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Urban Studies

To the problem of waste disposal in the food industry. The experience of the fishing collective farm "Voskhod"

Adamova Mariya Andreevna

Master's degree; Higher School of Architecture and Urban Planning; Pacific National University

680035, Russia, Khabarovsk Territory, Khabarovsk, Pacific str., 136, office 506

Bazilevich Mikhail Evgenevich

ORCID: 0000-0002-9912-805X

PhD in Architecture

Professor; Higher School of Architecture and Urban Planning; Federal Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education 'Pacific National University''

136 Pacific Street, Khabarovsk, Khabarovsk Territory, 680035, Russia

Other publications by this author










Abstract: The article deals with the problem of waste disposal resulting from the activities of food industry enterprises located in remote areas of the far north. Using the example of the agricultural production cooperative Fishing collective farm "Voskhod", the possibility of minimizing pollution of the shipping environment and preserving the unique natural ecosystem of the Ayano-Maysky district of the Khabarovsk Territory is considered. The location of the main production facilities of the enterprise in the coastal zone in the southern part of the village of Ayan determines the features of the planning organization and operating conditions of the land plot built up in accordance with the technological chain with single-storey buildings and structures of various functional purposes, and also necessitates the search for optimal ways to solve the problem of collection and further disposal of industrial and household waste of the fishing collective farm. The limited navigation period and the lack of road communication with other areas of the Khabarovsk Territory necessitate the storage and processing of industrial waste from the fishing collective farm directly on its territory. The analysis of the planning and functional organization of the enterprise showed that the most optimal and economically cost–effective solution for waste disposal for the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod" is the method of their incineration, for which the authors of this publication propose the allocation of a site for the placement and commissioning of a high-temperature treatment plant for all types of waste in a chamber with an excessive supply of incinerator air. The use of this method will solve the problem of industrial waste disposal, and will also help reduce the negative impact on the health of employees and the environment.


Khabarovsk Krai, Ayano-Maysky district, natural environment, ecology, waste disposal, the incinerator, food industry, fishing, Ryblovetsky collective farm, Voskhod

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The problem of recycling organic waste produced by food industry enterprises has been widely discussed in scientific discourse in recent years. The search for ways to increase the economic efficiency of production, on the one hand, and the need to preserve the stability of natural ecosystems and bioresources, on the other, determine the conditions for the functioning and long–term development of enterprises in the industry. This problem is also relevant for fishing enterprises located in remote areas of the Far East, due to objective reasons that do not have the ability to export production cycle waste. One of these enterprises is the agricultural production cooperative Fishing collective farm "Voskhod" (SEC RK "Voskhod"), which plays the role of one of the key budget-forming enterprises of the Ayano-Maysky municipal district. The location of the main production facilities of the enterprise in the water protection zone determines the features of the planning organization of its territory, occupied mainly by single-storey structures of various functional purposes, as well as the nature of the collection and further disposal of industrial and household waste.

As part of the publication, using the example of the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod", we will consider the specifics of the organization of the waste disposal system of food industry enterprises and the influence of such systems on the nature of the organization of their planning structure and subject-spatial environment.

The scientific novelty of the study is related to the development of specific proposals to solve the problem of waste disposal of the production cycle of the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod", taking into account the specifics of the location of the enterprise, natural and climatic factors, as well as the need to reduce the negative impact on the health of employees of the enterprise and the environment. The proposals are based on the results of the analysis of a large array of data concerning the specifics of the economic and economic activities of the enterprise, obtained by M. A. Adamova during her many years of work in the administrative and economic apparatus of the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod".

Review of the current state of scientific research in the field under consideration

The present study is based on a number of works by Russian and foreign scientists dealing with various aspects of the problem under study.

The current state and characteristics of the development of the fishing industry in the context of environmental protection and the development of a strategy to reduce the ecological footprint of aquaculture enterprises are considered in the works of T. Cashion, P. Tydmers [1], K. Lopez [2], E. Papatrifon, J. Petit, S. J. Koshik and van der H. Werf [3], I. V. Gladun, L. P. Mayorova, K. V. Murdaka, L. I. Govora [4, 5, 6], N. A. Ermakova, A.M. Malinina [7]. This range of research defines the main directions for increasing the economic profitability of the production cycle of fisheries enterprises, and also pays attention to the conservation of biological resources and the protection of unique natural landscapes, one of the directions of which is the processing of biological and man-made waste.

Publications by E. B. Sous, A. S. Lyubushkina [8], R. Watson, D. Zeller and D. Poli [9], A.P. Yarochkin, A.S. Pomoz [10] are devoted to the problem of waste-free processing of raw materials of animal origin, in which they provide the results of an analysis of regional practice of introducing innovative approaches to processing meat and fish waste for the needs of production of feed for aquaculture, soil fertilizers and production of animal protein and vermicompost from them.

At the same time, due to the natural and climatic features of the northern regions of the Khabarovsk Territory and the significant remoteness of the fishing industry enterprises located on its territory, the introduction of these practices requiring the creation of additional, including transport, infrastructure is not always economically justified and technically feasible at persistently low average annual temperatures. Against this background, one of the promising ways to solve the problem of waste disposal of enterprises of the fishing industry in the region is the use of technologies for thermal neutralization of waste through a high-temperature combustion process. The study of this area was developed in the works of V. V. Filatov, I. M. Rukina, V. I. Golovanov [11], D. V. Popov [12], S. A. Sadredinov [13, 14], considering the construction of enterprises for the processing of solid household and industrial waste and their safe integration into the existing urban environment of settlements in Khabarovsk the region and other regions of the Russian Federation. The researchers pay attention to the problems of functional planning and architectural and artistic organization of objects and their interaction with existing urban systems and communications, as well as the need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions generated during the combustion of waste.

Nevertheless, despite a fairly wide range of studies devoted to the problem of waste disposal of industrial enterprises engaged in the production of products for various purposes, the issues of organizing this process in the northern regions of the Khabarovsk Territory remain poorly studied. There are no works devoted to the development of specific proposals and presentation of the experience already available at the enterprises of the region in implementing measures for the implementation of recycling and recycling systems, including through a high-temperature combustion process, food industry waste, as a result of which the problem requires special attention and systematic study.

The specifics of the company

The SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod" conducts independent commercial fishing of fish (herring, salmon (chum salmon, pink salmon), crabs (Kamchatka, prickly), cod, pollock, char (kundzha, malma). At the same time, the work is carried out using a fishing fleet owned by a Fishing collective farm. The fleet of the collective farm includes medium–tonnage vessels for organizing fishing on the high seas and small–sized ones for coastal fish and seafood production, tugboats for towing non-self-propelled flatcuts and barges equipped for transporting and storing both finished products and various cargoes (goods and materials for work, supplies and materials).

The SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod" has been granted the right to extract (catch) aquatic biological resources at 12 fishing sites (RLS) on the territory of the Ayano-Maysky municipal district. The enterprise is the main user of the radar in the territory of the district, extracting 2/3 of the total volume of anadromous fish species allocated for the development of quotas, maintaining and protecting fishing grounds at its own expense, preventing poachers from fishing sites. Shares in the catch of herring and Kamchatka crab have been assigned to the enterprise for 15 years. At the same time, the company enters into contracts for the development of non-catchable types of resources (cod, capelin, capelin, small-mouthed sea smelt).

The SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod" annually masters almost 100% of the allocated quotas, while simultaneously providing services to third-party organizations for the catch of raw materials, production and storage of finished products (Table 1). The output volumes are determined by seasonal climatic conditions and varying standards of the established generally allowable catch, determined annually for different sections of the fishing industry of the Khabarovsk Territory.

Table 1. Development of quotas of aquatic and biological resources of the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod" for the period 2021-2023.

Development of aquatic biological resources, tons / Years




Pacific herring




Pacific salmon












The company owns land plots with a total area of 40,056.00 sq. m. on the territory of the Ayano-Maysky municipal district, as well as a coastal processing complex in the village of Ayan with an area of 1,790 m2 (Fig. 1), certified according to the HACCP system and meeting the safety requirements of the importing countries of aquatic products in terms of food production. Due to the peculiarities of the production cycle, the complex is equipped with modern equipment designed for processing and storing raw materials, including:

- air-freezing chambers.

- contact freezing chambers for crab meat.

- contact freezing chambers for fish products.

- pots for cooking crab.

- storage capacity for live crab (up to 6 days).

- pumps, daily water supply capacity, etc.

Fig. 1. General view of the territory of the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod" in the village of Ayan. Photo by M. A. Adamova, 2023

The volume of the refrigerator is 663 m2, consisting of two autonomous storage rooms.To ensure continuous uninterrupted operation in the remote area of the Far North, the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan Voskhod operates, fully providing itself with energy and water resources, namely: it owns a diesel power plant with a capacity of 600 kW, water for technological needs from an underground source. The composition of the vehicle fleet, namely special equipment, includes: excavators, drilling rig, trucks, truck crane, bulldozer, etc.

The SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod" annually masters 100% of the allocated quotas, at the same time I provide services to third-party organizations for catching raw materials, production and storage of finished products. The total volume of development of quotas for the catch of IBD varies from year to year from 3.6 to 4.0 thousand tons, depending on the fishing situation, allocated volumes and weather conditions. The collective farm produces more than 10 types of products that have proven themselves on the market not only in the Far East, but also in the Central part of Russia, as well as in foreign countries, as high-quality, environmentally friendly, without the addition of preservatives, affordable and very tasty, namely:

- herring, cod, capelin, frozen navaga;

- natural herring preserves;

- natural herring preserves in oil;

- canned pollock liver;

- frozen pollock;

- frozen keta of all types of cutting;

- frozen pink salmon of all types of cutting;

- frozen salted caviar;

- frozen yastychnaya caviar;

- frozen milk;

- feed flour.

During the production of the above-mentioned range of fish products, more than 25% of biological waste from production is generated at various stages of the technological process.

The production is located on the territory of the Ayano-Maysky municipal district, an area of the Far North with which only aviation communication is established. The navigation period is limited, from June to October, during which it is necessary to carry out the export of finished products, waste and import of "Northern delivery" to ensure the vital activity of workers.

There is no regional waste management operator in the district. The SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod" carried out work on the search for an organization licensed for waste management, which has the ability to transport and dispose of waste from production and consumption of the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod". As a result of the concluded agreement, significant funds are spent on transportation and disposal of waste.

It seems rational for the enterprise to purchase and put into operation an installation for high–temperature treatment of all types of waste in a chamber with an excessive supply of incinerator air. Order No. 626 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated October 26, 2020 "On approval of veterinary rules for the movement, storage, processing and disposal of biological waste" regulates the procedure for the disposal of moderately hazardous biological waste using incinerators.

Technological scheme and its justification

At the enterprise of the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod", the selected technological scheme for the production of fish products (Fig. 2), which allows:

- to produce high-quality products;

- to make the most complete use of raw materials in order to obtain maximum yields of finished products;

- to observe the flow, continuity, automation, mechanization of production in order to simplify and facilitate the maintenance of the technological process;

- to observe the safety of the production process for the persons involved in it.

Изображение выглядит как текст, диаграмма, чек, Шрифт  Автоматически созданное описание

Fig. 2. Technological scheme of production of frozen fish used by the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod"

In the technological scheme under consideration, we will pay attention to the disposal of non-food waste over the past three years (Table 2)

Table. 2. Non-food waste of the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan Voskhod for the period from 2021-2023.

Name of waste, tons/years




Non-food waste




Disposal of non-food waste is one of the most important problems of the enterprise of the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan Voskhod. Due to the absence of a regional waste management operator in the district, there is no. The SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan Voskhod has signed an agreement with a licensing company that transports and disposes of production and consumption waste. Having analyzed the costs of disposal of non-food waste at the enterprise, it can be concluded that this part of the production cycle accounts for a significant proportion of the total cost structure of the enterprise (Table 3).

Table 3. Costs of disposal of non-food waste of the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod" for the period from 2021-2023.

Cost name (full cycle)

The average cost per 1 kg of non-food waste for the period from 2021-2023, RUB.

Storage in special refrigerators, packaging


Loading and unloading operations


Transportation costs


Recycling services




Based on the above data, the cost of disposal of non-food waste is:

- 2021-17.5 million rubles.

- 2022 - 15.5 million rubles.

- 2023 -17.8 million rubles.

For SK RK Voskhod, one of the main tasks is to find cost-effective ways to dispose of waste, the current disposal scheme leads to serious financial losses. An analysis of existing methods of disposal of non-food waste has shown that the introduction of a method of incineration in the conditions of the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod" is the most appropriate, both from an economic and functional-utilitarian position (Table 4).

Table 4. Estimated cost of biological waste disposal per unit of the MARS N series incinerator, diesel fuel

Maximum one-time loading of the Mars-N-1000 incinerator


Incinerator performance, up to

200 kg/hour

Working shift


Diesel consumption.fuel in the operating mode

30 l/h

The average market price of diesel.fuel in the village of Ayan

85 rubles per 1 liter

Photo,food, accommodation, special clothing,personal care products.protection , etc .

377 rubles per hour

The cost of disposal of biological waste, 1 kg.

14.64 kopecks .

Based on the calculations, it can be concluded that the one-time costs of purchasing, shipping, and installing the Mars-N-1000 Incinerator will pay off in the first year of use. Current disposal costs will decrease by 2.7 times, which is an effective way of waste disposal for the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan Voskhod at this point in time.

Implementation of the waste incineration method

Incinerator is an installation for the thermal neutralization of waste through a high–temperature combustion process, reducing the mass of waste, changing physical and chemical properties, in order to reduce the negative impact of waste on human health and the environment.

The technology used in the MARS N series incinerators (Fig. 3) has an indefinite positive opinion of the SEE, approved by Order of the Federal Service for Supervision of Environmental Management (Central Office of Rosprirodnadzor) No. 945/SEE dated 06/29/2023. According to the text of the conclusion of the SEE expert commission, the technology used in the MARS N series incinerators meets the environmental requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection and is allowed for implementation and application. Mobile installations of the MARS and MARS N series are designed for the neutralization and disposal of industrial and consumer waste of hazard classes I - V, biological and medical waste of class A, B and C, as well as class G (except mercury-containing waste).

Fig. 3. Visual model of the MARS N series incinerator

With regard to the technology used, more than 5,000 waste items have been tested in accordance with the FCCO, which confirms the possibility of their safe processing, in accordance with environmental legislation.

To install the incinerator, a site is required, which must be equipped in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 2.1.3684−21 "Hygienic requirements for the placement and disposal of production and consumption waste". The site for the placement of equipment must be located taking into account the aero-climatic characteristics, terrain, patterns of industrial emissions into the atmosphere, the potential for atmospheric pollution (PPA), as well as from the downwind side in relation to residential, recreational, resort and recreation areas of the population.

On the territory of the land owned by the enterprise, it is possible to place an incinerator, taking into account all the requirements of SanPiN 2.1.3684−21.

The acquisition and commissioning will entail one-time costs in the amount of 3,290,000.00 rubles, but, in the future, it will eliminate the costs of collecting, transporting and disposing of waste from production and consumption of the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod".

Features of the MARS N series incinerators:

- putting the equipment into operation does not require installation and commissioning;

- increased volume of the combustion chamber with standard equipment dimensions;

- execution on its own rigid frame;

- using the clamping system of the loading window cover in the form of mechanical grips, instead of bolts;

- lining of the combustion chamber and afterburning chamber using 25mm ceramic fiber, instead of heat-resistant cardboard;

- economical fuel consumption.

Technical conditions of operation of the equipment:

- fuel for burner devices. Natural gas (common network, LNG) or liquid fuel (furnace or diesel) is used with the installation of consumable tanks in accordance with fire safety rules;

- electricity. 380V voltage of supply networks is required, as well as provision of an emergency power source (industrial generator);

- water. There is no need to connect to a common water supply network, there is enough imported recycled water for scrubber operation and household needs;

- technical specialists. An operator and a technician with appropriate qualifications.

- the playground. A horizontal surface with a hard coating at the location/operation of the equipment.

Advantages of the incinerator over other waste disposal methods:

- high utilization rate compared, for example, with composting and other methods of organic decomposition;

- environmental friendliness of the equipment. Two-chamber incinerators dissociate into water and carbon dioxide organic pollutants;

- versatility – gorenje are subject to and allowed to burn almost all types of materials, except radioactive and mercury-containing;

- the ash residue can be used as fertilizer on site or resold to soil-producing enterprises, which in remote conditions (the Far North region) it allows to saturate the market with high-quality, inexpensive and environmentally friendly waste and ensure a closed cycle of the enterprise;

- safety of operation and ease of operation – any employee of the enterprise who is familiar with the rules of fire safety can act as an operator of the incinerator;

- there is no need to move garbage – disposal is carried out locally, no specialized transport is required for the transportation of waste, which is not available in the district and the operation of which entails significant investments.


The SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod", as an enterprise with almost a century of history, places the main priority in its work on the possibility of preserving resources, including the ecosystem of the area - the main criterion for the quality of its products. After all, the "trend towards environmental friendliness" that has emerged recently is only gaining momentum, namely, "products from wild, high-quality raw materials" are becoming less and less.

The analysis of the features of the placement, functional planning organization and operation of the production facilities of the enterprise carried out by the authors made it possible for the first time to present a set of recommendations for solving the problem of waste disposal produced by the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod", based on the introduction of a safe incineration of biological waste (incinerator) into the production cycle. Despite the significant financial investments that the commissioning of this installation entails, the positive effect of its use will outweigh the costs, and, undoubtedly, will contribute to ensuring the environmental sustainability of the ecosystem of the Ayano-Maysky district. The authors' proposals were presented at the meeting of the owners of the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod" and unanimously accepted for further implementation.

The data and materials of the study, as well as a list of recommendations for the introduction of an incinerator into the production process, according to the authors, are of great practical interest and can be used in the economic activities of other enterprises of the fishing industry of the Khabarovsk Territory interested in preserving water resources and unique natural landscapes of the region.

1. Cashion, T. (2017). Global reduction fisheries and their products in the context of sustainable Fish and Fisheries, 6, 1026–1037.
2. Lopes, C. (2015). Valorisation of fish by-products against waste management treatments – comparison of environmental Waste Management, 46, 103–112.
3. Papatryphon, E., Petit, J., Kaushik, S. J., & van der Werf, H. (2004). Environmental impact assessment of salmonid feeds using life cycle assessment (LCA). AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, 33, 316–323.
4. Gladun, I. V. (2023). Assessment of the carbon footprint of an aquaculture enterprise [Electronic resource] Waste and resources, 3. Retrieved from https://resources.today/PDF/02NZOR323.pdf
5. Gladun, I. V. (2021). Utilization of organic waste from a fish hatchery Philosophy of modern nature management in the Amur River basin. Materials of the X scientific and practical conference with international participation, 10, 67-71. Khabarovsk: Pacific National University.
6. Govor, I. L. (2017). Monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions as a result of waste and wastewater management in the territory of the Russian Federation Problems of ecological monitoring and ecosystem modeling, 1, 18-40.
7. Ermakova, N. A. (2016). Regional problems of waste disposal of aquaculture enterprises Science and business: ways of development, 60, 39-43.
8. Sus, E. B. (2016). System of waste-free processing of raw materials of animal origin Meat industry, 3, 34–36.
9. Watson, R., Zeller, D., & Pauly, D. (2014). Primary productivity demands of global fishing fleets. Fish and Fisheries, 15, 231–241.
10. Yarochkin A.P. (2012). Study of the main processes for the production of fermented feed products from fish processing waste Investigation of the main processes of production of fermented feed products from fish processing waste Izv, 288-300. TINRO.
11. Filatov, V. V., Rukina, I. M. & Golovanov, V. I. (2018) Innovative technologies for the recycling of production and consumption wastes: the experience of Russia and foreign countries Scientific information-analytical magazine “Municipal Academy”, 2, 137–144.
12. Popov, D. V. (2018) Typology of modern waste incinerators (MSW) Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education, 63. Retrieved from http://archvuz.ru/2018_3/9
13. Sadredinov, S. A. & Bazilevich, M. E. (2020) Perspective directions of development of waste processing enterprises in Khabarovsk IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775, 1–6. Retrieved from https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012033
14. Sadredinov, S. A. & Bazilevich, M. E. (2020) On the problem of construction of enterprises for processing solid household waste in the city of Khabarovsk The New Ideas of New Century – 2020: The Twentieth International Scientific Conference Proceedings: in 3 volumes, 3, 277–280. Khabarovsk: Pacific National University.

First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the study. Based on the title, we conclude that the article should be devoted to the problem of waste disposal in the food industry, taking into account the experience of the Voskhod fishing collective farm. The content of the article does not contradict the stated topic, but also does not disclose it. According to the results of reading the text of the article, it was also not possible to understand what exactly the problem is and how it should be solved. The research methodology is mainly based on the presentation of well-known facts and judgments. At the same time, it is valuable that the author uses graphical tools. But the above table 1 is a statement of the data, and not the results of the author's scientific research. In turn, the drawings are pictures (photographs), and not the results of the author's scientific research. The relevance of the study of issues related to solving the problem of waste disposal in the food industry is beyond doubt. This is of great importance not only for the economic development of the state, but also for solving existing environmental problems. There is no scientific novelty in the material submitted for review. At the same time, it can be formed both economically and socially. Style, structure, content. The style of presentation is scientific. The structure of the article is built by the author, but it does not aim the author at the formation of material with scientific novelty and practical significance. Familiarization with the content of the article allows us to conclude that the material is of a ascertaining nature. Unfortunately, it is not accompanied by meaningful justifications. For example, Table 1 shows data on the development of quotas of aquatic and biological resources of the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod" for the period 2021-2023. According to the table, there is a multidirectional dynamics in different indicators: what is it caused by? What factors influenced her? Does this have negative/positive effects for a particular organization? The region? Countries? As part of the conclusion, it would also be interesting to learn further research directions. It would be interesting for a potential readership to see the rationale for the problem stated in the title of the article and the formation of recommendations for their solution. Bibliography. The bibliographic list includes 7 titles. It is valuable that it contains both domestic and foreign scientific publications. When correcting the article, attention should be paid to expanding the list of studied scientific publications, as well as statistical data. This will form the prerequisites for the formation of author's recommendations for solving existing problems. Appeal to opponents. Despite the generated list of sources, no scientific discussion was found in the text. When finalizing the article and increasing the number of sources under consideration, it is also recommended to discuss their content, showing an increase in scientific knowledge compared to what is contained in them. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. Taking into account the above, the article requires a deep substantive revision, after which the issue of the possibility of its publication can be resolved. When carrying out high-quality revision, the article will be of interest to a wide readership.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The reviewed article is devoted to solving the problem of waste disposal in the food industry using the experience of the Voskhod fishing collective farm in the Ayano-Maysky municipal district in the Far East. The research methodology is based on the analysis of a large array of data related to the specifics of the economic and economic activities of the studied enterprise, the dissemination of best practices in waste disposal. The relevance of the work is due to the lack of the possibility of exporting production cycle waste by fishing enterprises located in remote areas of the Far East, the need to increase the economic efficiency of production and preserve the stability of natural ecosystems and bioresources. The scientific novelty of the research is associated with the development of specific proposals to solve the problem of waste disposal of the production cycle of the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod", taking into account the specifics of the location of the enterprise, natural and climatic factors, as well as the need to reduce the negative impact on the health of employees of the enterprise and the environment. The following sections are highlighted in the text of the article: Introduction, Review of the current state of scientific research in the field under consideration, Specifics of the enterprise, Technological scheme and its justification, Introduction of the waste incineration method, Conclusion, Bibliography. The article analyzes the development of quotas of aquatic and biological resources of the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod" for 2021-2023, shows the technological scheme used by the enterprise for the production of frozen fish, considers the dynamics of non-food waste, as well as the costs of their disposal. The analysis of the features of the placement, functional planning organization and operation of the production facilities of the enterprise carried out by the authors made it possible for the first time to present a set of recommendations for solving the problem of waste disposal produced by the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod", based on the introduction of a safe incineration of biological waste into the production cycle. The publication discusses the advantages of the incinerator over other waste disposal methods. The authors believe that the research materials, as well as a list of recommendations for the introduction of an incinerator into the production process, according to the authors, are of great practical interest and can be used in the economic activities of other enterprises of the fishing industry of the Khabarovsk Territory interested in preserving water resources and unique natural landscapes of the region. The bibliographic list includes 14 sources – modern scientific publications in Russian and foreign languages, Internet resources on the topic under consideration, to which the text contains address links, which confirms the existence of an appeal to opponents. Of the shortcomings, the following should be noted. Firstly, tables 2 and 3 have the same names, although it follows from the contents of table 3 that it does not characterize production waste, but the costs of their disposal. Secondly, there are two figures with the same numbers in the article (Figure 2). The reviewed material corresponds to the direction of the journal "Urbanistics", reflects the results of the work carried out by the authors, may be of interest to readers, but needs some refinement of the materials in accordance with the comments made, which can be performed in a working order without re-reviewing.

Third Peer Review

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The subject of the peer-reviewed study is the problem of waste disposal in the food industry. Given the significant increase in industrial waste worldwide, as well as the insufficient effectiveness of common methods of combating this phenomenon, the relevance of the topic chosen by the authors for research should be recognized as very high. The SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Voskhod" was chosen as a specific case for analysis. Unfortunately, having considered the state of scientific research on the subject of the article in sufficient detail (and, admittedly, quite qualitatively), the authors did not pay due attention to the description and argumentation of the methodology of their own research. But from the context, it can be understood that historical and institutional methods were used in the process of work (when analyzing the history of the formation of institutions regulating the activities of the enterprise), case study (when considering the experience of a particular enterprise), statistical analysis (when studying the direct activities of the enterprise), as well as technological analysis of the waste production and disposal scheme at the SEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Sunrise." The correct application of these methods allowed the authors to obtain results with signs of scientific novelty. First of all, we are talking about a set of recommendations formed based on the results of the study to solve the problem of waste disposal by introducing an installation for the safe incineration of biological waste (an incinerator) into the production cycle. The calculation of the economic effect of the implementation of this installation is also of particular interest. Structurally, the work also makes an exceptionally positive impression: its logic is consistent and reflects the main aspects of the research conducted. The following sections are highlighted in the text: - "Introduction", which describes the scientific problem, sets the purpose and objectives of the study; - "Overview of the current state of scientific research in the field under consideration", which provides an overview of the main approaches to solving the problem; - "Specifics of the enterprise", which reveals the main characteristics of the enterprise under study; - "Technological scheme and its justification", which describes the technological scheme of production at the enterprise, as well as the economic effect of the introduction of the incinerator technology; - "Introduction of the waste incineration method", which describes the technology of introducing the method of safe incineration of biological waste; - "Advantages of the incinerator over other waste disposal methods", which reveals the advantages of the chosen method of disposal of biological waste- "Conclusion", which summarizes the results of the conducted research, draws conclusions and outlines the prospects for future research. From the point of view of style, the reviewed article also makes a very good impression: the style of work is scientific, with almost no significant flaws. There are a small number of stylistic errors in the text (for example, the expression "broad discussion in scientific discourse", which is strange from the point of view of style; etc.), but in general it is written quite competently, in good Russian, with the correct use of scientific terminology. The bibliography includes 14 titles, including sources in foreign languages, and adequately reflects the state of research on the subject of the article. An appeal to opponents takes place when discussing the main approaches to solving the scientific problem posed. The specially discussed advantages of the article include the extensive use of illustrative material (three figures and four tables), which significantly simplify the perception of the article material. GENERAL CONCLUSION: the article proposed for review can be qualified as a scientific work that meets the basic requirements for works of this kind. The results obtained by the authors have signs of scientific novelty and reliability and will be of interest to sociologists, economists, urbanists, ecologists, specialists in the field of municipal management, as well as for students of the listed specialties. The presented material corresponds to the topic of the journal "Urbanistics". According to the results of the review, the article is recommended for publication.