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Taxes and Taxation

Improving the mechanism of tax administration of VAT benefits in the context of digitalization

Balakin Maksim Sergeevich

Postgraduate student, Department of Taxes and Tax Administration, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

15 Verkhnyaya Maslovka str., Moscow, 127083, Russia









Abstract: The article explores the issues of improving the mechanism of tax administration of value added tax (VAT) benefits in the context of digitalization. The purpose of the study is to develop an improved control system for the use of VAT tax benefits, taking into account the digitalization of the process of consolidating taxpayer data, in order to increase the efficiency and transparency of tax administration. The object of the study is VAT tax benefits, and the subject is the mechanism of tax administration of these benefits in the context of digitalization. The paper describes the features of VAT taxation, the process of tax administration in the Russian Federation and the historical context of the formation of a system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits. The main focus is on the existing control system and proposed improvements, including the creation of a centralized platform for collecting and analyzing information about taxpayers, as well as automating the processes of confirming the eligibility of tax benefits. The article offers a number of recommendations, including the unification of the list of documents, standardization of documents forms, changes in the VAT declaration and the regulation of the rules governing the rights of taxpayers to refuse to apply the VAT tax benefit. These measures are necessary for the full implementation of the developed control system and can contribute to improving efficiency. The proposed system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits, including digitalization of the process of consolidating taxpayer data, can make significant improvements in VAT tax administration, bringing it to a new level of efficiency and transparency. Creating a centralized platform for collecting and analyzing information about taxpayers, as well as automating the processes of confirming the eligibility of tax benefits, will allow the tax service to significantly reduce the need for manual documentation requests from enterprises, which will reduce the administrative burden for both the tax service and taxpayers. In addition, the introduction of a control system based on consolidated data will improve interaction between various government agencies, contributing to digitalization and optimization of tax processes. This step is an important stage in the formation of tax administration 2.0 and is necessary for the subsequent transition to more advanced forms of administration that ensure increased efficiency, transparency and fairness of the tax system as a whole, which will contribute to accelerating economic growth in the Russian Federation.


VAT, value added tax, tax administration, the mechanism of tax administration, tax benefits, digitalization, digitalization of tax benefits, digitalization of the economy, Economy, tax

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Value added tax (VAT) is one of the main sources of income for the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation. Thus, in 2023, internal VAT amounted to 12% of all revenues of the Russian budget system, and taking into account VAT on imported goods – 20% [24].

VAT, as a relatively neutral tax, hinders economic growth less than, for example, income taxes on individuals and legal entities, which are considered more distorting [2]. Therefore, an increase in the share of this tax in the structure of the tax system can, in principle, contribute to positive economic dynamics. Although there is no convincing empirical evidence for such a statement. Much depends on the circumstances of the place and time, including how tax revenues are spent [1, p. 92].

However, if the basic VAT rate increases, this may have negative consequences for economic growth. There are several reasons for this.

First, an increase in the tax rate may lead to a decrease in the purchasing power of consumers, especially the less well-off, as goods burdened with an increased tax become more expensive. As a result, the population may reduce their consumer spending, which will negatively affect demand, reducing overall economic activity in the country.

Secondly, an increase in VAT may increase inflationary pressures, especially if enterprises have the opportunity to shift their higher costs to consumers in the form of price increases. Inflation can further reduce consumer purchasing power and, if it exceeds a certain threshold, significantly increase uncertainty in the economy, which negatively affects investment and economic growth.

Thirdly, an increase in VAT rates, depending on the specifics of tax transfer in a given situation, may also partially affect businesses, reducing profit margins and potentially hindering investments in new projects or expansion of production, on which economic growth depends. In addition, business costs may increase due to the increased costs of complying with tax legislation (usually a large number of offenses are associated with VAT, which are more burdensome for taxpayers at a high tax rate).

One can also cite arguments related to redistributive effects, international trade, etc. Therefore, it is better not to raise the basic VAT rate, increasing the risks to economic growth, but to ensure an increase in budget revenues through better administration of this tax, while directing additional funds to compensate for shortfalls in more distorting taxes, such as insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance.

In this regard, the digitalization of tax administration, which can reduce tax gaps, is of particular importance. The use of digital technologies, such as data automation and analytics, makes it possible to quickly identify and eliminate discrepancies in tax chains, which prevents tax evasion and increases tax revenues to the budget. As a result of the digitalization of tax administration, by the end of 2020, the VAT tax gap was 0.43%, while in previous years it averaged 8% [12, p. 107].

Given the important role of digital technologies in improving tax administration mechanisms, much attention is paid to theoretical and applied issues of their use in taxation.

A. Advocatova [5] and S. Kopytova [17] focus on specific systems and processes related to the functioning of AIS "Tax-3". E. Kirova, A. Kozhebatkina [16] and I. Ogorodnikova [20] focus on the patterns of general evolution and new technologies of tax administration. C. Kubatko and B. Vilgonenko [18] pays more attention to current problems and offers specific solutions. And Anisimova [6-8], S. Kolchin [7-8], V. Brattsev and A. Grishanova [9] consider international experience and adaptation of best practices to the realities of the Russian economy. D. Grunina [13] discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using information technology in tax administration. I. Gashenko [11], E. Golik [12], O. Karpova and I. Maiburov [14], N. Steba [21] focus on the problems of VAT administration and methods of increasing efficiency through digitalization and automation of processes. A. Bugrushev [10] analyzes modern tools such as AIS systems "Tax-3" and the VAT ASK, as well as their impact on tax control.

At the same time, despite the wide coverage of topics and research areas in this subject area and the successes already achieved in practice, further analysis of the specific problems of digitalization of tax administration of VAT benefits related to the consolidation of taxpayer data is required. To date, the administration of VAT benefits has not yet been fully digitized and is performed mainly manually. This, in turn, negatively affects the efficiency and transparency of tax administration.

In this regard, the purpose of the study is to develop proposals to improve the system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits, taking into account the digitalization of the process of consolidating taxpayer data and aimed at further improving the efficiency and transparency of tax administration.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been solved:

- the state of VAT tax administration in the Russian Federation has been analyzed;

- the history of the formation of tax administration in the field of control over the use of VAT tax benefits is investigated;

- the features of the current system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits in the Russian Federation have been identified;

- proposals have been developed to improve the system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits, taking into account the digitalization of the process of consolidating taxpayer data.

The following research methods were used:

- economic and legal analysis – to consider the specifics of legislative and regulatory acts regulating tax administration and preferential VAT taxation;

- historical and legal method – to study the history of the formation and development of the tax administration system in the field of control over the use of VAT tax benefits;

- algorithmization – to describe the current system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits, as well as to create a new, more advanced algorithm for the functioning of the system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits, providing for the digitalization of the process of consolidating data on taxpayers.

The structure of the work is as follows.

At the beginning, the features of VAT tax administration in the Russian Federation are considered. The analysis of the history of the formation of tax administration in the field of control over the use of tax benefits continues. Then, based on the results of the performed analysis, the features of the current system are considered and a new, improved control system for the use of VAT tax benefits is proposed. The work is completed with a discussion of the results and brief conclusions.

Features of VAT tax administration in the Russian Federation

Usually, national tax authorities begin the digitalization process with VAT, since this tax, unlike the same corporate income tax, lends itself well to algorithmization. In this regard, the Russian Federation is an example of how the VAT tax administration system can develop in the context of digitalization: from filing a tax return in electronic form to creating a national data analysis platform that allows the Federal Tax Service of Russia (FTS of Russia) to view "risky" transactions, as well as track them throughout the supply chain to identify systemic fraud and tax evasion [4].

As a result, at the OECD Tax Administration Forum, it was noted that Russia, represented by the Federal Tax Service of Russia, is among the leading countries in terms of the use of digital technologies, and VAT is the leader of Russian taxes in terms of the digitalization of its administration [22].

In recent years, the approach to VAT tax administration in the Russian Federation has undergone a number of significant changes: the number of documents provided by taxpayers has decreased; the principle of interaction between tax authorities and other departments has changed; automated software systems have been introduced; a risk-oriented approach has been developed and applied [1; 2; 15; 18].

At the same time, it is still important to solve the problems of further digitalization of the elements of the current tax administration system, especially in the field of control over the use of VAT tax benefits.

The history of the formation of tax administration in the field of control over the use of VAT tax benefits in the Russian Federation

Prior to the introduction of VAT-2 in 2015, the administration of VAT benefits was based on a variety of paper-based manual and disparate processes with a focus on how the tax system should work from a tax administration perspective.

The first significant problem inherent in this type of tax administration was the lack of a clear list of documents confirming the company's right to VAT benefits. Such uncertainty led to misunderstandings between taxpayers and tax authorities, as well as to an increased risk of unlawful requirements regarding the provision of documents by tax authorities.

The second problem was the lack of clear rules prohibiting the submission of repeated documents or documents that can be discovered by tax inspectors on their own. Uncertainty in this matter created increased risks for taxpayers if they provided documents that were duplicated, or vice versa, if they ignored the requirements of inspectors, which could lead to fines and sanctions.

The third is the lack of standard contracts and approved forms of documents, especially in cases where they are necessary to confirm benefits or special tax conditions. Insufficient standardization of documentation complicated the tax administration process and created additional difficulties for both taxpayers and tax authorities.

The introduction of VAT-2 in 2015 was a turning point in the development of the VAT tax administration system. The main purpose of this software package was to identify and eliminate VAT tax gaps, as well as to detect cases of illegal reduction of the tax base and the amount of accrued tax through the use of "one-day enterprises". In addition, the program began to include a risk management system – SUR ASK VAT-2, which began to automatically assess the level of tax risk of taxpayers who submitted VAT declarations according to several dozen criteria [19].

As a result of the transition to a risk-based approach based on the VAT-2 RMS, the approach to identifying and analyzing tax risks associated with the application of tax benefits has been changed. So, in 2017, a Letter from the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. ED-4-15/1281@ was published "On sending clarifications regarding a risk-based approach to conducting desk tax audits of tax returns, which reflect transactions that are not subject to VAT taxation in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation", which established standard contracts and determined the percentage rates for taxpayers to submit documents depending on their risk profile, which greatly simplified the work of tax authorities in the field of control over the use of VAT tax benefits.

In 2020, it was decided to abolish standard documents and introduce electronic registers into the process of tax administration of VAT benefits. Now organizations submit electronic registers, and tax inspectors request documents according to certain codes specified in articles of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation:

- for counterparties – Article 93.1 "Requesting documents (information) about the taxpayer, the payer of fees, the payer of insurance premiums and the tax agent or information about specific transactions";

- for state bodies – Article 85 "Obligations of bodies, institutions, organizations and officials to report to the tax authorities information related to accounting of organizations and individuals";

- for banks – Article 86 "Obligations of banks related to the implementation of tax control".

Features of the current system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits in the Russian Federation

Figure 1 schematically shows the current system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits.

As can be seen from the diagram, despite the fact that the main communication between the taxpayer and the tax service takes place through telecommunication channels, the current system still maintains a manual mode - when the tax inspector requests, and the taxpayer provides documents confirming the right to receive a VAT tax benefit.

Since the current system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits requires manual request and submission of documents, this increases the time and resources needed to verify the taxpayer's right to tax benefits.

Also, the manual mode of communication complicates the stage of checking tax benefits and may lead to an increased risk of unlawful requirements regarding the provision of documents by the tax authorities.

Finally, manual document processing increases the risk of errors and delays in the process of tax administration of VAT benefits, which can also negatively affect the efficiency of the entire system.

Source: compiled by the author

Fig. 1. The current system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits

An improved system for monitoring the use of VAT tax benefits, taking into account the digitalization of the process of consolidating taxpayer data

One of the promising directions for further digitalization of VAT tax administration, which can solve the described problems, is a system for monitoring the use of VAT tax benefits, based on the consolidation of taxpayer data in order to create a single point of access to information.

This new approach involves the creation of a platform that will accumulate all the necessary information about taxpayers, including information accumulated by various subordinate organizations that have a register of legal entities that operate in the relevant field.

Unlike the current system, which requires the work of a tax inspector in manual mode (see the right part of Fig. 1), now the consolidated information will be automatically "pulled up" in the VAT-2 Tax Code and used to confirm the eligibility of taxpayers to apply the VAT tax benefit without manually requesting taxpayers to provide them with the necessary supporting documentation (Fig. 2).

The manual mode of providing documents can be applied only if there is a disparity between the information "pulled up" by the software and the data displayed in the reporting on benefits (in electronic registers). Only at this point will the tax inspector be involved in the work to clarify the causes of such a "gap", and its functionality will be aimed at eliminating alleged violations.

It should be noted that the proposed system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits based on the consolidation of data from various subordinate organizations can be an important step towards the formation of tax administration 2.0, which involves, among other things, improving interaction both within the tax service and the tax service with other public administration bodies [3, p. 3]. Without this stage of digitalization, a further transition to even more advanced tax administration 3.0 is impossible.

The advantages of the proposed approach are also that digitalization of data exchange will increase the efficiency and speed of information processing, strengthen control over the legality of tax benefits and reduce the likelihood of fraud and possible abuse in this area.

Source: compiled by the author

Fig. 2. The proposed system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits, taking into account the digitalization of the process of consolidation of taxpayer data

However, the implementation of this system is associated with a number of problems. For its full implementation, compliance with a number of conditions is required, including:

(1) unification of the list of documents confirming the right of enterprises to VAT benefits, with a clear distinction between which documents the taxpayer himself must submit, and which documents can be "pulled up" from subordinate organizations automatically[1];

(2) standardization of standard forms of documents submitted by taxpayers to simplify the process of their digitalization and consolidation;

(3) amendments to the VAT declaration regarding the division of activities that fall and do not fall under preferential VAT taxation;

(4) regulation of the rules governing the rights of taxpayers to refuse to apply the VAT tax benefit.

Condition (1) is put forward on the basis of an analysis of existing problems in document management and interaction between tax authorities and taxpayers. Its implementation is necessary to eliminate ambiguity and improve the interaction between them. This requires a clear definition of the list of documents provided by the taxpayer, which can be automatically transferred from subordinate organizations, which will help reduce the risk of errors and the overall administrative burden.

The statement of condition (2) is based on the positive experience of standardizing documents in the field of tax administration. It is aimed at reducing the cost of time, labor and financial resources for tax administration, as well as reducing the likelihood of possible errors.

Condition (3) is formulated based on the analysis of current difficulties and errors in the practice of tax administration associated with insufficient detail and clarity of tax returns. The separation of activities that fall and do not fall under preferential VAT taxation will allow the developed system to provide the necessary data to digitalize the process of consolidating taxpayer data, as well as simplify control over the eligibility for the application of VAT benefits.

Finally, condition (4) is related to the need to ensure freedom of choice for taxpayers, which is the basis of any fair tax system. This condition prevents the enforcement of benefits that may be unprofitable for some business entities.

Thus, the developed approach develops ideas related to the application of taxation principles in the digital economy (see, for example, [11]), namely the requirement to minimize the costs of access to the tax base.

At the same time, unlike works that put forward general directions of digitalization of tax administration, in particular, focus on the need to use it to improve the effectiveness of tax control [5], propose new approaches for adapting tax authorities to digital changes [9], etc., the completed study contains specific provisions regarding the conditions necessary for further digitalization of the control system for the use of VAT tax benefits.


The paper substantiates an improved system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits, which provides for the digitalization of the process of consolidating taxpayer data, which is based on the general principles of taxation in the digital economy and can make significant improvements in VAT tax administration, bringing it to a new level of efficiency and transparency.

This system provides for the creation of a centralized platform for collecting and analyzing information about taxpayers, as well as automating the processes of confirming the eligibility of tax benefits. This will allow the tax service to reduce the amount of work on manual requests for documents from enterprises, which will reduce the administrative burden for both the tax service and taxpayers.

In addition, a control system based on consolidated data can improve interaction between various government agencies, contributing to further digitalization and optimization of tax processes. This step is an important stage in the formation of tax administration 2.0, which is necessary for the subsequent transition to more advanced forms of administration that ensure increased efficiency, transparency and fairness of the tax system as a whole.

However, for the successful implementation of the proposed system, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work on the unification and standardization of documents confirming the right of enterprises to VAT benefits, making appropriate changes to the VAT declaration, and regulating the rules governing the rights of taxpayers to refuse to apply tax benefits.

The theoretical significance of the study is that it substantiates the conditions necessary for the implementation of the principles of tax administration in the digital economy (for example, VAT). Its practical significance lies in the fact that the developed system of automatic control over the use of VAT tax benefits can be used in the activities of tax authorities as part of the program module of the SUR ASK VAT-2.

An important area of further research in this subject area is the justification of digital mechanisms for automatically determining the effectiveness and efficiency of the application of VAT tax benefits.

The article was prepared based on the results of research carried out at the expense of budgetary funds under the state assignment of the Financial University.

1. James, K. (2015). The Rise of the Value-Added Tax. New York: Cambridge University Press.
2. Johansson, Å., Heady, C., Arnold, J., Brys, B., & Vartia, L. (2008). Taxation and Economic Growth (OECD Economics Department Working Paper No. 620). OECD Economics Department.
3. Metro Manila. (2022). Launching a Digital Tax Administration Transformation: What You Need to Know. Philippines.
4. EYGM Limited. (2019). Tax Administration Goes Digital. Retrieved from
5. Advokatova, A. (2018). Development of Tax Control Models as a Factor in Reducing the Level of Shadow Economic Processes in the Context of Digitalization. Economics. Taxes. Law, 11(5), 136-145.
6. Anisimova, A.A. (2021). Methods for Improving Digital Tax Services in Modern Tax Administration Practices. Taxes and Taxation, (1), 71-80.
7. Anisimova, A.A., & Kolchin, S.P. (2020). Engaging Taxpayers in the Digital Tax Environment: Behavioral Economics Tools. Taxes and Taxation, (5), 76-87.
8. Anisimova, A.A., & Kolchin, S.P. (2020). Development of Digital Tax Services in Russia Amid Global Trends. Taxes and Taxation, (2), 40-51.
9. Bratsev, V.I., & Grishanova, A.M. (2021). Development of the Digitalization Process as a Factor Determining Changes in the Mechanism of Tax Administration. Bulletin of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, 18(1), 5-13.
10. Bugrushev, A. (2023). Inspector Tools [Electronic Resource]. Materials from the LLC «Publishing Group «Zakon» Website. Retrieved from
11. Vishnevsky, V.P., Goncharenko, L.I., Dementiev, V.V., & Gurnak, A.V. (2022). Principles of Taxation for the Digital Economy. Terra Economicus, 20, 59-71.
12. Gashenko, I.V., Orobinskaya, I.V., & Zima, Y.S. (2019). Achieving VAT Tax Administration Efficiency in the Context of Atomization and Digitalization of Tax Processes. Taxes and Taxation, (11), 1-7.
13. Golik, E.N. (2021). Digitalization of VAT Administration in the Economic Security System. State and Municipal Management. Scholar Notes, (2), 103-109.
14. Grunina, D.K. (2018). Information Digital Technologies in the Activities of Tax Authorities. Taxes and Finance, 1(37), 24-35.
15. Karpova, O.M., & Mayburov, I.A. (2019). Transformations of the Value-Added Tax in the Context of the Accelerated Digitalization of the Russian Economy. Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Economics, (46), 7-19.
16. Kirova, E.A., Karp, M.V., Samodelko, L.S., & Zakharova, A.V. (2024). Innovative Development of Tax Administration in Russia. Finance: Theory and Practice, (1), 85-97.
17. Kirova, E.A., & Kozhebatkina, A.V. (2020). Modernization of Tax Control in the Context of the Digital Economy. University Bulletin, (9), 94-99.
18. Kopytova, S. (2023). Integration with the Information System "AIS Nalog-3". Retrieved from
19. Kubatko, S.A., & Vilgonenko, I.M. (2023). Current Problems of Tax Administration and Ways to Improve Tax Control at the Present Stage. Legal Bulletin of DSU, 45(1), 52-59.
20. Federal Tax Service. (2016). On the Assessment of Risk Criteria for the SUR [Federal Tax Service Letter No. ED-4-15/9933 dated 03.06.2016]. Retrieved from
21. Ogorodnikova, I.I. (2019). Digital Transformation of Tax Control: Evolution and Trends. Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Economics, (46), 152-162.
22. Federal Tax Service. (2024). Summary «On the Receipt of Revenues Administered by the Federal Tax Service of Russia in 2023». Retrieved from
23. Steba, N.D. (2023). Administration of Value-Added Tax in the Context of the Digitalization of the Economy. Economics and Entrepreneurship, (4), 170-173.
24. Federal Tax Service. (2017). The Federal Tax Service Assessed the Digital Maturity of the World's Tax Administrations. Retrieved from

First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the study. Based on the title, the article should be devoted to improving the mechanism of tax administration of VAT benefits in the context of digitalization. Familiarization with the text allows us to conclude that the content of the article, in general, corresponds to the stated topic. The research methodology is based on the use of induction and deduction methods. The author graphically presented the current system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits. The lack of knowledge of the numerical data characterizing the subject of the study reduces the impression of familiarization with this article. It is also necessary to specify the data sources(s) under all graphical objects. The relevance of the study of issues related to the modernization of the tax administration system does not raise any questions. This meets the goals and objectives of the functioning of the Federal Tax Service. Moreover, the amount of revenue mobilized to the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation depends on the quality of the organization of tax administration, which is one of the most important tasks in the context of ensuring the formation of financial resources for financial support of the implementation of measures to achieve the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. The scientific novelty in the materials submitted for review is not clearly expressed, but a number of aspects will be able to claim it with further development. The system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits proposed in Figure 2 is of the greatest interest, taking into account the digitalization of the process of consolidating taxpayer data. The author is recommended to graphically show the differences from the current system shown in Figure 1. Style, structure, content. The style of presentation is scientific. The structure of the article has been built by the author, but it is recommended to add an introduction, specifying the purpose, objectives and methods of research. It is also interesting to present an analysis of the degree of development of the topic. Familiarization with the content allows us to conclude that there is insufficient justification for the author's judgments, some of which are interesting, but do not contain arguments. For example, the author pointed out that in order to fully implement the developed approach, it is necessary to comply with a number of conditions and gave them 4 names. And why exactly such a set of conditions? How did the author come to this conclusion? Bibliography. The bibliographic list consists of 10 titles. It is valuable that it contains both domestic and foreign scientific publications. At the same time, the number of sources should be increased at least 2 times. Given the active consideration in the scientific community of the issues raised in the text of the reviewed article, this is not a difficult task. Appeal to opponents. Despite the bibliographic list, the author does not carry out any scientific discussion in the text of the reviewed article. The author is recommended to indicate the increase in scientific knowledge compared to what is currently presented in the domestic and foreign scientific literature. The elimination of this remark will also contribute to the formation of a clearly expressed scientific novelty. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. Taking into account all the above, the article requires revision, after which it will be in demand at a qualitatively high level from different groups of potential readership.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The reviewed work is devoted to improving the mechanism of tax administration of value added tax benefits in the context of digitalization. The research methodology is based on the application of economic and legal analysis, historical and legal method, and algorithmization to describe the system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits. The relevance of the work is due to the fact that value added tax is one of the main sources of income for the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation, and the digitalization of tax administration, the use of information technology, automation of work with data and their analytics, allows you to quickly identify and eliminate discrepancies in tax chains, which prevents tax evasion and increases tax revenues to the budget. The scientific novelty of the reviewed study, according to the reviewer, lies in the proposals developed by the authors to improve the system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits, taking into account the digitalization of the process of consolidating taxpayer data and aimed at further improving the efficiency and transparency of tax administration. The following sections are highlighted in the text of the article: Introduction, Features of VAT tax administration in the Russian Federation, The history of the formation of tax administration in the field of control over the use of VAT tax benefits in the Russian Federation, Features of the current system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits in the Russian Federation, an improved system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits, taking into account digitalization the process of consolidating data on taxpayers, Conclusion, Bibliography. The article provides an overview of publications on the role of digital technologies in improving tax administration mechanisms, theoretical and applied issues of their use in taxation. Changes in VAT tax administration in our country have been noted: the number of documents provided by taxpayers has decreased; the principle of interaction between tax authorities and other departments has changed; automated software systems have been introduced; a risk-oriented approach has been developed and applied. It is shown that the introduction in 2015 of an automated VAT collection control system became a turning point in the development of the tax administration system of this tax – the identification and elimination of tax gaps, the detection of cases of illegal reduction of the tax base through the use of "one-day enterprises" has risen to a qualitatively higher level; it is said that since 2020 organizations present electronic registers and tax inspectors request documents according to certain codes specified in the articles of the Tax Code. The publication presents a scheme of the current and proposed system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits, taking into account the digitalization of the process of consolidating taxpayer data. The bibliographic list includes 24 sources – modern scientific publications of domestic and foreign authors in Russian and foreign languages, as well as Internet resources on the topic under consideration, to which the text contains targeted links, which confirms the existence of an appeal to opponents. Among the shortcomings, it should be noted that there are inconsistent phrases in the text, for example, "development of proposals for an improved control system." The reviewed material corresponds to the direction of the journal "Taxes and Taxation", reflects the results of the work carried out by the authors, may arouse the interest of readers, after revision in accordance with the comments made, the article is recommended for publication.

Third Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the study. The subject of the study is the relations arising in the process of tax administration of value added tax. The research methodology used by the author is based on the following methods of scientific cognition: comparison, analysis, synthesis of theoretical material. Relevance. The topic proposed by the author seems to be very relevant. First of all, this is due to the fact that value added tax is one of the main sources of the budget. Scientific novelty. The scientific component of the study consists in the author's formulation of conclusions that make it possible to improve "the system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits, which provides for the digitalization of the process of consolidating taxpayer data, which is based on general principles of taxation in the digital economy and can make significant improvements in VAT tax administration, transferring it to a new level of efficiency and transparency." Bibliography. The analysis of the bibliography allows us to conclude that the author has studied a number of scientific papers on the subject under study. There are references to foreign sources, in general, the list of references consists of 24 titles. Appeal to opponents. The article contains targeted links to research with some comments by the author. The necessity of further analysis of the specific problems of digitalization of tax administration of VAT benefits is substantiated. Style, structure, content. The author analyzes the state of VAT tax administration in the Russian Federation at a good theoretical level. Special attention is paid to the study of the history of the formation of tax administration in the field of control over the use of VAT tax benefits. The author identifies the features of the current system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits in the Russian Federation. Of particular interest are proposals to improve the system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits, taking into account the digitalization of the process of consolidating taxpayer data. The style of the article is more scientific and meets the requirements of the journal. The content of the article corresponds to the stated topic. The article highlights the structural sections according to the semantic principle. The structure of the article by the author is clearly structured and allows you to reveal the stated topic. The author's conclusions are justified. The article would only benefit if the author revealed in more detail the work of an improved system of control over the use of tax benefits on the example of any subordinate organization that has a register of legal entities. It would be necessary to clarify which organizations we are talking about. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. The presented material may open up new prospects for further research. It will be of interest to those who study the problems of tax administration. The article meets the requirements of the journal "Taxes and Taxation" for this kind of work, and is recommended for publication taking into account the comments of the reviewer.