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Philology: scientific researches

On the issue of using the features of the Chinese-language media discourse in teaching Chinese

Fomenko Evgeniia

Senior Educator, Department of Chinese Language, Moscow City Pedagogical University

127238, Russia, Moscow, Dmitrovskoe highway, 34, building 2, office 204

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Popova Anastasiia

Senior Educator, Department of Chinese Language, Moscow City Pedagogical University

105064, Russia, g. Moscow, per. Malyi Kazennyi, 5-B, of. 507

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Abstract: The subject of the research in this article is the peculiarities of the discourse of Chinese-language media in East and Southeast Asia. The authors pay close attention to identifying linguistic tools used in them as part of the editorial board's targeted strategy, as well as the possibilities of using texts of this kind in the development of communicative competence when teaching interpretation and translation in a pair of Chinese – Russian languages. The source of materials for the study was the Internet news portals of a number of leading newspapers in mainland China, Hong Kong SAR, Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. The subject of the study is the discourse of texts on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The possibility of comparing texts posted on various media platforms was provided by the unity of the subject and the synchronicity of publication (October–November 2023). The following methods were used in the study: typological analysis in the selection of specific media, the study of selected articles using contextual and comparative analysis, linguodidactic analysis to determine the potential of using the type of texts under study as educational material. The authors solved the following tasks: criteria for the selection of Chinese-language media and news articles were developed, an analysis of the structure, vocabulary, grammar, and means of artistic expression of texts of Chinese-language media in the Asian region was carried out, patterns determining the features of the discourse of articles of a particular media were identified; targeted strategies of selected media resources in the representation of news publications were described; a conclusion was given on the possibility of using materials from Chinese-language media of Asian countries in the process of teaching translation from Chinese to students of various specializations, including linguistics, regional studies, Oriental studies. The relevance of this study is due to the need to expand the linguistic and regional horizons of future Sinologists in the context of the intensification of relations between Russia and China, as well as the countries of Southeast Asia. The authors did not find any works comparing the linguistic techniques of the discourse of Chinese-speaking media resources in China and Southeast Asian countries, as well as considering the possibility of using texts of this kind in teaching Chinese. This study is intended to partially fill this gap in sinological linguodidactics.


media discourse, Chinese-language media, journalistic style, linguodidactic analysis, Chinese language, Southeast Asia, translation studies, teaching methods, pedagogical linguistics, regional studies

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Against the background of globalization, which has affected absolutely all aspects of modern life, language is becoming not only a way of communication and a means of transmitting information, but also a tool that influences its recipient. As noted by E. G. Tareva, L. G. Vikulova, I. V. Makarova, the deepening of these processes, their multi-vector and multi-variant implementation lead to both objectively positive results and complication of international contacts, determine the problematic and often conflicting nature of interaction between representatives of different cultures, different value systems and priorities [1, p. 399]. The same situation is observed in the media sphere. Various media outlets, providing their audience with new information, seek to influence the perception of the material by the reader or viewer in order to achieve the formation of a certain public opinion, change the point of view already existing in society or comply with censorship requirements. S. N.Plotnikova considers discourse to be a "weapon of influence" [2, p. 6], therefore, news discourse should also be considered as a "weapon" that can be used to form a certain picture of the world in the reader's mind, as well as as a means of achieving specific goals or countering verbal aggression from the outside [3, p. 199]. In the XXI century. China, like many countries, is pursuing a strategy of "globalization" in which the media is a means of spreading the Chinese "agenda" in the world. To achieve this goal, China is taking certain steps in the media sphere. In order to maintain a sense of Chinese ethnic identity and bring their behavior in line with the national policy of the country in which they are located, almost all Chinese-language media in Southeast Asia fulfill a dual mission: first, they act as a local news bureau to transmit government regulations and reports to ethnic Chinese; second, as Chinese-speaking The media are called upon to protect the interests of the Chinese [4, p. 46]. Thus, the coverage of local and international news in Chinese-language media, on the one hand, helps strengthen ties between the Chinese and the local population, on the other, provides foreign ethnic Chinese with an opportunity to express their opinion about events taking place in the world, which does not always coincide with official Beijing.

According to Chinese researcher Mei Yan, foreign Chinese-language media play a very important role in shaping the global Chinese-language media landscape [5, p. 67]. If we talk about global influence on the media, China attaches great importance to carefully shaping its international image in an attempt to achieve favorable results for itself. In the language of Chinese politics, the diasporic Chinese-language media are compared to "a ship that China can borrow to go to the open sea" (借船出海海 ji jiuu海海海 chūhǎi) [6, p. 50].

Agreeing with J. J. Alvaro's statement that scientists from various disciplines are now studying not only what China says, but also how it says it [7, p. 275], the authors of this work considered it appropriate to investigate how Chinese-language media in East and Southeast Asia build the discourse of their publications, which linguistic tools are used to solve the tasks set by the editorial board, and how this can be used in the development of communicative competence when teaching interpretation and translation in a pair of Chinese – Russian languages.

The formation of this competence, according to E. G. Tareva, occurs during the assignment of the verbal and semantic code of the studied language to students - the linguistic picture of the world, leading to the formation of linguistic consciousness [8, p. 42]. The authors have built the work in the following main areas, defining them as research objectives: 1) development of criteria for the selection of Chinese-language media and news articles to compile a representative sample during the planned research; 2) analysis of the structure, vocabulary, grammar, means of artistic expression of the texts under consideration; 3) identification of patterns that determine the features of the discourse of articles of a particular media; 4) description of the targeted strategies used by selected media in their news 5) conclusion on the possibility of using Chinese-language media from different countries in the process of teaching Chinese.

Literature review

When embarking on this study, the authors turned to publications on this topic. In the scientific field, there are studies on certain aspects of the journalistic style of the Chinese language. In particular, V. I. Gorelov's fundamental work is devoted to the stylistics of the modern Chinese language [9], E. N. Orlov considered the grammar of the journalistic style of the Chinese language (Orlov E. N. Grammatical features of the journalistic style of the Chinese language : dissertation... Candidate of Philological Sciences : 02/10/22. – Moscow, 1985. – 149 p.), T. N. Nikitina studied the syntax of the Chinese journalistic text [10], S. A. Sanzhimitypova analyzed the stylistic features of the language of the modern Chinese press (Sanzhimitypova S.A. Stylistic features of the language of the modern Chinese press : dissertation ... Candidate of Philological Sciences : 02/10/22 / S. A. Sanzhimitypova; [Place of protection: St. Petersburg State University]. - St. Petersburg, 2007. 155 p.), Yu. G. Lemeshko in her work focused on the features of the language of the Chinese socio-political text (Lemeshko Yu. G. The language of the Chinese socio-political text : Syntactic and stylistic features : dissertation ... Candidate of Philological Sciences : 02/10/22. – C-Pb., 2001. – 166 p.), O. I. Kalinin studied the linguistic and pragmatic characteristics of the image political media text on the material of the Chinese media (Kalinin O.I. Linguistic and pragmatic characteristics of the image political media text : on the material of the Chinese media : dissertation ... Candidate of Philological Sciences : 02/10/19 / Kalinin Oleg Igorevich; [Place of protection: Military. un-t]. – M., 2017. – 174 p.). Articles containing an overview of evaluative vocabulary in Chinese media texts [11] and a critical discourse analysis of Chinese media texts on foreign policy topics are of interest [12]. In recent years, a large number of articles have appeared on the linguistic aspects of the formation of the image of foreign states or their leaders in the Chinese media [13-17], however, in our opinion, their weaknesses in many cases include either the limited illustrative material or the absence of original Chinese texts, which does not allow creating a distinct linguistic picture and evaluating the language tools used. The most significant disadvantage of these publications, in our opinion, is that only the Chinese media were taken for analysis. The authors did not find any works comparing the linguistic techniques of the discourse of Chinese-speaking media resources in China and Southeast Asian countries, as well as considering the possibility of using texts of this kind in teaching Chinese. This study is intended to partially fill this gap in sinological linguodidactics.

Research methods

Taking as a basis the definition of the text by Russian researchers A. G. Danilova and O. V. Mitina as a block of information completed in semantic terms, the subject of research in which its plot or emotional content, the context of its generation, social characteristics of communicators, their intentions, etc., as well as the meanings generated by the joints of these layers can act [18, p. 224], we can argue that the discourse of news publications undoubtedly deserves close attention from not only linguists, translators, but also educators. In the study of various types of discourse, as in teaching a foreign language, various methods can be used, in particular, narrative analysis (what is said?), discourse analysis (how is it said?), intent analysis (why is it said?), conversational analysis (by whom and to whom is it said?) [19, p. 224]. In our study, to solve problems 1-4, discourse analysis was chosen as the main method, which is defined by A. Ya. Sarna as a set of analytical methods for interpreting various kinds of texts or statements as products of people's speech activity carried out in specific socio-political circumstances and cultural and historical conditions [20].

In this article, using discourse analysis, the linguistic features of materials on foreign policy topics published in electronic versions of Chinese-language (Putonghua, Huayu) publications of a number of Southeast Asian countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines), as well as Hong Kong are investigated. The authors have attempted to solve the following problem: using limited material devoted to one problem – the Middle East crisis, to identify the specifics of the content and form of information presentation in the Chinese-language media under consideration, based on which to draw some applied conclusions regarding the expediency of using relevant texts in the framework of teaching a practical Chinese language course, in particular, to work with texts on social and cultural issues.political topics.

When choosing the subject of publications, the authors were guided by the fact that materials for contextual analysis should meet the following criteria: 1) the unity of the topic; 2) a relatively narrow time period; 3) the use of standard Chinese in order to avoid serious distortions in the analysis of the content. Based on the above criteria, the authors chose the topic of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, while the determining factor was that its next escalation in October 2023 aroused increased interest around the world and received widespread coverage in the press, including the Chinese-speaking one. This made it possible to compare the approaches of different media outlets to informing their audience about current issues, in this case related to the situation in the Middle East.

As a kind of "starting point", the massive mainland publication "Huanqiu Shibao" (环球时时, circulation 2.1 million copies), owned by the Chinese state media holding "Renmin Zhibao" (人民日, circulation 1.5 million copies) and specializing in coverage of international topics, was taken.

For contextual, typological analysis and comparison, electronic versions of the following Chinese-language media outlets outside mainland China were used:

1. Harian Indonesia ("Harian Indonesia") is an Indonesian daily newspaper with the longest continuous history among local Chinese–language publications. Since 2007, it has been published in cooperation with the Malaysian newspaper Sin Chew Daily and with editorial support from its side;

2. ("Nanyang Siang Pau", "eNanyang") is one of the oldest and most influential daily newspapers in Malaysia, focusing on local ethnic Chinese and the population of neighboring Singapore. In the 2010s, its paper version was printed in over 100,000 copies.;

3. 菲律宾商报 ("Huilippin Siong Po", "Philippine Commercial News") is a daily newspaper published in the Philippines since 1919. In 1995, it became one of the first Chinese–language media to launch its website;

4. 龍吟虎嘯 ("Longyin Huxiao") or 東網 ("Dongwan") is a Hong Kong Internet information resource owned by the publication of the Oriental Daily News.

To solve the fifth problem, the authors used a linguodidactic analysis, which assumes the end result of identifying the potential for using the type of texts under study as educational material based on such approaches as informative, linguistic, developmental, cultural, psychological, educational and methodological. In recognizing the importance of the latter approach, the authors agree with E. Ya. Grigorieva, E. I. Cherkashina, who consider it to determine the introduction, consolidation and activation of units of national and cultural content specific to the language being studied, extracted from texts read in the classroom [15:137].

Results and discussion

For this study, the authors analyzed a total of about 100 articles, on the basis of which the following features of the media of China, Hong Kong, as well as publications published in Chinese for the Chinese-speaking population of Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines were highlighted.

I. 环球时时 (pall. "Huanqiu shibao"), China.

1) The combination of the prescribed line with the author's opinion.

As Joshua Kurlantzik notes, Huanqiu Shibao, controlled by the People's Daily, always strongly supports the Chinese authorities, although it often reports or writes editorials on sensitive topics that the People's Daily usually does not touch [21, p. 159]. The results of the analysis of publications in this media on the topic of the Middle East crisis prove that the authors of "Hunqiu Shibao", as a rule, are not limited to reflecting the factual side of events, which allows us to share Kurlantzik's point of view.


1. 而美国这张反对票浸染着无辜平民的鲜血,是罪恶的。它不仅让联合国安理会的集体行动无从谈起,还释放出了极其恶劣的信号,即联合国在关键时刻无法保障基本的国际人道主义,这实际上是给不遵守国际人道法的行为开了绿灯。 Ér měiguó zhè zhāng fǎnduì piào jìnrǎnzhe wúgū píngmín de xiānxiě, shì zuì'è de. Tā bùjǐn ràng liánhéguó ānlǐhuì de jítǐ xíngdòng wúcóng tán qǐ, hái shìfàng chūle jíqí èliè de xìnhào, jí liánhéguó zài guānjiàn shíkè wúfǎ bǎozhàng jīběn de guójì réndào zhǔyì, zhè shíjì shang shì gěi bù zūnshǒu guójì réndào fǎ de xíngwéi kāile lǜdēng (社评: 美国这张反对票浸染着巴以平民的鲜血. 责编:袁小存 // 环球时报. 2023年10月19日. https://opinion.huanqiu.com/article/4F0eSxpOObZ).

"By voting against, the United States committed a crime and stained its hands with the blood of innocent victims. They not only made collective actions of the UN Security Council impossible, but also cynically made it clear to everyone that the UN is not capable of ensuring compliance with basic international humanitarian principles in times of crisis, that is, they actually opened up space for actions that run counter to international humanitarian law."

2. 一方面,美国国内群情激愤,共和党穷追猛打,拜登政府只有招架之功没有还手之力Měiguó guónèi qúnqíng jīfèn, gònghédǎng qióng zhuī měng dǎ, bài dēng zhèngfǔ zhǐyǒu zhāojià zhī gōng, méiyǒu huánshǒu zhī lì (牛新春. 美对以色列的支持可能会“过火” // 环球时报. 2023年10月12日. https://opinion.huanqiu.com/article/4Eu6ZBNgVud).

"On the one hand, in the face of mass discontent within the country and fierce attacks from Republicans, the Biden administration can only defend itself without having the strength to strike back."

Analyzing the above examples 1-2, we see that they not only made a clear political line corresponding to the position of official Beijing (联合国在关键时刻无法保障基本的国际人道主义 Liánhéguó guānjiàn shíkè wúfǎ zài bǎozhàng jīběn de guójì réndào zhǔyì "the UN is not capable in moments of crisis to ensure compliance with basic international humanitarian principles"), but educational, commenting or illustrating it using emotionally expressive expressions: 浸染着无辜平民的鲜血,是罪恶的 jìnrǎnzhe wúgū píngmín de xiānxiě, Shi zuì'è de "committed a crime and stained his hands with the blood of the innocent victims", 只有招架之功,没有还手之力 zhǐyǒu zhāojià zhī gōng, lì zhī méiyǒu huánshǒu "can only defend, not having the strength to strike back".

2) Enhancement of expression with the help of evaluative vocabulary.

In many cases, journalists not only postulate their position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict directly, but also noticeably strengthen it with the help of appropriate linguistic means.


3. 如果任由相互仇恨、相互报复蔓延,这一人类良知的伤口不仅无法愈合,还很有可能变成人类良知的死结,为更长久、更普遍的冲突埋下祸根Rúguǒ rèn yóu xiānghù chóuhèn, xiānghù bàofù mànyán, zhè yī rénlèi liángzhī de shāngkǒu bùjǐn wúfǎ yùhé, hái hěn yǒu kěnéng biàn chéng rénlèi liángzhī de sǐjié, wèi gèng chángjiǔ, gèng pǔbiàn de chōngtú mái xià huògēn (牛新春. 美对以色列的支持可能会“过火” // 环球时报. 2023年10月12日. https://opinion.huanqiu.com/article/4Eu6ZBNgVud).

"If mutual hatred and thirst for revenge are allowed to spread, such a wound on the conscience of mankind will not just be unhealed, it may well become fatal for this conscience, which will give poisonous shoots in the form of even more protracted and large-scale conflicts."

4. 美国一边倒地支持以色列,无视巴方生存权和建国权,竭力撮合阿拉伯国家与以色列关系正常化,拉拢盟友拼凑旨在反伊朗和遏制中俄的联盟,将中东和平进程引入歧途Měiguó yībiāndǎo dì zhīchí Yǐsèliè, wúshì bā fāng shēngcún quán hé jiànguó quán, jiélì cuòhé ālābó guójiā yǔ yǐsèliè guānxì zhèngcháng huà, lālǒng méngyǒu pīncòu zhǐ zài fǎn Yīlǎng hé èzhì Zhōng É de liánméng, jiàng Zhōngdōng hépíng jìnchéng yǐnrù qítú (社评: 防止加沙人道灾难的共识亟需落地. 责编:肖山 // 环球时报. 2023年10月19日. https://opinion.huanqiu.com/article/4ExLMCs7PCO).

"By siding with Israel, ignoring the right of the Palestinian people to exist and create their own state, pushing Arab countries to normalize relations with Israel with all their might, dragging their allies into alliances directed against Iran and pursuing the goal of deterring Russia and China, the United States is leading the peace process in the Middle East off the right path."

Examples 3-4 demonstrate the use of evaluative vocabulary by the authors of articles to express a negative attitude towards the described situation. In the first case, indulging mutual hatred and thirst for revenge with the help of epithets is compared to a severe and even fatal wound to the public conscience, which will have far-reaching consequences: "let crawl" 任由...蔓延 rèn yóu mànyán, 人类良知的伤口 rénlèi liángzhī de shāngkǒu "wound on the conscience of humanity," 人类良知的死结 rénlèi liángzhī de sǐjié "fatal to the conscience" 埋下祸根 mái xià huògēn "will produce poisonous sprouts".

In example 4, using verbs with violent overtones 竭力撮合 j iélì cuòhé "to push with all my might", 拉拢 l a l ǒ ng "to drag in", the actions of the United States are described, leading the peace process away from the path that China considers right.

3) Following the high standards of the literary language.

One of the linguistic features of the articles in Huanqiu Shibao is the presence of expressions characteristic of the language of the educated class, which are used by correspondents of this publication. In particular, there are many words and grammatical constructions in the texts that go beyond the lexical minimum used by most mass media aimed at the general reader.


5. 内部既有的风险因子叠外部冲突,很可能进一步增加法国国内宗教冲突的可能性。 Nèibù jì yǒu de fēngxiǎn yīnzǐ diéjiā wàibù chōngtú, hěn kěnéng jìnyībù zēngjiā fàguó guónèi zōngjiào chōngtú de kěnéng xìng (丁隆. 巴以冲突凸显“两国方案”重要意义 // 环球时报. 2023年10月13日. https://opinion.huanqiu.com/article/4EuwSjj7M2d?imageView2/2/w/228).

"Existing internal risk factors, combined with external conflicts, may well increase the likelihood of religious clashes in France."

6. 这反映了围绕本轮巴以冲突的国际斡旋努力尚且脆弱。 Zhè fǎnyìngle wéirào běn lún bā yǐ chōngtú de guójì wòxuán nǔlì shàngqiě cuìruò (周秋君. 法国为何高调介入中东乱局 // 环球时报. 2023年10月20日. https://opinion.huanqiu.com/article/4F0oi85e38u).

"This testifies to the still insufficient mediation efforts of the international community in the settlement of the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict."

In examples 5 and 6, one can see the rather rare construction 既有....加 jìyǒu...jiā "[and] have ... and ...", as well as the union 尚且 shàngqie with the meaning "but still...; for now".

Here are some more examples:

7. 埃及、伊朗、约旦、土耳其等地区国家政府纷纷发表声明予以强烈谴责。 Āijí, Yīlǎng, Yuēdàn, Tǔ'ěrqí děng dìqū guójiā zhèngfǔ fēnfēn fābiǎo shēngmíng yǔyǐ qiángliè qiǎnzé (周秋君. 法国为何高调介入中东乱局 // 环球时报. 2023年10月20日. https://opinion.huanqiu.com/article/4F0oi85e38u).

"The Governments of Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Turkey and other countries in the region have issued statements strongly condemning [these actions]."

8. 大国应摆脱在巴勒斯坦问题上危机管控的思维,加强协调以使巴勒斯坦问题重回中东政策的首要议程。 Dàguó yīng bǎituō zài bālèsītǎn wèntí shàng wéijī guǎnkòng de sīwéi, jiāqiáng xiétiáo yǐ shǐ bālèsītǎn wèntí chóng huí zhōngdōng zhèngcè de shǒuyào yìchéng (社评: 防止加沙人道灾难的共识亟需落地. 责编:肖山 // 环球时报. 2023年10月19日. https://opinion.huanqiu.com/article/4ExLMCs7PCO).

"On the Palestinian issue, the major powers should abandon the ideology of a "controlled crisis", they should strengthen coordination in order to return the Palestinian issue to the center of the Middle East agenda."

9. 危机之所以反复上演,根本上是由于中东和平进程偏离正确轨道。 Wéijī zhī suǒyǐ fǎnfù shàngyǎn, gēnběn shàng shì yóuyú zhōngdōng hépíng jìnchéng piānlí zhèngquè guǐdào (邹志强. 避免加沙人道灾难加剧刻不容缓 // 环球时报. 2023年10月19日. https://opinion.huanqiu.com/article/4Ezw9Rt27ST).

"The root cause of recurring crises lies in the fact that the Middle East peace process has strayed from the right path."

In example 7, the author used the verb 予以 yǔyǐ with the meaning "to expose (e.g., criticize); to give (e.g., praise)", which is used in book speech instead of the neutral-style verb 给以 gěiyǐ "to provide (something); to provide (something)".

Example 8 demonstrates an interesting combination of the keywords, only possible in book speech 以 "with the help of; by means of" + 使shǐ "to do so... so... so...". This combination gives the sentence more vivid stylistic colouring than the neutral preposition 为[了] wèi[le] "for".

Example 9 draws attention to the use of the construction 之所以 zhī suǒyǐ, characteristic of the classical written language, to change the actual division of the sentence, providing a more vivid accentuation of the reason.

These examples show that the authors of the articles not only do not seek to simplify their materials, but, on the contrary, adhere to high standards of book speech.

4) The presence of four syllables-chengyu (成 ch chéngyǔ).


10. 巴以和平和巴勒斯坦独立似乎遥遥无期Bā Yǐ hépíng hé Bālèsītǎn dúlì sìhū yáoyáo wúqí (社评:美政客拱火巴以冲突的言论很冷酷. 责编:肖山 //环球时报. 2023年10月19日. https://opinion.huanqiu.com/article/4EsMjhCtt0J).

"It seems that peace between Israel and Palestine, as well as the independence of the latter, is a matter of the distant future."

11. 此消息一出,全球媒体一片哗然Cǐ xiāoxī yī chū, quánqiú méitǐ yīpiàn huárán (社评: 美国这张反对票浸染着巴以平民的鲜血. 责编:袁小存 // 环球时报. 2023年10月19日. https://opinion.huanqiu.com/article/4F0eSxpOObZ).

"This news has stirred up all the world's media."

12. 巴勒斯坦问题不得到解决,中东便永无宁日Bālèsītǎn wèntí bù dédào jiějué, zhōngdōng biàn yǒng wúnìng rì (社评: 防止加沙人道灾难的共识亟需落地. 责编:肖山 // 环球时报. 2023年10月19日. https://opinion.huanqiu.com/article/4ExLMCs7PCO).

"Until the Palestinian problem is solved, there will be no peace in the Middle East."

13. 巴以重陷冤冤相报的暴力循环。 Bā Yǐ zhòng xiàn yuānyuānxiāngbào de bàolì xúnhuán (社评: 防止加沙人道灾难的共识亟需落地. 责编:肖山 // 环球时报. 2023年10月19日. https://opinion.huanqiu.com/article/4ExLMCs7PCO).

"Palestine and Israel have once again entered a spiral of violence, where the main principle is an eye for an eye.

Here we will explain the meaning of the above phrases: in example 10, the expression "yáoyáo wúqī "was used to postpone indefinitely (term); in the distant future; until the carrot plot", in example 11, the author used the expression "to make a racket; to make noise; to loudly resent; hype" to illustrate the effect that the news produced. In examples 12-13, the authors resort to the idioms "there will never be peaceful days", "yuanyuanxiangbào "endlessly take revenge on each other; revenge begets revenge, and there will never be an end to it."

Thus, it can be stated that the publications of "Huanqiu shibao" actively use means of artistic expression, such as four-syllables-chengyu and other idiomatic expressions. Undoubtedly, this implies that the potential reader has a fairly high educational and cultural level.

II. 印度西西西日 ("Harian Indonesia", pall. "Indunisiya zhibao"), Indonesia; 南 ( ("Nanyang Siang Pau", "eNanyang", pall. "Nanyang shanbao"), Malaysia, Singapore; 菲律宾商报 ("Huilippin Siong Po", "Philippine Commercial News", pall. "Feiluibin shanbao"), Philippines.

A completely different picture is observed in the media publications of Indonesia and the Philippines on the same topic. They have the following features:

1) the vast majority of them are purely informational in nature;

2) they dryly report on the factual side of events without attempting to analyze, interpret or embed them in a broader political context;

3) even articles under the heading "editorial" (editorial, commentator's column), by definition implying the expression of an individual author's position, are mostly designed in an objectivist way and devoid of an evaluative component.

4) emotionally colored formulations are practically absent in the Indonesian Chinese-language media. It is interesting that even in a Muslim country like Indonesia, which is characterized by pronounced sympathy for the people of Palestine and a critical attitude towards Israeli policy, Chinese-language media cover the situation from a neutral position, limiting themselves to reprinting (in full or with abbreviations) official information materials.

5) The language of materials in the media of the Philippines and especially Indonesia is quite standard, simple, accessible to an audience with a basic level of Chinese language proficiency.

This situation can be explained at least in part by the specifics of the situation of the Chinese-language press in Indonesia. In October 1965, as a result of a coup blamed on the Communist Party of Indonesia, all Chinese-language newspapers were closed and banned. The only exception was the book we are considering, which was published not by the Chinese, but by the Indonesians [22, p. 12]. For a long time, the country has had strict restrictions on the use of the Chinese language, including in the field of education. As a result, this repressive policy should have resulted in a narrowing of the audience of publications, as well as a decrease in the number of ethnic Chinese journalists and a decrease in their professional level. It is obvious that by the time the bans were lifted, Chinese-language media in Indonesia simply did not have the personnel capable of preparing their own analytical materials.

Another significant factor determining the orientation and, as a result, the language of the discourse of the Chinese-speaking media of the Southeast Asian countries is the strengthening of the political and economic influence of the People's Republic of China, as well as Beijing's policy of increasing its "soft power" in recent years, including expanding its presence in the media space. Numerous agreements have been concluded between the Chinese media and local publications on the exchange of information content, publishers and journalists from Southeast Asian countries are regularly invited to the mainland to participate in conferences, seminars, trainings, etc. As a result, the local press began to lose its originality, becoming more and more "unified" with the mainland media in terms of the selection of materials and the language of publications. For example, in the Philippine media, only "Zhongguo Xinwenwang" is indicated as the source of information, and links to other publications are taken from there.

6) The publications of the Malaysian press stand somewhat apart. They trace the editorial policy, and sometimes the author's position.

Let's look at this in the following examples:

14. 十月战争令以色列首次感受到亡国的威胁,在初战失利后痛定思痛,一方面调整战术,美国亦发挥全球最强大的空运能力,及时为以军补充大量损失军备,使其确立先打败叙利亚再回师击败埃及的顺序。 Shí yuè zhànzhēng lìng yǐsèliè shǒucì gǎnshòu dào wángguó de wēixié, zài chūzhàn shīlì hòu tòngdìngsītòng, yī fāngmiàn tiáozhěng zhànshù, měiguó yì fāhuī quánqiú zuì qiáng dà de kōngyùn nénglì, jíshí wèi yǐ jūn bǔchōng dàliàng sǔnshī jūnbèi, shǐ qí quèlì xiān dǎbài xùlìyǎ zài huí shī jíbài āijí de shùnxù (黄东. 以巴大战非一般战斗 历史纠结引爆火药库 // 南洋商报. 2023年10月19日. https: //以巴大战非一般战斗 历史纠结引爆火药库 (enanyang.my)).

The Yom Kippur War for the first time put Israel in the face of the threat of losing statehood; having drawn conclusions for himself from the painful failures of the initial stage of hostilities, he adjusted his tactics, and the United States used the unsurpassed capabilities of its military transport aircraft to timely compensate for the significant losses suffered by Israel in weapons and military equipment, thanks to which he was able, first defeating Syria, then finish off Egypt.

15. 作为弱势一方的巴人,必须注意战略上的得失举措,不能只逞一时之快Zuòwéi ruòshì yīfāng de bā rén, bìxū zhùyì zhànlüè shàng de déshī jǔcuò, bùnéng zhǐ chěng yīshí zhī kuài (黄东. 以巴大战非一般战斗 历史纠结引爆火药库 // 南洋商报. 2023年10月19日. https: //以巴大战非一般战斗 历史纠结引爆火药库 (enanyang.my)).

Being the weak side, the Palestinians are forced to assess the situation from a strategic point of view, not limited to the pursuit of short-term results.

16. 因此,只要以色列在反击的过程中保持节制,不在加沙走廊导致比哈马斯攻击以色列时造成的更大人道灾难,阿拉伯世界难以放弃和解潮带来的红利,再度回到阿拉伯世界不承认以色列生存地位、而且要完全消灭以色列的旧时代。 Yīncǐ, zhǐyào yǐsèliè zài fǎnjí de guòchéng zhōng bǎochí jiézhì, bùzài jiāshā zǒuláng dǎozhì bǐ hā mǎ sī gōngjí yǐsèliè shí zàochéng de gèng dàrén dào zāinàn, ālābó shìjiè nányǐ fàngqì héjiě cháo dài lái de hónglì, zàidù huí dào ālābó shìjiè bù chéngrèn yǐsèliè shēngcún dìwèi, érqiě yào wánquán xiāomiè yǐsèliè de jiù shídài (丁果. 以色列面对珍珠港时刻 战火蔓延中东冤冤相报 // 南洋商报. 2023年10月22日. https: //以色列面对珍珠港时刻 战火蔓延中东冤冤相报 (enanyang.my).

Therefore, if only Israel shows restraint in the course of retaliatory strikes and does not allow an even greater humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip than that caused by the Hamas attack on Israel, it will be difficult for Arab countries to abandon the benefits of a peaceful settlement and return to the previous era when they did not recognize Israel's right to exist and sought its complete destruction.

In example 14, the author of the article not only states the results of the first stage of hostilities, but focuses on the fact that they were painful for Israel. For this purpose, the chengyu 痛定思痛 tòngdìng sītòng is used "to reflect on your mistakes, to learn from what you have experienced", where the word "pain" is used twice.

In example 15, the attitude towards the Palestinians is expressed using the definition of "weak side" (弱势一方方òòshsh yīfāng), followed by chengyu 逞一时快快快 chěng yīshí zhī kuài "to receive momentary pleasure (without thinking about the consequences)."

The author's position can be seen in example 16, where it is noted that "the Arab countries will be difficult to give up the benefits of line for a peaceful settlement" (阿拉伯世界难以放弃和解潮带来的红利 Ālābó shìjiè nányǐ fàngqì héjiě cháo dài lái de hónglì).

7) The Chinese language used in the discourse of the Chinese-language media in Malaysia is grammatically and stylistically more complex.


17. 无容置疑的是,随着欧洲被卷入相持不下的俄乌战争,东亚面临台海紧张,中东这个多事之秋的地区,反而在中美两个强国的竞争博弈之下,令人意外地进入百年未有的新局面。 Wú róng zhìyí de shì, suízhe ōuzhōu bèi juàn rù xiàng chí bùxià de é wū zhànzhēng, dōngyà miànlín táihǎi jǐnzhāng, zhōngdōng zhège duōshìzhīqiū dì dìqū, fǎn'ér zài zhōng měi liǎng gè qiángguó de jìngzhēng bóyì zhī xià, lìng rén yìwài dì jìnrù bǎinián wèi yǒu de xīn júmiàn (丁果. 以色列面对珍珠港时刻 战火蔓延中东冤冤相报 // 南洋商报. 2023年10月22日. https: //以色列面对珍珠港时刻 战火蔓延中东冤冤相报 (enanyang.my).

"There is no doubt that while Europe is increasingly being drawn into a protracted war between Russia and Ukraine, and tensions are rising in the Taiwan Strait in East Asia, a new situation is suddenly emerging in the Middle East region, which is experiencing troubled times, against the background of competition between two major powers – China and the United States, which has not been observed for a long time".

18. 无人机攻击坦克、滑翔伞从天降下、快艇乘风破浪杀入的画面,堪比好莱坞经典镜头,戴着面罩的武装分子攻击军事据点的同时,也对参加节日音乐狂欢的民众——大部分是年轻人——展开一律杀戮和绑架。 Wú rén jī gōngjí tǎnkè, huáxiáng sǎn cóng tiān jiàngxià, kuàitǐng chéngfēngpòlàng shā rù de huàmiàn, kān bǐ hǎoláiwù jīngdiǎn jìngtóu, dàizhe miànzhào de wǔzhuāng fēnzǐ gōngjí jūnshì jùdiǎn de tóngshí, yě duì cānjiā jiérì yīnyuè kuánghuān de mínzhòng——dà bùfèn shì niánqīng rén——zhǎnkāi yīlǜ shālù hé bǎngjià (丁果. 以色列面对珍珠港时刻 战火蔓延中东冤冤相报 // 南洋商报. 2023年10月22日. https: //以色列面对珍珠港时刻 战火蔓延中东冤冤相报 (enanyang.my).

Videos in which drones attack tanks, gliding ammunition falls from the sky, speedboats rush over the waves at the enemy are comparable to classic Hollywood shots; armed men in masks storm strongholds and at the same time kill and take hostage people who came to a music festival, among whom mostly young people.

19. 埃及军以高压水龙冲垮以军著名的巴列夫防线;以军引以为傲的空军和装甲部队初期如泥菩萨过江折戟沉沙;以军挖出一条设计巧妙的戈兰壕,竟然挡住叙利亚千余辆坦克冲击……留下大量攻防美谈。 Āijí jūn yǐ gāoyā shuǐlóng chōngkuǎ yǐ jūn zhùmíng de bā liè fū fángxiàn; yǐ jūn yǐn yǐ wéi ào de kōngjūn hé zhuāngjiǎ bùduì chūqí rú ní púsàguò jiāng zhé jǐ chén shā; yǐ jūn wā chū yītiáo shèjì qiǎomiào de gē lán háo, jìngrán dǎngzhù xùlìyǎ qiān yú liàng tǎnkè chōngjí……liú xià dàliàng gōngfáng měitán (黄东. 以巴大战非一般战斗 历史纠结引爆火药库 // 南洋商报. 2023年10月19日. https: //以巴大战非一般战斗 历史纠结引爆火药库 (enanyang.my)).

The Egyptian army, with the help of powerful water cannons, destroyed the famous strip of Israeli barriers on the Bar Lev line; the pride of the Israeli army - the air force and armored troops turned out to be like a colossus on clay feet and were smashed to smithereens; nevertheless, the Israeli army, tearing out a well–designed anti-tank ditch on the Golan Heights, unexpectedly for everyone She stopped the advance of more than a thousand Syrian tanks, which went down in the history of military art.

Examples 17-19 provide convincing evidence that the language of the Nanyang Shanbao materials is more complex than in Indonesian and Filipino publications. The texts contain many long, complex sentences, which in some cases have to be divided into parts in order to achieve the adequacy of the translation into Russian.

7) The texts of the Malaysian Nanyang Shanbao are replete with traditional Chinese idiomatic expressions.

In example 17, the idiom 多事之秋 duō shì zhī qiū is used with the meaning "troubled times, troubled times; a time of great change." If you translate it literally, you will get the expression "autumn with many events", which may remind the reader of the period of Spring and autumn in Zhou China, when the state turned out to be fragmented into a large number of large and small principalities, endlessly at war with each other.

In example 19, we are dealing with an omission-sehouyu (歇后语 xiēhòuyǔ), a type of Chinese phraseological units that represent a two–part saying - an allegory and its disclosure (explanation), with the second part usually omitted. The state of the Israeli army is characterized by the expression "a clay Bodhisattva fords a river, even his own body is difficult to keep intact," which means "he cannot help himself; helpless, powerless, defenseless." This idea is reinforced by another idiom 折戟沉沙 zhé jǐ chén shā "a broken halberd sank into the sands" – "to be defeated; failure".

Let's look at a few more examples:

20. 不过行内皆知要完成这些大动作,其准备策划过程是不可能完全不泄漏蛛丝马迹的。 Bùguò xíngnèi jiē zhī yào wánchéng zhèxiē dà dòngzuò, qí zhǔnbèi cèhuà guòchéng shì bù kěnéng wánquán bù xièlòu zhūsīmǎjì de (黄东. 以巴大战非一般战斗 历史纠结引爆火药库 // 南洋商报. 2023年10月19日. https: //以巴大战非一般战斗 历史纠结引爆火药库 (enanyang.my)).

"Nevertheless, all experts are well aware that when planning and preparing such a large-scale event, it is impossible to completely avoid information leaks and not leave any traces."

21. 殊不知此举令自己的国际形象大为受损,并未能掌握信息战的真谛Shūbùzhī cǐ jǔ lìng zìjǐ de guójì xíngxiàng dà wéi shòu sǔn, bìng wèi néng zhǎngwò xìnxī zhàn de zhēndì (黄东. 以巴大战非一般战斗 历史纠结引爆火药库 // 南洋商报. 2023年10月19日. https: //以巴大战非一般战斗 历史纠结引爆火药库 (enanyang.my)).

"By these actions, contrary to expectations, they have caused serious damage to their international image, while at the same time demonstrating a lack of understanding of the essence of the information war."

22. 可以这样说,“阿克萨洪水”行动虽然昙花一现,但它打破了以色列不可战胜的神话。 Kěyǐ zhèyàng shuō,“ā kè sà hóngshuǐ” xíngdòng suīrán tánhuāyīxiàn, dàn tā dǎpòle yǐsèliè bùkě zhànshèng de shénhuà (丁果. 以色列面对珍珠港时刻 战火蔓延中东冤冤相报 // 南洋商报. 2023年10月22日. https: //以色列面对珍珠港时刻 战火蔓延中东冤冤相报 (enanyang.my).

"We can say that although Operation Al-Aqsa Flood was quite short-lived, it dispelled the myth of Israel's invincibility."

The chengyu used in example 20 literally translates as "a thread of a web and hoofprints of a horse" in the sense of "a clue, a trace, a guiding thread, a clue", so the author of the article figuratively conveys the possibility of information leakage.

The expression " zhēndì" of the Buddhas. the highest truth, the true essence, the inner true meaning" from example 21 refers to the conceptual apparatus of Chinese Buddhism.

In example 22, we can find the idiom "canna flowers appear for a moment", which has the figurative meaning "to appear for a moment and disappear; short-term, transient, fleeting", which is used to describe the lightning nature of the attack by Palestinian militants on Israel.

Such a high level of discourse, grammatical and stylistic complexity, in our opinion, can be explained not only by the large number of ethnic Chinese living in Malaysia and Singapore (in the latter, Huayu Chinese is one of the official languages), but also by the long historical experience of Chinese-language media. The newspaper "Cha Shisu Meiyue Tongjichuan" (察世俗每月统纪传), founded in Malacca (Malaysia) in 1815, is recognized as the world's first foreign periodical in Chinese [4, p. 46].

According to Chinese researchers, Singapore and Malaysia are the countries with the most developed Chinese media industry. According to the official document titled "The Blue Book of New Media: Report on the Development of New Media in China No. 10 (2019)", published in June 2019. The Institute of Journalism and Communication of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, together with the publishing house "Scientific Literature on Social Sciences", the top 20 most influential foreign Chinese-language media portals include three from Malaysia and two from Singapore. Online newspapers such as Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao Wang (联合早报, Lianhe Zaobao.com ), the Malaysian "China Press" (中,, Сһіпаргеѕѕ.сом.му ) and "Sin Chew Daily" (, sinchew.com.my ) are among the three leaders in their influence [23, p. 106].

III. "Longyin Huxiao" (龍吟虎嘯), Hong Kong.

The discourse of the materials of this Hong Kong information resource is even more linguistically distinctive. Let's look at its features below.

1) Articles on Middle Eastern topics have a pronounced authorial character.


23. 然而,在英语世界的媒体,却如同俄乌战争时的操作,一面倒地把以色列塑造成受害者,而逃避它是以巴冲突的始作俑者。 Rán'ér, zài yīngyǔ shìjiè de méitǐ, què rútóng é wū zhànzhēng shí de cāozuò, yī miàn dǎo dì bǎ yǐsèliè sùzào chéng shòuhài zhě, ér táobì tā shì yǐ bā chōngtú de shǐzuòyǒngzhě (陆颂雄 立法会议员. 龙七公:以巴冲突再起中立谨慎了解. // on.cc東網 | 评论. 2023年10月15日. https://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/commentary/20231015/bkn-20231015000456731-1015_00832_001_cn.html).

"Nevertheless, the English-language media, tendentiously covering the war between Russia and Ukraine, are trying to present Israel as a victim here, keeping silent about the fact that it is responsible for unleashing this conflict."

24. 以色列政府不再掩饰其殖民主义的丑恶行为,公然推行,便不只是针对加萨居民,而是向全世界挑战。 Yǐsèliè zhèngfǔ bù zài yǎnshì qí zhímín zhǔyì de chǒu'è xíngwéi, gōngrán tuīxíng, biàn bù zhǐshì zhēnduì jiā sà jūmín, ér shì xiàng quán shìjiè tiǎozhàn (陈文鸿 研究所所长. 坦言集:犹太核战? // on.cc東網 | 评论. 2023年10月11日. https://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/commentary/20231015/bkn-20231015000456125-1015_00832_001_cn.html).

"The Israeli Government, no longer masking the colonialist nature of its brutal actions, openly challenges not only the residents of the Gaza Strip, but also the entire world community."

From the above examples it is clear that the authors can show their attitude to the affected subject, their evaluation can be emotional, and sometimes even sharp (一面倒yīmiàndǎo unilateral, one-sided, biased; 殖民主义的丑恶行为zhímín zhǔyì de chǒu'è xíngwéi "colonialist essence of violent action).

2) Rich and diverse literary Chinese.

Complex grammatical constructions and idiomatic expressions are widely used in Hong Kong publications.


Until 1997, Hong Kong was a colony of Great Britain, and therefore did not fall under the influence of the writing reform carried out in the PRC. After Hong Kong returned to the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China as a special administrative region, its residents still use traditional hieroglyphs, although some of the population switched to simplified ones. The Longyin Huxiao edition provides its audience with the opportunity to choose the most familiar variant of the characters.


Based on the results of the comparative and contextual analysis conducted by the authors, it can be concluded that the use of Chinese-language press publications in the educational process should be approached selectively, guided primarily by the tasks solved within a specific course. Thus, for students of Oriental studies, regional studies and political scientists, familiarization with such materials is useful from the point of view of expanding their regional horizons and obtaining additional information on the situation in the Southeast Asian states and the Chinese diaspora.

In general, based on a didactic analysis of news articles in Chinese-language media, the authors were able to identify several advantages of introducing such materials into the Chinese language learning process. Firstly, for students specializing in linguistics and translation, texts that differ in their language from media materials from mainland China will be of the greatest interest. This mainly applies to publications from Hong Kong and, to a lesser extent, Malaysian media. Secondly, some Internet portals of Chinese-language media, for example, the above-mentioned "Longyin Huxiao", in addition to the actual texts, place the corresponding audio files in the public domain, which allows them to be used as an auxiliary training exercise in practical Chinese classes, the practice of translating Chinese-Russian pairs or an independent exercise in listening classes. As for the Indonesian and Filipino press, the practical benefits of reading it will be limited to consolidating the skills of working with hieroglyphics in the traditional spelling.

[1] Niu Senzhu (牛僧孺; 779-849) was a Chinese politician of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), Chengxiang (chancellor) in 823-825 and 830-832, a writer. He was the author of several short stories and novellas. According to contemporaries, he enjoyed great literary fame, and his stories were "full of slander" and political overtones. He was the actual creator of a political pamphlet in the form of a novel by Chuanqi. The most famous work of his authorship is the collection "Xuan guai lu" ("Essays on miracles from the world of Darkness"), from which 33 stories have survived to this day. Another famous work is the collection "Journey to the distant past" (Nu Senju // Wikipedia. [2015]. Date of update: 07/03/2023. URL: https://ru.wikipedia.org/?curid=5392887&oldid=131427479 )

[2] Middle Chinese (medieval Chinese), the name of the written language spoken in Ancient China in the VI (according to other sources IV)–XII centuries. (The Middle Chinese language // The Great Russian Encyclopedia. Volume 31. Moscow, 2016, p. 119)

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The subject area of this work has a pronounced topical character, in fact, the scientific novelty of the research is also transparent. A full-fledged assessment of the situation is necessary, and competent systematization of data is productive and conceptual. The author notes that "in recent years, a large number of articles have appeared on the linguistic aspects of shaping the image of foreign states or their leaders in the Chinese media, however, in our opinion, their weaknesses in many cases include either the limited illustrative material or the absence of original Chinese texts, which does not allow creating a distinct linguistic picture and evaluate the language tools used. The most significant disadvantage of these publications, in our opinion, is that only the Chinese media were taken for analysis." Perhaps it is worth agreeing with this, this determines the importance of this study. "Against the background of globalization, which has affected absolutely all aspects of modern life, language is becoming not only a way of communication and a means of transmitting information, but also a tool that influences the recipient." The projection of the consideration of the issue has been verified, the objectification of the topic is given in the right vector key. I think that the author quite reasonably comes to the key to understanding the essence of the problem. The judgments of the introductory block are objective: for example, "discourse is a "weapon of influence"; therefore, news discourse should also be considered as a "weapon" that can be used to form a certain picture of the world in the reader's mind, as well as as a means of achieving specific goals or countering verbal aggression from the outside...", or "in the study of various types of discourse, as in teaching a foreign language, various methods can be used, in particular, narrative analysis (what is said?), discourse analysis (how is it said?), intent analysis (why is it said?), conversational analysis (by whom and to whom is it said?). In our study, to solve problems 1-4, discourse analysis was chosen as the main method, which is defined by A. Ya. Sarnaya as a set of analytical methods for interpreting various kinds of texts or statements as products of people's speech activity carried out in specific socio-political circumstances and cultural and historical conditions..." etc. The research tasks are specified, I will give them in full: "this article uses discourse analysis to explore the linguistic features of materials on foreign policy topics published in electronic versions of Chinese-language (Putonghua, Huayu) publications of a number of Southeast Asian countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines), as well as Hong Kong. The authors attempted to solve the following problem: using limited material devoted to one problem – the Middle East crisis, to identify the specifics of the content and form of information presentation in the Chinese-language media under consideration, on the basis of which to draw some applied conclusions regarding the expediency of using relevant texts in the framework of teaching a practical Chinese language course, in particular, to work with texts on publicpolitical topics". Thus, the methodology of the article is accurate, relevant, and up-to-date; no serious discrepancies have been identified in the course of the text. The data that are being evaluated are open: "as a kind of "reference point", the massive mainland edition of Huanqiu Shibao (环球时时, circulation 2.1 million copies), owned by the Chinese state media holding Renmin Zhibao (人民日, circulation 1.5 million copies) and specializing in international coverage, was taken." "for this study, the authors analyzed a total of about 100 articles, on the basis of which the following features of the media of China, Hong Kong, as well as publications published in Chinese for the Chinese-speaking population of Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines were highlighted." The context of the issue is also successfully disclosed, geography is no less important for the objectivity of the data obtained: "for contextual, typological analysis and comparison, electronic versions of the following Chinese-language media outside mainland China were used ...". The tabular version of the comparisons is the most successful, it makes it possible to coherently compare the "situation and effect". The author uses detailed analytical reference: for example, "analyzing the above examples 1-2, we see that they not only made a clear political line corresponding to the position of official Beijing (联合国在关键时刻无法保障基本的国际人道主义 Liánhéguó guānjiàn shíkè wúfǎ zài bǎozhàng jīběn de guójì réndào zhǔyì "the UN is not capable in moments of crisis to ensure compliance with basic international humanitarian principles"), but educational, commenting or illustrating it using emotionally expressive expressions: 浸染着无辜平民的鲜血,是罪恶的 jìnrǎnzhe wúgū píngmín de xiānxiě, Shi zuì'è de "committed a crime and stained his hands with the blood of the innocent victims", 只有招架之功,没有还手之力 zhǐyǒu zhāojià zhī gōng, lì zhī méiyǒu huánshǒu "can only defend, not having the strength to strike back," or "Example 8 demonstrates an interesting combination of the keywords, only possible in book speech 以 yǐ "with the help of; by means of" + 使shǐ "to do so... so... so...". This combination gives the sentence more vivid stylistic colouring than the neutral preposition 为[了] wèi[le] "to", etc. The topic of the work has been consistently disclosed, the goal has been achieved. The author concludes that "firstly, for students specializing in linguistics and translation, texts that differ in their language from the media materials of mainland China will be of the greatest interest. This mainly applies to publications from Hong Kong and, to a lesser extent, Malaysian media. Secondly, some Internet portals of Chinese-language media, for example, the above-mentioned "Longyin Huxiao", in addition to the actual texts, place the corresponding audio files in the public domain, which allows them to be used as an auxiliary training exercise in practical Chinese classes, the practice of translating Chinese-Russian pairs or an independent exercise in listening classes. As for the Indonesian and Filipino press, the practical benefits of reading it will be limited to consolidating the skills of working with hieroglyphics in the traditional spelling." The list of sources is complete, the general requirements of the publication are taken into account. The material is clearly practical in nature, and the topic can be considered further. I recommend the article "On the use of the features of the Chinese-language media discourse in teaching Chinese" for publication in the journal "Philology: Scientific Research".