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Assessment and analysis of the ergonomic aspects of a modern sports suits for military personnel: comfort, freedom of movement, adaptability to various conditions

Alekseev Aleksei Viktorovich

ORCID: 0009-0008-7609-4409

Postgraduate student, Department of Theory and History of Culture, St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design

18 Bolshaya Morskaya str., Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russia

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Abstract: The subject of the study is a modern tracksuit for military personnel. The object of the study is the ergonomic characteristics of a modern sports suit for military personnel. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the characteristics and properties of modern tracksuits for military personnel. The ergonomic characteristics of modern military suits are analyzed, namely: comfort, freedom of movement, adaptability to various conditions. The author analyzed the main variants of modern domestic costumes. It was found that, in general, they meet the basic requirements for tracksuits for military personnel. They have an average with a high degree of comfort, adaptability to changing conditions, and an average and high degree of freedom of movement. Each of the shape options has both its disadvantages and its advantages. We have identified the main areas of improvement of tracksuits for military personnel. The main research methods are – the method of analysis, generalization, systematization, classification of literary sources on the research topic. The main conclusions of the study are the provisions that a modern suit for military personnel should have a number of ergonomic characteristics in order to ensure comfort, safety and effectiveness during physical exercises. The ideal materials for a sports suit for military personnel are textile fabrics with good breathable properties, such as polyester, elastane, nylon or special fabrics with moisture removal technology. The suit should have a loose fit, which will ensure a comfortable fit and freedom of movement. It is recommended to minimize the number of seams and use flat seams or seamless manufacturing technologies. The materials of the suit must provide good ventilation and moisture removal to prevent overheating and discomfort during physical exertion. The author's main contribution to the research of the topic is a comprehensive analysis of the ergonomic properties and characteristics of military sports suits. The basic requirements for them, ergonomic characteristics, adaptability of suits to various climatic and temperature conditions are studied. The relationship between climatic conditions and recommended military suit numbers is shown. The main characteristics of modern sports suits for military personnel are studied, their advantages and disadvantages are highlighted, and ergonomic characteristics are determined. Recommendations have been developed to improve each version of the costume.


ergonomic properties, adaptability, comfort, freedom of movement, convenience, military uniform, military tracksuit, suit number, climatic conditions, fabrics

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The assessment and analysis of the ergonomic aspects of a modern sports suit for military personnel includes several key factors such as comfort, freedom of movement and adaptability to various conditions [1]. A tracksuit should provide the wearer with a feeling of comfort for a long time. This includes proper ventilation, moisture removal from the body, fit, body-friendly materials and the absence of irritating elements.

 Military personnel should be able to move freely in a tracksuit, without experiencing restrictions during physical activity. The design of the costume should take into account the anatomical features of the body and ensure a suitable fit. A tracksuit should be able to adapt to different climatic conditions, including warm weather, cold, humidity or dryness. This may include the presence of additional layers of clothing, the ability to adjust ventilation or protection from wind and water [2].

The purpose of the study is to evaluate the main ergonomic aspects of a modern sports suit for military personnel.


A tracksuit for military personnel means a special set of clothes designed for training and sports, physical exercises. A tracksuit is made of a comfortable fabric that is able to provide comfort during physical activity. Modern tracksuits for military personnel are made of breathable and water-repellent fabric. It should provide comfort when moving. The suit is made of lightweight and elastic material [3].

Currently, various technologies for sewing military sports suits are used, for example, mechanical stretch. Additionally, the fabrics are treated with a special water-repellent composition. Modern fabrics are used for production – fabrics with compression technology, "smart fabrics", nanotubes, biodegradable fabrics [4]. Special clothing is used to protect against wind, for insulation. Modern clothing contains thermal insulation fabrics, fabrics with high vapor permeability. In general, there is every reason to assert that a modern tracksuit for a serviceman is not only comfortable, but also practical. It is convenient for performing various physical exercises, has protective and health-saving characteristics [5].

When evaluating a modern sports suit for military personnel according to the comfort parameter, the following criteria should be taken into account:

1. Materials: The use of soft, breathable and body-friendly materials that provide a comfortable feeling and good ventilation.

2. Fit: The tracksuit should have a proper fit, not restrict movement and be securely fixed on the body to ensure comfort in wearing.

3. Absence of irritating elements: the suit should not have seams that can cause discomfort or irritation on the skin of a serviceman [6].

4. Ventilation and moisture removal: it is important that the suit provides good ventilation and moisture removal from the body, especially during intense physical exertion.

5. Convenience in various weather conditions: The tracksuit must be adapted to different weather conditions, providing protection from cold, moisture or heat, depending on the specific situation.

6. Ergonomic design: The suit should be designed taking into account the anatomical features of the body to ensure an optimal fit and comfort when performing various movements [7].

The evaluation of a modern sports suit for military personnel according to the parameter "freedom of movement" is critically important, taking into account the peculiarities and requirements of their professional activities. When assessing the freedom of movement in a tracksuit for military personnel, the following parameters must be taken into account:

1. Fit and cut: the suit should have an optimal fit, providing freedom of movement in various planes and angles. This is especially important for active training or tasks where a wide range of movements is required.

2. Elastic materials: The use of elastic materials, such as special sports fabrics, adds flexibility and allows the suit to adjust to the movements of the soldier, providing him with freedom without restrictions.

3. Minimization of seams: fewer seams in the suit — more freedom of movement. Flat seams or seamless manufacturing technologies help to reduce friction and provide additional comfort in movement.

4. Element design: the placement of cutouts, elastic inserts and other structural elements should be thought out so as not to restrict the movement of the serviceman and ensure maximum freedom in all circumstances [8].

5. Length range: the ability to adjust the length of trousers and sleeves allows you to adapt the suit to individual characteristics and preferences, provides comfort when performing various exercises.

6. Ventilation: Good ventilation of materials helps to prevent overheating and provides a comfortable environment for movement. Ventilation openings or special moisture removal technologies contribute to maintaining an optimal microclimate in the suit [3].

General freedom of movement in a modern sports suit for military personnel plays a key role in ensuring comfort, efficiency and safety in the performance of their official duties [2]. The suit should have a loose fit and an optimal length of sleeves and trousers so as not to restrict the movement of the serviceman. A suitable fit, taking into account anatomical features, allows for comfort and freedom in various positions. To reduce the effect of friction and provide additional flexibility, it is recommended to minimize the number and volume of seams, as well as use seamless manufacturing technologies in critical areas [9].

The presence of ventilation holes or special inserts for removing moisture helps to maintain an optimal comfortable microclimate inside the suit, which is especially important during intense physical exertion. The suit can be additionally equipped with wind, rain, and sun protection technologies [10].

A modern tracksuit for military personnel should have high adaptability to various conditions, which includes:

1. Adaptation to climatic conditions. So, the suit should be made of fabrics that will provide air permeability, which will be able to regulate body temperature, depending on what temperature conditions a person is in. For example, in hot weather, due to the presence of ventilation systems, it is possible to drain liquid, which ensures good thermoregulation. The presence of insulating layers allows you to feel warmth and comfort in the cold season at subzero temperatures.

2. Protection from the adverse effects of external factors. So, the suit should provide reliable protection against factors such as wind, snow, hail, icy rain, and adverse effects of sunlight. The suit should provide the serviceman with a comfortable condition in all weather conditions, since this is an important condition for his high efficiency, efficiency, a means of maintaining good health and optimal physical shape.

3. Flexibility and versatility. These are important characteristics that a tracksuit for a serviceman should have. It should be suitable for all conditions and activities, including hiking, sports training, and everyday activities [11].

4. Ergonomics and functionality. The suit should have an ergonomic design that provides a person with ease of movement, does not restrict or restrict movement, and takes into account the anatomical and biomechanical characteristics of a person. Functionality is also enhanced if the suit additionally contains convenient pockets, fasteners, and various adjustable elements that ensure an optimal fit for the suit.

5. Convenience, compact size, lightness. The suit should be durable, comfortable, and portable. It should be convenient to transport and store. He must be prepared for the fact that he will need to be dressed at any time, without prior preparation and processing [12].

An important condition for tracksuits for military personnel is versatility [13]. As a rule, modern tracksuits for military personnel use a layer system, as well as additional protection and security systems. This is due to the fact that, as a rule, a serviceman does not have the opportunity to change clothes repeatedly as weather conditions change. Therefore, the suit should easily adapt to various weather conditions, including sudden changes [14].


Theoretical analysis has shown that a modern sports suit for military personnel is a form of clothing designed for sports training, physical exercises, and sports. Such a suit has the ability to adapt to any task in various climatic and weather conditions. This is a critical point that is taken into account when designing a modern costume. Climatic conditions are not the same in different regions, they differ dramatically, ranging from Arctic cold to tropical heat. The optimal suit is a suit that provides both hypothermia protection and overheating protection. At the same time, a stable body temperature is maintained [12].

A modern suit is able to maintain the specified conditions for a long time [15]. The adaptation of a tracksuit to climatic conditions is one of the main factors of a serviceman's safety [16]. This is an important factor in maintaining health, preventing diseases, increasing motivation and combat readiness, confidence, and professional competence [17].

Therefore, we further analyzed the main temperature conditions on the territory of the Russian Federation, and studied the relationship between weather conditions and the types of tracksuits used by military personnel. Table 1 presents an analysis of the main temperature regimes in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Table 1. – Temperature regimes in various regions of the Russian Federation


Temperature in winter

Temperature in summer

Central Russia

From -5 to -10, less often to -20

From +20 to +25, less often up to +30.

Southern regions

From 0 to +5, less often to -5.

From +25 to +30, less often up to +40.

Northern regions

From -15 to -15, to -40.

From +10 to +20.

The Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 04/20/2023 No. 230 "On approval of the Manual on Physical training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 06/20/2023 No. 73917) contains an appendix "Manual on physical training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (Order No. 230 dated 04/20/2023). This appendix describes in detail the options for modern tracksuits for military personnel (Table 2).

Table 2. – Forms of clothing depending on weather conditions

Air temperature

Clothing in case of wind less than 5 m/s

The form of clothing when the wind is more than 5 m/s

Above +10

N1 (C); 2 (C)

N 2 (C)

From +5 to +10

N 2 (C)

N 2 (C); N 3 (C)

From +5 to -5

N 3 (C)

N 3 (C); N 4 (C)

From -5 to -10

N 4 (C) + gloves

N 4 (C) + gloves

Below -11

N 4 (C) + gloves

N 4 (C) + cap

Let's take a closer look at the tracksuits for military personnel currently in use.

A variant of the form of clothing N 1C (sports).  In swimming trunks, slippers, (swimming cap, swimming glasses) - for swimming pools and compliance with swimming regulations. By the decision of the head of the class, the form N 1C in swimming trunks and slippers is used when conducting classes in open reservoirs (Fig.1).

Figure 1. - A variant of the form of clothing N 1C (sports)

A variant of the form of clothing N 2C. In sports shorts, T-shirt (T-shirt), sports shoes. By the decision of the head of the class, physical training is carried out without a T-shirt and using a headdress (Fig.2).

Figure 2. - A variant of the form of clothing N 2C

A variant of the form of clothing N 3C. In a sports (training) suit, athletic shoes. By the decision of the head of the class, physical training is carried out without a jacket and using a headdress and gloves (Fig.3).

Figure 3. - A variant of the form of clothing N 3 With

A variant of the form of clothing N 4C. In an insulated sports (training) suit, athletic shoes, headdress, gloves (Fig.4).

Figure 4. - A variant of the form of clothing N 4C

At the beginning of the century, the main focus was on improving the strength and resistance of materials to external influences. The developments were aimed at finding a balance between durability and comfort, which led to the use of new synthetic materials that provide better protection while maintaining mobility.

In particular, improved water-repellent and ventilated materials were used to ensure a high level of comfort during exercises and maneuvers. This approach to training improves the overall combat readiness and physical fitness of military personnel, which is crucial for the effective performance of tasks in a modern military environment.

Durability is another important feature of a military tracksuit, providing durability and resistance to mechanical damage. The developers use high-strength synthetic fibers such as Kevlar or nylon, which give the material high wear resistance, as well as tear and shear resistance. This is especially important during intense physical exertion and contact with various surfaces and objects. The lightness and flexibility of materials also play an important role in ensuring the mobility and comfort of military personnel. The use of elastic fabrics that ensure freedom of movement without additional stress is the key to the successful completion of any sports tasks.

The design uses bright colors (white, blue, red) to not only improve the aesthetic appearance, but also increase safety by providing better visibility for military personnel during training. At the same time, national elements were preserved in the form that reflect cultural traditions.

We analyzed the main ergonomic characteristics of tracksuits for military personnel (Table.3) [18; 19; 20].

Table 3. – Analysis of the ergonomic characteristics of tracksuits for military personnel





N 1 C

Lycra, polyester, nylon.

High breathability, dries quickly, comfort during training in water, high adaptability to various conditions

Limited use (only for swimming, water training), violation of air circulation during high physical exertion, the need to accurately select sizes (incorrectly selected size can cause chafing).

N 2 S

Polyester, nylon, lycra, microfiber, textiles with moisture removal technology

Breathable, soft materials, high breathability, comfort, elasticity of materials, moisture-wicking properties.

Insufficient protection from the sun, limited ventilation when using a headdress, overheating during intensive training, limited visibility, unsuitability for certain types of exercises.

N 3 S

Polyester, Nylon, Spandex, textile blends

Soft, breathable fabrics, ease of use, freedom of movement, protection from sunlight, wind, adverse weather conditions. The ability to remove moisture provides a favorable microclimate. Adaptability is ensured through the use of additional accessories – special shoes, gloves, etc.

Limited protection against adverse weather conditions in extreme cold, wind and temperature fluctuations. The need to use additional protection or the need to change clothes when changing weather conditions. Reduced ventilation, violation of thermoregulation when wearing gloves.

N 4 S

Polyester, nylon, spandex, fleece, membrane textiles.

High degree of comfort – insulated suit, prevention of overheating and hypothermia. Soft materials that do not cause discomfort or irritation. Freedom of movement, optimal fit. Good thermal insulation, adaptability to changing conditions. Lightweight, breathable shoes with cushioning.

Inelastic materials can cause discomfort under certain conditions. A headdress can cause discomfort. Inconvenience when using gloves.


In general, the N 1 C form is widely used for water sports training. However, its use is limited to a swimming pool, an open reservoir. This form is not suitable for other conditions. It cannot be called universal. We see directions for further improvement of this form in the application of advanced technologies and materials for production. It is advisable to use and develop modern fabrics that will provide increased elasticity, durability, which will protect the fabric from chlorine exposure. For a better fit, to prevent chafing, it is necessary to select such fabrics that will take into account the anatomical features of the body, respectively, will increase comfort and safety of movements. It is also recommended to use innovative elements, for example, internal shock-absorbing layers (protection from bruises), important elements that will provide more effective size control and more reliable fixation. The use of ultra-lightweight materials will increase the buoyancy and speed of movement in the water.

The N 2C shape can be optimized through size control and fixation technologies. This will significantly increase comfort and freedom of movement. It is worth giving preference to fabrics that have a high ability to remove moisture, in addition, the functions of dehumidification and ventilation are needed. To make a headdress, it is necessary to use special fabrics that increase breathability, which will prevent overheating and moisture retention. You also need to opt for the use of special fabrics that will provide protection from ultraviolet light and sunlight.

The form N 3C can be improved by using technologically innovative materials that will increase ventilation and moisture drainage, which will increase the degree of protection from sunlight. It is also important to create suits that will be versatile and multifunctional, with additional pockets, replaceable temperature control elements. This will increase adaptability. 

To improve the shape of No. 4 C, work can be carried out in the following directions: to increase the ventilation of the suit. For example, the use of more ventilated materials and holes in the suit will prevent hypothermia and overheating. It is important to create a design that does not restrict movement. It is also necessary to select materials that will have high thermal insulation. Adding a warming layer can significantly insulate the suit.


The ideal materials for a sports suit for military personnel are textile fabrics with good breathable properties, such as polyester, elastane, nylon or special fabrics with moisture removal technology. The suit should have a loose fit, which will ensure a comfortable fit and freedom of movement. It is recommended to minimize the number of seams and use flat seams or seamless manufacturing technologies. The materials of the suit must provide good ventilation and moisture removal to prevent overheating and discomfort during physical exertion. The suit should be designed taking into account the anatomical features of the body, provide protection from chafing, and be lightweight and comfortable to wear in various conditions.

In order for a military suit to provide optimal freedom of movement, it must be designed and manufactured taking into account the basic ergonomic parameters. The use of high-quality elastic fabrics, such as stretch materials (elastane, lycra) or special technologically advanced sports materials with antistatic and moisture-wicking properties, promotes flexibility and comfort during movements.

Important characteristics of a tracksuit for military personnel also include the fact that it must be stable, it must not wear out quickly. As a rule, special durable wear-resistant materials are used for the manufacture of such suits, which ensure durability, taking into account the fact that the material of the suit will be intensively used, will be exposed to various factors, including unfavorable ones. The suit should also withstand friction well, should stretch well and quickly come into shape, while maintaining all the original characteristics, the original appearance.

We have analyzed the main variants of modern domestic costumes. It was found that, in general, they meet the basic requirements for tracksuits for military personnel. They have an average with a high degree of comfort, adaptability to changing conditions, and an average and high degree of freedom of movement. Each of the shape options has both its disadvantages and its advantages. We have identified the main directions for improving tracksuits for military personnel.

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8. Shumay, S., Ivanov, Yu., & Starovoitov, A. (2023). Study of the characteristics of special protective footwear for fire rescuers during operational tests and experimental wear. Bulletin of the University of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus, 1, 54-63.
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12. Robertson, T., & Cohen, M. (Ed.). (2023). Advances in military textiles and personal equipment. Cambridge: CRC Press.
13. Litvinov, V. (2024). On the uniform of police officers in Tsarist Russia: the Turkestan version. Power, 2, 256-260.
14. Wilusz, E. (Ed.). (2024). Advances in Military Textiles and Personal Equipment. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Limited.
15. Kumpan, E., & Khammatova, V. (2013). New technology for increasing the protective properties of special-purpose garments. Bulletin of the Kazan Technological University, 1, 142-144.
16. Olshansky, V., Penkrat, D., & Okunev, R. (2016). Design of functional-ergonomic water-thermoprotective clothing for special purposes. Bulletin of Vitebsk State Technological University, 2(31), 55-60.
17. Robertson, T., & Cohen, M. (Ed.). (2024). Ergonomics in Design: The Ergonomics of Military Systems. Cambridge: CRC Press.
18. Makhotkina, L., Leonova, E., & Makarov, A. (2017). Study of the properties of innovative materials for the design of heat-protective clothing. Bulletin of the Technological University, 4, 66-68.
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20. Ponedelkov, A., Averin, A., & Shcherbakova, L. (2024). Social support for mobilized people in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Humanitarian, socio-economic and social sciences, 1, 49-56.

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The subject of the study of the article "Assessment and analysis of the ergonomic aspects of a modern tracksuit for military personnel: comfort, freedom of movement, adaptability to various conditions" was the analysis of a modern tracksuit for military personnel according to a number of these parameters. The relevance of the article is very high, since in Russian science there is a certain shortage of research devoted to the study of military clothing. The article has an undoubted scientific novelty and meets all the criteria of a genuine scientific work. It is an in-depth continuation of the research started by the author earlier. The author's methodology is very diverse and includes an analysis of a wide range of sources – works of literature and cinema. The author skillfully uses comparative historical, descriptive, analytical, etc. methods in all their diversity. The study, as we have already noted, is distinguished by its obvious scientific presentation, content, thoroughness, and clear structure. The author's style is characterized by originality and logic, accessibility and high culture of speech. Perhaps the most attractive thing about this work is its well–structured structure and thoroughly analyzed details of military costumes and materials. The author divides this work, as well as the previous one, into an introduction, theoretical and practical parts and a conclusion. It seems to us that such a division is very logical and has practical benefits. The author rightly notes: "When evaluating a modern sports suit for military personnel in terms of comfort, the following criteria should be taken into account: 1. Materials: The use of soft, breathable and body-friendly materials that provide a comfortable feeling and good ventilation. 2. Fit: The tracksuit should have a proper fit, not restrict movement and be securely fixed on the body to ensure comfort in wearing. 3. Absence of irritating elements: the suit should not have seams that can cause discomfort or irritation on the skin of a serviceman [6]. 4. Ventilation and moisture removal: it is important that the suit provides good ventilation and moisture removal from the body, especially during intense physical exertion. 5. Convenience in various weather conditions: The tracksuit must be adapted to different weather conditions, providing protection from cold, moisture or heat, depending on the specific situation. 6. Ergonomic design: The suit must be designed taking into account the anatomical features of the body to ensure an optimal fit and comfort when performing various movements." Further, he evaluates such qualities as freedom of movement, adaptability to various conditions according to a number of parameters. In the practical part of the study, the author notes: "A modern suit is able to maintain the specified conditions for a long time [15]. The adaptation of a tracksuit to climatic conditions is one of the main factors of a serviceman's safety [16]. This is an important factor in maintaining health, preventing diseases, increasing motivation and combat readiness, confidence, and professional competence [17]. Therefore, we further analyzed the main temperature conditions on the territory of the Russian Federation, and studied the relationship between weather conditions and the types of tracksuits used by military personnel. Table 1 presents an analysis of the main temperature regimes in the territory of the Russian Federation." He complements the work with tables: "Table 1. – Temperature regimes in various regions of the Russian Federation, Table 2. – Clothing forms depending on weather conditions and Table 3. – Analysis of ergonomic characteristics of tracksuits for military personnel." He also cites a lot of drawings in his work that help him in his research. The author provides a lot of useful information: "At the beginning of the century, the main focus was on increasing the strength and resistance of materials to external influences. The developments were aimed at finding a balance between durability and comfort, which led to the use of new synthetic materials that provide better protection while maintaining mobility. In particular, improved water-repellent and ventilated materials were used to ensure a high level of comfort during exercises and maneuvers. This approach to training improves the overall combat readiness and physical fitness of military personnel, which is crucial for the effective performance of tasks in a modern military environment. Durability is another important feature of a military tracksuit, providing durability and resistance to mechanical damage. The developers use high-strength synthetic fibers such as Kevlar or nylon, which give the material high wear resistance, as well as tear and shear resistance. This is especially important during intense physical exertion and contact with various surfaces and objects. The lightness and flexibility of materials also play an important role in ensuring the mobility and comfort of military personnel. The use of elastic fabrics that ensure freedom of movement without additional stress is the key to the successful completion of any sports tasks." The bibliography of this study is more than sufficient and versatile, includes many different sources on the topic, including foreign ones, and is made in accordance with GOST standards. The appeal to the opponents is presented to a wide extent, performed at a highly scientific level. The author draws extensive and serious conclusions, as we have already mentioned. He writes (and this is only part of his conclusions): "In order for a suit for a serviceman to provide optimal freedom of movement, it must be designed and manufactured taking into account the basic ergonomic parameters. The use of high-quality elastic fabrics, such as stretch materials (elastane, lycra) or special technologically advanced sports materials with antistatic and moisture-wicking properties, promotes flexibility and comfort during movements. Important characteristics of a tracksuit for military personnel also include the fact that it must be stable, it must not wear out quickly. As a rule, special durable wear-resistant materials are used for the manufacture of such suits, which ensure durability, taking into account the fact that the material of the suit will be intensively used, will be exposed to various factors, including unfavorable ones. The suit must also withstand friction well, stretch well and quickly come into shape, while maintaining all the original characteristics, the original appearance." This research is also of great interest to different segments of the audience – both specialized, focused on the professional study of military clothing, and for all those who are interested in the history and development of fashion.