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Philology: scientific researches

The pragmatic possibilities of the creolized texts in the Italian’s Army yearbooks

Zotova Sofiya

Postgraduate student; Department of Italian Language, Faculty of Translation; Moscow State Linguistic University

38 Ostozhenka str., Moscow, 119034, Russia










Abstract: The article considers the pragmatic possibilities of the creolized texts of the yearbooks of the Italian Army. The author analyzes eleven yearbooks and about two hundred creolized texts for the period from 2010 to 2021. The object of the research is the yearbooks of the Army with creolized content. The subject of the research is the verbal and iconic components of the yearbooks' texts. The main purpose of the study is to identify the pragmatic functions of verbal and iconic components of the text of military yearbooks, reflecting the main values of society. The author considers the text of military yearbooks from the position of the speech acts theory and analyzes the locutionary and illocutionary levels in order to draw a conclusion about the perlocutionary level, namely, whether the author achieves a perlocutionary effect and with the help of what verbal and iconic means there is a change in the consciousness and feelings of the addressee. The methodological basis of the study are the works on linguopragmatics, the theory of polycode, creolized text and multimodal text. The research methods include: the method of continuous sampling, lexical analysis, comparison and synthesis of the analysis results. The scientific novelty of the research is the first time study of the Italian creolized text in the military sublanguage. The material of the study, printed yearbooks of the Italian Army, haven't been subjected to analysis before. The linguopragmatic analysis of research material allowed us to study the content and semantic integrity of the creolized text and the synthesis provided us with conclusions about the pragmatic function of its semiotically heterogeneous components. Although iconic and verbal components don't perform the function of image creation themselves, the distribution of pragmatic functions between the message and the picture contributes to the positive image of the Italian Army.


Italian language, linguopragmatics, creolized text, polycode text, multimodal text, the Italian Armed Forces, yearbooks, pragmatic possibilities, verbal component, iconic component

This article is automatically translated. You can find original text of the article here.


In the context of technological progress, unstable foreign and domestic political situation and the development of new media channels, the study of "words as actions" becomes relevant. Today, information can no longer be imagined without a visual component. If earlier the reader's attention could be caught by a catchy newspaper headline, today in many media sources the text is accompanied by an image, and the main attention of the addressee is focused on it.

According to E. N. Pishcherskaya, it is precisely such texts that "reflect the trends in the development of modern society and culture, which are characterized by globalization, mediatization, interactivity, and multimodality" [Pishcherskaya, 2023, p. 60].In this regard, ongoing research in the field of linguistics focuses not on a simple, but on a heterogeneous text. This implies that special attention is paid to the interaction of its verbal and iconic components. Consequently, their study as a tool for effective speech influence on the recipient in the context of such processes as the improvement of modern technologies, changing the principles of information perception, including the use of small form and visual accompaniment, determine the relevance of the study.

The main purpose of the study is to establish the pragmatic functions of the verbal and iconic components of the text of military calendars in their interaction aimed at improving the image of the Italian army for its popularization among citizens.

The research material was publications for the period from 2010 to 2021, about two hundred creolized texts of calendars of the Italian Land Forces. The research methods include: the continuous sampling method, lexical analysis, comparison and synthesis of the analysis results.

The variability of the nomination of heterogeneous texts

Due to the terminological diversity of definitions of heterogeneous texts, we propose to consider the most popular of them and explain the reason for choosing the term creolized text.

Due to the emphasis on the study of the pragmatic aspect, namely the relations of mutual influence and complementarity in the text, we follow E. E. Anisimova, A. A. Bernatskaya, L. S. Bolshiyanova, N. S. Valgina, I. V. Vashunina, Yu. A. Sorokin and E. F. Tarasov will use the concept of creolized. This term appeared in Russian linguistics in the 90s of the XX century as a designation for the connection of "two heterogeneous parts: verbal (linguistic/speech) and non-verbal (belonging to other sign systems than natural language)" [Sorokin, Tarasov, 1990, p. 180]. Later, researchers proposed other definitions, more precise and widespread, but the main focus was on studying the pragmatic aspect of the "linguovisual phenomenon" [Anisimova, 2003, p. 17].

However, the term polycode text was the first to appear in the scientific literature, the authors of which were G. V. Yeiger and V. L. Yukht. It should be noted that in the definition proposed by scientists, attention is focused on the multiplicity of codes, and not on their degree of participation in the text: "Polycode texts in a broad semiotic sense should include cases of combining a natural language code with the code of some other semiotic system (image, music, etc.)" [Eiger, Juht, 1974, p. 107].

To confirm the idea of the primacy of the number of codes, let's give an example from M. B. Voroshilova's monograph, where the author writes that the term polycode reconciles differing scientific views due to the indifference of the concept. At the same time, according to the scientist, it "reflects only one central and fundamental feature of the analyzed texts – polycode" [Voroshilova, 2007, p. 18].

In the collective monograph of the Russian Academy of Sciences of the Institute of Linguistics "Creolized text: Semantic perception", the terms creolized and polycode are considered synonymous: "Calling the text "creolized", we state the presence in it of different sign systems forming an inseparable unity, fusion. [Vashunina, 2020, p. 23].

It is important to note the reasoning of M. A. Belova, who believes that generic relations arise between the concepts of creolized and polycode: a creolized text is a type of polycode text "with an interpretative or complementary correlation of elements of different symbolic nature" [Belova, 2022, p. 6]. Thus, from her point of view, creolization is responsible for the process of participation of heterogeneous elements in the text, and polycode is responsible for the process of perception of information.

The term multimodal is common in foreign linguistics. English-speaking authors consider it in their works on social semiotics as a visual, written, oral, gestural or other text that conveys information using various resources that, in addition to language, contain images, sounds, animation, etc. [Kress & Van Leeuwen, 1996].

Italian linguists, following Anglo-American researchers, use the term multimodal. For example, S. Verdiani, a researcher from the University of Turin, writes that linguistics uses the term multimodality to define hybrid speech acts that use several sign systems at the same time, such as language, image, music, etc. She also speaks about the need for the so-called multimodal competence of the reader to perceive texts of this type, namely, "the use of not only linguistic, but also semiotic factors in a broad sense, which, depending on the circumstances, affect the management of linguistic and visual elements"[1] [Verdiani, 2019, p. 264]. Therefore, according to S. Verdiani, in order to understand the message, it is necessary to take into account the inevitable relationship between the written text and the image, as well as simultaneously use numerous channels of perception.

In his work on the traditions and innovations of the study of cognitive linguistics, another Italian researcher K. Bazzanella introduces pragmatic and functional principles of multimodal communication, which include: the principle of symbolism, indexality and iconicity. The principle of symbolism refers to the traditional association of form and meaning. The principle of indexality allows us to "point out" and refer to objects present in our attention. The principle of iconicity makes it possible to represent order, distance or quantity in the verbal component, where order concerns temporal events, distance explains the fact that conceptually related things tend to be explained in a similar way from a linguistic point of view, and the concept of quantity demonstrates the tendency of people to associate more forms with more meaning. For example, the extension of the vowel luuuunga storia "warns" the listener about the readiness for a long story. [Bazzanella 2014, p. 20].

Linguist M. Palermo, studying not only written but also oral speech, speaks of a "multi-layered multimodality" resulting from the integration of prosodic or intonation (tone, intensity, pauses, rhythm, speed of eloquence, i.e. the choice of linguistic expression) and bodily or gestural (movements of various parts of the body used in semiotic function, such as head movements, gaze, facial expressions, posture, etc.) components. It is interesting to note M. Palermo's reflections on the shape, size, orientation in space of graphic signs, their location, portability or immobility and other material characteristics, which, according to the researcher, represent modalities that jointly form the meaning of the utterance [Palermo, 2022, p. 560].

M. Prada writes about complex modal texts that acquire new forms of hypertextuality and differ not so much in the binary opposition between monomodality and multimodality, as in the degree of integration of various channels and semiotic codes in one text [Prada, 2021, p. 231].

Thus, the authors listed by us understand modality as a channel of perception of information (auditory, visual, etc.).

Despite the fact that among domestic researchers there is a tendency to use the term multimodal, with this approach, the text consisting of written information and an image, which is to be studied in our work, is monomodal, since the reader perceives information only visually. Different ways of perceiving information (visual, auditory channels, etc.) do not constitute the subject of this study, therefore, the concept of multimodality does not suit us.

After reviewing the above works in detail, we came to the conclusion that when studying the degree of solidity of components and the relations of their mutual influence, we should use the term creolized text, which reveals the degree of participation of heterogeneous elements in the message.

Verbal components of CalendEsercito as speech acts

In accordance with the theory of speech acts, J. Austin (1911-1960), which is generally considered to be the fundamental theoretical concept of linguistic pragmatics, a single speech act (RA) consists of three levels: locative (in relation to the means of language used), illocutionary (in relation to the purpose and conditions of its implementation indicated by the speaker) and perlocutionary (in relation to the impact that it it affects the recipient) [Kobozeva, 2008, p. 222].

Let's imagine the three-level structure of RA in calendars in the form of a table:

Table 1

The structure of the speech act in CalendEsercito

The RA level

What is represented by

Locative act

Text message

An illocutionary act


- show the state of the Italian Armed Forces and Ground Forces;

- to contribute to improving the attitude towards the Italian Armed Forces;

- to encourage young candidates to serve in the Italian Armed Forces

Perlocative act

Expected impact:

- improving the attitude towards the Italian Armed Forces and increasing confidence in them;

- the desire to serve or perform alternative tasks for the benefit of the Italian Armed Forces and the State as a whole

It can be seen from the table that the language of calendars solves important tasks: it reports on the past and current state of the Land Forces and the Italian Armed Forces as a whole, encourages the addressee to get acquainted with the army, respect traditions, and express a positive attitude towards the activities of the Land Forces and the Italian Armed Forces.

In our study, we analyze the locative and illocutionary levels in order to draw a conclusion about the perlocutionary level, namely, whether the author achieves a perlocutionary effect, and if so, by what verbal and non-verbal means the consciousness, thoughts and feelings of the addressee change. To do this, let's look at some examples from the calendars of the Italian Land Forces.

The functions of the verbal and iconic component in CalendEsercito

The verbal component of calendars performs several functions from a pragmatic point of view:attractive, informative, normative, symbolic and expressive. Let's look at how each of these functions is implemented below.

The CalendEsercito reader can get information about days of the week, months, holidays, events, planned events and other time parameters. This is how the informative function is implemented.

The attractive function allows you to attract the reader's attention, arouse his interest in reading the text.

The regulatory function establishes the order and rules, for example, public holidays, weekends, working hours, etc. are indicated in calendars.

Due to the symbolic function, verbal components can convey abstract images, such as love for the motherland, patriotic sentiments, pride in their country and its inhabitants.

With the help of the expressive function, the author can express a personal attitude to the subject of the message and influence the reader's feelings. The task of the addressee is to make the addressee understand his emotions, adopt and feel them, share them with him.

Some of the above functions are also implemented in the iconic component. E. E. Anisimova identifies four main (attractive, informative, expressive and aesthetic) and seven particular functions (symbolic, illustrative, argumentative, image creation, characterological, euphemistic and satirical) of the iconic component. [Anisimova, 2003, p. 51].

The attractive function is realized when the image becomes a "strong visual exciter" and "attracts the attention of the addressee, causing him to be ready to enter into a communicative act with the sender of the text" [Sorokin, Tarasov, 1990, p. 183].

A symbolic function is the ability to convey abstract ideas through an image. The symbols of the calendars of the Italian Land Forces, in most cases, are of a conventional nature: coats of arms, emblems, insignia and distinctions of military personnel. For example, a pigeon is a symbol of communication, an atomic mushroom is a symbol of nuclear weapons.

The illustrative function is inherent in all calendar images, except for the background ones. Therefore, verbally transmitted information is complemented by visual and understandable images for the reader.

The euphemistic function means that the image acts as a euphemism, namely, it visually conveys what cannot be conveyed verbally with the same expression.

The argumentation function confirms the verbal information and serves as a visual proof.

Using a few illustrative examples, we will try to consider which functions are implemented in the material of our study, the creolized text of Calendesercito.


The first example is taken from the 2018 calendar dedicated to the centenary of the end of the First World War[2]. Against the background of the flag of the Kingdom of Italy, we see inscriptions made in different sizes. This is exactly what the leaflets dropped by Italian pilots on the initiative of the famous poet and politician Gabriele d looked like.’Annunzio on the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the city of Vienna, in 1918.

The red torn part resembles flames, and, together with three underlined calls of an enlarged pin, forms an iconic expression of the call to action, which attracts attention and makes you think about the time epoch, about the image that generates the image, and about the reasons for its use in the text. The tricolor, as an element of statehood, symbolizes unity, the menacingly aspiring red sections of the canvas indicate a willingness to fight for the integrity of the country.

The verbal component is expressed by appeals and appeals, the illocutionary function of which is to express solidarity, unity and cohesion:

VIENNESI! Imparate a conoscere gli italiani. Noi volammo su Vienna, potremmo lanciare bombe a tonnellate. Non vi lanciamo che un saluto a tre colori: i tre colori della liberta. Noi italiani non facciamo la guerra ai bambini, ai vecchi, alle donne. Noi facciamo la guerra al vostro governo nemico delle libertà nazionali… VIENNESI! Voi avete fama d'essere intelligenti. Ma perché vi siete messa l'uniforme prussiana? Volete continuare la guerra? Continuatela. È il vostro suicidio. Che sperate? POPOLO DI VIENNA, pensa ai tuoi casi. Svégliati! VIVA LA LIBERTA! VIVA L'ITALIA! VIVA L'INTESA!

CROWNS! Get to know the Italian people. We are flying over Vienna. We could drop tons of bombs, but we greet you with three colors: three colors of freedom. We Italians do not wage war against children, the elderly, and women. We are at war with your government, the enemy of national freedom... CROWNS! Your people are famous for their intelligence. But why are you wearing a Prussian uniform? Do you want to continue the war? Go ahead. It's suicide. What are you hoping for?.. PEOPLE OF VIENNA, think about your business. Wake up! LONG LIVE FREEDOM! LONG LIVE ITALY! LONG LIVE THE ENTENTE!

Exclamation sentences with an optative modality create an expressive syntax that attracts the reader's attention not only by graphic design, but also by lexical content.

Thus, in this example we see a combination of an attractive, expressive, symbolic and illustrative function. State symbols, the historical image of the unity and cohesion of the people during the war also serve the function of creating a positive image of the Italian Armed Forces.

In the second example, we see a child's drawing and an explanatory inscription to it[3]: "My dad always thinks of me, especially when he is far away. My brother and I are always in his heart, and I love him very much."

Fig. 2

Caption to Fig.2

The lexical and syntactic simplicity of children's speech, the assyndeton characteristic of oral utterance, is complemented by the same unpretentious, but semantically filled images of a flag, a heart, a military dad, the sky and grass. In the explanatory commentary, we also see the tilt of the letters in different directions, imitating the font of a schoolboy.

Inside the heart is the author of the drawing with his brother and, thanks to the explanatory comment, the reader perceives the serviceman as a worthy family man, a father of two children with a big and loving heart, and the Italian flag, painted by a child's hand, confirms that the fighter belongs to the Italian Armed Forces. Grass and sky often express the idea of freedom, joy and balance in children's images.

In our example, the symbolic function is realized by drawings of hearts, smiles of children and tricolor, which convey the love and respect of children for people in uniform, the expectation of their speedy return home. The function of creating an image is realized by presenting service in the Armed Forces with children's eyes, as well as the image of an exemplary family man, a loving father and husband who stands in the ranks and performs combat missions for the benefit of the motherland.

Accordingly, we see a combination of an attractive, expressive, illustrative and symbolic function.


The linguistic and pragmatic analysis of the research material made it possible to study the content and semantic integrity of the creolized text of the calendars of the Italian Land Forces, and the synthesis made it possible to draw general conclusions about the pragmatic function of its semiotically heterogeneous components.

In the analyzed examples, we saw a combination of attractive, expressive, symbolic and illustrative functions. And although the iconic and verbal components themselves do not perform the function of creating an image, based on our research, we can conclude that in calendars with creolized content there is a distribution of pragmatic functions between the message and the picture, which, in the aggregate perception, contributes to the creation of a positive image of the Italian army, which is the main task of the authors of the text.

[1] Here and further, our translation is S. Z.

[2] Salendesercito, 2018, p. 15.

[3] CalendEsercito, 2014, p. 5.

1. Pishcherskaia, E.N. (2023). Creolized text as an object of study in linguistics. Litera, 5, 55-65. doi:10.25136/2409-8698.2023.5.40748 Retrieved from http://en.e-notabene.ru/fil/article_40748.html
2. Sorokin, Yu. A., & Tarasov, E. F. (1990). Creolized texts and their communicative function. Optimization of speech influence (pp. 180–186). Moscow: Higher School.
3. Anisimova, E. E. (2003). Text linguistics and intercultural communication (based on creolized texts): a textbook for students of foreign languages. Moscow: Academy.
4. Yeiger, G. V., & Yukht V. L. (1974). Towards the construction of a typology of texts. Text linguistics (pp. 24–27). Moscow: Maurice Thorez Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages.
5. Voroshilova, M. B. (2013). Political creolized text: keys to reading. Ekaterinburg: Ural State Pedagogical University.
6. Vashunina, I. V. (Ed.). (2020). Creolized text: Semantic perception. Moscow: Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
7. Belova, M. A. (2022). Verbal means of expressing irony in Russian creolized texts: linguocultural aspect: abstract. ... candidate of Philological Sciences. Moscow.
8. Kress, G, & Van Leeuwen, T. (1996). Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual Design. New York: Routledge.
9. Verdiani, S. (2019). Between language and images. Turin: Comparative Studies in Modernism.
10. Bazzanella, C. (2014). Cognitive linguistics: an introduction. Rome: Laterza.
11. Palermo, M. (2022). Digital and multimodal textuality: observations on the structure of reels. Siena: Italiano LinguaDue.
12. Prada, M. (2021). Not just words. Writing teaching courses. From functional to multimodal texts. Milan: FrancoAngeli.
13. Kobozeva, I. M (2008). Linguistic and pragmatic aspect of the analysis of the language of the media. Language of the media: Textbook for universities. Moscow: Academic Project: Alma Mater.

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The article presented for consideration "Pragmatic possibilities of creolized texts on the example of calendars of the Italian Land Forces", proposed for publication in the journal Philology: Scientific Research, is undoubtedly relevant, due to the consideration of the concept of creolization, namely, the study of texts that combine different sign systems: linguistic and non-linguistic based on the Italian language. Creolized texts are widely distributed in various spheres of public life, they have special properties and functions that require a comprehensive linguistic analysis. This phenomenon has been studied over the past decades in linguistics, but there are unexplored gaps. The article is innovative, one of the first in Russian science devoted to the study of such issues based on the material of the professionally oriented Italian language. In the work, the author tries to systematize various scientific points of view on the problem under study in both Russian and foreign linguistics, as well as to classify creolized texts. The main purpose of the study is to establish the pragmatic functions of the verbal and iconic components of the text of military calendars in their interaction aimed at improving the image of the Italian army for its popularization among citizens. The article presents a research methodology, the choice of which is quite adequate to the goals and objectives of the work. The author turns, among other things, to various methods to confirm the hypothesis put forward. The following research methods are used: the continuous sampling method, lexical analysis, comparison and synthesis of analysis results, etc. The research material was publications for the period from 2010 to 2021, about two hundred creolized texts of calendars of the Italian Land Forces. This work was done professionally, in compliance with the basic canons of scientific research. The research was carried out in line with modern scientific approaches, the work consists of an introduction containing the formulation of the problem, the main part, traditionally beginning with a review of theoretical sources and scientific directions, a research and a final one, which presents the conclusions obtained by the author. The disadvantages of the work include a small number of practical linguistic research material that could illustrate the proposed provisions, as well as the lack of statistical data on the prevalence of a particular type of creolized text. The bibliography of the article contains 13 sources, among which scientific works are presented in both Russian and foreign languages. The bibliographic list contains fundamental works such as monographs, PhD and doctoral dissertations. In general, it should be noted that the article is written in a simple, understandable language for the reader. Typos, spelling and syntactic errors, inaccuracies in the text of the work were not found. The comments made are not significant and do not detract from the overall positive impression of the reviewed work. The work is innovative, representing the author's vision of solving the issue under consideration and may have a logical continuation in further research. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of using its results in the process of teaching university courses in stylistics and language theory. The article will undoubtedly be useful to a wide range of people, philologists, undergraduates and graduate students of specialized universities. The article "Pragmatic possibilities of creolized texts on the example of calendars of the Italian Land Forces" can be recommended for publication in a scientific journal.