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Finance and Management

On the possibility of public control over on-site tax audits in the Russian Federation: towards the formulation of the problem

Malinovskii Oleg Nikolaevich

ORCID: 0000-0001-6541-9046

PhD in Law

Associate Professor; Department of Civil Procedure and International Law; Kuban State University

350040, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Stavropol str., 149
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Goncharov Vitalii Viktorovich

PhD in Law

Associate Professor; Department of Civil Procedure and International Law; Kuban State University

350040, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Stavropol str., 149
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Petrenko Elena Gennad'evna

PhD in Law

Associate Professor of the Department of State and International Law, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin

350044, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Kalinina str., 13
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the possibility of public control over on-site tax audits. The activities of the tax authorities in Russia directly affect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of all individuals and legal entities. The problems of organizing and implementing public control measures in relation to the specified activities of federal executive authorities are of great interest and importance, especially in terms of on-site tax audits, during which representatives of the Federal Tax Service carry out within the premises of taxpayer various actions in order to monitor compliance a taxpayer with the legislation on taxes and fees. However, public control over this type of activity of federal executive authorities is fraught with numerous problems, among which one can highlight, for example: the lack of consolidation of this institution of civil society in the Constitution of the country; the lack of detail in the process of public control in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, including in relation to on-site tax audits; the specifics of the formation of public councils under the Federal Tax Service of Russia and its territorial divisions, in which we question the independence of their members from these authorities. In addition, these problems include: the lack of elaboration of legislation, as well as educational and scientific literature of a system of specific forms, methods, principles and types of public control measures in relation to on-site tax audits; weak use of foreign experience of civil society control in relation to tax authorities, including using modern digital technology. The article develops and substantiates a system of measures to resolve these problems, including by: incorporating this institution into the country's Constitution and tax legislation; developing and implementing specific forms, methods, principles and types of public control measures in relation to on-site tax audits based on positive foreign experience in this area and using modern technologies.


public control, tax control, Russian Federation, problem, democracy, tax audit, on-site, desk, participation, audit

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The issues of organization and implementation of public control are widely studied in the works of R. Sh. Abakarova, [1, pp. 49-51] L. G. Baranova, [3, pp. 102-110] M. E. Bubnova, [5, pp. 107-110] E. G. Vasilyeva, [6, pp. 82-89] A. Y. Vishnevetskaya, [7, pp. 53-58] V. V. Voitova, [8, pp. 104-116] A. S. Yemelyanova, [22, pp. 205-209] T. B. Kuvaldina, [24, pp. 38-45] N. V. Kuznetsova, [25, pp. 186-191] I. V. Maryasis, [26, pp. 123-127] D. V. Ryabkova, [32, pp. 282-284] P. S. Chikunova, [34, pp. 49-55] Z. S. Yakupova, [36, pp. 550-556; 37, pp. 478-485] as well as a number of other authors. At the same time, special attention is paid to the problems of tax audits as the main activity of tax authorities in the works of E. E. Golova, [9, pp. 20-26] O. V. Grishchenko, [13, pp. 21-29] D. G. Dzichkovsky, [20, pp. 42-46] A. S. Yemelyanov, [23, pp. 17-26] E. A. Safokhina, [33, pp. 205-209] B. Han, [35, pp. 183-185] as well as some other scientists. In turn, a number of authors, for example, A. I. Baichurina, [2, pp. 39-41] A. A. Borisova, [4, pp. 86-98; 11, pp. 81-90] M. S. Golovneva, [10, pp. 4-10] E. G. Petrenko, [14, pp. 21-32; 15, pp. 186-188; 16, pp. 194-196] M. A. Egorova, [21, pp. 10-15] V. V. Nagaytsev, [27, pp. 113-129; 28, pp. 63-77] S. Yu. Poyarkov, [30, pp. 60-73] A. A. Pukhov, [31, pp. 90-98] note the importance of organizing and exercising public control over activities, acts and decisions of public authorities (especially in the financial sphere, as well as in the field of taxes and taxation). However, the proportion of studies devoted to a detailed analysis of public tax control is insufficient. In this regard, the main purpose of the study is not only to identify, formalize and analyze the main problems that hinder the construction of an optimal system of public control over the activities, acts and decisions of tax authorities in the Russian Federation in the field of on-site tax audits, but also to build and substantiate a system of proposals to resolve these problems. In turn, the main objectives of this scientific research are, in particular: a) formalization of the role and place of the institute of public control in the system of legal guarantees of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities in Russia; b) substantiation of the importance of the activities, acts and decisions of tax authorities in the system of objects of public control in the country; c) substantiation of the role and importance of on–site tax audits among the activities of tax authorities as the most influential on the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs; d) identification, formalization and analysis of the main problems that hinder the organization and implementation of public control over tax authorities, especially in terms of on-site tax audits; e) development and justification of a system of proposals and recommendations to resolve these problems.

Methods and methodological basis of the research.

The methodological basis of the research consists of several scientific methods, in particular: formal-logical; historical-legal; comparative-legal; statistical; sociological; method of studying specific legal situations. The empirical basis of the study was: The Constitution of Russia; norms of international and national legislation; materials of judicial practice, practice of work of subjects of public control; sources of scientific legal doctrine devoted to the analysis of the organization and implementation of public control in the Russian Federation.

The main text.

The level of stability of any modern democratic state in the world directly depends, on the one hand, on the degree of development, detail and consolidation in its constitution and current legislation of the system of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, and on the other hand, on the level of reality, validity, realizability of these rights, freedoms and legitimate interests in practical activities of both public authorities and individuals and legal entities.

In the Russian Federation, according to its Constitution, a person, his rights and freedoms are designated as the highest value. At the same time, the activities of all public authorities in one way or another are devoted to the issues of consolidating, implementing, protecting and protecting the above-mentioned supreme value in the state. Citizens of the country can realize, protect and defend their rights, freedoms and legitimate interests both individually and by uniting in various non–governmental non-profit organizations (primarily public associations), whose rights and legitimate interests also need to be protected and protected.

The Russian Constitution of 1993 established a large number of legal guarantees aimed at the realization, protection and protection of constitutional rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, the key of which is the institute of public control, through which citizens of the Russian Federation and public associations (other non-governmental non-profit organizations) have the opportunity to monitor activities, acts and decisions of public authorities, state and municipal organizations, and other bodies and organizations exercising certain public powers on the basis of federal laws.

In this regard, it is of interest to analyze the activities of one of the key types of federal public authorities – tax authorities, whose activities, acts and decisions are one of the main objects of public control in the country.

Why are these objects of public control so important?

Firstly, the activities of the tax authorities are the most important instrument of the state's influence on the country's economy. By changing the content of tax legislation, mitigating or aggravating the tax burden in certain sectors of the economy, the state gets the opportunity to create favorable conditions for economic development in the necessary sectors of the economy, ensuring the economic security of the Russian Federation.

Secondly, the activity of the Federal Tax Service of the country and its numerous territorial divisions directly affects the degree of filling of budgets and extra-budgetary public funds throughout the country. In particular, the percentage of uncollected mandatory payments of all types to the income of the state and municipalities, the level of tax offenses and crimes depends on the level of professionalism, the corruption component in the ranks of civil servants of the tax authorities of the state, which requires close constant attention from the civil society of the country.

Thirdly, the activities, acts and decisions of the tax authorities directly affect any family living in the country, any legal entity. Because all individuals and legal entities act as payers of taxes, fees, fines, penalties, excise taxes and other mandatory payments. The federal budget, regional budgets, municipal budgets, as well as budgets of extra-budgetary public funds, are formed largely from the payment of these mandatory payments. In turn, the expenditure part of the budget also directly depends on the degree of collection of these mandatory payments. That is, the salaries of state employees, as well as other government expenditures, are determined mainly by these payments. And the degree of professionalism and legality of the activities of the tax authorities depends on how effectively and efficiently the revenue parts of these budgets and extra-budgetary public funds in the Russian Federation will be formed.

Tax authorities carry out various types of activities, the most important of which are tax audits, which, in turn, are divided into on-site and off-site.

The most important form of tax audits is an on-site tax audit. Why is it so important compared to a desk tax audit?

Firstly, during the on-site tax audit, employees of tax authorities have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with all the taxpayer's economic documentation in real time, which minimizes the risks of hiding taxpayer's income from taxation.

Secondly, an on-site tax audit allows tax officials to conduct an oral real-time survey of any taxpayer's employees (for example, if there is a suspicion that part of the salary is paid "in an envelope", outside of official registration).

Thirdly, an on-site tax audit is an important preventive incentive for taxpayers. Since they are often planned in nature, taxpayers put the documentation in order before an on-site tax audit, pay (add) mandatory payments to budgets and extra-budgetary public funds of all levels.

Fourth, due to the fact that in most cases an on-site tax audit is carried out on the territory of the taxpayer, or at the location of a separate subdivision of such an organization, employees of tax authorities have the opportunity to verify offline in real time, for example, the actual availability of tangible assets and their reflection in accounting and tax accounting documents.

However, the organization and conduct of public control in relation to both the activities, acts and decisions of tax authorities in general, and in relation to on-site tax audits (as the most important type of activity of tax authorities), are associated with numerous problems, among which the following are the largest:

Firstly, a significant problem is the fact that the institution of public control is not reflected in the Constitution of Russia in any way. The tax authorities, the institute of taxes and other mandatory payments, in turn, are described in detail in the text of the Constitution. This creates peculiar difficulties in determining, on the one hand, the grounds and limits of public control over the activities, acts and decisions of tax authorities, and on the other hand, their status and significance both in the eyes of tax officials and the population of the country as a whole. Moreover, there is a concept of "tax secrecy" (and it makes it even more difficult to resolve the issue of the limits of public tax control in Russia). The solution to this problem is seen in the incorporation of this institution of civil society into the text of the Constitution (with a detailed definition of the principles, forms, methods, types of subjects of public control, as well as the consolidation of signs by which objects of public control can be identified). It is necessary to identify the main forms of interaction between public authorities and subjects of public control.

Secondly, a serious problem today is the fact that the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, in fact, has not consolidated and detailed the institution of public control in the country. Although Federal Law No. 212-FZ dated 07/21/2014 "On the Basics of Public Control in the Russian Federation" removed a number of objects of public control from its subject matter in article 2, it left the activities, acts and decisions of tax authorities among the objects of public control regulated by this Federal Law. We see the solution to this problem in the development and consolidation in the Tax Code of the country of a separate chapter dedicated to the institute of public control. It should be detailed which subjects of public control, on what grounds, and within what limits, should and can exercise public control over the activities, acts and decisions of tax authorities. It is necessary to describe in detail, in particular, how subjects of public control can exercise control over on-site tax audits, which, in our opinion, are the most susceptible to corruption (among all types of activities of tax authorities in the Russian Federation). For example, it is possible to fix the possibility of mandatory participation of representatives of subjects of public control in conducting on-site tax audits at the request of the taxpayer's legal representative, or if the subject of public control has suspicions about the legality of the grounds for conducting the specified tax audit in relation to the taxpayer.

Thirdly, a significant problem is the fact that the subjects of public control, in fact, have insufficient powers to organize and implement public control in relation to these on-site tax audits. This problem should be solved by assigning appropriate powers to the subjects of public control. Due to the fact that this control activity of tax authorities is related to tax and other secrets protected by law, it is necessary to tighten the requirements for candidates of representatives of subjects of public control who will participate in the implementation of public control measures in relation to on-site tax audits.

Fourth, a major problem is the fact that the country's legislation, as well as even the scientific theoretical doctrine of public control, has poorly developed a system of principles, forms, methods, techniques, types of public control measures that could be used by subjects of public control in organizing and conducting it in relation to activities, acts and decisions tax authorities in general (as well as when conducting on-site tax audits). This problem requires a comprehensive solution. On the one hand, the Government of the Russian Federation, through the development of appropriate federal programs, should stimulate scientific, theoretical and practical developments in this area, for example, by training specialists, bachelors and masters of appropriate qualifications for subjects of public tax control at the expense of the federal budget in an appropriate amount. On the other hand, it is necessary to analyze the existing domestic experience in this area in order to identify positive successful forms of it with subsequent scaling throughout the country. The Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, as well as public councils under the Federal Tax Service of the country and its territorial divisions should be involved in this process.

Fifthly, a significant problem, in our opinion, is the fact that specialized subjects of public tax control (the Public Council under the Federal Tax Service of the country and public councils under its territorial divisions), in fact, are not public councils, since their composition is approved by the heads of tax authorities. This circumstance in itself is absurd (the person being checked approves the composition of the persons checking him). This problem requires an immediate solution, otherwise the activities of such subjects of public control, in fact, will be formal. We propose to delegate the right to form these public councils under the Federal Tax Service and its territorial divisions to the Public Chamber of the country, as well as to the public chambers of the subjects of the Russian Federation, without any coordination with any officials of the tax authorities, which will make it possible to give these subjects of public control a real public character.

Sixth, in our opinion, a significant problem is the weak use in Russia of foreign positive experience in the organization and implementation of public tax control, especially with regard to on-site tax audits. It seems that this experience should be analyzed by the Public Chamber of the country. But since this activity is very financially costly, it should be funded within the framework of relevant federal programs aimed at developing the institute of public control in the Russian Federation.

Seventh, a major problem, as we have already noted in previous studies, [12, pp. 170-178; 19, pp. 196-200] is the weak use by subjects of public control of modern digital technologies, as well as artificial intelligence technologies, which significantly reduces the effectiveness and efficiency of public control measures carried out by these subjects. [17, pp. 127-130; 18, pp. 199-202] The solution to this problem, in our opinion, is seen in the development and adoption by the Government of the country (after consultations with the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation) A federal program dedicated to the accelerated introduction of modern digital technologies and artificial intelligence technologies into the practice of public control subjects. This is especially true with regard to public tax control, since the Federal Tax Service of Russia is the most technically equipped federal executive body in this area.


In the course of our scientific research, we have made a number of conclusions:

1. The Institute of Public Control acts as a key legal guarantee for the realization, protection and protection of not only the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation, but also the rights and legitimate interests of certain categories of legal entities (in particular, public associations and other non-governmental non-profit organizations).

2. Among the system of objects of public control, the activities, acts and decisions of tax authorities are of great importance, since: they affect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of all legal entities and individuals in the country; the degree of fullness of the revenue side of budgets of all levels, as well as public extra-budgetary funds, directly depends on the activities of tax authorities; this activity is the most important form of regulation of economic relations in the country.

3. The most important type of activity of tax authorities in the Russian Federation are on-site tax audits, during which representatives of the Federal Tax Service on the territory of the taxpayer, at the location of a separate subdivision of such an organization, or at the location of the tax authority, carry out various actions to monitor compliance with the taxpayer, payer of fees, payer of insurance premiums or tax agent legislation on taxes and fees.

4. Public control over this type of activity of federal executive authorities is fraught with numerous problems, among which are: a) the lack of consolidation of this institution of civil society in the Constitution of the country; b) the lack of detail of the process of public control in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, including in relation to on-site tax audits; c) the specifics of the formation of public councils under the Federal Tax Service of Russia and its territorial divisions, in which we question the independence of their members from these authorities; c) the lack of elaboration in legislation, as well as educational and scientific literature, of a system of specific forms, methods, principles and types of public control measures in relation to on-site tax audits; d) weak use of foreign experience of civil society control in relation to tax authorities; e) insufficient use by subjects of public control of modern digital technologies (including when monitoring the activities, acts and decisions of tax authorities in the Russian Federation).

5. The resolution of these problems will require the development and implementation of a number of events, among which are the following: a) the formalization of social control institution in the Constitution; b) fixing the Tax code of the Russian Federation, a separate Chapter is devoted to the organization and implementation of public control in respect of the activity of the acts and decisions of tax authorities; C) change the order of formation of specialized subjects of public control, currently under development with the tax authorities (so that the data of public councils were elected (argued) public chambers of the appropriate level without the participation of officials of the tax authorities); g) development and adoption by the Government of the Russian Federation Federal programmes aimed at promoting scientific and practical research in the field of social control, including, in relation to the activities, acts and decisions of tax authorities (including tax inspection); d) the organization of the Public chamber of the country together with the Public Council under the Federal tax service of the Russian Federation in the development of projects of normative legal acts on the implementation of modern forms, methods, techniques, methods, activities of public control in respect of the activity of the acts and decisions of tax authorities (including tax inspection), with the subsequent direction of these projects the government of the Russian Federation; e) the organization of the Public chamber of the country of the analysis of modern foreign experience of civilian control over the activities of the tax authorities (first of all – with the use of modern digital technologies and artificial intelligence technologies), including in part of field tax audits, with the aim to implement this experience in the practice of Russian subjects of public control.

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12. Goncharov, V. V., Nagaytsev, V. V., Petrenko, E. G., & Pustovalova, E. V. (2024). The use of artificial intelligence technologies in the functioning of the Institute of public control in Russia. Theory and practice of social development, 4(192), 170-178.
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First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the study. In the reviewed article "On the possibility of public control over on-site tax audits in the Russian Federation: towards the formulation of the problem", the subject of the study is the norms of law governing relations in the field of public control over on-site tax audits in the Russian Federation. Research methodology. During the writing of the article, modern research methods were used: general scientific and private. The methodological apparatus consists of the following dialectical methods of scientific cognition: abstraction, induction, deduction, hypothesis, analogy, synthesis, and also the use of typology, classification, systematization and generalization can be noted. The relevance of research. The relevance of the topic of the article is beyond doubt, since there are legal and factual problems of organizing and implementing public control over on-site tax audits, which, in turn, negatively affects the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. The ambiguity and inconsistency of legal norms in the field of public control over on-site tax audits in the Russian Federation and their official interpretation require additional doctrinal developments on this issue in order to improve modern law and law enforcement. Scientific novelty. Without questioning the importance of previous scientific research, which served as the theoretical basis for this work, nevertheless, it can be noted that this article also contains some noteworthy provisions that have the character of scientific novelty, for example: "... Among the system of objects of public control, the activities, acts and decisions of tax authorities are important the authorities, since they: affect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of all legal entities and individuals in the country; the degree of filling of the revenue side of budgets of all levels, as well as public extra-budgetary funds, directly depends on the activities of tax authorities; this activity is the most important form of regulation of economic relations in the country." The proposals developed by the author to improve legislation can be regarded as the practical significance of this study. Style, structure, content. In general, the article is written in a scientific style using special legal terminology. The content of the article corresponds to its title. The requirements for the volume of the article are met. The article is logically structured and formally divided into parts. The material is presented consistently and clearly. There are no comments on the content of the article, except for the remark about the insufficiency of scientific discussion on topical issues of the designated topic. As separate shortcomings, it can also be noted: non-compliance with the rules of punctuation in sentences, inconsistency of cases (for example, "citizens of the country", etc.). The noted comments are of a technical nature and are disposable. Bibliography. The author has used a sufficient number of doctrinal sources, there are links to publications of recent years. References to sources are designed in compliance with the requirements of the bibliographic GOST. Appeal to opponents. The scientific controversy is insufficiently presented in the article. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. The article submitted for review "On the possibility of public control over on-site tax audits in the Russian Federation: to pose a problem" can be recommended for publication, since it generally meets the requirements for scientific articles in the journal Finance and Management. A publication on this topic could be of interest to a readership, primarily specialists in the field of tax law and financial law, and also could be useful for teachers and students of law schools and faculties.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the research in the article submitted for review is, as its name implies, the question of the possibility of public control over on-site tax audits in the Russian Federation. The stated boundaries of the study are observed by the author. The methodology of the research is not disclosed in the text of the article. The relevance of the research topic chosen by the author is undoubted and justified by him as follows: "The issues of organization and implementation of public control are widely studied in the works of R. Sh. Abakarova, [1, pp. 49-51] L. G. Baranova, [3, pp. 102-110] M. E. Bubnova, [5, pp. 107-110] E. G. Vasilyeva, [6, pp. 82-89] A. Y. Vishnevetskaya, [7, pp. 53-58] V. V. Voitova, [8, pp. 104-116] A. S. Yemelyanova, [22, pp. 205-209] T. B. Kuvaldina, [24, pp. 38-45] N. V. Kuznetsova, [25, pp. 186-191] I. V. Maryasis, [26, pp. 123-127] D. V. Ryabkova, [32, pp. 282-284] P. S. Chikunova, [34, pp. 49-55] Z. S. Yakupova, [36, pp. 550-556; 37, pp. 478-485] as well as a number of other authors. At the same time, special attention is paid to the problems of tax audits as the main activity of tax authorities in the works of E. E. Golova, [9, pp. 20-26] O. V. Grishchenko, [13, pp. 21-29] D. G. Dzichkovsky, [20, pp. 42-46] A. S. Yemelyanov, [23, pp. 17-26] E. A. Safokhina, [33, pp. 205-209] B. Han, [35, pp. 183-185] as well as some other scientists. In turn, a number of authors, for example, A. I. Baichurina, [2, pp. 39-41] A. A. Borisova, [4, pp. 86-98; 11, pp. 81-90] M. S. Golovneva, [10, pp. 4-10] E. G. Petrenko, [14, pp. 21-32; 15, pp. 186-188; 16, pp. 194-196] M. A. Egorova, [21, pp. 10-15] V. V. Nagaytsev, [27, pp. 113-129; 28, pp. 63-77] S. Yu. Poyarkov, [30, pp. 60-73] A. A. Pukhov, [31, pp. 90-98] note the importance of organizing and exercising public control over activities, acts and decisions of public authorities (especially in the financial sphere, as well as in the field of taxes and taxation). However, the proportion of studies devoted to a detailed analysis of public tax control is insufficient." The scientific novelty of the work is manifested in a number of conclusions of the author: "However, the organization and conduct of public control in relation to both the activities, acts and decisions of tax authorities in general, and in relation to on-site tax audits (as the most important type of activity of tax authorities) are associated with numerous problems, among which the following are the largest:Firstly, the fact that the institution of public control is not reflected in the Constitution of Russia in any way is a significant problem. While the tax authorities, the institution of taxes and other mandatory payments is described in detail in the text of the Constitution. This creates peculiar difficulties in determining, on the one hand, the grounds and limits of public control over the activities, acts and decisions of tax authorities, and on the other hand, their status and significance both in the eyes of tax officials and the population of the country as a whole. Moreover, there is a concept of "tax secrecy", which makes it even more difficult to resolve the issue of the limits of public tax control in Russia. The solution to this problem is seen in the incorporation of this institution of civil society into the text of the Constitution, with a detailed definition of the principles, forms, methods, types of subjects of public control, as well as the consolidation of signs by which objects of public control can be identified. In addition, it is necessary to identify the main forms of interaction between public authorities and subjects of public control. Secondly, a serious problem today is the fact that the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, in fact, has not consolidated and detailed the institution of public control in the country. Although Federal Law No. 212-FZ dated 07/21/2014 "On the Basics of Public Control in the Russian Federation", although it removed a number of objects of public control from its subject matter in Article 2, it left the activities, acts and decisions of tax authorities among the objects of public control regulated by this Federal Law. We see the solution to this problem in the development and consolidation in the Tax Code of the country of a separate chapter dedicated to the institute of public control. It should be detailed which subjects of public control, on what grounds and within what limits should and can exercise public control over the activities, acts and decisions of tax authorities. It is necessary to describe in detail how subjects of public control can exercise control over on-site tax audits, which, in our opinion, are the most susceptible to corruption (among all types of activities of tax authorities in the Russian Federation)," etc. Thus, the article makes a certain contribution to the development of domestic legal science and, of course, deserves the attention of potential readers. The scientific style of the research is fully sustained by the author. The structure of the work is quite logical. In the introductory part of the article, the scientist substantiates the relevance of his chosen research topic, defines its purpose and objectives. In the main part of the work, the author identifies and analyzes the main problems that hinder the construction of an optimal system of public control over the activities, acts and decisions of tax authorities in the Russian Federation in the field of on-site tax audits, develops a system of proposals to resolve these problems. The final part of the article contains conclusions based on the results of the study. The content of the article corresponds to its title and does not cause any particular complaints. However, it is not without drawbacks of a formal nature. So, the author writes: "At the same time, special attention is paid to the problems of tax audits as the main activity of tax authorities in the works of E. E. Golova, [9, pp. 20-26] O. V. Grishchenko, [13, pp. 21-29] D. G. Dzichkovsky, [20, pp. 42-46] A. S. Yemelyanov, [23, pp. 17-26] E. A. Safokhina, [33, pp. 205-209] B. Han, [35, pp. 183-185] as well as some other scientists" - the first comma is superfluous; "special attention... detailed attention" (repeat). The scientist notes: "However, the proportion of studies devoted to a detailed analysis of public tax control is insufficient" - the first comma is not needed. The author claims: "At the same time, the activities of all public authorities in one way or another are devoted to the issues of consolidation, implementation, protection and protection of the above-mentioned supreme value in the state. At the same time, citizens of the country can realize, protect and defend their rights, freedoms and legitimate interests both individually and by uniting in various non–governmental non-profit organizations (primarily public associations), whose rights and legitimate interests also need protection and protection" - the first commas are not needed. Thus, the article needs careful proofreading - it contains typos, punctuation and stylistic errors (the list of typos and errors given in the review is not exhaustive!). The bibliography of the study is presented by 37 sources (scientific articles). From a formal and factual point of view, this is enough. The author managed to reveal the research topic with the necessary depth and completeness. There is an appeal to the opponents, but it is general in nature due to the focus of the study. The scientific discussion is conducted by the author correctly; the provisions of the work are justified to the appropriate extent.
There are conclusions based on the results of the study ("1. The Institute of Public Control acts as a key legal guarantee for the implementation, protection and protection of not only the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation, but also the rights and legitimate interests of certain categories of legal entities (in particular, public associations and other non-governmental non-profit organizations). 2. Among the system of objects of public control, the activities, acts and decisions of tax authorities are of great importance, since they: affect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of all legal entities and individuals in the country; the degree of fullness of the revenue side of budgets of all levels, as well as public extra-budgetary funds, directly depends on the activities of tax authorities; this activity is the most important form of regulation of economic relations in the country. 3. The most important type of activity of tax authorities in the Russian Federation are on-site tax audits, during which representatives of the Federal Tax Service on the territory of the taxpayer, at the location of a separate subdivision of such an organization, or at the location of the tax authority carry out various actions to monitor compliance by the taxpayer, payer of fees, payer of insurance premiums or tax agent legislation about taxes and fees. 4. Public control over this type of activity of federal executive authorities is fraught with numerous problems, among which are: a) the lack of consolidation of this institution of civil society in the Constitution of the country; b) the lack of detail of the process of public control in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, including in relation to on-site tax audits; c) the specifics of the formation of public councils under the Federal Tax Service of Russia and its territorial divisions, in which we question the independence of their members from these authorities; c) the lack of elaboration in legislation, as well as educational and scientific literature, of a system of specific forms, methods, principles and types of public control measures in relation to on-site tax audits; d) weak use of foreign experience of civil society control in relation to tax authorities; e) insufficient use by subjects of public control of modern digital technologies (including when monitoring the activities, acts and decisions of tax authorities in the Russian Federation)", etc.), they are clear, specific, have the properties of reliability, validity and, Undoubtedly, they deserve the attention of the scientific community. The interest of the readership in the article submitted for review can be shown primarily by specialists in the field of constitutional law, tax law, provided that it is finalized: disclosure of the research methodology and elimination of violations in the design of the work.

Third Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the study is related to the search for a constitutional and legal interpretation and legislative consolidation of public control during on-site tax audits. The subject of the study also includes related issues regulated by legislation on public control, as well as the use of digital technologies. The research methodology has a strict and verified character, allows you to achieve your goals. The only point is to cite foreign experience, since the author indicates that the legislator does not take it into account. The author correctly noted the role of the tax system and authorities in the economic development of the state, the role of an advanced body in testing the latest achievements in approaches and technologies. At the same time, the openness and accessibility of information about the activities of government agencies significantly stimulates improving the quality of public administration, thereby reducing the threat of violations of the rights and freedoms of non-governmental entities. In other words, when flaws can become public, the level of attentiveness increases significantly. Therefore, the relevance of the study is undoubtedly present. Scientific novelty is manifested in the formulation of the problem of the possibility of public control during control measures: "even in the scientific theoretical doctrine of public control, a poorly developed system of principles, forms, methods, techniques, types of public control measures that could be used by subjects of public control in organizing and conducting it in relation to activities, acts and decisions of tax authorities the authorities in general." In general, the principle of openness and public involvement in this type of public activity is generally uncharacteristic, if we do not talk about the witnesses. However, the effectiveness of attracting witnesses leaves much to be desired. In addition, the legislator suggests using video recording instead, which, of course, can ensure the fixation of objective data. Although this method of fixation, as judicial practice shows, can be reduced to zero if officials removed the wrong thing or not in full. The style, structure, and content meet the requirements for scientific articles. In the work, it is necessary to make separate editorial edits on the enumerations and the words used. The structure of the work is traceable, there is a division into semantic parts. The content of the article allows you not only to see the formulation of the problem, but also to discuss the solutions proposed by the author. In particular, we are talking about the role of the Public Chamber, which, of course, can be involved. However, other public associations (chambers of commerce and industry, associations and unions, etc.) can also be used. The bibliography is presented by a wide range of authors in various fields of scientific knowledge. The well-done work on preparing for writing the article is visible. There is no appeal to opponents as such, although this is related to the subject of the study. At the same time, the author polemizes within the framework of the discussion of the topic under consideration from the point of view of different legislative spheres. The conclusions in the article should be shortened and changed. For example, as such, a proposal to amend the Constitution of the Russian Federation in terms of public control is possible, but little implemented. At the same time, the article may arouse the interest of the readership and may be published.