre-trial settlement of a dispute at the present stage of its development, it is necessary to determine its essence" - "Before proceeding directly to the problems of this type of pre-trial settlement of a dispute at the present stage of its development, it is necessary to determine its essence" - a preposition is omitted, a comma is missing. The scientist notes: "One of the important problems that is currently very much "slowing down" the institution under discussion is the lack of awareness of participants in civil turnover (i.e. potential "users") about the possibility of using mediation in certain cases, as well as the lack of a clear understanding of the nature and consequences of using this procedure" - "One of the important problems that currently very much "slows down" the institution under discussion is the lack of awareness of participants in civil turnover (i.e. potential "users") about the possibility of using mediation in certain cases, as well as the lack of a clear understanding of the nature and consequences of using this procedure" - a comma is omitted. The author indicates: "In accordance with Article 15 of the above–mentioned law, any capable, adult person who has not been convicted can act as a mediator" - "In accordance with Article 15 of the above-mentioned law, any capable, adult person who has not been convicted can act as a mediator." The scientist writes: "But this format does not comply with current legislation in the field of education – the existing acts indicate that within the framework of additional vocational education it is possible to obtain only a diploma of professional retraining or a certificate of advanced training..." - "But this format does not comply with current legislation in the field of education – the existing acts indicate that within the framework of additional vocational education it is possible to obtain only a diploma of professional retraining or a certificate of advanced training ..." - spelling errors. Thus, the article needs additional proofreading - it contains multiple typos, spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors (the list of typos and errors given in the review is not exhaustive!). The bibliography of the study is presented by 14 sources (scientific articles), not counting normative and empirical materials. From a formal and factual point of view, this is quite enough. The author managed to reveal the research topic with the necessary completeness and depth. There is an appeal to opponents, both general and private (N. N. Minyailenko and others), and it is quite sufficient. The scientific discussion is conducted by the author correctly. The provisions of the work are justified to the appropriate extent and illustrated with examples.
Conclusions based on the results of the study are available ("Summarizing all of the above – starting in 2019, our state has taken the right course to update the legislative framework of the mediation procedure, the adoption of amendments, bills or completely new laws will allow people to regain faith in pre-trial settlement. To achieve this, it is necessary to work out the possibility of introducing mandatory pre-trial mediation, as well as to develop economic incentives from using this procedure"), however, they are general in nature and do not reflect all the scientific achievements of the author of the article, and therefore need to be specified. The interest of the readership in the article submitted for review can be shown primarily by specialists in the field of civil procedure, arbitration, legal conflictology, provided that it is finalized: disclosure of the research methodology, additional justification of the relevance of its topic (within the framework of the comment made), concretization of the final conclusions, elimination of violations in the design of the work.

Second Peer Review

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The subject of the study. In the peer-reviewed article "The Institute of Mediation: the current state and prospects of development", the subject of the study is the norms of law governing public relations in the field of mediation. Research methodology. In the course of writing the article, modern research methods were used: general scientific and private (such as: systematic, formal-logical, legal modeling, etc.). The methodological apparatus consists of the following dialectical methods of scientific cognition: abstraction, induction, deduction, hypothesis, analogy, synthesis, and also the use of typology, classification, systematization and generalization can be noted. The relevance of research. The topic of the article seems to be very relevant. The institution of mediation is a relatively new phenomenon in Russian reality. Mediation is one of the types of pre-trial dispute resolution, the feature of which is mediation, the assistance of a third party (a professional mediator) to achieve consensus between the parties, and as a result, conflict resolution. As international and domestic experience has shown, the use of mediation as a way of settling disputes is very effective. However, there are problems of a legal nature, which requires, among other things, doctrinal developments on this issue to improve modern domestic legislation in the field of mediation and the practice of its application. Scientific novelty. Without questioning the importance of previous scientific research, which served as the theoretical basis for this work, nevertheless, it can be noted that this article also contains provisions that are characterized by scientific novelty, for example: "... the introduction of a mandatory mediation procedure in such a mass sphere as online commerce (which includes, for example, marketplaces) it can become a kind of "springboard" for the institute of mediation, will allow it to gain popularity, as well as fulfill its function as a pre-trial way of settling a dispute in order to unload the judicial system" (in the editorial of the author of the article). The article presents other research results that deserve attention from the point of view of practical significance. The results of this study can be assessed as a definite contribution to the domestic legal science. Style, structure, content. In general, the article is written in a scientific style using special legal terminology. The requirements for the volume of the article are met. The content of the article fully corresponds to its title. The article is structured, its individual parts (introduction, main part and conclusion) meet the established requirements. The material is presented consistently and clearly. The theoretical provisions are illustrated by examples from law enforcement practice. There are no comments on the content. There are typos in the text (for example, "dispute over unloading"), but this is a technical remark that can be eliminated. Bibliography. The author has used a sufficient number of doctrinal sources, including links to publications of recent years. References to available sources are designed in compliance with the requirements of the bibliographic GOST. Appeal to opponents. The article presents a scientific controversy. Appeals to opponents are correct, decorated with links to the sources of publication. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. The article "Mediation Institute: current state and development prospects" submitted for review may be recommended for publication. The article is written on an urgent topic, is characterized by scientific novelty and has practical significance. A publication on this topic could be of interest to a readership, primarily specialists in the field of mediation, civil procedure law, and also could be useful for teachers and students of law schools and faculties.