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Historical informatics

In memory of Alexey Anatolyevich Frolov (09/25/1974 – 07/10/2024)

Borodkin Leonid Iosifovich

Doctor of History

Professor; Department of Historical Informatics; Lomonosov Moscow State University

119991, Russia, Moscow, Lomonosovsky ave., 27-4, room 454

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Vladimirov Vladimir Nikolayevich

ORCID: 0000-0002-0555-4999

Doctor of History

Professor; Department of National History; Altai State University

656049, Russia, Altai Territory, Barnaul, Lenin Ave., 61, room 312

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Garskova Irina Markovna

Doctor of History

Associate Professor; Department of Historical Informatics; Lomonosov Moscow State University

119991, Russia, Moscow, Lomonosovsky ave., 27-4, Shuvalovsky building of Moscow State University, office G423

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Abstract: On July 10, 2024, Alexey Anatolyevich Frolov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, President of the Association "History and Computer", a leading researcher at the Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a talented scientist and a wonderful person, passed away. His contribution to historical science, in particular in such areas as the source study of Russian history, historical geography and cartography of Russia, as well as historical computer science, is difficult to overestimate. The entire life of the graduate of the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University A.A. Frolov was associated with research work in the listed branches of historical science. After graduating from the university, his professional activity began in the Tver region, Torzhok, a significant part of his activities during these years was related to archaeological research.  Within the framework of historical informatics, A.A. Frolov was a unique specialist, combining in his work high qualifications in the field of history with a deep understanding of the essence of information and computer technologies and possession of practical skills in creating databases, Internet sites and digital maps. He raised the issues of creating a repository of historical spatial data and integrating geodata. A.A. Frolov stood at the origins of Russian historical geoinformatics, his contribution to the process of adapting geoinformation systems and technologies for the needs and purposes of historical science is invaluable – ultimately for turning historical geoinformatics into a full-fledged historical research tool. A.A. Frolov actively participated in scientific life, was a regular participant in scientific conferences in Russia and abroad, he is the author of a number of scientific papers that brought him well-deserved fame in the circles of the Russian scientific historical community. In 2022, A.A. Frolov was elected President of the Association "History and Computer", where in a relatively short time he managed to become a leader of the scientific community and earn high prestige not only as a scientist, but also as an organizer of science.


historical source study, historical information science, geographic information system, geographic information technologies, Association, project, database, website, cadaster book, conference

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On July 10, 2024, Alexey Anatolyevich Frolov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, President of the Association "History and Computer", a leading researcher, head of the Laboratory of Historical Geoinformatics at the Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a talented scientist and a wonderful person, passed away.

A graduate of the Moscow State University Faculty of History, a student of Academician V.L. Yanin, A.A. Frolov was a well-known specialist in the field of historical geography and cartography, historical databases, source studies and historical geoinformatics. In 2001, he defended his PhD thesis "Territorial and administrative system of the XIV-XV centuries on the lands of the Village Pyatina of Novgorod land", and in 2021 – his doctoral dissertation "Novgorod scribal books: sources and research methods". His path to work at the academic institute began with his professional activity in Torzhok (Tver region) – in the All-Russian Historical and Ethnographic Museum (2003-2006), and then in the Novotorzhsky archaeological expedition (2006-2010).

A.A. Frolov was among the first to apply geoinformation systems and technologies in historical research, focusing on the analytical capabilities of information technologies to create new historical knowledge. He continued this activity, working since 2012 at the IVI RAS. Alexey Anatolyevich was one of the leaders of the Russian historical geoinformatics, which he developed and perfected. According to his mindset, he was primarily a generator of ideas and a creator of new knowledge. Many young scientists have grown up in the sphere of his scientific influence.

He was at the origin of the development of a number of new problems for Russian historical informatics, such as the creation of a repository of historical spatial data, as well as the choice of a way to integrate geodata collected by various research teams and individual researchers [1].

A.A. Frolov has repeatedly made presentations at the most representative scientific conferences both in Russia and abroad, was a member of their program and organizational committees. He has not only published in highly rated domestic and foreign journals, but has also been a member of the editorial boards of a number of journals, including the journal Historical Informatics. Alexey Anatolyevich was one of the most sought-after authors in this magazine. The article "Web GIS "Drawings of the Russian State of the XVI–XVII centuries"", written by him in collaboration with his colleagues, is listed as the most highly cited among all 420 articles published in Historical Informatics – according to the metrics of both Google Scholar and CrossRef.

Alexey Anatolyevich successfully led the Laboratory of Historical Geoinformatics of the IVI RAS, he is also known as the initiator or co-author of a number of large-scale scientific and educational projects dedicated to the publication of historical sources. Thus, the publication of scribal books in a web GIS environment allows you to combine the transmission of the main elements of a paper publication of a source with the advantages of a modern digital format expanded by a cartographic component. The 2008 publication by A.A. Frolov and N.V. Piotukh "Historical Atlas of the Village Pyatina of the Novgorod land at the end of the XV century" and a number of large-scale web resources in collaboration with RGADA – "Geoinformation System "Sources on the historical geography of the Bezhetsky Top", "Dynamic map of the external borders of Russia, Russia, USSR IX-XXI centuries", "Dynamic map of the borders of Western Europe IX–XI centuries", "Drawings of the Russian state of the XVII century."

Alexey Anatolyevich took part in the activities of the relevant international community of scientists, he was a member of the European Society for Environmental History (ESEH), as well as a member of the Commission for the Digital Representation of Cartographic Heritage (CHD) at the International Cartographic Association.

A.A. Frolov was an absolute authority for AIC members, he repeatedly led the work of specialized seminars, sections on geoinformatics at AIC conferences. In 2022, he was elected president of the association. It is important that Alexey Anatolyevich was not only a highly qualified historian, but also a recognized specialist in the field of computer technology. After becoming the President of the AIC, he independently created a new website of the Association almost from scratch.

A.A. Frolov remained as President of the AIC for less than 2 years, but during this relatively short period he managed to establish himself as a real leader of the scientific community, clearly understanding the trends of further development of the direction and taking an active part in shaping the strategy for the development of national historical informatics.

It is especially necessary to note the human qualities of Alexey Anatolyevich. He was a man of few words, thoughtful, and principled. The decisions he made were balanced, based on taking into account different points of view, but always independent. In the foreground, he always had two of his pronounced features – responsibility and benevolence. And he loved his family very much.

A.A. Frolov did not live very long before his 50th birthday, he left at the peak of his scientific creativity… We have lost a reliable comrade, an energetic leader and an excellent scientist. It is impossible to make up for such a loss.

On behalf of the AIC Council, we express our deep condolences to the family and friends of Alexey Anatolyevich Frolov. A bright and grateful memory of him will remain in the hearts of his family, colleagues and friends.

* * *

The following is a list of A.A. Frolov's main publications over the past two years, when A.A. Frolov was President of the Association "History Computer" (AIC). "


Vladimirov V.N., Volodin A.Yu., Garskova I.M., Frolov A.A. — International Scientific Conference "Historical Informatics as Historical Data Science": to the 30th anniversary of the Association "History and Computer" // Historical Informatics. – 2023. – No. 1. – pp. 125 - 146. DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2023.1.40506 EDN: SSVDYT URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=40506 .

Garskova I.M., Borodkin L.I., Volodin A.Yu., Frolov A.A. — III International Summer School of Young Scientists in historical Informatics: new facets of interdisciplinarity // Historical computer science. – 2023. – No. 2. – pp. 160-175. DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2023.2.43562 EDN: SKUPXH URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=43562 .

A small archival find and landowners in the Village pyatina of Novgorod land // Order and turmoil. The state, society, man in the East and West of Europe in the Middle Ages and early Modern Times: to the 85th anniversary of Vladislav Dmitrievich Nazarov. M.: Aquilon, 2023. (Special historical disciplines. Issue 3). pp. 84-93.

An unknown fragment of the search book of the Village Pyatina by G. Pleshcheyev in 1573 // Electronic scientific and educational magazine "History". – 2023. – T. 14. – Issue 6 (128). URL: https://history.jes.su/s207987840027387-4-1 /. DOI: 10.18254/S207987840027387-4.

Vladimirov V.N., Garskova I.M., Frolov A.A. In memory of Arkady Filippovich Oskin // Historical computer science. — 2023. - No. 3. - pp.122-127. DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2023.3.48499 URL: https://e-notabene.ru/istinf/article_48499.html .

Kanishchev V.V., Lyapin D.A., Frolov A.A. Introduction // Newsletter of the Association "History and Computer". No. 50, special issue, October 2023. Materials of the round table "Geoinformation resources on the history of Early Modern Russia". – Moscow, 2023. pp. 3-4.

Stepanova Yu.V., Karpova M.V., Frolov A.A. Territorial-administrative and settlement structure of Toropetsky uyezd at the end of XV – XVII century. // Ancient Rus. Issues of medieval studies. 2023. No. 94. pp. 69-85.

Aleksei A. Frolov. Novgorod scribal books of the turn of the XV–XVI centuries: what is behind the correction of monetary amounts in the text of the manuscript? // Cahiers du Monde Russe, 64/2, 2023. Pp. 393-409.

Articles for the Russian Historical Encyclopedia

The Piebald Horde // Russian Historical Encyclopedia. M., 2023. Vol. 13-14. p.433.

Certificates of merit // Russian Historical Encyclopedia. M., 2023. Vol. 13-14. p. 612.

Posadskoe stroenie // Russian Historical Encyclopedia. M., 2023. Vol. 13-14. p. 613.

Russia (From ancient times to the 2nd half of the IX century.) // Russian Historical Encyclopedia. M., 2024. Vol. 15-16. pp. 26-28.


Web GIS "Historical atlas of the Bezhetskaya pyatina (Tver half) of the late XV – XVII century." // Laboratory of Historical Geoinformatics of the IVI RAS [Electronic resource]. URL: https://histgeo.ru/our_projects/project/1/

A layer with data from the scribe's book of 1626-1627 was published.

Web GIS "Toropetsky uyezd in the XVI-XVII centuries" // Laboratory of Historical Geoinformatics of the IVI RAS [Electronic resource]. URL: https://histgeo.ru/our_projects/project/2/

Layers with data from the scribe's book of 1540, a layer with settlement centers ("nests" of settlements), temples are published.

A land description of the Old Russian patrimony of the Iversky monastery in the middle of the XVII century: source notes // Electronic scientific and educational journal "History", Moscow, 2022. Volume 13. Issue 8 (118) [Electronic resource]. DOI: 10.18254/S207987840022568-3.

URL: https://history.jes.su/s207987840022568-3-1/

Materials of the scribal description of the city of Tver letters of Potap Narbekov in 1625/26 // Bulletin of Tver State University. Ser. History. 2022, №3 (63).

Complexes of scribal books of the 1540s-1550s on Novgorod paintings: an analysis of the origin of manuscripts // Monfokon. M., 2022. Issue 8. pp. 553-563.

Historical GIS in modern scientific knowledge // Geoinformation and 3D technologies in historical research: materials of the round table [Electronic edition]. Tver: Tver State University, 2022. Issue 2: Materials of the round table, June 7, 2022, pp. 4-18.

The problem of data organization in the online publication of a written historical source // Newsletter of the Association "History and Computer". No. 49, special issue, November 2022. Proceedings of the International Conference "Historical Informatics as Historical Data Science" and the XVIII Conference of the Association "History and Computer": on the 30th anniversary of the AIC and the 10th anniversary of the journal "Historical Informatics". Moscow, November 11-13, 2022, Moscow, 2022. pp. 211-213.

Karpova M.V., Stepanova Yu.V., Frolov A.A., Gusak A.D. GIS "Toropetsky district in the XVI–XVII centuries" // Newsletter of the Association "History and Computer". No. 49, special issue, November 2022. Proceedings of the International Conference "Historical Informatics as Historical Data Science" and the XVIII Conference of the Association "History and Computer": on the 30th anniversary of the AIC and the 10th anniversary of the journal "Historical Informatics". Moscow, November 11-13, 2022, Moscow, 2022. pp. 117-120.

The place of geographical coordinates in the mental map of Ibn Sa'id al-Maghribi (XIII century) // Imaginary cartographies: Map and geographical imagination in history and culture. Proceedings of the interdisciplinary scientific conference (Moscow, December 8-9, 2022) / Edited by D. N. Zamyatin and I.G. Konovalova. M., 2022. pp. 156-161.

Theses: Grain rent on the lands subordinated to the Novgorod Palace in the last quarter of the XV – early XVI century. // Auxiliary historical disciplines in modern scientific knowledge: Materials of the XXXIV All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation. Moscow, April 7-8, 2022, pp. 265-267.

articles for the Russian Historical Encyclopedia. vol. 11-12. M., 2022:

– Malinovsky Alexey Fedorovich (pp. 165-166)

– Boundary Office

– Mikhail Alexandrovich (1333-1399) – Grand Duke of Tver (pp. 540-541)

Mikhail Borisovich (1453 – c. 1505) – Grand Duke of Tver (pp. 541-542)

– Mikhail Yaroslavich (1271-1318) – Grand Duke of Tver (pp. 544-545)

Editor's note: Newsletter of the Association "History and Computer". N 49, special issue, November 2022. Proceedings of the International Conference "Historical Informatics as Historical Data Science" and the XVIII Conference of the Association "History and Computer": on the 30th anniversary of the AIC and the 10th anniversary of the journal "Historical Informatics". Moscow, November 11-13, 2022, 2022. 255 p.

Secretary: Historical Geography / Ed. by I.G. Konovalov. M.: Aquilon, 2022. Vol. 6.

Internet projects:

Dynamic map of the external borders of Russia from the middle of the IX century to the present – Runivers educational project: https://map.runivers.ru/?year=1720

A dynamic map of the external and internal borders of European states in the years 800-1600 – The Digital Middle Ages project of the Russian Historical Society: http://map.medieval.historyrussia.org/?status=earl¢er=24.87507_48.42919&year=1000&zoom=4.122660489051212

The administration of the site on historical geography is based on the Laboratory of Historical Geoinformatics of the IVI RAS at: https://histgeo.ru and its subdomains *.histgeo.ru

Administration of the website of the Interregional Association "History and Computer" at: https://aik-hisc.ru "

1. Vladimirov, V. N., & Frolov, A. A. (2019). All-Russian academic seminar “Geoinformation systems in historical research: integration approaches”. Istoricheskaya Informatica, 1, 128-132.