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Pedagogy and education

Addictive behavior of the younger generation: problems, solutions

Glebova Lyubov' Nikolaevna

Doctor of Pedagogy

Russian Federation Senator, Federation Council Of The Federal Assembly Of The Russian Federation

103426, Russia, Moscow, Bolshaya Dmitrovka str., 26
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Guseva Natal'ya Valer'evna

ORCID: 0000-0002-2907-0737

PhD in Pedagogy

Associate Professor; Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy; Arzamas branch of the National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky

23 Gagarina str., Arzamass, Nizhny Novgorod region, 603022, Russia









Abstract: The article deals with the problem of the lack of a system of preparing subjects for the organization of psychological and pedagogical prevention of the younger generation in a general education institution, which will ensure the formation and development of a professionally competent personality of an employee of the modern field of education. The concept of addictive behavior of adolescents and the prevention of dependent behavior as a complex system and process, a unified concept and integration of efforts of the psychological and pedagogical community of educational institutions in modern socio-cultural conditions is considered. The problem of education and upbringing of the younger generation is very relevant today. This is due to the physical and psychological insecurity of a person due to the political, economic, and cultural realities of modern society. From these positions, it is the sphere of education, from our point of view, that should become a kind of foundation that guarantees respect for the rights of an individual in the field of his physical and psychological health. The authors studied the attitude of participants in the educational process of the Nizhny Novgorod region (Volga Federal District, Russia): teachers, administrative workers in the field of education, students and their legal representatives to the organization of psychological and pedagogical prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in a general education institution, and the system of work of specialists in the prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in a general education institution has been tested. The analysis showed that the key problem areas are: the creation of a system of value orientations of adolescents, the inculcation of generally accepted social norms; the creation of conditions for the prevention of coping strategies of adolescents, the formation of skills of responsible behavior, self-control and problem-solving planning skills; as well as the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents, which indicated the general need to increase the competence of employees in the indicated aspect. Based on the results of research and analysis of the experience of educational institutions, a system of prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in a general education institution has been developed and described.


addictive behavior, prevention of addictive behavior, modern teenagers, school, psychological and pedagogical prevention, educational institutions, teenager, staff, administrative staff, dependent behavior of adolescents

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In recent years, there has been a progressive interest in the problem of education and upbringing of the younger generation in Russia, as this is directly related to the problem of forming the younger generation with the qualities of a citizen-patriot of Russia, able to actively participate in strengthening and improving the foundations of society and the state. However, all this is complicated by the fact that modern adolescents are often not focused on creative activities, have deviant, antisocial, dependent and delinquent tendencies in behavior. In Russia, the level of juvenile delinquency in the field of socio-economic relations has increased significantly, where the object of crime is property rights, which are of exceptional importance in the life of citizens, society, and the state. Already in 1970, researchers introduced the concept of "addictive behavior" in order to study the influence of various types of addiction on personality formation and its development in various aspects of life. Studies have shown that dependent behavior is most often observed in people who are unable to cope with difficulties and seek to "escape from reality" or relax.

the main part

In the rapidly changing conditions of society, which is very characteristic of modernity, a person is faced with requirements, living conditions that use all the resources of the individual, which in the fragile psyche of the younger generation leads to difficulties and the formation of tendencies to dependent behavior. During the study of addictive behavior, scientists such as Landry M. [15] and Miller V. [15] came to the conclusion that a person prone to addictive behavior cannot independently solve the difficulties that have arisen. As a result, he is faced with new forms of pathological addictions, which are especially susceptible to adolescents and younger youth.

In modern psychological and pedagogical literature, "dependent behavior" is considered as a manifestation of destructive behavior when a person seeks to escape from reality through the use of substances that change his mental state. This condition captures a person so much that he begins to unconsciously strive for constant testing of emotions and is looking for ways to maintain them.

The issues of the emergence of dependent behavior were dealt with by Bratus B.S. [4], Korolenko Ts.P. [15], Kulakov S.A. [16], Kurek N.S. [21], Ovcharova R.V. [20], Simatova O.B. [21], Furmanov I.A. [17] and others. Dmitriev M.G. [8], Dubrovina D.A. [9], Kalinichenko O. Yu. [12], Lilyukhin A.M. [17], Lichko A.E. [18], Mendelevich V.D. [19] and others considered the study of the relationship between value orientations and propensity to dependent behavior in their works. Foreign scientists Vesmer O.V. [14], Cordwell M.[10], Meers D.R. [15] and others have revealed the problem of the emergence of dependent behavior in adolescents.

Scientists have noted that dependent behavior has a strong impact on the human psyche: his performance deteriorates, his emotional state, frequent conflicts with others, including with loved ones, deviant behaviors appear, etc. Also, domestic and foreign psychologists such as L.I. Bulotaite [5], E.L. Grigorenko [13], T.V. Kornilova [13] and others note that the presence of a tendency to dependent behavior begins to form in adolescence, since it is this age group that needs psychological help more than others and makes up a large group risk.

The presence of dependent behavior in adolescents manifests itself in different ways, it can be dependence on alcohol, psychotropic substances, smoking mixtures, dependence on food (including both excessive overeating and starvation), computer addiction, etc., which determines the importance of preventive work at this age. In our study, we will take a closer look at the prevention of a chemical type of addiction, since most often, in an effort to gain a certain authority in his reference group, a teenager chooses the most affordable means for him - alcohol, smoking and substance abuse.

Despite the fact that the state prioritizes the organization of preventive measures and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among young people, the number of adolescents prone to addictive behavior is constantly growing. The inability to realize the influence of harmful habits leads to the fact that a teenager later loses the ability to establish interpersonal relationships, cannot be realized in society, acquires deviant character traits, in some cases becomes marginalized and eventually ends up in prison. Therefore, it becomes especially urgent to organize preventive work with adolescents in order to reduce the risk of developing a tendency to dependent behavior among minors.

Despite the relevance of the research topic, at the moment there is a contradiction between the high importance of the prevention of dependent behavior in adolescents in a general education institution for the successful socialization and realization of a teenager's personality in society, and the insufficient theoretical and practical basis of research on the problem of socio-psychological and pedagogical prevention of dependent behavior in adolescents in domestic and foreign studies.

The purpose of the study: based on the analysis of scientific literature, the results of diagnostics and screening of the study, to identify the need for subjects of the educational process to organize psychological and pedagogical prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in a general education institution and to test the system of work of specialists in the prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in a general education institution.

To achieve this goal, we formulated the following research objectives:

1) to reveal the problem of socio-pedagogical prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in a general education institution from the standpoint of the ideas of systemic and environmental approaches, as well as fundamental theories of domestic and foreign researchers;

2) to study the experience, analyze and identify the possibilities of educational institutions of the Nizhny Novgorod region for the implementation of prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in a general education institution;

3) to develop and test a system of psychological and pedagogical prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in high school in a comprehensive school.

The object of the study is: the professional activity of a teacher-psychologist and a social teacher in a secondary school.

The subject of the study is the psychological and pedagogical work of specialists in the prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in a general education institution.

The methodological basis of our research consists of the ideas of systemic (Averyanov A.N. [1], Afanasyev V.G. [2], Bespalko V.P. [5], Kagan M.N. [11], Konarzhevsky Yu.A. [14], etc.) and environmental (Gazman O.S. [6], Manuilov Yu.S. [9], Serikov V.V. [9], Shchurkova N.E. [12], Yasvin V.A. [23], etc.) approaches, as well as works in the field of pedagogy and psychology, revealing the problem in the field of studying the prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents (Bratus B.S. [4], Dmitriev M.G. [8], Dubrovina D.A. [9], Korolenko Ts.P. [15], Kulakov S. A. [16], Kurek N.S. [16], Lichko A.E. [6], Mendelevich V.D. [19], Ovcharova R.V. [20], Simatova O.B. [21], Furmanov I.A. [21], etc.); research aimed at studying the causes and factors of the formation of dependent behavior of adolescents (Baranova E.V. [19], Bitensky V.S. [21], Glushko V.A. [19], Gogoleva A.V. [7], Zavyalov V.Yu. [19], Lichko A.E. [6], Sirota N.A. [12], Sobkin V.S. [12], etc.); studies devoted to the study of the possibilities of a social pedagogue's work on the prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in a general education institution (Vygotsky L.S. [5], Davydov V.V. [9], Lyaudis V.Ya. [17], Sorokoumova E.A. [22], Tsvetkova T.K. [12], Zuckerman G.A. [22], Elkonin D.B. [17], etc.).

In total, more than 838 people participated in the study (50 principals, 238 teachers and psychologists, 200 students, 350 parents of schools in Arzamas and districts of the Nizhny Novgorod region). The study was carried out from May 2022 to September 2023.

With the help of questionnaires and surveys, the essential components of a holistic view of the dependent behavior of adolescents in the process of learning in an educational institution were identified by representatives of the administration of the educational institution, direct subjects of the educational process: teachers, students and legal representatives. Internet technologies made it possible to reach a larger number of respondents, and the survey was conducted using a Yandex form (an example of a questionnaire for teaching staff and administration representatives: [24]. The purpose of the study: to identify the problem area and the needs of subjects of the field of education in the psychological and pedagogical prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in high school in a comprehensive school.

In 14 educational institutions of the Nizhny Novgorod region, a program was tested aimed at creating a system of value orientations of adolescents, instilling generally accepted social norms; creating conditions for the prevention of coping strategies of adolescents, developing responsible behavior skills, self-control and problem-solving planning skills; as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle among adolescents.

In the course of the study, it was confirmed that the main causes of the development of addictive behavior include: inadequate self-esteem, lack of developed volitional qualities; the presence of problems in the family, including the presence of deviant value attitudes in the family, a tense atmosphere, lack of warmth, care and understanding on the part of parents; the predominance of such type of upbringing as overprotection, connivance style, authoritarian; negative influence from the primary agents of socialization; features of the development of the adolescent's nervous system (the presence of birth injuries, disorders in the structures of the brain, personality anomalies), and others.

The system of psychological and pedagogical prevention of dependent behavior tested in general education institutions is a complex of specially organized measures created taking into account individual and age characteristics and including a certain type of activity aimed at preventing the formation and development of mental disorders. The main task of preventive activities when working with adolescents is to create conditions for the development of such important skills in adolescents as decision-making skills and regulation of emotional relationships, as well as the creation of favorable educational and social conditions, and limiting the influence of external negative factors. The main means of preventive activity in working with adolescents prone to dependent behavior include working to inform adolescents about the dangers of dependent behavior and informing them about alternative ways to meet their needs. Also, the possibilities of socio-pedagogical prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in an educational institution include the organization and conduct of primary and secondary prevention aimed at working with a risk group. The risk group includes students who received high scores during an early diagnostic study or have any social, psychological or individual personality problems, including learning problems or family difficulties. The most popular methods that are used in the prevention of adolescent addictive behavior are: observation, diagnosis, conversation, consultation (both individual and group), training sessions, preventive measures, lectures, class hours, etc.

According to the results of the study, according to the methodology of studying value orientations (Rokich M., modified by Leontiev D.A.) [3], on the scale of "terminal values", 16% of the subjects scored a high level, 57% scored an average level and 27% scored a low level. According to the "instrumental values" scale, 14% of people scored a high level, half of the subjects scored an average level on this scale (According to the results of the methodology for diagnosing propensity to 13 types of addictions (Lozovaya G.V.) [3] Alcohol dependence was detected in 23% of participants. Addiction to narcotic substances was detected in 5% of the participants. Smoking dependence was found in a quarter of the subjects. Gambling addiction was found in 15% of the participants. Addiction to computer games was found in 44% of the participants. Dependence on food was found in 8% of the participants. Internet addiction was found in 9% of the participants. (Dependence on work or study was found in 10 subjects (2%). Relationship dependence was found in 8% of the subjects. (Dependence on self-medication and medications, as well as on purchases and relationships, was found in 0% of participants. According to the results of the "Coping test" technique (Lazarus R.), the predominant strategy of behavior in adolescents in stressful situations is a strategy of confrontation, it was revealed in 24% of people. The strategy of taking responsibility was revealed in 12% of adolescents. Several teenagers (7%) resort to a planning strategy in stressful situations. A distancing strategy was identified in 14% of people. Some adolescents (7%) prefer to use a social support strategy, some adolescents (21%) are prone to escape-avoidance, only a few people (4%) preferred a positive reassessment strategy.

The psychological and pedagogical prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in high school, developed by specialists of the Arzamas branch of the National Research University, made it possible to form socially acceptable coping strategies among adolescents in order to prevent the occurrence of dependent behavior, including dependence on alcohol, narcotic substances and smoking. The program used such methods and techniques as: individual consultations, group trainings and discussions, the method of psychodrama and art therapy. Case studies and group discussion were also used. Within the framework of the program, a total of 16 classes were held, 10 classes with teenagers and 3 each with teachers and parents of students. According to the results of the repeated study, conclusions were drawn about the presence of positive dynamics in the experimental group: in the experimental group, 52% of people began to have a high level of terminal values and 57% of people had a high level of instrumental values. A self-control strategy was identified in 28% of the participants, and responsibility in 23% of the participants. Teenagers' addiction to alcohol and smoking has also decreased by almost 40%. The statistical Mann-Whitney criterion was used to confirm the reliability of the results obtained. The calculation of the criterion showed that there were no statistically significant changes in the control group, while in the experimental group the changes were significant.

Thus, it was confirmed that psychological and pedagogical prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents can become effective if an educational institution has developed and implements a program aimed at creating a system of value orientations of adolescents, instilling generally accepted social norms; creating conditions for the prevention of coping strategies of adolescents, the formation of responsible behavior skills, self-control and problem-solving planning skills; as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle among teenagers.



1. A theoretical analysis of scientific research and scientific and methodological literature has shown that the risk of forming addictive behavior is a dynamic system of mutual influence of individual psychological characteristics of a child and the reality surrounding him, especially vividly manifested are: the material needs of a growing personality due to their shortage, the discrepancy between expectations, desires and reality in a growing personality, a low level of intellectual emotional and volitional regulation of behavior, addictive and deviant forms of behavior of parents and an unfavorable psychological climate in the family.

2. The task of educating a full-fledged member of society is set as a priority for a modern school. Federal state educational standards (preschool, primary, basic, secondary general education) orient educational organizations today to the need to create a safe educational space that will be comfortable for all participants in the educational process.

Recommendations: It is necessary to develop a unified strategy for the activities of all participants in educational relations to prevent dependent behavior of students at all levels of education. At the same time, it should be emphasized the importance of ensuring that all subjects of the educational process are involved in this process, primarily when interacting with the administration, teachers, parents, and students.

3. The problem of creating psychological and pedagogical prevention of adolescent dependent behavior is very relevant today. This is due to the physical and psychological insecurity of a person due to the political, economic, and cultural realities of modern society.

Recommendations: The implementation of a set of measures to prevent dependent behavior in general education institutions should be organized at all age stages of the development of the younger personality, since it is the field of education, from our point of view, that should become a kind of foundation guaranteeing respect for the rights of the individual in the field of his physical and psychological health.

4. Diagnostics of the needs of teachers and administrative workers in the field of education, students and their parents in the field of education of the younger generation allowed to identify problem areas, key among which are: creation of a system of value orientations of adolescents, instilling generally accepted social norms; creation of conditions for the prevention of coping strategies of adolescents, the formation of responsible behavior skills, self-control and problem-solving planning skills; as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle among teenagers.

Recommendations: There is a need in the education system to improve the competence of employees in this aspect. In addition, in order to improve the competencies of teaching staff in the field of prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents, it is advisable to organize in general education institutions the importance of taking advanced training courses in appropriate programs; the opportunity to participate in scientific and practical seminars and strategic sessions on the problem; the possibility of creating and organizing the work of the Resource Center "Safe Educational Space", the purpose of which will be to provide psychological-pedagogical assistance to all subjects of the educational process, namely representatives of the administration of the educational institution, teachers, students and their parents, which will create a network space of mutual assistance for participants in educational relations.

The study can be expanded by increasing the number of students and ranking them according to gender differences, social conditions, and individual preferences. As well as the use of a larger number of methods in the study, including methods that study the peculiarities of parenting in the family of adolescents and the tendency of parents to have dependent behavior.

The data obtained in the course of the study can be used in the professional activities of social educators, educational psychologists in the study and implementation of preventive measures aimed at preventing the dependent behavior of adolescents in a general education institution.

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First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The article "Addictive behavior of the younger generation: problems, solutions" is submitted for review. The work is a theoretical review and description of the results of an empirical study. The subject of the study. The work is aimed at identifying the need for subjects of the educational process to organize psychological and pedagogical prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in a general education institution and to test the system of work of specialists in the prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in a general education institution based on the analysis of scientific literature, the results of diagnosis and screening of the study.. The author has solved the tasks set. The methodology of the study. The author has analyzed a number of works that address the problem raised. The methodological basis of the study is the provisions of: - a systematic (A.N. Averyanov, V.G. Afanasyev, V.P. Bespalko, M.N. Kagan Yu.A., Konarzhevsky, etc.) approach; - environmental (O.S. Gazman, Yu.S. Manuilov, V.V. Serikov, N.E. Shchurkova, V.A. Yasvin et al.) approach; - works in the field of pedagogy and psychology, revealing the problem in the field of studying the prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents (Bratus B.S., Dmitriev M.G., Dubrovina D.A., Korolenko Ts.P., Kulakov S. A., Kurek N.S., Lichko A.E., Mendelevich V.D., Ovcharova R.V., Simatova O.B., Furmanov I.A., etc.); - studies aimed at studying the causes and factors of the formation of dependent behavior of adolescents (Baranova E.V., Bitensky V.S., Glushko V.A., Gogoleva A.V., Zavyalov V.Yu., Lichko A.E., Sirota N.A., Sobkin V.S. - studies devoted to the study of the possibilities of the work of a social pedagogue on the prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in a general education institution (Vygotsky L.S., Davydov V.V., Lyaudis V.Ya., Sorokoumova E.A., Tsvetkova T.K., Zukerman G.A., Elkonin D.B., etc.). The relevance and scientific novelty of the research. The problem raised in the article is relevant. The author notes that it is important to consider the problem raised and outline ways to solve it. The scientific novelty of the research. The following conclusions were drawn in the work: - the problem of socio-pedagogical prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in a general education institution is revealed from the standpoint of the ideas of systemic and environmental approaches, as well as fundamental theories of domestic and foreign researchers; - the experience has been studied, the possibilities of educational institutions of the Nizhny Novgorod region for the implementation of the prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in a general education institution have been analyzed and identified; - a system of psychological and pedagogical prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in high school has been developed and tested. Style, structure, content. The style of presentation corresponds to publications of this level. The language of the work is scientific. The structure of the work can be traced, despite the fact that the author has not highlighted the main semantic parts. The logic of the work can be traced. The volume and content of the article meets the requirements for works of this level. This made it possible to fully reveal the subject of the study. The introductory section presents the relevance of the ongoing research. The author notes that at the moment there is a contradiction between the high importance of the prevention of dependent behavior in adolescents in a general education institution for the successful socialization and realization of a teenager's personality in society, and the insufficient theoretical and practical basis of research on the problem of socio-pedagogical prevention of dependent behavior in adolescents in domestic and foreign studies. The introductory section defines the purpose, objectives, object, subject, and methodological basis of the study. The author presents a short theoretical overview. The main section is devoted to the description of the conducted research on a sample of 838 people. The study was conducted between May 2022 and September 2023. It allowed: - to identify the essential components of a holistic view of the dependent behavior of adolescents in the learning process from representatives of the administration of an educational institution; - to identify problem areas and needs of subjects of the field of education in the psychological and pedagogical prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in high school in a comprehensive school; - to test a program aimed at creating a system of value orientations of adolescents, instilling generally accepted social norms, creating conditions for the prevention of coping strategies of adolescents, the formation of responsible behavior skills, self-control and problem-solving planning skills; as well as the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents. At the end of the article, the author made detailed and reasoned conclusions. Bibliography. The bibliography of the article includes 22 domestic sources, a small part of which have been published in the last three years. There are not enough articles and abstracts in the list. The bibliography is mainly represented by monographs, teaching aids, reference dictionaries and online publications. The sources are mostly incorrectly and heterogeneously designed. Appeal to opponents. Recommendations: 1) to structure the work, highlighting the introduction, the main part and the conclusion; 2) to analyze more modern works of specialists (over the past 3-5 years), since theoretical analysis is insufficient, as well as to form reasoned and substantiated conclusions based on the results of the theoretical review; 3) to bring to uniformity the full names of specialists who dealt with this problem (the paper presents various options - A.N. Averyanov, E.A. Sorokoumova); 4) expand the bibliographic list with research papers (articles, monographs, dissertations, abstracts of dissertations, etc.) on the problem; 5) offer recommendations based on the results obtained; 6) review the work for syntactic inaccuracies, and also spelling, stylistic and semantic descriptions. Conclusions. The problems of the topic are of undoubted relevance, theoretical and practical value; it will be of interest to specialists who deal with the problems of addictive behavior of the younger generation. The article may be recommended for publication. However, it is important to take into account the highlighted recommendations and make appropriate changes. This will make it possible to submit scientific, methodological and research work to the editorial board, which is characterized by scientific novelty and practical significance.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The review of the article "Addictive behavior of the younger generation: problems, solutions" The relevance of the research topic and its relevance to the specialization of the journal "Pedagogy and Education" is not in doubt due to the trends in the transformation of Russian education, which determine the priorities of the upbringing of the younger generation. The subject of the study is the organization of preventive measures and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among young people. The analysis of such categories as "dependent behavior", "destructive behavior", "emotional state", "prevention", "value orientations", "", "addictive behavior", etc. is presented as a problem field of research. The system of psychological and pedagogical prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in high school in a comprehensive school was identified and analyzed in detail. The results of the analysis showed that the main causes of the development of addictive behavior include: inadequate self-esteem, lack of developed volitional qualities; the presence of problems in the family, including the presence of deviant value attitudes in the family, a tense atmosphere, lack of warmth, care and understanding on the part of parents; the predominance of such a type of upbringing as hyperprotection, permissive style, authoritarian; negative influence from the primary agents of socialization; features of the development of the adolescent's nervous system. It is assumed that the system of psychological and pedagogical prevention of dependent behavior tested in general education institutions is a complex of specially organized measures created taking into account individual and age characteristics and including a certain type of activity aimed at preventing the formation and development of mental disorders. The advantage of the work is the key, cross-cutting leading ideas about preventive activities when working with adolescents. It is the creation of conditions for the development of such important skills in adolescents as decision-making skills and regulation of emotional attitudes, as well as the creation of favorable educational and social conditions, and limiting the influence of external negative factors. The study is aimed at realizing the possibilities of socio-pedagogical prevention of adolescent dependent behavior in an educational institution, which includes the organization and conduct of primary and secondary prevention aimed at working with a risk group. Of interest are the results of a study of the psychological and pedagogical prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents in high school in a comprehensive school environment, which allowed the formation of socially acceptable coping strategies among adolescents in order to prevent the occurrence of dependent behavior, including dependence on alcohol, narcotic substances and smoking. The methodology of the reviewed work is based on theoretical methods: analysis and generalization of theoretical sources on the research problem; empirical methods of mathematical data processing. The article implements in sufficient detail the systematization and generalization of data related to the use of such methods and techniques as: individual consultations, group trainings and discussions, the method of psychodrama and art therapy. The article has a scientific novelty related to the study of psychological and pedagogical prevention of dependent behavior of adolescents, which can become effective if an educational institution has developed and implements a program aimed at creating a system of value orientations of adolescents, instilling generally accepted social norms. The structure of the article meets the requirements for scientific publications. A detailed qualitative analysis of the results obtained on the subject under study is presented. The content of the article, which examines the creation of conditions for the prevention of coping strategies of adolescents, the formation of responsible behavior skills, self-control and problem-solving planning skills; as well as the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents, generally corresponds to its title. The style of presentation of the material meets the requirements for scientific publications. The bibliography corresponds to the content of the article and is represented by 24 literary sources. The results substantiate the importance of theoretical and practical research of the features of the professional activities of social educators, educational psychologists in the study and implementation of preventive measures aimed at preventing the dependent behavior of adolescents in a general education institution. The article arouses the reader's interest and can be recommended for publication.

Third Peer Review

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The subject of the study is the psychological and pedagogical problems of addictive behavior in adolescents and its prevention in secondary schools. The research methodology is based on a combination of theoretical and empirical approaches using methods of analysis (including statistical), survey, questionnaire, generalization, comparison, synthesis. The relevance of the study is determined by the continuing importance of socialization of the younger generations, including the prevention of addictive behavior, including in secondary schools. The scientific novelty is associated with the empirical data obtained by the author, as well as the formulated conclusions that the risk of forming addictive behavior is a dynamic system of mutual influence of the individual psychological characteristics of the child and the surrounding reality. At the same time, the problem areas are the creation of a system of value orientations, the inculcation of generally accepted social norms, the creation of conditions for the prevention of coping strategies, the formation of responsible behavior skills, self-control and problem-solving planning skills, and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. A number of practical recommendations have also been developed for social educators, educational psychologists to study the dependent behavior of adolescents and carry out preventive measures aimed at their prevention in a general education institution. The article is written in Russian literary language. The style of presentation is scientific. The structure of the manuscript includes the following sections: Introduction (interest in the problem of education and upbringing of the younger generation, deviant, antisocial, dependent and delinquent tendencies in behavior, the level of juvenile delinquency in the field of socio-economic relations, the concept of "addictive behavior"), the main part (studies of addictive behavior, "dependent behavior", deviant forms of behavior, dependent behavior in adolescents, the results of a survey of 838 people (50 principals, 238 teachers and psychologists, 200 students, 350 parents of schools in Arzamas and districts of the Nizhny Novgorod region) in 2022-2023, value orientations, propensities to various types of addictions, prevailing strategies of behavior in adolescents in stressful situations, a program of psychological and pedagogical prevention of addiction behavior of adolescents in high school, Conclusion (conclusions), Bibliography. The content generally corresponds to the title. At the same time, the wording of the title is more suitable for a monograph than for a separate article. The title of the manuscript should be specified in accordance with the subject of the study (addictive behavior of adolescents and its prevention in secondary schools). It is desirable to present empirical data in a more visual form in the form of tables or diagrams. The Mann-Whitney criterion will allow you to analyze differences in two samples, but not changes (for example, the Wilcoxon criterion should be used to analyze changes). The bibliography includes 24 sources, mainly by domestic authors – monographs, scientific articles, materials of scientific events, Internet resources. Bibliographic descriptions of some sources require adjustments in accordance with GOST and editorial requirements, for example: 5. Vygotsky L. S. Adolescent pedology: the problem of age : in 6 volumes. – M.: Pedagogy, 2014. – Vol. 3. – 460 p. 6. Gazman O.S. Pedagogical support for children in education as an innovative problem // New values of education: ten concepts and essays. – M. : Innovator, 1995. – Issue 3. – 58 p. 11. Kagan M. S. On a systematic approach to a systematic approach // Philosophical Sciences. - 1973. – No. 6. – pp. 34-42. 12. Kalinichenko O. Y. Formation of addictive behavior in adolescence and adolescence: a systematic analysis of social and psychological risk factors : dis. ... cand. Biol. sciences : 05.13.01. – Moscow, 2007. – 165 p. Attention is drawn to the almost complete absence of references to the works of foreign authors. Appeal to opponents (A. N. Averyanov, Yu. V. Afanasyev, Yu. A. Matveeva, Bozhovich, B. S. Bratus, L. S. Vygotsky, O. S. Gazman, A.V. Gogoleva, M. G. Dmitriev, I. V. Dubrovina, M. Cordwell, M. S. Kagan, O. Y. Kalinichenko, G. I. Kolesnikova, Yu. A. Konarzhevsky, Ts. P. Korolenko, N. V. Dmitrieva, T. A. Shpiks, S. A. Kulakov, A.M. Lilyukhin, A. E. Lichko, V. D. Mendelevich, R. V. Ovcharova, M. A. Myagkova, O. B. Simatova, E. A. Sorokoumova, L. A. Sukhoversha, G. A. Zukerman, V. A. Yasvin, etc.) takes place. In general, the material is of interest to the readership and, after revision, can be published in the journal Pedagogy and Education.