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Modern Education

Organization of the Interaction Between the Pedagogical University and Institutions for Children's Additional Education

Pasholikov Mikhail Sergeevich

Senior Educator; Department of State, Municipal and Social Administration; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

191186, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Chernyakhovsky str., 2
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Abstract: We often hear regular statements from the mass media of specialists in the field of education that characterize the situation with the industry's staffing, such as, "There is no one to work." Indeed, there are still a number of problems in this area that need to be addressed. The Concept of the Development of Additional Education for Children until 2030 explicitly indicates the insufficient staffing of organizations of additional education and the low level of involvement of educational organizations of higher education in implementing additional general education programs. Updating the content of students' training, as well as the success of their professional socialization, is largely determined by the effectiveness of the functioning of the system of relations between an educational institution of higher education and employers. Within the framework of such cooperation, pedagogical universities offer programs for teachers at institutions aimed at improving their professional level. In turn, these educational institutions provide students with opportunities for practical training, which helps them to better understand professional realities. The article substantiates the relevance of the problem of building a system of interaction between institutions of higher pedagogical and children's additional education. Integrating pedagogical universities and children's educational institutions with additional training is a key factor in developing the modern education system. It contributes to the formation of a unified professional community that can effectively solve current problems in the field of pedagogy and education. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that based on the concretization of scientific ideas and generalization of successful practices, the main categories of the interaction of a pedagogical university with a regional system of additional education for children are determined. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of using the proposed algorithm for building joint activities of a pedagogical university with educational organizations implementing additional educational programs in the design and implementation of basic professional educational programs, the development of educational, industrial and other types of practices that provide solutions to the tasks of training student teachers.


development of teaching staff, social partnership, integration, education system, additional education, research, professional teacher training, pedagogical University, internship, mentoring

Previously published in Russian in the journal Pedagogy and Education


According to the program for the development of pedagogical educational institutions of higher education under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for 2021–2024, there is a gap between rapidly changing requirements for the education system and insufficient speed of changes in the system of training and retraining of pedagogical personnel, which should ensure compliance with these requirements in the context of the implementation of national development goals and objectives of the National Education project should be overcome due to the close relationship of pedagogical universities with the industry (regional educational systems), the active joint work of representatives of pedagogical universities, employers, federal and regional executive authorities performing management functions in the field of education. In this regard, the topic of interaction between pedagogical universities and regional educational systems is relevant.

Modern additional education for children in Russia is a certain system, which includes students and their families, teachers, methodologists, and representatives of the administration of additional education institutions engaged in implementing additional educational programs, public children's and youth associations, and management bodies for further education.

According to Article 75 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 (as amended on 08/04/2023), "On education in the Russian Federation," additional education for children is aimed at the "formation and development of creative abilities of children, the satisfaction of their individual needs for intellectual, moral and physical improvement, formation of a culture of a health and safety, health promotion, and also to organize their free time. Additional education of children ensures their adaptation to life in society, professional orientation, and identification and support of children who have shown outstanding abilities." (fig. 1)

The development of the system of additional education for children is a priority for the Russian Federation's state education policy.

Figure 1 The purpose of children's additional education.

Today, a large-scale network of additional education centers has been created in our country, modern high-tech infrastructure is emerging, and budget funding is increasing. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation ensures the development of a system of measures to develop additional education for children. [12]

At the same time, according to the concept of the development of additional education for children in 2030, several problems remain to be solved today, including:

· Insufficient staffing of additional education organizations, including in rural areas, aging of qualified teaching staff;

· Isolation of additional education of children from general and vocational education, low level of involvement of professional educational organizations and educational institutions of higher education in implementing additional general education programs [4].

To solve these contradictions, it is proposed to implement several tasks,

among which the following draw attention to themselves:

· Expanding the participation of professional educational organizations and educational institutions of higher education in the development and implementation of additional general education programs;

· Ensuring interaction with mentors from scientific organizations, educational organizations of higher education, and professional educational organizations to involve children in scientific activities;

In this regard, organizing systematic interaction between a pedagogical university and educational organizations implementing additional educational programs is particularly important.

This study was devoted to examining the peculiarities of the interaction of the A.I. Herzen State Pedagogical University with institutions of additional education in St. Petersburg.

A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University is one of Russia's oldest and most authoritative educational institutions. An innovative approach to the training and education of specialists has always distinguished it. One of the directions of its work is social partnership—a system of interaction between an educational institution and society focused on solving socio-economic issues of territorial development.

The first steps in this direction were taken back in Soviet times: A.I. Herzen RSPU was actively involved in solving the problems of professional and social development in the country's North-Western region. During the perestroika period, this activity aspect received a new development: the university began to actively cooperate with business representatives, training them on professional development and retraining of specialists. This approach allowed us to strengthen ties with the business community and significantly improve the quality of the educational process. Today, A.I. Herzen RSPU continues to develop social partnerships, actively working with government agencies, business representatives, and the public. This helps the university remain at the center of social processes that influence the region's development. The university pays special attention to interaction with educational institutions. The purpose of such cooperation is to train qualified specialists who are able to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions of the labor market and to develop innovative activities in the education system [19].

A special place in such interaction is occupied by work with the system of children's additional education.

The system of additional education for children of St. Petersburg is a large network of educational institutions that give a child a deep educational potential by choosing a variety of additional education programs. There are 59 organizations that provide further education for children in St. Petersburg, of which six non-standard institutions are under the jurisdiction of the Education Committee, and 53 institutions are under the jurisdiction of the administrations of the districts of St. Petersburg. There are also 463 additional education departments for children in the city.

In the 2022/23 academic year, 527 departments of additional education functioned in general education and professional educational organizations, of which 46 departments were opened in the current academic year.

More than 18,000 programs are being implemented in six areas within the framework of additional education. For several years, the most popular have been artistic, physical culture and sports, and socio-humanitarian in orientation (Fig. 2).

24,898 teaching staff work in educational organizations that implement additional general education programs. Of the total number of specialists in the further education system, the overwhelming majority are women (74%). The largest number of specialists working in the system of additional education are teachers aged 36–55 who account for 45%. [17]

Fig. 2 The number of students engaged in additional general education programs

There are several key stages in the history of interaction between the pedagogical university and institutions of additional education. The first stage occurred in the middle of the twentieth century when particular importance was attached to the in-depth study of individual subjects and the formation of unique skills and competencies. Students were trained in the psychological and pedagogical cycle subjects, the theory and methodology of pioneer and Komsomol work, and the management of pedagogical practice in schools and extracurricular institutions. The second stage began in the 1990s when scientific and practical ties between the university and organizations of additional education became more active. This period is characterized by the expansion of formats and areas of interaction, from conducting research to developing new curricula. The third stage is the new millennium, a time of significant changes in the field of education. An important feature is the integration of the pedagogical university and institutions of additional education to solve strategic tasks of the region's socio-economic development. An active differentiation of forms and directions of interaction between pedagogical universities and institutions of further education characterizes the modern period.

There is a tendency to cooperate within the framework of scientific projects, implement innovative programs, and conduct professional orientation and practice of students.

Research methodology

This study was devoted to the peculiarities of the interaction of the pedagogical university with regional organizations implementing programs for children's additional education. The study aimed to determine the complex organizational and pedagogical conditions for the professional training of future teachers within the framework of integrating regional systems of higher pedagogical and children's additional education.

Within the framework of the study, the following interrelated tasks were solved:

· The actual problems and successful practices of the implementation of the interaction of the pedagogical university with the regional system of additional education of children are identified;

· An algorithm for the joint activity of the university with educational organizations implementing additional educational programs has been built, providing a solution to the task of training student teachers.

Within the research framework, a questionnaire was organized, which included 15 questions covering various aspects of the interaction between A.I. Herzen RSPU and institutions of additional education. This survey was taken by 16 representatives of institutions of additional education in St. Petersburg and 84 representatives of the university (12 teachers and 73 students studying in the areas of training 44.03.01 pedagogical education).

Research results and their discussion

The study of the possibilities of integrating the efforts of various education systems in the interests of teacher training is the work of a number of modern researchers. There are numerous developments describing the experience and practice of social partnership and networking in education (N.S. Bugrova [1], I.B. Medvedev [5], S.A. Pisareva [13], T.N. Piskunova, M.P. Soloveikina, N.M. Starobinskaya [14], N.N. Surtayeva [20]. Also, there are studies devoted to the joint activities of universities and organizations in the field of additional education (F.N. Zimenkova, N.L. Chernetsova’s "Scientific and pedagogical cooperation of the university with institutions of additional education of schoolchildren as an innovative resource for the formation of a unified educational space" [3]), M.V. Vorobyov "Effective forms of participation of universities in the development of the system additional education of children" [2], M.A. Chervonny "Preparation of teachers for solving professional tasks in the conditions of integration of higher pedagogical and additional education systems [22], K.V. Chedov, "Cluster interaction of social institutions in the regional educational space for the formation of a health culture of students" [21]).

In modern conditions, the interaction of pedagogical universities and educational institutions of children's additional education (DO) is becoming increasingly relevant. The key point is that this interaction should acquire a systemic character. This is not just an exchange of experiences or the performance of individual tasks. It is a holistic work of two educational institutions aimed at solving various tasks.

Based on the study of open sources and the analysis of the practical experience of the study participants, several categories of possible interaction were identified. (fig.3)

Fig.3 Directions of the interaction of the pedagogical university with the regional system of children's additional education.

Professional development of teaching staff is an important area of cooperation. For institutions with a system of additional education for children, improving the competence of teaching staff is extremely important. Methodological services constantly organize educational events for specialists in various forms: master classes, seminars, conferences, consultations, meetings, etc. Cooperation in this field contributes to the exchange of experience, the creation of new techniques, and the dissemination of innovative approaches in the field of pedagogy. Teachers of higher educational institutions conduct open classes for colleagues from the institution of additional education and also participate in the work of methodological associations, conferences, and seminars. Such interaction contributes to the dissemination of innovative approaches and best practices. Also, the pedagogical university can offer colleagues from the institution of additional education advanced training or retraining programs with the issuance of appropriate certificates and diplomas. (Example: the organization by the teachers of the Institute of Economics and Management of the A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University of an educational and methodological seminar for teachers of additional education of state children's art schools of St. Petersburg on the problems of "Designing educational programs in accordance with modern educational trends and federal state requirements." The project was implemented with the participation and support of the state institution of continuing education of cultural workers "Institute of Cultural Programs of St. Petersburg").

Research work

Research work is actively developing within the framework of cooperation between the two organizations. Establishing scientific links helps conduct comprehensive research at the junction of various educational directions and levels, using the resources of both institutions. It is worth noting the importance of working on joint projects: developing new teaching methods, analyzing and implementing advanced educational experiences, and creating teaching materials. This makes it possible to improve the quality of the educational process as a whole and contributes to the professional growth of both students and existing teachers. We should not forget about the involvement of students themselves in scientific work. The interviews and surveys of students and schoolchildren conducted within the study's framework show that students are interested in conducting research. Still, they do not always independently formulate problems, search for information, and build the logic of their research activities.

The "student-student" mentoring format is a fairly successful way to organize student collaboration. Mentoring provides both sides with a platform for active and productive knowledge sharing. This process of self-learning and development is necessary to stimulate critical thinking, improve problem-solving skills, and develop the ability to work independently. Student-student mentoring is an interaction based on the exchange of knowledge and experience. Its success depends on both participants: a student who is ready to learn and grow and a mentor who can transfer his knowledge and experience.

To organize successful mentoring, it is necessary:

· Definition of expectations: from the very beginning, it is necessary to define the expectations of each of the parties. What does the student want to get? What does a student mentor strive for? Discussing these issues will help form a framework for future cooperation.

· Establishing trusting relationships: for effective learning, creating an atmosphere of trust is necessary. This will allow the student to be open to new material and criticism from the mentor.

· Development of an individual plan: each student is unique, so it is important to consider their individual needs when creating a curriculum. An individually created program will be more motivating for the student.

· Feedback: Effective communication is a key element of mentoring. The mentor should be ready to give constructive criticism, and the student should be ready to accept it and work on their mistakes.

· Constant support: if it is available from the mentor, the learning process becomes more useful for the student.

· Responsibility: A real mentor does not just transfer knowledge; they help the student develop as a professional, so their task is to demand responsibility from their student.

(Example: a new organizational form of environmental education for students has been created in the Moscow district's DOD Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity. Together with teachers of the Department of Ecology and Health DD (Yu)T and teachers-scientists of the Faculty of Biology of the A.I. Herzen RSPU, students conduct fundamental research in the field of natural science orientation [6])

Organization and holding of general events. Cooperation between the university and the institution of additional education is not limited only to the scientific and educational sphere. This can be academic work, implementing social projects, and holding cultural and sporting events. Among the most popular formats are contests, webinars, workshops, round tables, festivals, exhibitions, trainings, discussion platforms, assemblies, etc. Working together in this direction helps strengthen ties and increase the prestige of both sides. (Example: participation of teachers of the Institute of Economics and Management of the A.I. Herzen State Pedagogical University in the organization of the Professional Skills Championship "Professionals." Competitive tests on the competence "Additional education of children and adults (juniors)" were held on the basis of DDT "On the 9th line" [7]).

Student practice

Student practice in institutions of additional education is an opportunity for future teachers to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice and evaluate their professional skills and abilities. Students are allowed to participate directly in the work of educational institutions; they can take an active part in organizing and conducting various classes and events and carrying out methodological work. On the other hand, for institutions of additional education, this is a chance to get help from young specialists and update the methodological base. (Example: faculties and institutes of A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University regularly update agreements on practical training of students with institutions of additional education [6–11]).

Cooperation in the development of educational programs

In the modern educational space, higher education institutions and institutions of additional education are becoming more and more closely connected. As part of the implementation of the decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated 16.10.2020 No. 29-rp "On the implementation of measures for the formation of modern managerial and organizational and economic mechanisms in the system of additional education of children within the framework of the Federal project "Success of every child" of the national project "Education" in 2023 in St. Petersburg, a model for the implementation of additional general education programs in a network form. It defines the main content and methodological principles and mechanisms for organizing network interaction in the St. Petersburg education system based on the integration of the resources of organizations implementing additional general education programs with organizations and institutions, regardless of departmental affiliation, as well as enterprises of the real estate sector of the economy. The network form of the implementation of an additional general education program is designed to provide an opportunity for students to master an additional general education program and (or) individual courses, disciplines (modules), and other components provided for by an additional general education program, using the resources of several organizations engaged in educational activities, as well as, if necessary, using the resources of other organizations

Among the combined resources:

· Human resources (highly qualified teaching staff who possess modern pedagogical technologies; specialists in teaching methods in the system of additional education of children of different orientations, employees of specialized institutions, specialists in the real sector of the economy, etc.);

· Information resources (databases, electronic libraries, depositories of multimedia products, etc.);

· Material and technical resources (laboratory facilities, specialized premises, educational and production equipment, tools, materials, computer models, simulators, simulators, gyms, etc.);

· Educational and methodological resources (additional general education programs; methodological materials (manuals, recommendations for teachers and students); diagnostic tools for assessing the level of mastering of educational material; computer training and diagnostic programs, etc.);

· Social resources (partnerships with enterprises and organizations of the real sector of the economy, "horizontal" ties in the professional-pedagogical community of St. Petersburg, ties with public associations

· And non-profit organizations that express the interests of employers, professional communities, etc.). [17]

A.I. Herzen RSPU has the appropriate infrastructure and a full-fledged resource base for implementing joint educational programs for additional children's education. On the other hand, an institution of additional education can participate in developing educational programs for students and updating the training content and its targets. (Example: A.I. Herzen State Pedagogical University implements bachelor's and master's degree programs: "Program management in the system of additional education," "Additional education (educational work), "Physics. High-tech technologies (additional education)", "Ethno-cultural education, Additional education of children").

Thus, the formats and directions of interaction between a pedagogical university and an institution of additional education can be diverse, but they are all aimed at improving the quality of the educational process and the effectiveness of pedagogical work.

Organizational interaction with partners is an important task that helps the educational institution develop and progress. However, certain obstacles and difficulties may arise along the way. Figure 4 shows the results of a survey of study participants regarding the existing problems in organizing productive interaction between the Herzen State Pedagogical University and organizations implementing programs for children's additional education.

Fig. 4 The main problems of the organization of interaction of the university with organizations implementing programs of children's additional education

Summarizing the survey results, several key problems can be identified.

Firstly, there is a lack of strategy and clear goals. Without clearly defined goals, choosing suitable partners and cooperating effectively is difficult. Successful interaction organization requires a clear strategy containing specific tasks and areas of activity.

Secondly, the lack of resources may become a problem. Not all institutions have sufficient funding to create and maintain quality partnerships. This may make holding events, exchanging experiences, or implementing joint projects difficult.

Insufficient communication should also be noted. Close cooperation requires constant information exchange, coordination of actions, and common efforts. Difficulties in communication can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts of interest, and a decrease in the effectiveness of cooperation.

Another problem is the lack of experience and competencies to work within the interaction framework. Not all educational organizations have sufficient knowledge of this kind of interaction, which can also become a serious obstacle.

Interaction between universities and institutions of additional education plays an important role in the modern educational space. This process is complicated, but with the right approach, it can become the basis for the effective integration of knowledge and experience, which has a positive effect on the quality of training.

Good cooperative relationships are initially created by routine interaction. Thanks to him, partners learn about each other, determine each other's experiences and interests, and begin to lay the foundation of trust and respect. Strong relationships are always based on careful preparation, excellent implementation, and reliable evaluation of results. For the successful implementation of such interaction, a well-structured algorithm is necessary. It will contribute to the most productive use of the resources of each of the parties and will provide an opportunity to develop new directions in educational activities.

Table 1 shows the main steps, the implementation of which will ensure the construction of an effective and sustainable interaction between the university's structural units (faculties, institutes, departments) and a system of additional children's education.

Table 1 Algorithm of the university's interaction with the system of children's additional education.


Key issues

Determine the need and willingness to interact

· Is there a need for cooperation?

· Does the university need other people/organizations to achieve its goals?

· Is there any other joint work already being carried out in this or that area?

· What additional experience and benefits will the partner organization bring?

· Is the organization of interaction with third-party organizations supported at higher management levels?

Finding the right people

· Who should participate in the collaboration and why?

· How many people/organizations should be involved?

· What level of participation is needed?

· Are there any issues or history that need to be resolved before the partnership?

· Is there an element of trust between each partner?

· What are the main objectives of cooperation?

· What is our common vision and goals?

· Who will take the initiative?

· Is the purpose of the collaboration clear with a genuine shared vision and defined goals?

· What will be the initial time for cooperation to achieve their goals?

· Is there a consensus on what each organization agrees to in cooperation?

Assessment of necessary resources

· What individual and/or organizational skills and resources are needed (human, financial, technical, etc.)?

· What can be used by each organization to meet the needs (tangible and intangible)?

· How will funding be implemented or how will resources be reallocated?

· What kind of training may be required for individual employees?

· To whom are employees accountable?

· Does the cooperation comply with the policies and procedures of all participants in the interaction?

Determine the structure of joint activities

· What will be the structure of cooperation management? Have the roles and responsibilities of all member organizations been defined and agreed upon? (steering committee, advisory group, executive committee with working groups)?

· What shared or allocated resources have been agreed upon and how are they funded/redistributed?

· Are there agreed terms of interaction in terms of its modification, extension and termination?

· Is there an accepted decision-making process?

· How will intellectual property be defined, identified and used?

· Does cooperation require a simple or more formal agreement?

Develop a communication strategy

· Who is responsible for communication between partners?

· What information should be shared, with whom and how often?

Coordinate and develop an action plan

· Have benchmarks been set?

· What steps should be taken to achieve the goals?

· What are the desired deadlines?

· Who will be responsible for the successful completion of the action?

· What is the indicator (measurable result) to know that the goal has been achieved?

· Has a plan been developed to evaluate cooperation?

Identify risk factors for cooperation

· What risks can be associated with the creation and start of joint activities?

· What risks can be associated with achieving the goals of interaction?

· What risks can be associated with the fact that you do not have all the resources/funding necessary for interaction?

· Have the partners agreed on the methods of risk management (acceptance, transfer, mitigation or elimination of risk)?

Create an open environment

· Are the participants open to a variety of thinking and alternative ways of working?

· Do the participants consider the conflict an opportunity for joint discussion, problem solving and growth?

· Do all participants in the interaction respect the established, agreed basic rules?

Celebrate your successes

· Keep in mind the value of celebrating success with the entire team involved in collaboration. Celebrating achievements contributes to building strong alliances, and can also contribute to the creation of new partnerships.

In general, the algorithm of interaction between a pedagogical university and an educational institution of additional education is a clearly structured sequence of steps aimed at creating and developing relationships between these two structures:

· The establishment of such interaction begins with the definition of goals and objectives: it can be the dissemination of new teaching methods, joint projects or research, the use of each other's resource base to improve the quality of education or the formation of a single information space.

· The next step is choosing an interaction strategy. It can be determined based on the analysis of the potential of each of the partners, the current state of their relations, as well as the specifics of the work of each of the organizations;

· Next, it is necessary to proceed to the development of a specific action plan. It should contain clear stages of work, tasks for each of them, a list of necessary resources, and those responsible for their implementation;

· An important part of the process is to evaluate the effectiveness of the partnership. To do this, it is necessary to provide a system for monitoring and controlling the performance of tasks, as well as criteria for evaluating the achievement of goals.


Professional training for future teachers in children's additional education is designed to develop students' competencies in real, practical activities. Partnerships between pedagogical universities and educational institutions of children's additional education open up new opportunities for improving such training.

First of all, it is an opportunity for pedagogical universities to evaluate the effectiveness of their methods in practice, improve them, and adapt them to real working conditions. For educational institutions of additional education, this is a chance to gain access to new scientific and pedagogical developments and technologies to improve the professional level of their staff and the quality of implemented programs. Students are also allowed to practice in educational institutions, which helps them acquire the necessary professional skills and competencies. At the same time, children's institutions receive trained personnel who can engage in innovative work or refresh the already familiar formats of the educational process. However, some challenges need to be taken into account when forming partnerships. In particular, it is important to establish effective interaction between the participants in the process, overcome bureaucratic barriers, and create conditions for the constant exchange of experience and knowledge. Despite some difficulties, such cooperation is a promising direction for the development of the educational system as a whole. Its benefits are already tangible, and the potential for further progress is huge.

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The article presented for consideration "Organization of interaction between the pedagogical university and institutions of additional education for children", proposed for publication in the journal "Pedagogy and Education", is undoubtedly relevant, due to the author's appeal to the problems of convergence of the pedagogical university and organizations implementing programs of additional education for children. This study was devoted to the study of the peculiarities of interaction between the A.I. Herzen State Pedagogical University and institutions of additional education in St. Petersburg. The purpose of the study was to determine the complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the professional training of future teachers within the framework of the integration of regional systems of higher pedagogical and children's additional education. As part of the study, a questionnaire was organized, which included 15 questions covering various aspects of interaction between the A.I. Herzen State Pedagogical University and institutions of additional education. This survey was attended by 16 representatives of institutions of additional education in St. Petersburg and 84 representatives of the university (12 teachers and 73 students studying in the areas of 44.03.01 Pedagogical education). It should be noted that there is a relatively small amount of research on this topic in Russian pedagogy. The article is innovative, one of the first in Russian linguodidactics devoted to the study of such issues. The article presents a research methodology, the choice of which is quite adequate to the goals and objectives of the work. The study uses theoretical analysis, descriptive research method, analysis, interpretation and generalization. This work was done professionally, in compliance with the basic canons of scientific research. The study was carried out in line with modern scientific approaches, the work consists of an introduction containing the formulation of the problem, the main part, traditionally beginning with a review of theoretical sources and scientific directions, a research and a final one, which presents the conclusions obtained by the author. It should be noted that the introductory part provides too little overview of the development of problems in science. It should be noted that the conclusion requires strengthening, it does not fully reflect the tasks set by the author and does not contain prospects for further research in line with the stated issues. The bibliography of the article contains 22 sources, among which works are presented exclusively in Russian. We believe that referring to the works of foreign researchers in foreign languages would undoubtedly enrich this work. The comments made are not significant and do not detract from the overall positive impression of the reviewed work. The work is innovative, representing the author's vision of solving the issue under consideration and may have a logical continuation in further research. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of using its results in the teaching of university courses in pedagogy, as well as courses in interdisciplinary research and in the practical activities of teachers. The article will undoubtedly be useful to a wide range of people, philologists, undergraduates and graduate students of specialized universities. The article "Organization of interaction between the pedagogical university and institutions of additional education for children" can be recommended for publication in a scientific journal.